1301089 tn?1290666571

Every want to just toss all the pills???

Every night I dutifully pull out my little pink bag.  Well, it's not really that little.  And then spend the next few minutes downing pill after pill.  Some are prescriptions and other are herbs and vitamins.  But some nights, I'd really like to do a bad imitation of an Olympic discus thrower and toss the whole thing.

Do you ever do that?  From the sound of it, we're all on multiple prescriptions and most take vitamins, calcium, etc.
Do you ever look at those pills and just think I really don't want to do this?

Of course I take them.  Consequences of not doing so are too dire   Then zip  up the bag and put it away. But I get so tired of taking them.  Every night.  

Do you ever just dread having to take them every night?  Or am I just whining about nothing?
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Yes, dear Friend. Except that mine are in a pill organizer that is good for two weeks at a time. So once  every 2 weeks I sit down with all 16 pill bottles (not including my Fentany Patches and my Percocets for BT) that keep my heart and body going and dorganize it for another 2 weeks!! I find myself looking at it and thinking "OK next time I arrange my pills it will be time for this Dr.'s appt. or that Dr.'s appt." I sometimes find it sad that my life has become defined in such a way.  :)

Oh well, I guess that it is all a part of aging. And then I stop and think "Thank heavens I have these pills to keep me on this earth longer so that I can be a part of my Daughter's life and Son-in-laws life and my BEAUTIFUL AND PRECIOUS Granddaughters lives for just a few more years." And so I will go HAPPILY back to filling the empty spaces in my Pill box one more time and HOPE AND PRAY that I will be able to do it for a LONG time to come!!

I guess it's all in the way that you look at it!! :)

Good night Dear Friend and Have a Good Night's Sleep...Sherry

PS I still have to take my pills tonight. LOL Thanks for reminding me!!!
20 Responses
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Sherry:  You are such a jewel.  You have the most wonderful way of looking at things, even the more disagreeable parts.  

Good night!   I wish you a pain free night and tomorrow.

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547368 tn?1440541785
Hey Sara,

I feel the same way you do sometimes. Although I don't take a lot of pills I still think I take too may, isn't anything over one too many? :)

Like Sherry I am so grateful for pain management that I usually just take them and am thankful that I have them. I  went ten years without pain control, a horrible painful, I can't make it another second, ten years!  I pushed myself through every hour, sometimes every minute. I promised my poor broken body that I would be kind to it someday and put it out of it's misery. I even gave it a date.

Fortunately I stumbled across a physician that recognized my pain, diagnosed it and now treats me. So often more that the frustrations of having to swallow some pills every day is filled with gratitude. It's been seven years since I have felt that finally my pain and medical problems are as controlled as they can be.

So like Sherry I am so happy to be able to enjoy granddaughters, husband, family and friends and for every day that I have left on this earth. And thanks to these sometimes frustrating medications I hope I have a few more, actually a lot more of those years left.

Sometimes all we need is a different way of looking at things! :)

I hope you have a good sleep and woke up this morning feeling grateful for a new morning. :) We're all on this journey together....never feel alone!

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1271743 tn?1320892461
Me too.  Me too.... I have a mickey mouse bag and it is getting to be something I just wish I didnt have to do! or take! but if I didn't I could not walk.  It *****! It really does! I am in the same boat as you!
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1187071 tn?1279369698
I know it is hard to take so many pills, You just want to stop them but you know that you can't. Wouldn't it be nice to have 1 pill for everything? but i don't think that will ever happen but we can always hope.
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Every once in a while I get to feeling sorry for myself and stop taking my thyroid medications.  I had my thyroid radiated out years ago and it seems to be an aggravated thing.  I then don't take the med for a day or two and I'm in bad shape and remember how lucky I am to have that medication and promptly start taking it again.  But, I'm in the same boat as most of you, I take 9 medications and feel that it's way too many and get tired of always going to the pharmacy.  Do any of you find yourselves explaining your illnesses to the pharmacy people just so they don't think you're crazy?  I've caught myself several times in a long conversation with the pharmacist and later thought, I bet she doesn't care why she's filling my carafate...  
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1323549 tn?1276178147
I sometimes want to throw 'em all away. But when you need your meds you need your meds! It gets old i know! and i am in the same boat
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Yes I actually did that over two years ago.

Now, I only take my B12/Thyroid. I just got tired of them.

