907179 tn?1246641716

HELP!! should i switch to methadone/sub's for pain instead of what i have been on...

Mine is a long/ confusing story... but, i was on pain (hydo's back in the early 90's) for minimal pain. When i could not get the hydro's i switched to herion for about a year. By 1997 i was free of herion, but, still had the cravings and some physical pain and alot of emotional pain. Then I started right back on the hydro's (oxycotin was not really around back then that i new of). I was Rx'd them from my dr. After intestinal/uteruis surgery and in severe pain. I remained on them for over a yr. I finally decided to try methadone thru a clinic (b/c that was the only way to get methadone at that time)... I was on the methadone for about less than 2yrs. It was a nitemare coming off of it and the worst thing i ever went thru. I did it all alone (my BF at the time was incarcerated for a minor offense). I was out of work for about 2 months and ultimately lost my job for missing so much work.

But, when i was on the methadone, i had a great job,  i was highly productive, had friendships,etc..., i never did any illicit drugs, i couldnt even drink alcohol b/c it made me nasuated. i really felt like i had my life back and in control and was very regimented and on time for work ....all the things i had problems w/ in the past!.... But, i got off the methadone b/c my BF pressured me severely to get off of it (allthough he had some drug issues of his own)...  So, after the 2month of hell coming off of the methadone i imediately had chronic pain/ and emotional issues/ including severe anxiety. ...

A yr or so after that i had a new boyfriend that severly beat me, mentaly, and physically abused me and forced rape on me if i would not comply....Within a year i was back on codine, benzo's, muscle relaxers for the pain, anxiety, and just never felt good. I went thru many surgeries and have become more ill over time ..I finally got away from the abuser ... and i am sure that situation was not good for my health in anyway.... Now i have very severe anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, and excrutiating pain all over. The dr's think i may have fibromyalgia. I also suffer from chrone's disease / IBS which is terribly painful. I have terrible neck, back shoulder pain that runs down my arms into my hands causing numbing and tingling sincations (as well as in my legs too).... migrane headaches/ the list goes on!!!

My dr's in the state i had been living in during all those yrs had been Rx'g me 40mg's of hydro per day, soma, and benzos to control the pain/ anxiety etc...Which honestly was working well... And, that is what i have been taking for about 8-9yrs now. I recently moved to a new state. And,  i am having a very hard time even getting a job let alone health insurance. I am completely alone, no husband, no BF, No friends, just constantly alone pretty much. (part of my agoraphobia)...

But, what i am trying to say is that i have been considering for months on going back on methadone. I would prefer to continue on my hydro's for pain as needed (b/c i dont allways take the full amt)...  But, none of the dr's know me here personally. I have no health insurance, been denied 2times for disability, can barely pay the minimal bills that i do have....  The only dr willing to talk to me (outside a methadone dosing clinic) says it will cost me $600 for my first visit for suboxone/ then $150 every week for a month (plus all the medication i have to purchase) just to be a part of the program they offer (which is much better than standing in line at a meth clinic)... but, i can not afford that!! So, now that my hydo's are running out and I can not seem to find a dr willing to Rx my hydro's and soma (if he was even slightly more affordable) b/c they say i ether need health insurance  for tons of lab testing (yada yada)..... and that they "just dont know me!"...

I am really at my wits end and overwhelmed and confused as to what i should do!! I hate the thought of the methadone clinic... the strange hours, and the fact that they will not even "dose" me/treat me the 1st day if i am not is severe enough!! (Then their is the whole thing of being addicted to methadone which is really scary/ i can not afford the daily sub's that they offer too expensive)

sry to go on and on... I am really desperate for some advise here!!... I have to get all this under control so that i can quit obsessing about what is right for me and get my life back... Get to work, get some proper insurance to get all my medical issues figured out. I have scar tissue in my abdoman, abnormal results on my mri's, chronic pain which they believe is fibro., constant pain, anxiety/ fear!!....

I know i said alot but, if you have questions feel free to ask..... and i am praying that some of you will have some advise for me really soon.... b/c i am looking at going to start the methadone clinic as early tomorrow !! HELP IF YOU CAN AND GODBLESS TO YOU ALL!!
10 Responses
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356518 tn?1322263642
Hi Angel,
I am so glad to hear things are getting much better for you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you to get the job you want/need:)
Helpful - 0
907179 tn?1246641716
Thanks to all for so much love, care, guidance and help!! Feels so great to know that others care for me and want to help. Makes me feel less alone in this whole situation... I only have time for a very short update! Sorry i have not been online much lately.... I have been busting my butt trying to get a job!!... So, that takes up so much time...

