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Anterior Posterior Lumbar Fusion

I am having surgery in Las Vegas on 8/24. L5/S1 Needless to say I have heard horror stories about the procedures including the removal of organs to get at the spine. I getting scared and wondering if I can just live with the pain the rest of my life or is this whole thing actually worth it.

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Hi Grecco123,

Thank you for re-posting your question!!

I want tp welcome you to the Pain Management Forum and let y o know that we are GLAD that you have found this Forum. I need to let  you  know that there are NO Doctors on this Forum. We are ALL CP(Chronic Pain) Patients that help each other through our own expertise and experiences that we have obtained through our own CP conditions.

I'm SO very sorry that you are facing surgery on the 24th of August. I went back to gather more information from the "old" thread that you had originally posted on, and I believe that you are going to have and Anterior - Posterior Lumbar Fusion of the L5-S1, it that correct?

I haven't had that surgery BUT many on here have and I'm sure, as I told you earlier on the "old" Thread that they will be on here to help you!!  :)  

I am facing surgery myself on September 8th for a THIRD Hip Implant PLUS I've ALSO had a Herniated Disc removed many years ago and I can tell you this that I'm NOT sorry that I AM doing this OR that I've had it done before as the Pain that was there originally is now gone. However, you must make up YOUR own mind yourself as to what you can handle Pain wise.  Each of us are different when it comes to our Pain levels and Everyone's experiences are VERY different when it comes to our surgeries also.  I hope that you will get some GOOD feed back from our EXTREMELY knowledgeable members on  this Forum!!  

What has your Doctor told you about your condition and your outlook for your surgery?

I wish you the VERY best and I hope that you will keep us updated on your Progress as your Surgery and Post-Op and PT (Physical Therapy) afterwards continues.

I will keep you in my Thoughts and Prayers.......Sherry
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Grecco,

Welcome to the Pain Mangement Forum. I am so sorry that you are facing a surgery and are frightened. As Sherry has said some of our members have had this or a similar surgery. Hopefully they will soon be on the board and provide you with some personal information.

Please dear talk to your surgeon. Ask him them lots of questions. Sometimes the surgeon's staff have more time and will talk with you at length regarding the exact procedure. If you trust the surgeon and his abilities than relax.

Surgeries that seem very complicated to us are every day occurrences to our surgeons. They are very skilled and trained to do what we think is next to impossible. It is a fact that surgical patients recover quicker and have less complications when they are less frightened and have a good trusting relationship with their surgeon.

Do exactly what you are doing, educate yourself bout the specific procedure. There has to be thousand and thousand of ppl that have had the same surgery. The internet should contain articles also. If you need help locating information feel free to ask me.

Again I am sorry that I do not have any specific information. But please know that you can post as often as you would like looking for information. MedHelp also has a Back and Neck Forum that may have members with more information. You are always welcome here but you may want to also post in that forum.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I wish you the very best and will look forward to hearing from you again.

Take Care,
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My Doctor is not a very "let me explain" type of guy, although his Assistant is. She however seems very young and inexperienced. I have one last visit on 8/18 so I will hpoefully get all my answers then. It has taken 2 years now to get this far and I don't want to back out now. At the same time I wonder if I am actually going to make my condition worse by going through with it. You start to wonder if you can actually just live with it and do without the surgery.

Thanks for the feedback Sherry and Tuck!
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I think most of us can relate to you're apprehension about the surgery.  Everyone has to go through weighing the pros and cons personally to decide what is best for them.  In the end we should never go through with something we're not comfortable doing just because we're told to.  
The Back and Neck forum is a great place to ask about this as the people there have lots of experience with surgeries, fusions in particular are a very common surgery for back and neck pain sufferers.  I would only caution you not to take the horror stories to heart.  There are 10 good stories to every 1 horror story about anything.  I have never heard of them having to remove organs to do most back surgeries.  I do know that depending on where the surgery is, they have to move tissue aside.  For instance in the neck, when they work on the spine, they go in from the front.  It really scared me, too, at first when I realized they would have to do that.  However I looked up the surgery on the internet and saw some videos of what it looks like and it made me feel more comfortable.
I would recommend doing a search on the surgery and seeing if you can find an animated video of what they will need to do.  It's also a good idea to talk to the Surgeon's Assistant.  Even if she is young, she will know what the surgery is about and has probably seen many surgeries done by the surgeon you are going to.  She will at least know what the surgery entails and what will happen step by step.  
I hope you get the information you need to feel good about whatever decision you make.  I hope that if you get the surgery, it helps you tremendously.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Oh those physicians that seem to have no time for explanations!!  They well know how important it is for a patient to feel relaxed, informed and comfortable with the surgery, risks and benefits as well as the expected outcome.

