413852 tn?1317308712


Update Ladies... 49 members Strong we are! ;o)

If you are on the Roll Call List & would like to be removed, please don't hesitate to let me know. I know sometimes it gets a little sticky and we may need a break from the TTC Journey & Journal. ;o)

PLEASE, if you are on the list...post some sort of update, even if you are still ttc Au naturale, in tww, "no changes", please remove me, started AF, etc. I'm really trying to keep it current and would appreciate the feedback. Thanks ladies.

I'm soooo excited for all of our BFP's!!!  Waaaaay to go all you sexy mommas!! ;o) We are collectively sending ou t SRSSBD (some really seriously sticky baby dust) to ALL the "Honeys",  and a lil bit X-tra to those with BFPs. ;o) Our list is growing. If something  
changes, please post so that we have your current info correct.

Cheers Ladies...

Savanha: 2ww/ +OPK-CD15, temp up CD16, RE exam (ov'd on left side-no spill tube side ;o( ) So, probably just waiting for AF, but you never know. ;o)

ita17 (Laura):  

SueG (Sue):  

SoCalTricia (Tricia): Planning TR in March

SuzM (Suz): Old Fashion bding party...Au Naturale

SusieQ64 (Susan): Sexy Young Thang & all ;o) IVF this month (Oct)

LisaRG (Lisa): Practicing unsafe SEX w/hubby!!! Aaaaaah. ;o)  Au Naturale this month

TreeFrog7 (Wendy): TTC #1 au naturel... In TWW...round tummy sticky babydust to ya

Miranda9 (Mira): Will be TTC very soon.

Mature Momma (Debra): Planning on TTC again in December- 4 snowbabies ;o)

Alexis2358 (Alexis): 2ww--IUI on Friday the 23rd Oct. We've got everthing crossed for ya Alexis. ;o)

alikat1205 (Kat): TTC Au Naturale

Lilian69 (Miranda): FET-- 4 snowbabies :)  Transfered October 30th--Beta: 11/09~Pineapple Babydust to ya. ;o)

JustToo: Au Naturale...Stay Strong chicky-baby. ;o)

AliceW: Natural Cycle IUI...

sophiejeanne (Stephani): Au Natruale...OV'd... In 2ww... sweet sticky babydust to ya

Naturschld (Linda): 2ww/4DPO ...yummy mummy sticky babydust to ya.

Mybabypooh (Silvana): 42...bringing sexy back Again in Nov! ;o) 4th cycle IVF... transfer next week (Nov 3-5) Mounds of prayerful sticky babydust to ya.

Babyrussell (Saada): Preparing for IUI w/injectable meds (Gonal f & Ovidrel trigger progesterone)...way to stay strong chicky-baby.  ;o)

Congratulations ~BFPs

Kathy421(Kathy): BFP...2nd Beta (a whopper!!! YaY)... 300...Happy "BirtDay" ~ Maybe 2 or More...So exciting!! ;o)

Selaiwa:  5wks-- Due: June 2010

JourneyJoJo (Jo): 19wks-- Due: Feb2010

Marcy: 5wks 5days...44yrs. young & bringing sexy back Again... turning 45 (Nov). ;o) "Praying for baby" super sticky babydust to you.
90 Responses
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1027304 tn?1333973406
I ladies, I just saw all your posts and wanted to reach out and wish you all good luck and tell you I'm thinking about you all and hoping you all soon get to join me in sleepless nights, sore bb's and lots and lots of baby giggles and kisses.

My little boy is now 4 months old today and I'm still shaking my head at how blessed I am go have been given such a wonderful miracle.

My dh is already talking about "another" one.    Not sure if its just crazy or selfish to even attempt another one, but its just thoughts mulling around in our heads.   I'm still not over the new baby exhaustion yet, so the idea of another one competely scares me.   My little boy has been sleeping thru the night now for a good month, so I'm finally coming around enough to even entertain the idea.    

