1505610 tn?1289831825

Baby at 38 - too old???

I am 37 yrs old and have two healthy boys age 6 & 4.  I have been wanting to have 1 more baby but hesitated because of financial and obligations concern.  I went to my doctor in July 2010 for the yearly check up and bring up the possibility on trying to become pregnant next year.  Wow....she immediately brought up all the concerns on "OLD AGE" pregnancy - higher risks on down syndrome, miscarriage....etc.  She even said that if in the case that the 3rd baby has some medical issues, that would change the dynamic between me and the boys!!! I was kinda discouraged as I didn't really thought that 38 was that old - well, before I walked in the doc's office anyway.  Has anyone have similar experiences?  How big of a risk really of having baby at this age?  Feel big difference during the pregnancy between a younger and older age?  Any suggestions would help!  Thanks!!

52 Responses
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38 is definitely not too old..I'm 37 with baby #3, my OB doc had her last child at 41.  The last thing you need is an insensitive doc while pregnant...in my opinion I would find a new doc
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1473300 tn?1397588529

Your age is definitely not a problem. I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins at age 39. You should ask your doctor about the medications you are on to make sure they are safe to take during pregnancy. Good luck with whatever you decide.
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1505610 tn?1289831825
Thank you for all your advice. I'm definitely going to search around to see if there are docs around who are more supportive. I agree that I have several friends who just had their 1st baby and they are my age. I'm pretty healthy and active and I feel good about it. Do you gals have natural birth with this baby?

I'm not going to try probably until the summer of next year. Will see if I can get pregnant as easy as the first two times. That's another concern........

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667829 tn?1297978123
I had a baby - conceived at 39, no genetic anomolies
My girlfriend had her first baby at 38, second at 39, no genetic anomolies.......

