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No amniotic fluid

Hello, last Thursday I was scheduled for an amniocentesis but when they did the ultrasound they found that I had no amniotic fluid. I am 17 weeks and believe I leaked amniotic fluid about 3 weeks ago. After serious soul searching we decided not to terminate and give this baby every chance at life. The doctor has told us that if the baby is born alive there is a a great chance that the lungs would not develop properly and won't survive outside the womb. They also said that there may be other issues as well. I just wanted to know if there is anyone else who has experienced the same situation and what the outcome was. Also if you could pray for us that would be wonderful as I believe in the power of prayer. Thanks.
15 Responses
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1346146 tn?1299360497
Sorry you are going through this.  Are they going to try maternal re-hydration with oral or  iv fluids, that can sometimes increase fluid.   Its worth a shot.  Good luck to you.
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Hi trying43,

I am on bedrest and drinking lots of water (over a gallon a day) in hopes that my amniotic fluid will reaccumalate. I am also going for a second opinion as I not to happy with the high risk specialist that my regular OB referred me to. She's seems annoyed that I want to continue with the pregnancy
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1346146 tn?1299360497
Im glad your getting a second opinion.  I cant believe the dr is annoyed because you want to give your baby a chance.(of course I had 2 drs tell me I was in early menopause so just goes to show you drs dont know it all, lol I had to seek a third opinion and I am now pg with number 3)  I am surprised they arent doing iv fluids on you as well .  I am a firm believer in prayer also and will be saying lots for you and your little one.  If you need to talk or vent feel free to email me anytime, I am usually on here everyday. And I am sure with you on bedrest, you must be bored silly! (I was on bedrest for 5 months with my first son) Hope everything goes well.
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Thanks trying43, I can't believe the doctor as well. They say that I will be hositalized at week 24 until I deliver but like you I wonder why they don't have me on an IV already. I'll ask the doctor were I'm getting the second opinion.It's a totally different medical group. I don't mind being in the hospital if it's what's best for the baby. I agree doctors don't know it all. I was going for prenatal massages and my massage therapist said that I need to listen and trust my body and honestly I feel great I am so happy to be pregnant and up to last week I was on top of the world. Then I met that doctor and now I'm worried but still feel good. You're right I know I'll be bored on bed rest, right now I'm sleeping a lot and it's wonderful but I wonder how long it'll be until I can't take it anymore. I thank God that I'm always thirsty too....makes it easier to drink all this water :). Congradulations on your pregnancy!
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1346146 tn?1299360497
I agree, listen to your body and dont let anyone talk you into anything you dont want to do.  Only you can decide whats right for your family.  Gods making you thirsty for a reason, lol.  I hope you dont get too bored, I did get totally bored but I am a very active person who is constantly doing something whether its in the house or yardwork and I had to stay at my inlaws because dh wanted me watched at all times.(he was very paraniod I would jump up and do spontaneous housework or something)  Keep me updated and I will keep ya on the prayer list.
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1293529 tn?1325184540
I am also glad you are going for a second opinion.  I have encountered so many doctors that have been wrong about things and make horrible judgement calls.  Keep praying and know that God has a plan for you and your baby.  I will pray for you too.
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977943 tn?1302255020
Good for you on getting a second opinion.  I am sorry for what you are going through.  I will add you to my prayer list.  Keep the faith.
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So I had my appt for a second opinion last Friday. The consultation was th same doom and gloom prognosis. They are concerned with the lung development and the baby's ability to breath outside the womb. During ultrasound, they did not see any amniotic fluid although the baby was moving and had a strong heartbeat. There were two positive things that came out of this appt. One... the doctor found kidneys, this is an important hurdle because they did not know if the baby had a problem with it's renal system. Without kidney's the baby would not be able to urinate they believe the incident I had a month ago was the cause of no amniotic fluid. I've since learned that my conndition was caused by Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM). The second positive things is the doctor (perinatalist) that advised me (Dr. A) seemed very sincere and concerned. Although the prognosis is not good she is willing to take me on as a patient. She was frustrated with the lack of counseling I got from my OB (Dr. R) and perinatalist (Dr.L).