I'm wishing you all the best on your upcoming baby journey's, I'm excited to hear about any BFP's out of you guys soon :).
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961574 tn?1520648103
Girl, I undertand being scared completely!  I am beyond scared!!  I cannot even tell you how scared I am!  But, hopeful... YEP!  Very Hopeful! : ) My transfer date is Aug 30th!  Can you believe it! : )  Girl you only have like 18 days left!! Yipppeee!!
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1272624 tn?1395434357
I am so very excited but I'm a little afraid! But I'm trying to be hopeful!
When is your FET?
Love Mel
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961574 tn?1520648103
Your transfer is going to be around Aug 20th!?!?!?!  That is awesome news!!!  I bet you are getting excited! : )  
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1272624 tn?1395434357
No just 3- 6 day blasts, 1 is expanded and they are frozen at this time, going to do my FET, RE said, 6dpo because they are 6 day blasts, so I'm thinking around Aug.20th.
Wish us luck!
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Avatar universal
I know you said you got 3 Blasts.. AWESOME!!
Are the others still growing? What is status on them?
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Avatar universal
I know you said you got 3 Blasts.. AWESOME!!
Are the others still growing? What is status on them?
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hi sweetie!
  I hope my dream was right too! So far 8 are on their way to blast. 4 are at blast 3 at morula and 1 at cleavage. They are still dividing, boy that would be great!
Love ya, keep my fingers crossed that you O this month!
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1096856 tn?1333119985
Wow, maybe for this month??  I'm on cd6 today.  Maybe it was just a dream about last month :-(  I have to say, I'm still so blown away about actually getting a BFP last month, my first chemical pregnancy, WOW.  Kind of weird because I have just never had that happen.  I would actually not believe it, except for the super +++ opk, which just wouldn't happen otherwise.  So, for once, we know that sperm met egg and tried to implant.  That was also the first time I had O'd for a very long time.  Funny enough, I had given up and wasn't taking all my supplements, just chewing a gummy vitamin every evening.  No DHEA, no bee pollen, nothing!  So, I'm going to stick with that and not take all that other stuff they tell you to take.  I'm just dying to see if I O again this month and on time.

I'm so excited for you!!!  I just can't believe you have what, 10 embies???  That just seems unheard of at our age.  How many are they going to try to put back in next month?  I would think at least 3?  Wouldn't that be so cool if you ended up with twins!!  So are they still waiting for them to get to 5 day blast, then they will freeze?  Gosh, so exciting.  

You know the other strange thing last month was that we only BD'd twice and I wasn't doing anything like... we have to BD now!  Really wasn't trying, hmmmm.

SSBD Melanie and I sure hope your dream was right!!
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1272624 tn?1395434357
Hey you! How are you? Thinking about you lately, I had a dream that you and your DH got a BFP! Seriously I did!
Love hugs and SSGBD,
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1096856 tn?1333119985
SURE!!  I haven't posted in forums for a really long time.  So, for those of you that don't know me.  I'm still TTC at 44 (almost 45)!  I have been trying since 42.  I don't have any children of my own and neither does DH.  We would both really like to have one, but even I'm starting to feel a bit old, worn out and disheartened.  Early menopause seems to be normal in my family :-(

But!!!  After 7 months of no O, I finally O'd this month, which is great because it makes me feel like I'm not all washed up and old yet!

Thank you to all my medhelp friends for being there for me through this (sometimes depressing) adventure!  I love you all (you know who you are)!!

SSBD to everyone!!
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1272624 tn?1395434357
How about a new update!
Hugs and SSBD,
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1057195 tn?1289363329
I will find out on Dec 4th, I have my ultrasound then. I am so excited!!
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413852 tn?1317308712

FANTASTIC #'S. This Roll Call is Closed out...hope you are able to find the correct one...think it says 3rd...can't remember. ;o)
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1066572 tn?1296240001
Congratulations!  That's a great beta.

