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377493 tn?1356502149

beta levels

So I don't think this looks very good.  They are only at 3923, which means a doubling time of every 3 1/2 days.  No sign of miscarriage, but I am no longer very hopeful.  I guess we will have to see what happens.  
29 Responses
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631676 tn?1333718203
hi amanda - i so know how hard this is. and unfair. and mental torture. i was ready to throw in the towel yesterday, and i overheard the woman in the next exam room say "after 6 years, i've had it". if she can do 6 years, i can do one more round of these meds that are sucking the life out of me. and if i can do it, i know YOU can hang on just a few more days. whatever you have to do to take your mind off of it. go play with puppies or kittens!!!! let you and the baby relax until monday. thinking of you...
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901749 tn?1243542956
Hi Amanda,
I know this is tough but after reading what everyone is saying regarding the numbers...I believe everything is fine!!!
Try to rest and relax.  Monday will be here soon and all will be well!!
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254689 tn?1251180040
My beta did the same thing, Amanda, and look - here he is - a little No-No (a terrible nick-name I know - LOL).  My re said the exact same thing that you found in that article:  that the numbers slow down after a certain number (1200-1500) because when i got my 3rd number, I started crying and the re called me back herself (shock) & explained the situation.  

it sounds like you're handling things beautifully - I know how hard it is when a baby is wanted so badly.  Keep the faith, girlfriend - Love, jen
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208686 tn?1293030503
Well, well. I take a break from Medhelp for a while and come back to find out everyone is getting BFP's! Amanda, I am so happy for you and I am sending you good vibes to ease your stress level over all of this. Your beta sounds GREAT to me! I wish you the best and will definitely check back every now and then now! Congrats again!

Big hugs to you and Warren!
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121828 tn?1333464491
Oh Gosh Amanda. I wish I had a time machine for you. I would zip you right through to the 8th!! It's going to be long, but it's going to be okay too.  You have 1/2 the internet praying for you girl!!
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296076 tn?1371334474
I totally know what you mean.. heck I was googling for you haha... but I have found the same that after 1200 it slows down and I have found it on a ton of sites by dr.'s .. try not to stress.. 6 days and when you see that little heart yours will melt!
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324913 tn?1302869517
Amanda, I'm so very truly sorry that you have to go through this but I do understand as the same happened to me.  I was having such a hard time believing that my 8th IVF cycle actually resulted in a bfp that I was doing betas every day for a week and then I did a couple more a few days apart.  All was going along well until one came back a LOT lower than I was expecting it to considering the doubling time for the others.  
And like you, I did NOT want to stress but it can't be helped. I swear I thought I would pass out... I went into a flat panic and was ringing every doctor and lab technician I could get my hands on. But both the lab technician and my doc who I finally got a hold of practically laughed at me saying that the numbers simply CAN'T go on doubling at the same rate and that they DO slow down and that it's perfectly normal and my doc did say that I shouldn't pay too much attention to what I read on the internet (he knows I research everything) because everyone's beta numbers will behave a little differently.
I'm sorry if I'm repeating things you've already been told... I didn't read through everyone's comments on here as it's 4 am and I'm only up because I have a nasty flu and can't get back to sleep!!
I hope you're felling better about things and I pray that all goes well for you.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I am not really stressing, and I just can't help the googling.  I found an article on MedMd that talked about HCG levels and how much stress people put themselves under by misinterpreting them.  It also talked about the speed of doubling slowing down to 72-96 hours after 1200.  It was written by an actual RE, so that really made me feel better.  Not that I didn't trust you guys, but it's good to see an article by a Dr.  I also coughed up the $20 and wrote the "Ask an Expert" here at Medhelp, so will see what she says.