I will be transferring my care to Dr. A but have to go to my first and final prenatal appt tomorrow with Dr. L tomorrow as chances are I won't be able to get a prenatal appt soon (within the next week) with Dr. A due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and the need to transfer my medical records to her. I'm still going to try though. I need to go to this first appt with Dr. L because I'm afraid once they know I plan to transfer my care they will cancel my appt. My OB, Dr. R transferred my care to Dr. L and cancelled an appt I had last Friday morning with him without advising me. I know I am a little sensitive right now due to pregnancy horomones and this grim prognosis but a courtesy call would of been nice. I feel like he just abandoned me and I've been going to him for the past 10 years, although only for my annual pap smears and a laproscopy last year. I just don't think that was right.

I'm still on bedrest and drinking tons of fluids. I feel good and there are no signs of infection. My job has been very supportive which definitely helps. I'm still very afraid and am having a hard time trying to balance being hopeful and preparing for the worse. I still plan to carry this baby as long as I can and I know we will be okay even though I don't know what okay is at the moment. I accept the fact that the baby that I am carrying belongs to the Lord and feel very privledged that He chose me to be it's mommy. I continue to pray and ask that you do the same. I am thankful for your prayers and I really do feel them.

Another thing I wanted to mention was that I found this very informative website on this condition and it looks like they offer lots of support. If you are unfortunate to find yourself in a similar situation or know someone who is the website is... http://www.kanalen.org/prom/

Thanks for reading and God bless you.
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1346146 tn?1299360497
I just saw your update.  At least this new doctor is supportive. And its great the baby is active and has kidneys.  The Lord has given you a wonderful gift and your little one is so lucky to have you as a Mom!  I will keep you both in my prayers.  
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1293529 tn?1325184540
I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing?  I am glad you have a much more supportive doctor now.  I hope you keep praying and have faith that eveything will turn out ok.  Please keep us posted.
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Hello, I'm doing ok. I'm still pregnant. I did find a supportive doctor but with the holidays coming up and considering she's in high demand at Stanford I don't have an appt until December 9th. After that I think I'll be seeing her weekly.So for now I'm stuck with the medical group that first diagnosed me. I had my first prenatal with them last Tuesday everything looked good except them not seeing any amniotic fluid. They still have the same concerns. I met with the nurse and she was more supportive but I was suprised that she was the only RN in the whole practice. She told me alot about what to expect in terms of furture treatment, hospitalization, and medications that they would give me once I am in the hospital. But for now there's really nothing they can do until I reach 24 weeks. Sometimes I think they are just waiting for me to miscarry :(. I have another appt with them next Tuesday and an ultrasound the following week then my appt at Stanford. It's weird they have this portable sono machine that is much smaller that the one they use for the amniocentisis but we could see much more on it. I told the nurse I would see any of their 4 doctors except Dr. L and they have honored my request. The nurse even asked me if I had called earlier requesting specifically not to see her. I said no it wasn't me. I guess I'm not the only that feels this way about this doctor.

Today, I was feeling a little down and out because it is my boyfriends B-Day and I'm stuck in bed and fear started creeping into my mind again. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself but then I thought I'm still pregnant and started thanking God for another day to love this little one. I feel guilty when I cry because I know my baby feels what I feel. So I keep reminding myself to think happy and loving thoughts. I will admit it's hard sometimes especially after doctor's appointments.

I am still praying a lot and ask that you continue praying for me. I thank God for His unfailing love and I know things will turn out okay. I'm grateful that this situation has brought me closer to God and I sing praises to Him. Sometimes I feel the baby move when I worship the Lord. That is one of the best feelings in my world these days.

Thanks for reading. God bless.

Thanks for checking in on me MissLisa82. It means a lot to know we're not forgotten :).
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1293529 tn?1325184540
Hey, how are you and baby doing?  I hope everything is still going as well as can be.  It is not much longer until your appointment at Stanford now.  I do hope you had a good Thanksgiving.  Please let us all know how you are doing.
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I am very saddened to say that my baby girl was born on November 24th at 19w5d. She did not survive because she was too premature. She was absolutely perfect and we named her Jessica Adina. We buried her two days ago. The umbilcal cord prolapsed on Tuesday 11/23 at around 10am and I had her on 11/24 at 5am.