His office assistant might just surprise you with the information she has available. I'd certainly give it a try, especially because you seem comfortable with her.

My uncle had a cervical repair and fusion this April. His pain was immediately gone following the procedure. They went from front to back..or actually neck. He did experience some issues with post surgical swelling but is doing very well. He does not regret his surgical choice.

Jaded is correct. Don't be overly concerned with any horror stories. I expect that all the successful outcomes have no reason to be on the chronic pain forum...or possibly even neck and back forum. So take what you hear with a grain of salt and put it in it's proper perspective.

Also as Jaded said there should be some animated videos available on the internet. Good suggestion. Just don't let those frighten you either.

We never know if the decision you make is the right one. All we can do is make the best educated and informed decision as possible. Again if you have trust in the skills and experience of your surgeon than you've done all you can.

We'll look forward to hearing from you again soon.
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I just wanted to clear up a couple misconceptions you might have about this procedure. They don’t remove any organs, so don’t even worry about that, when they go in the front, they just gently push them over to the side.

The procedure you’re going to have “An Anterior/Posterior Lumbar Fusion” is also known as a 360° spinal fusion. It probably has the best fusion rate of all Lumbar procedures. They actually fuse both the front and the back of the vertebra. As opposed to the fusion I had, which was done only from the back, I needed a laminectomy as well so that’s why my surgeon used a posterior approach. You must have some instability issues too because this type of fusion is also known for providing additional stability and support.

With this procedure, you fuse faster, which means you recover faster, which means that you’re out of pain faster.

As to whether or not to go through with it, that’s a decision only you can make, you must have some issues if this surgery was recommended. But if you feel that your pain can be managed adequately or you’re having serious 2nd thoughts maybe this isn’t the time. With me, I really had no choice about surgery, I was relatively young, and my back and leg pain was so bad that it couldn’t be managed by medication, and even if it could have been, I couldn’t walk. As a result I couldn’t work and I couldn’t live. So it wasn’t a very difficult choice. The surgery gave me my life back.

If you do decide to go through with this, go into it with a positive attitude it makes a world of difference and like I said, if you’re having serious 2nd thoughts (It’s perfectly normal and we all have had them) maybe you might want to postpone it for a little while. I don’t mean to step on any one’s ideas here, but it’s not a good to watch these surgical animations a week before surgery, it’ll just make you more nervous.

If you are going to go through with this, its time to put your faith in your Doctor’s expertise, they know what their doing and the chances of anything going wrong are very infinitesimal. And by the way, all Surgeons have lousy bed side manner.

If you have any questions about the surgery, recovery or anything, feel free to post on the Neck and Back forum, it’s what we deal with.

Here's the link: http://www.medhelp.org/forums/Back--Neck/show/6

Take Care
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Well it's down to the wire. Tuesday morning at 7A. I continue to go back and forth about going through with this, but my option is to live on pain meds my whole life and that's not what I want. I wish more successful stories were out there about this procedure as it would make me feel alot better aboout it. I have been on pain meds now for over 2 years and have built up a tolerence and that has me scared as well. I'm afraid I will wake up in more pain than I can endure. Thanks to everyone for their comments. I tried to talk with a docotr online, but of course they want your VISA card first.
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I think you're making right choice, my options were very similar. There are a lot of success stories, problem is they don't post on boards like these. Those people are able to get on with their lives.

