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283175 tn?1295537265


Well hi all,hows everyone doing,has anyone tried ovulex,and does it work, i thought i hit the jack pot this month,but not so af showed her ugly face.any comments...
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423388 tn?1203324646
Hi all, I opened a NEW THREAD.. please everyone come to http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/444849
Title Ovulex-
Question Does ovulex really work New thread..
This thread is taking forever to load so that is the new one.

Thanks see you there :)
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So - I'm on day 15 of my cycle. I usually ovulate on this day (pre-Ovulex) but have been on Ovulex for two weeks (started the day after my af) and no sign of ovulation! I'm going to start opk twice a day so i'm sure to catch it when it does happen...

how are you ladies doing today?
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272759 tn?1270485594
bridget-yes, the post is getting long and it hard to load.  i am okay with starting a new thread...  got to go to work now though, so, if anyone does it, just call it ovulex or something related so that i can find it ;-)
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272759 tn?1270485594
bridget-is clearblue the digital one with the smiley faces?  if so, i did use that one.  ovulex lengthen my cycle by about 2 or 3 days.  i hope these signs are good ones for you.

babybee-the shadiness was mostly from the company.  they got into some trouble with some of their other products--i think they also sold diet pills or muscle pills or something like that.  look up selmedica under the better business beareau.  if you google enough things regarding problems with selmedica/ovulex, you will find some scary stories.  however, you must remember, that there are many success stories as well.  ovulex is all natural.  it just seems that the company is shadey...they weren't giving people their money back when the product didn't work, etc.  i actually emailed many questions to them and they answered all of the ones about the product, but when i was asking questions about what i read, i never heard back from them.  but, i tried to look over it and i am glad that i did because ovulex was very helpful to me.  and despite what i read, i would take it again next time i try to conceive.  
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423388 tn?1203324646
Ok is it just me or does this page take forever to load?? Anyone thought of starting a new thread? Well I have been pretty crampy off and on this week. I am not sure why. My a/f is not due for another week if i was on a 28 day cycle.. But who knows what cycle I am on. My last one was 34 days and the previous was 41 days. Been on ovulex for 4 weeks now. These cramps really feel like the ones I had when I was pregnant but I really dont think that's what is going on because my breasts are not sore. I didnt feel cramps like this till i was about 5 weeks pregnant but my breasts were very sore from the start. I am not sure if it's a/f coming sooner or what..  Has anyone tried the clearplan (clearblue) monitor?? I am thinking of buying one just wondering if anyone has one and how well it works???
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what things have you heard that was disturbing?
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272759 tn?1270485594
thank you for posting that about **** quai.  i stopped taking it between ovulation and my period and got pregnant in 6 wks so i don't believe there is harm in stopping.  and i definitely believe that women go on to have healthy pregnancies if they have taken ovulex the entire cycle, however, i am also aware that there is a decent history of m/c with ovulex and i can't help but wonder if that is why.  i'm not saying that **** quai causes every woman to m/c, but because there is warning about the dangers of **** quai, certainly i wouldn't want to risk the chance.  as for the company, when i first started taking ovulex, they said that i should stop as soon as i find out i am pregnant.  they wouldn't want you to stop taking it right away if there wasn't something in it that was harmful to the baby.  even though i am a huge fan of the drug, i do have reservations about the company.  i found some pretty disturbing info about them on the web/better business bureau, etc.  however, since i knew 4 others that were successful with ovulex, i tried to forget what i read about the makers of ovulex.  and, i am glad that i took it anyway.  i guess what i am trying to say is, that i wouldn't completely trust anything they told me which is why i continued to do research on my own.

how are things with you girl?  in 2 days i will be in my 2nd trimester!  can you believe it???  
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283175 tn?1295537265
CAUTIONS ingrediant of ovulex..
Do not take **** Quai during pregnancy; and it would be wise to avoid it when taking any other product or drug which affects the female hormone system - such as HRT or the contraceptive pill.and ingredient,this is the one that there are many stories of.and why i choose to stop after ovulation,as if pregnant.not good.

