799959 tn?1239293294

chest and back pain

My mom has pain on the right side of her chest that goes to her back she has had these pains for two day she is 51 years old please roght back ASAP before it turnes out serious
8 Responses
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Jon,

Sorry my response is a bit tardy. I do not want to alarm you. However in my opinion you should get your Mom to ER or call for an ambulance asap. Woman do not have the usual signs of a MI (heart attacks). Often their symptoms are different than a mans. It is always better to be safe than sorry. There is no way to rule out a heart issue at home.

Please let us know how she is doing.

Peace, Tuck
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799959 tn?1239293294
even if the pain is on the right side not the left side
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even if it doesnt turn out to be her heart it could be other issues like her lungs or breasts... i would suggest getting her to the doctor ASAP to check and make sure it isnt anything serious.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Yes Jon, Cardiac or heart pain can present itself in various locations, forms and intensities. Some women only experience extreme fatigue when having a MI.

It is not true that you must have left sided chest pain or pressure when you have a heart attack (MI) or cardiac pain. Many women do not seek medical treatment as soon as they should or at all because of this falsity.

Initial, older research for heart related issues was preformed on men. We were all made familiar with the classic symptoms that include left sided chest pain. Why?  Because it us to be that men predominantly had heart issues and women did not therefore that was the sex that was studied. And than life changed. Women began working outside of the home, became primary bread winners, began to smoke and took on responsibilities that were previously delegated to the male population. Today heart issues are seen equally in both sexes. When women were added to the cardiac research it was discovered that they do usually present with the same symptoms that men do when experiencing heart pain. Some never have chest pain, or only have right sided pain, or back pain or a bit of chest pressure but great fatigue.

All sudden onset chest pain (either side) should be treated as serious until it is proven otherwise. How is your Mom doing?  
Peace, Tuck
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799959 tn?1239293294
I tried to get to go the hospital but she didnt want to beacuse it was my birthday so she said she'll go tomorrow
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547368 tn?1440541785
Thanks Jon for the update.

And Happy Birthday!
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799959 tn?1239293294
                 my mom went to the hospital they said it was her ribs and her heart was ok and thanks
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547368 tn?1440541785

Thank you so much for letting us know how your Mom is doing. I am glad that it was not a heart issue. I hope that her ribs will soon be feeling much better.

Your Mom is lucky to have such a concerned off spring.

Be well, Tuck
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