Good Luck,
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I'm sorry dr can discourage a woman in this situation so much! This is unfair and ridiculous when turning for the piece of advice we get THIS..You can become a mom of a healthy baby! I'm 41 yrs oldie. When I started IVF round my amh level showed 10,8 - not too many. Anyway they could find nothing wrong with me apart from being old and fat.  ivf#1 failed. Began preparation for the second round. I did reflexology, ate pine apples, brazil nuts. I truly wasn't expecting it to work 'cause 8 of 10 eggs died before day 5 (My repro center deals with fresh material only, particularly with 5 day blasts). So they transferred the remaining 2 and 1 of them implanted. I'm currently a couple of days before delivery. I know my story differs from yours. But the only thing I wanna say is that everything's possible!! Also have a look onto   donation method - just the point for plan B. Wishing you all the very best on your way xx
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For me it's never too old! Though most fertility clinics consider anyone over the age of 35 to be of an “advanced maternal age”. Our Dr says, physically, nothing changes at 30 or 35 or 40 or 45 - aside from fertility. The human body is capable of carrying the baby - physically, there is nothing wrong, and women even into their 50s and 60s can do it, as long as they are healthy. It’s simply that we become, over time, less fertile. We run out of eggs, and their quality decreases. In fact, she says, for many women, sometime after 40 is where the “cliff” is, and many women are unaware of how quickly and steeply it can decline.
I'm 40 yo, dx - unexplained infertility, low amh, extra elbs. Waiting to start inject myself for ivf cycle. This time Dr gives us a try with oe, so put all my hopes into the positive outcome.
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I am 38 and I am 9 weeks and a couple of days got pregnant naturally I also have a 6 year old daughter and a 3 year old daughter that has spina bifida I talked to the genetic lady she said with my age with spina bifida happening again is 4 percent I have no family history of spina bifida not even on my husband side my oldest has grey matter her brain did not delope rite in the womb didn't find out till she was 2 an a half years old threw MRI but she is smart and doing great in school and when I turn 13 weeks I am going to go for genetic testing after my ultrasound and also will be seeing my high risk doctor and my oldest daughter having grey matter they think that is a genetic issue they tested her but her insurance denied it and I understand money situation my husband is worried to but I'm going to work soon go for training at child care and get paid for the 2 week training if I like it I'll get another job closer by I'll work till I'm 8 months or 9 months will see how things go I get ssi and ssd and so does my sec daughter plus we get food stamps and wic
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4769306 tn?1568490209
As many Dr try and play the age card I have met may women on this website that Dr consider to be past the maternal age have successful pregnancies and healthy babies. Do not let this factor stop you. I got pregnant for the 1st time at the age of 33 and miscarried at 7wks. Can't say I was too old. I suffered a 2nd trimester miscarriage at  18wks I was 33 and another 2nd trimester loss at 35. Both 2nd trimester loss were come to find out due to incompetent cervix and will be getting cerclage at next pregnancy. Im currently 37 will be 38 in June and Im not giving up on having our beautiful rainbow baby and don't you give up either! Good luck and baby dust
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I am 38 and 3 weeks till I meet my son Christian I think some doctors try to scare you because there are risks but at the end of the day its all in GOS hands how things end.
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5304335 tn?1366218105
I was told at 36 when i found out I was pregnant that I was considered an "old" pregnant lady that anything after 35 they consider old!!  wow - me I had my first child at 27 second at 32 and the only thing I can say about being pregnant at 35 is that I had TWINS...apparently the older you get your chances double :-).  I had less problems with my pregnancy with the twins at 35 than i did with my daughter at 27.  I think it has a lot to do with your lifestyle at the time you are pregnant for instance at 27 with my daughter i worked a lot of overtime etc and drove 40 mins back and forth to work everyday had High blood pressure starting at 34 weeks and was on bed rest also had pre-eclampsia, with my son at 32 years old worked a bunch rode the bus to and from work every day at 40 min ride each way then walked 1/2 a mile each way morning and evening at 35 weeks High Blood Pressure and pre-eclampsia....delivered my daughter and son at 38 weeks completely healthy.  At age 35 pregnant with twins, did not work got laid off stayed at home the whole pregnancy with my 3 yr old son.  NO health issues besides gestational diabetes which i never had to take insulin for i managed on my own eating really well which is good...had a c-section scheduled at 38 weeks started high blood pressure at 37 weeks delivered TWINS at 37 weeks full term no issues health wise to me or to them they weighed 5pds 1 oz and 6pds 4oz...  i totally believe because i wasnt stressed with work and my lifestyle was different even though i was older my pregnancy was easier and healthier for me and my baby.  I dont think you can judge on age alone... I would go for it if i were you
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I am 38 and pregnant with our first babe. So happy I waited for the right time and right man to have a baby. We got pregnant the first month we ttc. Life is not as predictible as expected for most of the people. Doctors have personal opinions on this issue. There are girls in their 20s with difficult pregnancies. Life!!!
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I love reading this... I am 38 and want to have my first child...finally feel ready but am a little scared to have a child so late in life. I feel like I am 16 most days, I forget that I am nearing 40....I am glad to see some others having babies at the right time and the time being close to my age
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I am 38 and pregnant with our first babe. So happy I waited for the right time and right man to have a baby. We got pregnant the first month we ttc. Life is not as predictible as expected for most of the people. Doctors have personal opinions on this issue. There are girls in their 20s with difficult pregnancies. Life!!!
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I am turning 40 today and am 35 weeks with my second. It has been hard on me physically but I am diabetic. I don't remember having this hard of a time with my daughter 8 years ago but the end result is what we all wish for. I suggest that if you truly want one more, do it now before it gets any harder. I wish I had been with my current husband 5 years ago. Maybe things would be less uncomfortable. I hope that  you make a good decision for you and your family.
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hi renny my name is john ,am just wont know if my girl she can get pregnant cos am so scared cos of not haveing baby cos she is 38 and i 36.all am saying is do u think we can have baby just like athere ppl or there is same thing secrit to have a baby when u r to late
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Hi ladies, you can call me JC. I will be turning 38 come July. I have been thinking of another baby myself. My son just turned 3 today but I am afraid. I have been taking cymbalta and a mood stabilizer for a while now. Is it even a consideration for me to have another child? I was not on any of these drugs when I had my son at 34. Boy, do things change as time goes and we get older. Does anyone have positive feed back for me or realistic feed back, either one will work. I just want to make the right decision for me and my family.