Looks like you may be having twins like me.

I'm 9 1/2 weeks pregnant - first ultrasound showed twins with good heart beats.  Next ultrasound is at 13 weeks (hate to wait so long, but with Thanksgiving and a business trip - that's the soonest date available).

Enjoy every moment!
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1057195 tn?1289363329
Hi ladies, had my second beta today and it was 2142!!

*****Tons and tons of sticky baby dust to us all;-)
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1105753 tn?1374287348
I don't think I'm on the list but I've been reading. I'm 40 and been TTC for about 5 mo., since my wedding to my wonderful new DH. I thought this might be the month as I felt alot of cramping this month but also had a lot of spotting. I got the dreaded visit from AF last night however and am a little bummed, she came 3 days early. We are supposed to try until March, then the doc wants to see us for more tests.
Good luck to all those who are now pg and to those still trying. Lots of SSBD!
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413852 tn?1317308712

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1065748 tn?1255876527
I am sorry to hear about your loss.   My heart is breaking for both of you.   Big Hugs and hang in there.   Both your stories have given a lot of us hope, and if it can happen once it can happen again.    


Update:  I am in my TWW, AF is suppose to start on the 28th.   My daughter found me a doc that believes the same way I do, no invasive stuff.   He wants us to keep ttc for another 4 months on our own, and if it doesn't work he will help us.   Only one issue with that, he is 2 and 1/2 hours from here, and 4 months from now there will be snow and ice everywhere.  So I am thinking that we will see him in the spring, if we need to.   I am also going to get DH on the fertility blend supplements, granted he is younger, but it couldn't hurt.

Lots of hugs and baby dust to all.   Have a happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!!!
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Breezy wrote: "Why do REs always put donor eggs in the same category as having your own biological child?"

Things I've heard from REs at different clinics lead me to believe that some male doctors think a woman's ultimate goal is the *experience* of being pregnant, not having 1) a biological child, and 2) loving and raising a child (whether through donor egg, donor embryo, adoption, or some other process).

I'm sure that the experience of being pregnant and nurturing the unborn child and giving birth are absolutely important for some women. Or for some women it might be important that the outside world see them as the biological mother, or they might have strong feelings about adopting an otherwise unused embryo, or they might be able to get a donor from within the family and carry on the family line that way, or they might feel strongly about having their husband's biological child, or any of a thousand other complex reasons for why people do what they do.

But I remember being really surprised when a previous RE--a very friendly, kind person--after I made a comment about how that all the discomforts of being pregnant would be worth it in the end, replied, "But I thought you said you really want to be pregnant?" I may have said something like "I want to get pregnant," and now I'm thinking that what he heard was, "I want to go through pregnancy."

I being to wonder whether it's that some men can understand the male biological urge to pass along their family genes, but as a matter of course assume that women all want exactly the same thing, and that thing is the thing the men can't (yet :) ) do: *be* pregnant.
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Hello, everyone. I've been out of town, off my healthy diet and off my de-stressing regimen, and otherwise completely focussed on nothing but work, but next week the process starts again so I'm trying to get at least my mind back on track.

Selaiwa and Marcy, I'm so sorry to hear your news.
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1057195 tn?1289363329
I am so sorry to about your loss..OMG, I can only imagine how devastating that must be:(. I am sure that we all understand about you taking a break for a while. TTC can be so emotionally and physically draining and of course costly. So please, take that well deserved break and take care of yourself.

Selaiwa- I am also very sorry about your loss. I am at a loss for words and wishing you both the best.

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1006003 tn?1256227415
Hi Breezy!

