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Pain clinic contracts vs. no contracts

I'm wondering how many people that go to pain management doctors or clinics have no contracts?  I never realized people had them until I found this forum.  I feel so lucky that I don't have to have a contract.

I never have blood work or urinalysis done.  And I feel like I have more control over my medication.  If I need to take an extra pill, I can without worrying.  (Though I always email the NP and let her know if I make any adjustments, and she seems to be okay with this.)

It seems like if you have a contract, it binds you and leaves you fearful if anything is out of the ordinary.  I'd be so afraid I'd be dropped for a wrong result on something.  I suppose they have to do it to protect themselves but it seems so unfair that people get dropped the first time something is a little off.  I would think they would give you the benefit of the doubt at least once.

I've had several things happen over the past year that probably would have caused me to be red flagged or dropped.

In April, my uncle was here visiting from Ireland.  He was going home and I was packing his bags. M uncle is 80.  My daughter was going to Florida and she had a couple of meds to bring.  I had just got my prescriptions filled and my dad's and my daughter's.

I have a huge island in the kitchen and put everyone's medicines on them (including mine by accident.)  I sent my oxycodone in my uncle's bag.  I was looking everywhere for them when my cousin emailed me and said when she was unpacking her dad's stuff she found my prescription.  I called the NP and told her and she just refilled my script.

And a couple of weeks ago when I had my daughter's graduation party, I had a bunch of things stolen.  I'm pretty certain it was my ex-husband (who's an addict.)  He left me a few of everything but I had quite a few oxycontin, oxycodone, Cymbalta and stool softeners taken.  (He just took a bunch of everything!)

I told the NP and she said she knows I'm careful with things but that the insurance probably wouldn't pay for a refill since it was so early.  So she said we might as well try the Fentanyl patch and morphine.  (She also knows my history with my ex so maybe that's why she wasn't too upset over it.)

She refilled my script early in January when I was going to Mexico and I would have run out in the middle of vacation.  (My boyfriend's primary care doctor will not do this.  He gets his script once a month and if something comes up, too bad.  Though he has no contract either, though she does have them with some patients.)
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I'm careful with my meds but I don't lock them away.  I do think I'll take out just what I need for the day, though.  Sometimes I forget whether I took them or not.  My memory is sooo bad on these.  I tried putting them in one spot and then moving to another when I took them, but I still get confused.  I think a pill holder would be good for me.

I should have known my ex would find a way.  I am very careful with my meds but I guess an addict is even more creative.  He came back after I was asleep.  And I was dead asleep.  I was really beat from the party and all the preparations.  THen I took my pain meds and my Ambien.  He had left.  Apparently he came back later with his girlfriend.  That's when he had the opportunity.  He told my daughter he was using the upstairs bathroom because someone was in the downstairs one.  I'm guessing that's when he did it.  I didn't even hear him come into my room or move anything.

Once before, after a surgery, I woke up, really out of it from the post-surgical meds, and found him taking money out of my wallet.  

Our last time in court it was agreed he would not be allowed inside the house.  My own fault.  I broke the agreement by letting him come to the party.  My daughter begged me to let him come, and I caved in.  

I've talked to her about what happened.  Of course, now she feels bad and is angry with her dad.  She doesn't like to think he'll do these things, though we've all been victim to him in one way or another over the years.

My pain clinic does not call in narcotics.  We have to pick up the script or have it mailed.  (My primary care doctor, who also treats my boyfriend and my dad, will not mail narcotic prescriptions; they have to be picked up.)

I'm not going to take any chances with the medications again.  I'm thankful that the NP didn't see this as something about me.  She did say I may want to think about reporting the theft but of course, I have no way of proving it was him.  On the upside, he does have a court case coming up where he made serious threats against me in February.  The trial date isn't set yet, but it is very likely he will get some jail time.  Maybe not a lot but enough to wake him up, I hope.
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655875 tn?1295695107
I have a very strict pain contract with random UA's and pill counts.  I don't mind either of them.  I've been there for almost a year and I have not had to do a random UA.  I don't mind the pill counts either, but I do hate travelling with my meds.  I take out my daily amount too and lock the rest up.  I have a teenager in the house, who will have friends over from time to time and I don't want any trouble with that.  I do not tell anyone, including my neighbors what medicines I take.  I do not want my meds stolen.  Under any circumstance, they will not be replaced.  We give all our unused medicines to the pain clinic for them to dispose.  I just turned in a full script of oxycodone, because of the awful side effects they give me.  I don't mind the contract.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I keep mine locked away and I remove all labels prior to bottle disposal.  I don't get any drug testing or pill counts.  But my doctor only prescribes for one month at a time and if something happens, you can go in.  But she will not under any circumstances call in any narcotic.  Anxiety or other medications yes.  Narcotics, NO WAY.
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547368 tn?1440541785
I don't go to a PMP. In Wisconsin it is our PCP that treat and prescribe for their chronic pain patients. I have not signed a contract nor do I have drug screens.

I agree with DeeDee. Be cautious with your opiates. I have mine hidden and locked. I "fill" my daily bottle with only enough for the day. Ultimately are may be help responsible for any stolen opiates of they aer left out. Unfortunately it is our responsibility to keep them in a secure location. If they are even missing or stole you can than report them as such.

Don't misunderstand me you can and should report them either way but if kept under lock and key it's an obvious theft and you were being responsible. Unfortunately I have close family member that has a boyfriend with a drug problem. When ever he comes to my home I lock up even my daily bottle. I was surprised by a visit from a group of close relatives one day and didn't get my money or three pills locked up. When he was gone so were they. I could not prove it was him and would have subject my entire family to suspicion had I reported it. Sad!!!

I went without the normal amount of medication for several days (I took one less) so he could sell them or get high! And it only happens when he is here....I've done my research.  Had I locked them with the others I could have had the box finger printed.....if he would have ever found them. So be cautious. Your medical provider may not be so understanding if there should be a next time.


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When you're going to have company, you should put your meds away in a secret place.  It's a matter of your privacy and safety. You don't want everyone knowing what meds you are on, and you definitely cannot leave them around children. Most of all, why would you leave your meds available when you knew your ex husband was coming?  Not smart.  But, what's done is done.  The pharmacy won't replace them too early regardless of your reason.  Be more careful and pay attention to what you are doing and its consequence.  I'm not beating you up.  I'm saying these things because I understand and want to help.
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