You'll be in my prayers and post as soon as you are able, so we know how you are.
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547368 tn?1440541785
I think there are a lot of success stories also. Remember that you are at the Pain Mangement Forum....where most of us have chronic pain. Those success stories have no need for our site. They are out there living their lives, in all probability pain free. OR with much less pain.

Many of us are the failed surgeries...or are simply chronic pain patients. If we were offer a surgical correction with decent odds, I would guess that most of us would jump at the chance. The standard success rate to repair my disabling condition is 15-20%. Those are not odds I am not willing to take. If it were reversed at 80% I wouldn't bat an eye. I'd be on that surgical table in a heartbeat. I'd even be smiling. :)

Please don't let "us" scare you. We are not the rule. If you are confident with a very skilled and vastly experienced surgeon the odds may very well be in your favor. Please consider that fact in your decision making process.

Best of Luck,
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My husband had an emergency fusion in his lumbar over 10 years ago after an auto accident and it has helped him immensely.  He's one of these people out there who doesn't need PM anymore.  He only takes OTC pain relievers when he needs them.  
I am considering getting an Artificial Disc Replacement, myself.  I have cervical herniated discs and DDD.  I have considered a fusion as well.
I hope that whatever you decide to do, that you are happy with your decision.  That's the most important part.  Please let us know how it goes.  It's great to get more information from people who have had the procedures.
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1087566 tn?1282448730
I have had 2 back surgeries...the first was a plain old Lamenectomy at L4....then 5 years ago, after having major pain in lower back and shooting, electrical pain down legs, they said I had Major Spinal Stenosis and had Spinal Fusion....no hardware though....I hate to say this since you are so close to your surgery.....but it didn't help me....I think it's die to my having perm. nerve damage already that they couldn't detect until they opened me up.  My back problems are hereditary....thanks to dear ole dad.....You will be fine...Don't worry so much....it will most likely help you and if it doesn't help you'll be in good company....Good Luck...
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1409507 tn?1281917406
Hi. I'm sorry you are having so much anxiety over this; it is a very difficult decision. I put off neck surgery for sev. yrs and did PT which helped alot but in the end, the old pain came back as the dr. said it would. I had 1st fusion frontal (with replaced vertebrae) & actually came out of it thinking "No pain!"my first thought! It was wonderful. Later, I had to have another fusion thru the back cervical area. That was harder as they cut thru muscle. Muscle pain is gripping! Then my scoli got so bad, I was losing the ability to walk well--move hips etc. so a fantastic surgeon (whom I saw for fleeting moments but his PA told me everything I needed to know) opened me from cervical to tailbone and mid thorasic region to right side. Put in 3 rods, 22 clips, shaved my shoulder, took out one rib, and while he was there, he fused my lower spine where I had intense burning a long time. In order to do all this, a heart dr. had to be there as well to move things around while he worked around the spine. This was all done w/3 surgeries in a 2wk period where dfI was kept in the hospital.  The post op was awful, the pain horrendousbut remember there were 3 in 2 wks. I think that's got to be strange. But all that worked out just fine* Why am I back? Car accident last yr. aggravated neck repair w/ arthritis & bone spurring and I cannot have any more surgery(1 dr wants to put rod in neck to support head wt.) but that is because of COPD. *first neck surgery nic my laryngeal nerve, paralyzed 1 set of vocal chords and which slowed the "part" that moves when you are either swallowing or breathing. So I would often aspirate & get fluids into my lungs, then pneumonia. I've gotten better to concentrate when I'm drinking but I still aspirate on occasion. But my low back fusion took all that burning & constant pain away. My neck pain gone, back & neck just in the low pain arthritis problems. It was great til the accident. My sister's son in law's surgery failed & he has pain (he had pain before) but there are a few other doctors, my surgeon included, willing to see what they could do, but he's too afraid now so he lives with it. So, it is just a decision you have to make and that is not to say things will work out perfectly. You will know (I believe) when its the right time and if its not, there is no reason on earth you cannot say "wait". I want to postpone this. It is your life and your choice. Don't think the doctor can't find something else to do if you should decide to postpone or cancel. Pray about it. Trust your instincts! You know if you're ready, or if you're not. Trust yourself. GB
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