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Totie, I take B-12 too.  I used to inject it myself but freaked myself out all the time so I just started going to the doctor once a month and have them give it to me.  Much easier for me, but more expensive.  
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Mine are in my hand bag as I have to take mine threw out the day when things happen. My poor hand bag has more med's and repeat prescription sheet's/note's(not sure what to call them) in that If I did not need med's I would not need a hand bag. Between puffer's for asthma, med's for hayfever and sinus issues, anti D's and sedative's for panic, other med's and my pain med's then it also has my kids med's in my bag just in case we are out. Thank goodness the puffer's my kid's use are the same as mine or I would need a bigger bag.

I hate that my kids are already on med's like lovan, straterra, abilfy, and now catapress, I feel like I'm a horrable mum except that my kids are better for their meds not doped out. Except for the catapress as thats for night to help my older 2 sleep threw the night thats the newest med from their pychiatrist. My oldest has asperger's syndrome and cant stop obsesing about computer's and game unit at night I suspect his day time anger was possablly from not getting to sleep and/staying asleep and so far the catapress seem to be having a positive effect. the war between the oldest 2 kids and youngest 2 is subsiding. I started to feel like I was always standing between them telling then to go back to there corner like I was in a restling ring lol. Oldest 2 have very ridgid behaviour while youngest love to more spontanious and that seriously upsets the older the 2. The older 2 are for ever telling my younger 2 that they are doing the wrong thing all because it does not meant their own perfect routine of how to do what ever it is at the time. I want my yonger to be relax and have fun that can be hard when the older 2 are for eva in their faces telling them off because they cant understand how something can be done different and still work out right.

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1301089 tn?1290666571
Hi Mum:  You've really got your hands full!  And your kids are lucky to have you.  Only a good mother would take such care of her children medically.  Unlucky children are the ones who are medically neglected.

Don't feel bad because your children have medical issues.  Not your fault. If you weren't taking care of them, then you should feel bad.  But you are caring for them and caring for them well.  They are blessed.

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thank you very much I just feel like I have past on issues like asthma and allergies to my kids that I wish that too did not have to deal with.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Hi Mum:  Guilt, I believe, is part and parcel of being a mom.  We so desperately want the absolute best for our children and work hard to provide that.  But life throws everyone curve balls and children aren't immune.   All we can do is pick them up and dust them off and kiss their booboos, so to speak.  

I feel guilty because of pain issues, I can't do the things with and for them that I'd like.  I have to satisfy myself that I've done my best.  And you've done your best for your children.  That's all anyone can ask of you.

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thank you that feel nice to hear someone telling me that rather then making me feel bad about it. Its amazing how many people have had a go at me for having kids because of one or more of my issues like asthma etc. You'd think I was ment to be genecitly perfect to be allowed to have kids. Anyway thank you.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Dear Mum:  Do you mean someone told you that you shouldn't have children because of your health issues???  The unmitigated gall of some people.  Why anyone would involve themselves with your reproductive life is unbelievable.

While I do agree that some people should definitely NOT reproduce, such as severely disabled who cannot properly care for children among others.  As long as a person can properly care for and raise  a child, the parent's health issues should not be a factor.  My daughter has a friend whose parents both require wheel chairs.  Their children are happy and well cared for.  No problem.

Don't put up with someone questioning your fitness to have children.  Tell them to mind their own business.
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I agree as long as person can take care of children it should not matter. Medical science is making advance's in so many area that you never know what could treated or fixed in the future. There always going to healthy people having sick children and people with illness like asthma and allergies may never pass that on there kids. I never had asperger's in my family before now and I now have at least one child diagnoised with asperger's and I suspect my 12y913y in june) daughter is asperger as well. I could never have know that was going to happen. I did not smoke or drink before during or after my pregnancy's. Yet I see people every day with adverage normal healthy children who smoked during pregnancy and some that even drank. I really think that alot these issuse come from artifical additives in food and what they do the food before ends up in the shop for us to buy.