I don't mean to stress.  Trust me, I do not want to feel this way.  It's just that this is my 6th pregnancy since Nov. 2007, and it has taken it's toll.  I know many have been through much worse, but I still can't help it.  I am trying not to, and writing it out here helps a lot. I don't have anyone in my life that has been through anything like this.  DH is great, and tries to understand, but I am not entirely sure it is real for him yet, if that makes any sense.  I will let you all know how the ultrasound goes.  
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Hey girl:  I am so sorry to hear about your beta numbers but you have to stay positive.  It has been over 10 yrs since I was preggy with my twins so what exactly is beta levels.  What level numbers r normal?  Everything will be ok just take a deep breath and relax.  It is really hard to stay positive but you have to for the baby.  That pain I was talking about yesterday in my lower belly has gone away.  I think it was just gas or something from the Cipro meds.  I seem fine now.  I wanted to tell you that a friend of mine had two miscarriages by the time she was at her 7-8 week of pregnancy but then she changed docs and this new doc found that she had an infection so he treated her with a high dose of an antibotics and now she has 2 beautiful boys.  She just had her second boy the beginning of May.  Maybe that's what's going on with you.  I had a difficult pregnancy when I was carrying my twins so I know what it's like to be upset and depressed all of the time but now they are healthy and fine.  Feel better and hang in there, ok.  No more upsetting talk, ok.  Everything will be fine.  Have a good night and thanks for your advice.  I check up on you tomorrow.  
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i think monday is far too long to drag you through this, i wish you could get in sooner.  after 2000-2500 i think you should see something on u/s, so you are there.  your numbers are still good, and no bleeding, so you are still in the game, so to speak.  this is going to be a very long week, but it is good practice for all the long nights and the waiting you will be doing over and over again in the future :) when this baby gets here.  
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229760 tn?1291467870
STOP STRESSING AND STOP GOOGLING!!!! Everyone has said it perfectly! Stop getting yourself all worked up!!!!! You know better then anyone else that does absolutely no good.

I do not care wait you say,  I still have a great feeling about this one and I am not going to sit here and let you feel sorry for yourself!!!!! You are pregnant.........so smile!!!!!!!

Sorry to be so harsh, you know I love ya and this little bean!!!!

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Amanda...relax honey bun!! The fact that the numbers are still increasing and from what I've read here today with how often they double...at your stage, 3 1/2 days is plenty for it to double. Don't get yourself all worked up...stress is absolutely no good at all!!! We all believe in our heart of hearts that this is the pregnancy you will take all the way!!! Try to keep yourself busy and the 6 days will fly by!! After your ultrasound and you can see the heartbeat (will you be far enough along for that?) you will feel 110% better...We are all routing for your little bean!!!
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503649 tn?1304357466
Hang in there sweetie. Like I said my numbers with Gav Man moved very slow, please stay positive.  I just know when you go for your ultrasound you're finally going to see that tiny heartbeat, I just know it.  You're putting way too much into this and I just know things are going to be okay.  Your numbers are going up, maybe not where you want them to be, but they are moving, atleast they are not going down.  Monday will be here before you know it and things are going to be okay, trust in the Lord that he is going to give you strength through all this and everything is going to work out okay.  Believe...Keep your chin up and stay positive.

Love Ya Lots!!!
Please call me if you need to talk
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216278 tn?1308861082
Hi, Amanda....

I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry you are experiencing any anxiety and for those of us who have had multiple miscarriages, it's completely understandable. (Heck, I just got my first beta today and now my cramps are freaking me out!!)

I know it isn't easy, but try to stay positive and calm!  You are in God's hands and He will always protect!

You are in my thoughts and prayers and I really just wanted to give you a big CYBER-HUG!!!!

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377493 tn?1356502149
I decided to come into work as I was going insane sitting at home doing nothing but stressing.  I probably spent my entire morning googling this.  Everything I found says that after 1200, doubling time moves from 72-96 hours, and this is still considered normal.  The nurse at my OB's office said we just have to wait and see, but the fact that I am not having any miscarriage symptoms is good.  We have a prenatal clinic where I work.  We aren't supposed to use it as it is for street people who are often unable to get care anywhere else.  However, I was able to grab one of the nurses that I know a little bit and tell her what was happening.  She said she just attended a medical conference where they discussed this very issue, and the general concencus is they are moving away from over analyzing HCG levels.  She said they are going up, so that is a good thing.  She reiterated that having a miscarriage with no symptoms happens only about 1% of the time.  Every day with no signs or symptoms of loss is to be celebrated, so that is what I will try to do.  I am not going to give up on this little bean to quickly...