I am heartbroken and the grieving process is very different between my boyfriend and I. I'm not sure if we'll be able to overcome this. I need to talk about my baby and remember her and he just wants to forget. It hurts me...for some reason I thought she would be a boy but when I found out she was a girl.... It just crushed me. I'm not sure if it's because she resembled me or because of all the things I realize I will miss not having her. I already went through the motions years ago of losing a baby boy....but things are different with a girl (no baking cakes or cookies, no dance recitals, etc). To me boyfriend wanting to forget her is like forgetting me and it pisses me off. She didn't do anything to anybody, she doesn't deserve to be forgotten.

17 years ago I lost a baby boy at 24 weeks and I had him by c-section. Due to the c-section I developed endometriosis and scarring on  a fallopian tube. I was only 18 years old back then and it still hurts me today to remember my first baby. My preganancy with Jessica was totally different from the first. No morning sickness, no mood swings, the only symptom was fatigue which was fine with me as I had difficulties sleeping prior to getting pregnant with her. Even delivering her was with minimal pain. This little girl has given me so much...with endometriosis I was in a lot of pain during ovulation and menstruation, I was on a wheat free and dairy free diet. I could not eat many of my favorite foods because of the pain it would cause. Jessica changed all that and I dread my cycle getting back to normal because I fear the pain will come back .I'll be back on that diet (yuck)...it keeps me in shape  though.

Endometriosis causes infertility and I'm already 35. We were trying to concieve for over two years. We went to a fertility specialist after the pain was so extreme for me that I asked my obbgyn to refer me to a doctor for pain management. That's when he wanted me to get more aggressive with TTC as the only treatment for endometriosis is birth control which defeats the purpose of trying to conceive. We we're very fortunate to get pregnant after our first cycle of IUI.

Having Jessica was truely a blessing to me and I am so very disappointed that I won't be able to take care of her. I know we did everything we could to try to keep her...it just wasn't enough. Being that she was less than 24 weeks gestational age I felt like the doctors were so eager to throw in the towel and start over. It looks like getting pregnant does not come easy for me even so I truely beleive life starts at conception so regardless of how I got pregnant....losing her is my worst nightmare come true.

As I mentioned having Jessica was truely a blessing and I am very grateful for being able to concieve and carry her even for a short period of time. I do get angry as the wound is still very fresh. I don't get angry at Jessica, she's my angel and has given me so much. I won't know if the endometriosis comes back until after my cycle gets back to normal. But the break and relief she's given me is priceless.

Right now I'm slightly angry at the doctors but more angry with God. I know I have to take this anger to God and continue to communicate with Him. I made the mistake after losing my son 17 years ago of turning my back on God and refusing to communicate with Him (very stupid). I'm afraid though...I keep thinking "who am I to be angry at God". I don't want to go to church anymore, or tithe, or even celebrate Christmas. To me Christmas presents has always been about celebrating God's love with everyone especially those less fortunate but this year I can't help but to ask "what about God's love for us (Jessica, dad, and I)" .

I'm sorry to share my sob story and I was debating sharing my experience thinking who needs another scary, depressing story. It helps to get it out though. I'm learning that miscarriage and premature births are more common than people think but for some reason it isn't discussed so many of us are unaware.

As for the future, I'm not sure if boyfriend and I will try again. I believe he wants to but i don't know...Jessica can never be replaced and I don't know if I'll experience the same outcome as I'm a two time loser during the 2nd trimester. They say it's rare and statistics are very low but it's hard to believe when you're walking in my shoes.

Please continue to pray for us. Thanks.

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1346146 tn?1299360497
I am so sorry for your loss.  I will keep praying for you.  
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1293529 tn?1325184540
I am so very sorry for your loss.  I was fearing that this was what I was going to read when I got on here but I was hoping it would not be.  I thank you for sharing your story, I know it must have been difficult.  I will not try to say I know how you feel because I have absolutely no idea.  I know there have been many women even on this site that share similiar stories though and I hope you find some other women on this site that can help you try to cope with this.  I will keep praying for you.  I know how angry you must be with God but please don't lose your faith.  I truly believe that God knows what he is doing and that there is a reason for everything that he does.  I know that does not help your pain now and it does not make any sense how there could be a reason that this happened to you, but in time God will show you and help you to realize why this had to happen.  I hope that my words don't anger you, I actully was hoping they may help you.  God loves you and he loves Jessica, he just felt he neede her in heaven right now.
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