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Left Side Abdominal Pain

It has now been 2 months of pain in my left side.  It started out as a pain low close to my belly button and was thought to possibly be a hernia, if I put pressure on it the pain would go away until I took the pressure away.  It was strange to feel pressure in this area as after a tummy tuck almost 4 years ago I have had minimal feeling in this area.  Now it has been 2 months and what was an area that I could put pressure on with one finger has become a whole hand plus more and is a constant searing pain.  The pain also migrates into my back and under my left shoulder blade.  I have seen my family doctor as well as emergency room doctors.  Urine tests have been done and there is no infection there.  I used to be able to sit or lay down to alleviate the pain but sitting no longer helps and now I must lay on my right side to get relief.
Pressure does not cause pain, so a doctor feeling around does not cause me any discomfort.  No blood work has been done.  An ultra sound shows nothing on the left side but multi gal-stones on the right side.  It has been suggested that this might be neurogenic pain and I may need to learn to live with it.  I have never felt pain like this, not during child birth, not after any surgery, and I cant imagine not being able to stand for the rest of my life without searing pain racing through my abdomin.
To answer questions I have already been asked.  I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago, I am 37 years old.  I had an appendectomy about 15 years ago and a tummy tuck about 4 years ago.  There is no visual presence of blood in my urine or my stool and bowel movements changed from being regular to diareah then back to formed stools but then are flat like they have been squshed down.  The pain I am feeling is not coming from my bowels I can be sure about that and does not feel like I have to go to the bathroom. I have no fever and no vomitting and other than the pain I feel fine.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Sherrie,

Welcome to the Pain Management Forum. I am glad that you gave such a detailed post.... but sorry to hear about your undiagnosed pain. My heart goes out to you.

Neurogenic Pain has a dictionary definition of pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion, dysfunction, or transitory perturbation in the peripheral or central nervous system. However this term is very often used interchangeably with Neuropathic Pain or even Chronic Pain.

Have they suggested that your pain may be due to adhesion? Pain from adhesions can also be excruciating. In my opinion given the fact that you have had two abdominal surgeries adhesions should also be considered.

You state you have had a significant change in your stools. "Flat like they are squashed down"  reportedly is a change and with all due respect, should be investigated...even though you believe your pain is not related to your intestines. Indeed you may be 100% correct but please don't dismiss any possibility. It does not have to feel like you have to go to the bathroom to have intestine pain.

"Learn to live with it" is much easier said then done. I doubt most physicians with "live with" excruciating pain that severely disrupts their daily lives and activities. There are a gamete of medications that may help ease your pain....at the very least until they are able to discover a diagnosis.

I encourage you to be assertive and keep searching for answers. I know how horrid abd pain can be and I feel so sad that you are suffering with it. If you have not had a thorough evaluation by a physician associated with a large teaching hospital I would begin there. A Neurologist may be the first speciality I would consult.

I hope you will be active in our community and let us know how you are doing. I will look forward to hearing from you again.

Take Care and Best of Luck to You,

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Did you ever learn what was causing your pain? Having similar experience with left abdominal & shoulder blade...
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