I know that methadone is horrific to get off of.. As I believe I stated before that I was on it about 12yrs ago for about 1 &1/2 yrs total... It was a nitemare to get off it... I was dire ill for over 2 months and really dont know how i got thru it when i came off... but, i made it thru somehow!...

But, to be honest I did go ahead and get back on methadone about 2 weeks ago. It was a very hard agonizing decision to come to. But, I was wasting so much time in pain, constantly worrying about all this SSDI/ SSI, etc.,  insurance, previous/ new drs.... all of it!~!! I was spending over 6hrs a day constantly dealing w/ all the issues and lack of healthcare/ and just about everything/ every option all of you have/ had mentioned in your posts....  Which i am VERY GRATEFUL  for all of you for trying / wanting to help me!!..... But, I just decided to go ahead w/ getting into the methadone program again. B/c I have so much other stuff to worry about and do.

What I mean by that is i have all these leads to follow up on w/ SC state help/  such as the things that sandee posted... (And thank you Sandee..... i will look into all those and other things as well... and get back w/ you on a PM when i can... )....  Also, yes, i had a lawyer before during one of the times i tried to apply for SSD/SSI.... And, will get more into all that when i get more time... I also looked into Suboxone (they want a thousand dollars thru a private dr for just the first month of treatment w/out insurance of course)= NOT AFFORDABLE!!.... but, tkx for the advise...

But, at this point in time it is imparitive that i get a job!!!... So, that is one of the biggest reasons i just sort of gave up on trying for PM dr.'s, referals, all of those avenues that i was/have been/  and did persue for since about last May  when i moved here. I just got here in April... I basically spent the whole summer dealing w/ all the issues, and the illness/ the pain/ and constant worry about all of it and what is/ will happen to me medically. And, basically all that time i have spent is like a full time job in itself (hope that makes sense?).....  

Trust me I have been pondering over going on methadone since way back in May right after I got up here... when i  was having trouble getting a job/ and all these issues w/ illness/ pain etc....  I had to just make the decision and go ahead and get on it.... B/c i have to put all this seemingly wasted time into getting a job/ and working!!...  If i do not get a job/ work i will end up homeless and in much worse shape than i care to think about. I am not sure if i mentioned but, i also suffer from panic attacks/ anxiety disorder/ and some agoraphobia!....  So, the thought of trying to live in some sort of shelter/ or group home or anything where i would have to constantly be w/ alot of people completely freaks me out!....

I am a very sensitive person, meaning ... i really need my own space desperately!!... The thought of people all in my belongings/ or living w/ a whole bunch of different personalities is so overwhelming to me... I am almost feeling a panic attack begining by just even discussing it on here! (I know that it may seem silly to others who dont understand/ or dont suffer like i do w/ panic/ agoraphobia, etc.....) But, honestly i am not suicidal but i would prefer not to live than to have to live in an environment like that... I understand that if i dont get myself together and to work and keep a roof over my head that is the type of environment i may end up in...

So, I just have to keep my focus on just a few things at a time. I get very overwhelmed easily and just w/ all the constant worry over the medical stuff i was wasting way too much time and energy on it. My job hunt/ and time i should have been devoting to getting work/ making money!! And, so now that i am about 2 weeks into being back on methadone i have spent more time in these 2 weeks on the job hunting stuff than i had all summer on getting a job!!..

At first i felt somewhat ashamed of myself for having to go the route of being on methadone/ and the whole going to the clinic ... all of it... But, it is really going well... My counselor is great.  It is actually helping me too alot w/ the agoraphobia as well b/c now i have to get up and leave the house every day and be on a stricter routine.. Also, it seems as if the job market is easing up a  bit.... And, i m not in constant pain/ or worried about pain management... So, that frees up alot of time just in my mind!!...  And, i have been to more places / filled out more job apps/ talked to more people in person in these few weeks since i started methadone than i have in the entire 7 months that i have been living here!! Sounds crazy huh? But, a good thing none the less!!.....

I still have a long hard road to travel down and get stablized and situated... But, at least i made a solid decision and i am sticking w/ it. So i am proud of myself for my newest accomplishments!!...  I have about 5 job applications sitting here to fill out and return (places that are actually hiring and interested in me!!)..... And, many more that i will need to do online/ and get to some real job interviews!!...  So, i am gonna get going ... on that note since its getting to be afternoon here!!