Symptoms had subsided today a bit, but I am still having bouts of nausea and breasts are still uncomfortable.  These are all positives, so I will just try to stick with that.  Going to the ER here for a non emergency means sitting around stressing for several hours.  I may do it tomorrow if I feel too worried, I will just take it day by day.  I am going to try to stay busy....monday is only 6 days away and I will have my answers.

Once again, I really appreciate all the support.  What will be will be and right now it's out of my hands.  Thanks everyone, love you tonnes.  Amanda
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427454 tn?1315500950
I agree with pinkbelle.  I went to the ER each time during my pregn.  They will not allow you to see the u/s, but they will tell you if there is an heartbeat, as well as if everything is looking ok.  I went in complaining of light bleeding and pain.  You will probably be there all day, but at the end of the visit you will know something one way or the other.  Follow your heart... this is just an opinion that may give you peace of mind.  
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284738 tn?1283106819
if u are honestly driving yourself crazy.. i would go to the local ER ( i know i know its not technically an emergency) and get an ultrasound.. when i was 6 weeks pregnant with aubree .. i just didnt feel 'right' and i told my ob and he couldnt get me scheduled for an ultrasound so i went to the ER they did a quantive test and an ultrasound.. i wasn't aloud to see the ultrasound but they could tell me everything was okay..  i did find out that i had severe anemia thats why i didnt feel right.... so they put me on a high iron supplement..  
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151928 tn?1275707337
Remember the advice you gave me about positive thinking and the mind!  It's so freakin hard but try to do that as much as possible.  Also, my friend who is in labor as I write this, her beta's took 3 days to double and that was from the very beginning!  I'm praying for you girl!
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427454 tn?1315500950
Try not to worry... I for one know that is not the easiest thing to do right now, but for the sake of the baby and yourself; please try your hardest to relax.  You are in my prayers and thoughts.  Everything will be alright, you just have to believe that.  Sending a big hug your way:-)
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178698 tn?1228774338
I'm sorry you are stressing right now over this.  I do hope and pray that everything turns out well.  Have you had an ultrasound yet?  
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377493 tn?1356502149
There is no chance of getting an ultrasound any sooner.  The labs here are so backed up, it was tough to get an appointment when I did.  I am pulling myself together here.  I think I was expecting at least 12,000, so hearing that number was a total shock to me.  I will be ok, I just need to logic it out if you know what I mean.  Doubling time is about every 84 hours right now, or 48%.  No sign of miscarriage though, so I guess I just need to wait it out.  Love you all, and thanks for the support.
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296076 tn?1371334474
Within the first 2-4 weeks after fertilization, hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours
An increase of 60% in 48 hours is still considered normal

Below 1,200 mIU/ml, hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours

Between 1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml serum, the hCG usually takes 72-96 hours to double

Above 6,000 mIU/ml, the hCG often takes over four days to double

Normal levels of hCG can vary tremendously. After 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, sonogram findings are much more predictive of pregnancy outcome than are HCG levels. Once the fetal heart rate is seen, most doctors will monitor the fetal heart rate rather than drawing hCG


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503649 tn?1304357466
Mine did the same exact thing with Gav Man, my numbers jumped like yours did then slowed down.  My RE told me that after so far you would take your numbers every 3 days (72 hours).  How many days are these blood draws apart?  Please stay positive, this by far does not mean you're miscarring.  I would request to have an ultrasound sooner, you shouldn't have to wait that long.  If the pregnancy is good and there is a heartbeat it will show on an ultrasound with those type of numbers.  Call your doctor back and see if you can get an ultrasound sooner.
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184342 tn?1282588750
Don't stress too much right now....  I know that is hard to do-  with my last miscarriage (I was spotting) I just wanted to do the same thing- crawl under the covers and make it go away-  so I know that feeling.  With your other miscarriages did you have spotting/cramping anything like that?  Both of my miscarriages followed the same exact pattern,  so if this pregnancy is not following the same pattern, perhaps that is a good sign!  Can you have them move the u/s up to this week?  for piece of mind?  Is this the same doc who has treated you in all of your pregnancies-  I'll bet they'll move it for you if you ask.
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