**** Quai can stimulate menstrual flow, therefore it is considered best to avoid its use with heavy menstrual flow or flooding.


improves circulation and can help relieve some symptoms of the menopause. Some women, however, feel worse symptoms when using **** quai.
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hey hun,,first tip,dont do ovk in the morning,afternoon a must pref after 2 .no pee pee for at least 3-4 hours, check out.
peeonstick.com more info.
once you get your positive your likely release the egg within 48 hours,you need those little spermies there ideally when the eggs there,since it impossible to know when egg is there waiting.,i would go with bridget idea every other day until o then day before,and day of.wishing you the best of luck...
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hey girl good luck to ya,loads baby dust.!!!!!!!!!
You are right they should warn you and mostly they do.however the drug sounded great read alot of positive reviews ,but then looked into what is in ovulex and reading into these ingredients.i dont want to put anything into my body after also trying for a long time.some ingredients are ok some not sure.its the same though as when doc gives you b6 vitamin,or any herbal drug you take they always advise to stop after ovulation.so its just my personnal pref.there are many women who have continued these thought cycle and had perfectly healthy cycles.but after having mc also and looking into it.i didnt want to take any risks.you need to take 2 each night same time.hey im sure every other night will do the trick.best of )luck.look forward to another post of BFP from ovulex :
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Actually - I started Feb 8 - So 11 days so far.
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Hi everyone!

I’m 26 year old. Been ttc for about 3 months. Started taking Ovulex on Feb 15 (5 days ago). I also take a multivitamin in and folic acid daily.  My cycle is anywhere from 28 – 32 days. But overall pretty regular, never skipped a period or anything. I’m should be ovulating over the next few days. I’ve been doing opk for the last three mornings. I take two ovulex pills before bed and do the opk every morning. So far – no positive on the ovulating. I’m really hoping that we get it right this month!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Like how often should my fiancé and I be bding? As soon as I get the postivid opk?

Thanks and warm wishes to all!
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423388 tn?1203324646
Hi, I just came across this site. I was reading all your posts, and first off I would like to say that I was told that it is perfectly safe to take ovulex without stopping after ovulation. If the company believed that it was not safe, I assure you they would have given us the caution from the beginning. I also researched the ingredients before I purchased it. I do know with any herbal treatment it takes alittle longer to work then a chemical one. I really dont see how starting and stopping ovulex will do anything. To my understanding, you start to get your body use to the herbs to allow them to work then you stop and have to start all over again. I started Ovulex Jan 23 and a/f arrived on Feb 2. I have PCOS and have been trying for many years to conceive. I have had two miscarriages in 2007. I am really hoping this works for me. My a/f has been off track again since my miscarriage in October. I have no idea when I am ovulation because of the pcos, so this month hubby and I are doing bding every other day hoping to catch it. I am taking them as my friend suggested one every 12 hours. She became pregnant very quickly on it. Taking it non stop might I add. She is now 6 months along with a very healthy pregnancy. Sending you all baby dust, and i am so happy i found this forum. It's really great to talk to people who are in the same spot.  
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hey hun,im not sure on that smell thing.although you havent had your period yet,that can be due to pcos as you know.i wouldnt start ovulex again just yet,especially since you know you have ovulated,i would seriously let the doc send you to a clinic,gyni im guessing,they will do all sorts of tests,including a pregnancy,but most of all there could be other problems,i would take the docs advice let them refer you.the slime you had wasnt that long ago so it may still be to early to be testing.i would wait another week then test again...
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Hey ladies.... Ok so here is my story... as you know I took the provera in Dec to get my period.  Got it in Jan and started right away with the ovulex.  Things were great and seemed to be going well.  I was expecting to get my period either Jan 29 or Feb 2 not really sure when, but it never came. Feb 2 though I had some CM or at least I think it was.... a few days later I took a test and it came out negative....A few days ago also I was undressing and just happened to smell my underwear...... dont ask me why I just did... it smelt like ammonia.  I had my husband smell to, to make sure I wasn't smelling something weird and he said that it was so strong his eyes almost watered...What can that be from?  I had a little of the smell yesterday as well... I plan on taking another one tomorrow hoping for the best... if it comes out negative I dont know what to do... Im thinking about going back on the ovulex, and starting the provera again in a few weeks but I want to get the ovulex back in to my system.  I am really hoping for good results with this provera, but i'm starting to have my doubts.  My doctor wants to send me to a womens hospital but i'm not ready for that because I am really hoping for this stuff to work.. Any advice? please help!
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the slime lol only happened one day.  I dont know how long my cycle was going to be because I went 8 months before with out having my period.  so I was waiting for this time around to see how many days I was... if i was going to be 28 days that fell on that 30th of Jan.. if I was going to be 30 like I use to be that was on the 1 of feb.. now today is the 5th so i'm really confused..I dont know if i ovulated or if i even do. I am going to be buying a test tomorrow.. I'm a little nervous.. not to be having a baby but if it comes up neg.