Thanks again to all / i dont think i would have had the courage to just make the decision to go ahead and start the methadone again and move forwards w/out all of your input and care/ concern for me. I feel very grateful  to all of you for that@!... I will be back soon and answer some of the other questions/ concerns and talk to you all soon!!  please feel free to post responses/ comments/ concerns.... anything you fell like.... b/c all of it is appreciated and very helpful as i am just living from one day to the next... W/ my biggest prayers for today is that i get hired at one of these jobs and continue to make good positive decisions for myself that will enhance my life!.... Hope to hear more from all of you soon!! take care and thanks again!!

Helpful - 0
547368 tn?1440541785
Just wondering if you have had an attorney when you applied for SSDI? There is not a limit to the number of times you apply and I think I would keep trying. Of course that is not going to provide you with immediate relief or answers.

Follow the links that Sandee provided and hopefully they will be of help. I would also apply again for SSDI in you are unable to work. If you can work, there are part time jobs that will offer you some type of medical insurance. Sandee named a few. In my state Walmart only offers insurance for full time employees, unless that has changed recently.

Often a nursing home or hospital offers medical insurance for PT employees. They often have open positions.

Please let us know how you are doing. We are here to support you as much as we can


Helpful - 0
356518 tn?1322263642
Here are a few places you can look...





Check these out and see what you can find in your area.
Helpful - 0
356518 tn?1322263642
   Have you contacted your previous doctor and asked if they would refer you to the PM doctor that would accept you without insurance? Also I would call your area and talk with the nurse and explain your situation and ask them if you could possibly get a referral. I have had ER doctors refer me to PM before so thats a thought. If you explain the situation they may be able to help.
I did a little research this morning and I can't see where you can e turned down for medical assistence just because you have not worked in that state. All states are different of course but I know in Florida thats not an issue. You have to stay on top of it though. Call or go to the office as much as possible so they will do what they can to help you. If you do not pursue it vigorously they are not going to go out of their way to help you.
I am sorry your so alone in this world. Please check your local papers and hospitals for support groups as I said this will help in many ways. Once you get into a group you will have support and they may even be able to help you since they live in the area and suffer from chronic pain they will know what is available for you more than anyone else probably.
You have to be your own advocate and stop at nothing to get the health care you need. No one is gong to do it for you so you have to be very demanding in asking for help. Make an appointment at the health dept and talk to your worker and keep in contact with them daily make certain they are aware that you need help right away!
There is always a way to get the help you need you just have to be diligent and do not stop until you get the medical care you need.
I hope I am not being too forward but how are you living? I know alot of companies offer health insurance. I am not sure if Publix grocery is in your area but they give medical insurance to even part time after 90 days. Alot of companies do and you need to work regardless to live so check out the companies that do offer insurance. Walmart does offer insurance as well.
I will be doing some research today to try and and help you all I can. If you will PM me and tell me what town/county you live in I will do all I can to assist you.
Helpful - 0
1051803 tn?1254302796
After having been prescribed methadone for a short amount of time, I would not recommend it to anyone.  After tapering off the drug, I was very ill for several weeks.  I would randomly collapse (very embarrassing in public places), hot flashes, persistent diarrhea...    it was, in a word, horrible.

I've spoken to many people who have taken methadone for addiction, not pain, and all said it was considerably easier to quit their drugs of choice than to taper of methadone in a medically supervised environment.

If you're interested in methadone, I suggest researching suboxone.  Same principle, far less debilitating.

As for your troubles with applying for disability, have you been hooked up with a disability advocate?  SSI/SSDI application assistance programs are required and usually free.  Some even give you a partial benefit while your application is pending.
Helpful - 0
907179 tn?1246641716
Thanks guys for all your advise and concern. I know all of you wander about me leaving FL... Well, as far as that goes. It was even worse there! My parents lived very far away (and my dad rarely talks to me let alone allows me to come to his house that my mother also lives in.) In his mind I have a college education and i am not sick at all, he thinks i am just lazy and if i "cant figure it out" then i should just live in a mental hospital or be homeless.  Yes it sounds extreme! its very upsetting, but i guess i am used to it (or numb to it). I only had like 2 friends in FL i had no support system and where i lived it was very expensive. I was on food stamps, but, other than that was turned down many times for SSD/ SSI ...... I could not afford the place i was living in and either lost jobs b/c of illness or couldnt get a new one when the economy got so bad! So, i moved to SC b/c it costs about a 3rd of what it did to live in FL.... So, as far as going back i have nothing/ no one to go back to!! (I am 40 now i lived there from like 26yrs to 39yrs old---not from FL) hope that makes sense?