Thank you all!
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I had my fifth baby at 38. I will say that I was high risk, not because of age, but because of high blood pressure. Age itself is not high risk, but age can increase your chances of having a high risk pregnancy. Also, down sydrome does increase with age. But, my baby is perfectly healthy, thank the Lord. Good luck.
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hi there.
i had my FIRST baby at age 38.. i think you should go for it.. if its something that you really want.. why not?
i'm 39 now, and wanting to have a 2nd.. i've had a rough go at it this time (2 losses in 4 months), but i have faith, and i will fight on..
Good Luck! :) please keep me posted! :)
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1027304 tn?1333973406
Thank you so much, I did have a great fertility doctor.   You have the right to change to any doctor until you find one that works for you, however they probably will charge it as a visit.
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1505610 tn?1289831825
Good luck on you too for your upcoming baby boy!  You got a great supportive doctor!  I really need to do a little more research on my doctor!!  I wonder if I could just make appointment to go talk to the doctor, do they still charge it as a visit?  I suppose.....
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1505610 tn?1289831825
Good luck on your pregnancy.  Sounds like everything is going well so far, all the best.

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To adgal:
"High risk pregnancy is a term typically used because of a preexisting medical condition, or a history of problems such as early labor in other pregnancies."

It will be good to know about it before getting pregnant , so i wont be so stress out today, reading your post make me realized that is true what you said" hi risk" should be in case of any problem you had encounter getting pregnant or while pregnant.
In my case I have been 99% healthy( 1% is the cold here and there) and  i have been terrorized  by people around like ..ohhh you need to go to a "hi risk pregnancy" doctor because of your age... it feels no right!...


You are 38 y/o and still have a chance and if economy and time is not an issue and you both love to have more kids and then its geat..i wish you luck and happiness

You are right about it , they supposed to encourage us since we are pregnant already and wish us the best.

I am 42y/o today 15 weeks and since its my first one i have been through a lot and i dont want any woman to go through to all these fears and questions just because we are older than 35y/o

everything was going well until I had a doctor calling me from the trimester test' s clinic ( i didnt know who this doctor was) saying me numbers over the phone and scaring the life out of me. i right away came her to MH and post my numbers all scared and thanks to ecologic and adgal that explained me  that my chances are only 1% of having problems( tx girls!)

My main doctor called me the following day telling me that everything looks great!.. i dont even need amnio or anything, meanhwile the doctor from the test was pushing me for the amnio test... ( thats the difference of a good doctor and a not to good doctor)
to the point my main doctor has send me to a different clinic for my 20 weeks u/s_test( he didnt like the way they handle my case just because of my age)

I am praying to have a healthy baby because this is our first one and last one and we can afford only one.

Good luck to everyone
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1027304 tn?1333973406
forgot to mention that my mother in law is an elementary school teacher.    She'd definately know.
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I got the same thing from 2 of the doctors i was seeing... 2.5 years ago I went to my old practice and the doctor kept saying over and over again... "Do you know what your are doing... it will be such a HIGH RISK pregnancy... your too old to get pregnant..." It was driving me nuts... the next time he said it ... I looked at him and asked him if he thought i was stupid and hadn't thought about what i was doing... and that if he said anything like again I was going to his supervisor!!!  It was the last time I saw him!!!

Then just a couple of months ago I went to another doctor and she was just as rude... I did leave there crying but when I got home i called the insurance company and told them what happened... They apologized for her and gave me the names of other female doctors that I could visit...

I found a practice that I really like from a referral from a friend... They give free pregnancy tests!!!

I think that doctors should have to have write ups like other professionals ... so we the patients could make better choices when choosing our medical professionals...
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1027304 tn?1333973406
I think your dr. is wack!!!!!!    I'm 43 and 17 weeks pregnant with a healthy little boy, confirmed by CVS testing.

When I told my dr. at 41 that i was going to try, she said.....I'm so excited for you, I can't wait to see you with a baby bump.    Not once did she mention the downside.      

38 is NOT old anymore when it comes to baby making, more and more of us "older women" are having beautiful babies.   I was even told by my pediatrition and my mother in law that "older women" are SOOOOO much better parents and have much better behaved and well rounded children.
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