My 12y can draw so well and high school teacher told her that she draws better then a lot of year 12 student's. Yet she did not want to touch a pen or penicl till she was 5y. If I tryed to get her grip a pencil she would fully stretch her hand out flat and would not want it near her hand for long. I now know this called sensory defensivenness or sensory intergration problems. The brain need to learn to cope with the feeling of the what ever it is the child is avoiding. My 5y has diagnoised with sensory intergration disorder as he has the oppersite reaction when he falls over. Instead of putting his hands out to catch him self when he falls he puts his hands behind his head as he does not like the feeling of the ground. He's slowly learning put hands out and not pull them away, but he's had a lot of head injuries because of this. he once had to had a cut glued together at the hospital. we choose glue because his aversion to be held was so intence back then that holding him down would have been impossable and he would have had to have been put under sedation. My 5y has to worst asthma and he's got no weeze or other commen symptoms like coughing. He just start heaving and his belly start to suck in under his rib's. One of the fue things I see before he starts to have a asthma attack is hyper behaviour he gets more active when he's suffering from an asthma attack.

My own family blame me for children issues's(struggle's). My partner is the only one in my life that tells me I'm a good person and I'm doing my best.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
You do have a lot to deal with.  Bless your heart.  You're really doing a good job with the kids and I'd dare anyone in your position to do better.

I'm not one to criticize someone else's family, but....  Your family is wrong, very wrong on this.  I discussed birth defects and genetic problems with my ob.  He emphasized that short of a full genetic work up on both parents, there is no way to predict problems in most cases.  A few exceptions.  You're right.  Healthy people have sick children and sick parents have healthy children every day.  Maybe you should tell your family that your problems are their fault :) lol

Your kids will be great. Don't listen to ignorant people.


PS My now perfectly healthy son was born with lazy eye from his father's side.  I had it fixed when he was little.  Years of glasses and eye patches that he hated.  Other two are fine.  Maybe those people would think I shouldn't have had children!
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I think my family want to blame me because to accept that it may genetic would mean that would have to looking at them self's. I mum is very OCD and my sister and brother struggle to keep a house a clean. You can smell their house before you get the front door.

My mum and sis have always blamed everything on me since I was a kid. When my sister was stealing and my mum sent her our's dad's to live my mum started to accuse me of stealing so that she would send my sister to my dad's. I was kicked out at 16 because I got sick and tired of being locked out of the house so I figured out how to brack in(my sis showed me how) but this time I decided not to lock the house and pretend I was out side the whole time she was gone. So I sat at the table and waited for her she could not accept that my explaination of how I got in the house. my mum started locking us out of the house when she went out since we about 8y. She did not trust us in the house yet we were great kids my sister and brother tryed stealing a fue time proberly to get attention because she was not listening to us. My mum had a place for everything and it had to stay in it's place. She had so many strange rules that our peers thought we had a crazy mum(basicly) and teased us big time about it. I would never lock my kids out of my house on purpose and if they forget there key I dont get angry for finding a way in to the house. My mum pretend she a perfect person to my kids, not that I have told my kids what she was really like. I would love to but they would not understand fully anyway it would just cause more problems then it would solve.

I had to tell my mum to stay away untill she was going to be nice to me a fue years back it took her over year to start talking to me and my kids again. So far she's doing prety good she has some bad day's and I'm getting better at telling her I dont like what she's saying with out wanting to die.

I'm glad you're son eye's has been fixed things like make children targets for teasing. Some times I wish my kids had some thing that could fixed with an operation rather than just time and the right lesson's for there life.
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From what I have read of your detailed explanation of your kids' conditions, it sounds to me like you are right on top of things and are a great mom.  You had no way of knowing that you would pass on certain things to your kids.  I have asthma, and an anxiety disorder (among other things) and my children show no symptoms of either.  It's never been an issue with their doctors or anyone else.
My nephew on my husband's side has Aspergers and is one of the most brilliant kids I've ever known.  He's so smart.  We don't blame his parents for him developing Aspergers, nor would it be our place to.  He's a wonderful kid and while I know his parents have been through the wringer with meds, diet, and behavior, I empathize with them, as all family should.

I do understand what it's like to have a difficult and somewhat crazy mother, although mine was not as bad as your growing up, like locking me out or anything.  She and I just had an issue where she accused me of things and said horrible things to me.  I looked it up online and realized she was taking on a victim mentality and trying to control me.  So I just responded with love and truth and left her alone.  Eventually she called me on my birthday and apologized for freaking out on me.  It was the first time I tried this approach and the first time she responded so well.  It took some time, but she eventually realized I just love her and tell her the truth.
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thank you.

I've only started meeting people with positive attuide in the last fue years. It's good to know there really is people out there that are nice. I just wish I could find more nice people to interact with in specially in person.

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