I have gone thru and called tons of pain mgmt clinics/ doctors, etc here in SC just  as one of you had mentioned... I spent about 6hrs on the phone yesterday trying to find one to even see me as a patient. B/c this is a smaller town there aren't as many here. But, about 3/4 of them do not even accept patients w/out insurance. They say b/c of all the physical therapy that they use people w/out insurance could not afford. (kinda rude huh? i could actually be rich they dont know=even though i am not!! LOL)... And, the only one i finally found said that i have to have a referal. And, i need a primary dr here in SC to refer me. Well, i allready tried that route. I paid $300 to see an internal med dr. And, he filled my meds one time then said he didnt want to treat me anymore b/c i dont have the money for all the testing.

its all a big mess.... seems like everyone just passes the buck to the next person or doesnt want to help. Then when you do get someone on the phone they treat me like i am a drug addict / its very embarrassing!....  Then the state medical dept says that i may not qualify for the "free health clinic" b/c i have not worked here and not paid taxes or some bs! there is a loophole around the whole thing everywhere i turn.

Believe me allmost everything you all have mentioned i have either tried or made phone calls, etc... I do appreciate your help so much. But, i just feel pretty desperate. That is why after so many months of trying to decide wether to go on methadone seems like my only source to get pain relief until i can get a full time job w/ benifits/ healthcare... Something!! i dont know i m so confused and upset i guess i am just rambling now!!...

Oh yah, and also  i can/ and have had my charts from FL sent up here to dr's... but, i was seeing a primary dr in FL b/c i didnt have insurance there for the past at least 7yrs...so,  my primary was nice enough to see me every 3 months and refill my meds w/out tons of problems... Although they were getting really restless and wanting lots of expensive tests around the time that i left. They were about to say i couldnt stay at their practice any longer b/c i needed GI specialists/ and other specialists that i could afford.... So, going back to that dr would have been useless if i had stayed!!.... (allthough they gave me a 3 month supply of my meds when i left!).....

Ok, sry to write a book... pls respond if any of you think of any advice or something for me. And thanks again for all the advice. i will let you know what happens! I pray the best happens for me and my health! thanks again!
Helpful - 0
356518 tn?1322263642
I too am sorry to hear your predicament.
You need to call your local health dept and they will tell you what programs they have for the medically needy and they will also be able to help with food and such too.
You will have to go to the office and do paperwork and they will get you what you need to see a doctor and help with food if you need it.
When you get what you need to see a doctor sign the medical release form to have your previous records sent to the current doctor.
Having chronic pain is difficult and you need support. Of course were here for you but check your local papers for chronic pain or even fybro support groups. This will allow you to get the support you need and even make friends.
I wish you the best. please let us know how your doing:)
Helpful - 0
535089 tn?1400673519

First of all, I have to say how sorry I am for your terrible story. I'm also wondering what is keeping you in SC? If worst comes to worst, you should move back where you know ppl and can get the support you need. Like Tuck said, it is very important to have your medical records when acquiring a new Doctor..especially when opiates are involved. You also need support and I don't see you having much where you are.

Have you tried googling Pain Management clinics in your area? I have heard of that working for some of the members here at MedHelp. I believe it's worth a shot.

I am so glad that you did manage to get away from the abuser. You are brave for doing that. Many women stay in their abusive relationships and never get out. They are not brave enough.

I really hope that you find the right Doctor...one who will listen. Please take care and good luck with everything.

Helpful - 0
547368 tn?1440541785
Hi Angel,

Welcome to the Pain Mangement Forum. I am sorry to hear about your pain and the issues that have compounded it. My heart goes out to you.

Have you been to your local county office? Sometimes they will offer a state insurance at little or no cost to you. If they do not offer that than they may have other health care benefits or be able to direct you to another program to help in your medical needs.

Did you bring your medical records with you? You can also sign a medical records release form and have the new clinic obtain your previous medical records. That will help them "know you" better. Many of the tests they wish to do should be part of your permanent medical record.

In my personal opinion I would never go to a suboxone clinic or take the medication. It will not help your chronic pain, it will label you as a recovering abuser. At least that is how I understand it.

If you have no family or no friends in SC why did you move there...and why do you stay there?  Can you return home? Obviously (if I read your post correctly) you have no job and nothing to hold you in a place that seems to be so detrimental to your chronic pain condition(s) at this time. What am I missing?

I have a son who has IBS in the form of Ulcerative Colitis. His flares often can be life threatening. His pediatric gastroenterologist, the best in the state, told me once to imagine having a bad intestinal flu every day of my life and that is what my son feels like. I know that your disease is very similar to his. Medications just to to treat the diseases of IBS are extremely costly. But back to you. Please know that I wish you the very best. I hope you will find better solutions to your all your medical issues very soon.  

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I will watch for your future updates. Best of luck to you in your search for solutions.

Take Care,
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