tarajane, I was going to start charting my temps yesterday but I ended up coming down with something flu like.. so my temps have been ranging from 98-101... so once this is over I plan to start and keeping track if the test comes up neg... I did stop taking the pills when i seen the slime like stuff on my toilet paper..
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hey hun,yeah told the doc i took ovulex she wanted me to stop that for a while,i already new couldnt take it with fertility drugs,since been on it before.this time i had to start cd1-5 on them only 50mg well im cd 16 now,and for the past 4 days i feel like mother hen popping eggs.today calmed down chart shows clearly shows ov 2 days ago.so now waiting,tell you today though.im feeling really dizzy.nauseas,oh and so clumbsy.they say clomid mimics preg signs so not getting hopes up,but i know im produceing good eggs,as certainly felt it.......so here we go,

babybee,hey girl how you doing..slime normally i would say that represents ov ewcm,but since you are late i would test..if your late then you have ov so i would stop the pills,until af comes,why dont you try charting your tmps,that way you will know when you ov.fingers crossed.....
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272759 tn?1270485594
what is "slim?"  you said there was slim on your paper?  oh, do you mean slime?  like goo?  cm?  my pregnacy cm started out being similar to my ovulatory cm, but now it comes in unbelievable loads!  like thin lotion.  i would take a test if i were you.  good luck girl!!  hey, do you know when you ovulated?  ovulex added a couple of days to my cycle...how late are you?
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After buying ovulex they sent me emails.. and one of the emails said that ovulex shouldn't be taken with any other fertility drug.. you mighty what to check in to that.  Yesterday was a really weird day.. I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was this slim on my paper.  I looked in the mirror and it was like all over ..Does that mean I ovulated?  Because I have no clue I have never experienced it before and if did I never paid much attention.  I am late on my period so I'm really confused and I do not know what is going on.  I don't know if I am pregnant or I'm just not going to get it because of PCOS...  If i dont get it in the next few days I'll take test but i'm confused, scared, and neverous.  Should I continue with the ovulex?
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272759 tn?1270485594
tarajanes--it has flown!  thank goodness because the first few weeks were soooo slow!!!  i am so tired of being sick!  i can hardly wait for second trimester!!!!  did you tell your doctor that you were also taking ovulex?  since ovulex is all natural, i guess it wouldn't harm anything being taken along with the clomid.  let the waiting period begin!  i think after ovulation is the most stressful and exciting part of the cycle!  keep me updated!  
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hey girl,i was ovulateing yesterday,been doing the bd...lots and lots.my doc put me on clomid,i feel like i have been ovulateing for the past week,major discomfort.but fingers crossed...nearly 10 weeks my its flown,hope the pregnancy is going well...
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272759 tn?1270485594
ginger-google **** quai...it is an ingredient in ovulex and can cause m/c if taken after conception.  rather than take that risk, i opted not to take the pills during my 12-13 days between ovulation and my period...after trying with ovulex for 6wks, i got a positive and am starting my 10th week of pregnancy.  so, missing those pills between that time period certainly didn't hurt me.  it's up to you what you decide to do.  from the research i had done, i just didn't want to risk a m/c.  

i wish you girls so much baby dust and lots of luck with ovulex!!!  tarajanes, you approaching ovulation??  it seems like it should be about that time soon!  
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283175 tn?1295537265
Hiya no you can start ovulex any time of the month,but before you ovulate,i started mine first day of my period,2 pills at night .then when i ovulated i stop taking them until i get my period again.if you chart or use ov sticks it would be wise,that way your not taking it after ovulation.
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