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chronic muscular pain remedies

Hi, I have chronic low back pain, and I can't take Tylenol due to taking Lamisil. I have tried heat packs and this helps a bit but I keep burning myself even with a cover on it. I also take an NSAID and was on flexeril for a long time. I got off of Flexeril as it stopped working and also I have an arrthymia.I tried Tramadol and vicadin in the past and get insomnia from them and I don't want to go back to that level of a pain killer. Is there something inbetween? It isn't nerve pain the muscle relaxer first took the pain away after a couple of weeks. So, I'm sure what to do as I get muscle strains about once or twice a month and this raises my pain level for about a week. I'm trying to get back in shape by walking but I have pain all the time except when I lay down it goes down or away. Standing is ok too but not too long. I am MRI/bone scan and hip xray normal. I have been to many doctors but I 'm just not getting the pain relief I want. I am afraid to try Cymbalta as I've heard it is really hard to get off of and I can't take my migraine meds with a norephinephrine reuptake inhibtor. I get bad side effect with just about everything. There must be some thing out there?
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hi Mkh,

You are always offering your assistance to others... you are a valuable member of our Pain Management Forum. I am sorry that your pain is not better controlled.

I know your concern regarding medications. My system is very touchy too. There are so many medications that I am either allergic to or I just cannot tolerate their side effects. I truly understand where you are coming from.

My pain conditions causes spasms... when this spasms occur it is even more extreme often to the point that it puts me down. I tried a lot of the muscle relaxers like Flexeril. They weren't very effective and gave me a "hang-over" side effect. It would take hours before I felt like I was thinking properly again. So I "suffered" through the spasms. I was foolish of me to do that but then I never claimed to be smart.

It took my physician three years to persuade me to trying Diazepam. I know the horror stories of that drug and I didn't want to be a statistic. Reluctantly I filled the prescription. It has been a wonder drug for me. I still use it very sparingly, maybe one a week... two at the most and sometimes none for ten - twelve or fourteen days. I take it only when I can no longer tolerate the pain and I've tried everything else.

I never recommend medications. What I am suggesting is that you should not be fearful to try something that may be effective in controlling your pain. My physician assured me that I do not have the personality to misuse medications. Indeed I always take less then prescribed. I'm just that way. You sound like you may be similar ...  but don't be so fearful that you put yourself through unnecessary pain and agony.... and you cause your body sleepless nights that will only increase your pain. It's simply not worth it.

I don't know if Cymbalta will help you but be open to suggestions. I did try it for a bit over two weeks... it put me in a mental fog. That doesn't mean it won't be beneficial for you. There are also other medications that may be beneficial. Please have a long discussion with your physician.

I am not endorsing any product... but I find ThermaCare extremely effective in producing long term intense heat to my lower back.... without the burn. It's on my list of home remedies. I also have a massage chair and a jacuzzi. I know that's expensive. I purchased them when I was able to work. However there are massage pads and machines that are less expensive and also effective.  

You know how many times I say if your physician is not listening and not treating your pain it may be time to search for one that will. I think that may be true in your situation. No one has to suffer needlessly. Life is simply too short.

Please let us know how this turns out for you.

My Best,
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Hi and thanks for your advice. No my doctor that prescribes Klonopin to me also asked me if I wanted to go on valium. I was surprised and don't know if he forgot too since I've been on it for 20 years. I'm seeing my other doctor tomorrow and see if he has any ideas. I would like a cortisone injection to see if it helps like last time. If not then we'll go from there. Someone recommended an osteopath to me here locally and I was wondering since you see one do they first give you a physical and then what is their main way to treating? Are they similar to my integrative pain med doctor or different. I've been to an osteopath for my wrist tendononitis and he didn't do much but he did temporarily get the pain down in my wrists using tens units, lidocaine pathes etc. but nothing big.
No I didn't know you are moving south? What state? I hope this is a good move for you. Yes I definitely understand the do what you can before your energy splits for the day. It is hard to have chronic pain and really if you haven't had it they don't really understand. I have been reading about pain and I think part of my problem, maybe a big part is atrophy. I think it can cause pain when as you increase moving around (apparently) so I am learning to pace myself and even time how long I am up during the day so I can do a few minutes extra and not keep overdoing it on good days. Anyway, I wish you well. Let me know how your move goes. Yesterday I was offered a job I could almost do but not yet. I hope that at some point I can do something part time and simple. I'm not even doing housework yet LOL so I guess I have big plans too soon.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Sorry I am so tardy in responding to you. As you may know I am so-oo busy packing and getting ready to go South. As you also know this Chronic Pain only allows me to do so much.... and then I am done in for the day. So I haven't been on MH as much as normal.

Yes, according to the package directions and my pharmacist, you can use the ThermaCare daily. It has been very effective for me.

Diazepam and Klonopin are in the same family of drugs and in my opinion wouldn't be a good mix. That's exactly one of the reasons I don't offer medication advice. One never knows all the medications another may be prescribed and medication suggestions can be very dangerous. I would ask your Pharmacist for suggestions. I rely on them for all my medication concerns or questions.

I hope you are doing better.
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thanks for all your comments. My FP doctor offered the Cymbalta, Savella, and Diazepam. I am on Klonopin though. I took Xanax (as you know also a benodiazepine) and had really bad side affects. I took Xanax 20 year ago when I wasn't on Klopopin and didn't have problems with it it just didn't work for my migraine variant. I think Diazepam would really interefere with Klonopin wouldn't it? I certainly wouldn't take it for more than two days i a row when I have a new strain. The good news is that the strains are getting further apart. They were once a week now once a month. I hope as I get out of atrophy that I will be able to get strong enough to not get strained so easily. I have a full bottle of vicadin and tramadol in the cupboard that are expired for a year so I don't worry about the addiction part the problem. I can throw those in the trash?  I feel much better today but I'm sure I'll spasm tomorrow. I will look at the heat pack you suggested. Is it bad to use it all the time like I do? I figure it increases inflammation but also circulation so I don't know. Cymbalta and Savella also interact with my sumatriptan. So, I don't know. The integrative med doc is using various things to get the pain down and I see him next week but I can't take the d-ribose even though it helps with muscle pain and weakness because of the new or newly felt arrythymia or PAC's I have now.  So, it is difficult. I have been driving and getting out to lunch on the weekends which helps me and my husband. Oh well.
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Wow, sorry to hear about you getting shot with a bow and arrow. I hope you recover soon. Did you intend on posting your comment on the whole site or just replying to my comment? You may want to repost again.
take care,
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