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Odd full-body itching and burning soon after massage

Hello there,

I had a massage about 2 months ago, which I often do. The massage was focused on my neck, as I was having some issues due to sitting in front of the computer a lot for work. The woman who massaged me was small and sat on my back/buttocks so she could focus on my upper back and neck. She massaged my neck, back and upper buttocks for about 45 minutes. While she was sitting on me, I noticed that it got rather wet on my lower back and upper buttocks, where she sat. It was rather disgusting so I asked her to stop and I left. No more than two days after the massage I developed a whole body itch and burning like I have never experienced before, and this continued for about 4-5 weeks. Now the full body burning has subsided but I am experiencing sharp, jabbing pains, mostly on my arms and legs. I still experience some burning here and there, mostly like sunburn on patches on my back. I also experience these small red dots mostly on my fingers that come and are painful. They are present anywhere from hours to days and then they are gone without a trace. There is no blister or open lesion and they move around all over, also on occasion on my feet. Sometimes they come and go within one hour. I am also experiencing some hot flushes, which I normally do not have. I have also noticed some red dots on the back of my throat, which may or may not be related.

I am im my mid 40s and I run every day, which I have been doing for years. I don't drink much at all and don't smoke, and I have a good life free of stress with my family. This situation I find slightly unnerving, as if I did catch something it happened ALMOST via casual contact. I have two children and my wife, and I have been careful around them as a result of this awareness. They all know about the situation and my wife insists that it's all in my head.

My question is if anyone has experienced symptoms like this - and if so, if you can provide any clarity about what they are related to. Also, if there is any kind of infection (viral, bacterial) that can be transmitted like this. Worse case the there were bodily secretions from the lady's genitals and even sores (I have absolutely no idea if she had any). The one thing I noticed was that my symptoms came so fast, within 48 hours.

Thank you.
4 Responses
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I can't edit my message so adding this here. I had a search here and found this post - https://medhelp.org/posts/Herpes/Possible-herpes-exposure/show/1548361 - which closely resembles what I am experiencing, but the thread is old with no recent activity.
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20620809 tn?1504362969
I know you were worried about this with regards to HIV and that was fully explained how this wasn't a risk for that. So, on to other std's. But a naked woman sitting on your back and buttocks is also a no go for other std's. That's not going to result in anything std related. Have you ever considered how anxiety is impacting you? That psychosomatic symptoms can start and you are 'feeling' them and associating them with this even that you feel bad and guilty about weeks earlier and it's actually your mind playing tricks on you? This really does happen. Have you ever spoken to a therapist or doctor about anxiety?

Have you had a doctor exam you?
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207091 tn?1337709493
Was she clothed? If she had clothes on, then there's no risk for anything at all. No STD, including HIV, goes through clothing.

Interestingly, the thread you linked from the Herpes forum mentions protected oral sex. Did that occur? You don't mention that in your description.

If she was clothed, what you felt might have been sweat. I tend to agree with your wife that it's all in your head.
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Thank you for your responses.

There was nothing sexual involved, just what I explained. The reason for my concern is the itching and strange sensations I am having, which seem to have gotten progressively worse since the incident. Numbness in the feet and hands, sore skin kind of all over. I had a search and then got really scared, as you often end up finding worse case scenarios. The woman had clothes on, but there was a lot of moisture, almost too much to be sweat.

Yes, I went to the doctor at 30 days and had a Syhpillus, HEPC and HIV rapid antigen test, all negative. I wanted to wait for further tests until 90 days had passed for accurate results.

Thank you.
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If she was clothed, and nothing sexual happened, there is no risk here.

Maybe what you felt was massage oil or something, but no woman produces enough vaginal lubrication for you to feel that much fluid that you'd think it was more than sweat.

Hep C is only transmitted via blood. You don't need to test for that.

HIV is only transmitted by unprotected vaginal or anal sex. You didn't have that. It's not going to go through clothing and penetrate the skin on your back and buttocks.

Syphilis is transmitted by direct contact with a syphilis sore - oral sex, vaginal or anal sex.

No STI causes tingling, numbness in the hands and feet, sore skin all over.

Nothing goes through clothing. Really, you're fine.

Please, talk to your doctor about this. I'm not sure if something has happened that is causing you stress in other ways, but this is not reasonable. You never should have been tested for any STI based on this encounter. Your doctors aren't doing you any favors by testing you and feeding your anxiety.
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.