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Does she want to stay with me

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 6 months. I can't tell what she wants. I have a job where I work different hours and days. She says she feels like we have only been dating for 3 months since I work a crazy schedule. She says that the relationship has not progressed fast enough but does not want to rush anything. We had a talk and asked her if she wants to see other people and see what else is out there. She said no, that she knows what's out there and really enjoys being with me and has fun and I wants to stay with me. She said that the reason it has not progressed might be because of her. She was engaged several years ago and it ended badly. I don't know if she is just scared of getting hurt again and afraid to open up.  She has opened up a little more. She said it might take longer for her to progress but said she wants to be with me.  I feel my feelings are stronger then hers are for me. just need some advice on what people think. I care for her a lot but i also don't want to waste my time. She feels that sometimes we are different people but we always have fun. Just confused.
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3060903 tn?1398565123
Hi there, I'm not surprised that you are confused,, I feel for you as this girl sounds like a mess. Everything she's said is contradictory and frankly i don't doubt that you are worried that you may be wasted your time.

"The relationship has not progressed fast enough./ but she doesn't want to rush anything" is a complete oxymoron.

Then she says she thinks the relationship has not progressed might be because of her.....and not your work schedule.....but what's really happening here, ? What would progression in your relationship look like? Is she being flaky and overly dramatic because she is fishing and trying to get you to ....what......move in together? Is that why she's playing word games, so that you will ask her to move in and get married, and have babies ? Because if that's the case, it's pretty early on in the relationship for that. One thing I would suggest, is that if you are in a physical relationship, that you be VERY careful with protection, because even if this girl's drama is happening to get you to hammer out the details of this relationship, she is clearly not making enough sense for you to do so.

I think what she wants is to spend more time with you to see if she is more able to make her mind up about whether you two have a chance.

The fact she says that you are two different people, but that you have fun, is another self contradictory statement. You have to ask her, what does she mean by saying you are two different people? What does she mean by that? Does she mean that you don't have enough in common? That she has no interest in you other than having fun? That what you are essentially about, what you do for a living, where you live, who you know, who your family is, etc. are all those things too different for her to see herself with you for a lifetime moving forward? Other than the fact that you can spend some time having fun, is she saying that she doesn't see you as her ideal partner ? Is she looking for someone more like herself.?

I don't think that your feelings are stronger than hers at all. I think that you are less conflicted as to who you are and what you want. She says she's happy with you and having fun, but all the rest of what she's saying is that she isn't really happy at all. The thing is young man, that she's bringing a lot of drama and baggage possibly. Stuff that you might do better without. You need a girl that is satisfied with daring you, and not trying to play games with you about changing your job, so quickly. I don't know if you're in a job that you are purposely doing to advance yourself in your chosen career path or not, If you are, don't stop what you're dong. If you're not, then regardless of any girl, it' might be worth pursuing at his time. Remember, you're supposed to love what you're doing for a living son.

Hey, don't get too bent out of shape, this girl is giving you a lot of mixed signals, and you don't need that. You need to a simple girl, who is happy with who you are, and isn't bringing drama to your life. Going to college, getting into a career you love, getting engaged and moving in with the girl of your dreams, getting married and starting a family. Working together as a team That's all the drama you need. You're not supposed to not have any idea what this girl is saying or trying to say. Her words should be clear and her meaning clear. Keep posting. It helps to talk.
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Well I am 32 and she is 30. She has told me that she is happy to be out of her last relationship because it was really unhealthy. It has been over for over 2 years but has said she is scared of getting hurt again. I have met her family and friends and have a lot of fun. I don't know if she is scared of being hurt again or what?  I'm not old but I don't want to waste my time.
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You're confused because she is confused.  

Tread lightly if you want to continue this as she doesn't know what she wants.  

I recommend you find someone who does know what she wants and isn't all over the board.  You have only 6 months invested, so it shouldn't be too hard to walk away from this.
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