Thanks for writing - you are just so darned articulate, and I'm sure many on this forum have similar experiences and goals as you (and me). I feel the same about donor eggs - I'd rather go the adoption route. Of course, that's just ME - donor eggs have worked out great for lots of women, so I'm not saying I'm down on them. It's a similar thing with my being almost "done with docs" - every woman's experience is different. I'm not down on docs (except for crummy stupid ones, LOL!), but they have nothing to offer me just now. I'll certainly be first in line for prenatal care if I get a BFP! Actually, here in Canada, a lot of us don't have primary care docs because our universal health care service made it rather unpleasant to be a doc here in the 1990s, and thousands of our docs moved to the USA. So, my "primary care doc" is actually a pshysician at the local walk-in clinic, but he knows me very well and is a good doc. However, a walk-in clinic is much like an E.R. - you can't expect them to develop in-depth treatment regimens for you.

I'm really getting intrigued about Traditional Chinese Medicine, what with all the success stories that are popping up (thanks for all the positive accounts, by the way). I'm also really glad that you have an app. with Dr. David. That sounds really great! He, of all people should have the right attitude. I really think it's true that negativity from health care professionals (or anyone else we're supposed to trust) is bad for our chances. Dr. David sounds like a "pro from Dover"! Sorry, but that's a term I picked up from the M*A*S*H* movie that's stuck with me, LOL.

Best of luck and keep in touch!

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509879 tn?1259338951
Hi Wendy,

I TOTALLY understand being "done" with the doctors. I did one cycle of clomid and 2 cycles of follistim--one with IUI--and none of it worked for me. In fact, the clomid caused a host of problems, including getting my period 3 times in 1 month (which led to a fortunately NEGATIVE uterine cancer biopsy)! When I told my RE at that time that the clomid was adversely affecting me, he countered that all the irregular and frequent bleeding was just further proof that I was "entering menopause." (My elevated FSH levels were the only other "proof" he had.) I seriously wanted to punch him in the face. I was 41 at that time and had always gotten my periods monthly. The fact that he refused to take my personal experience into account was infuriating! It's truly amazing how narrow-minded and arrogant many of these doctors are. Anyway, the next RE I went to said that he avoids giving women over 40 clomid b/c it can thin the uterine lining, raise FSH levels (my FSH levels following that one cycle of clomid DOUBLED, but have fortunately returned to what they were) and cause other problems, including irregular bleeding. I've also since had 2 acupuncturists tell me it's bad, particularly for women who already have elevated FSH levels (mine are usually around 15-20, but went into the 40s immediately following clomid). One acupuncturist told me that  she had two patients in their upper 30s, both with elevated FSH levels. But after they did clomid, she said their FSH levels skyrocketed into the 90s! BOTH of them went on to conceive naturally with the help of acupuncture and herbs.

Like you, I wouldn't recommend to anyone that they stop with their conventional treatments, but in the case of someone like me--who's not a candidate for IVF and has poor response to the fertility drugs--I think it's better to go the au naturale route. Not to mention I have a friend who was TTC with the help of REs (she's also in Canada) for sometime. Even though her FSH levels were normal, she wasn't having any success, so she stopped going and instead switched to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She conceived naturally and now has a beautiful one-year-old daughter. Not only that, but she's now a little over 8 weeks pregnant with #2 (again conceived naturally)! She'll be 43 in January.

I don't blame you for being POd about the bulletin board of doom and gloom that the nurses at your clinic decorated. It's disgusting! These people don't care a whit for the mind-body connection, do they? I spoke to RE #3 yesterday to see about getting screened for silent infections. At first he was resistant, saying I don't need it. Then I told him that I was pregnant last month but miscarried and how do they KNOW I don't have a silent infection? It's ROUTINE that if you're getting IVF at this clinic, they screen for silent infections so that they won't interfere with your pg, but if you're trying on your own, they disregard you. You know what he said in response to all that? He said, "Well, it isn't surprising you miscarried. A woman with your FSH levels has a SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASED risk of miscarriage. And with your age, it was probably chromosomally abnormal." What I want to know is how hearing such things is supposed to help me? He KNOWS that I'm TTC. Does he think I'm just going to give up b/c he's throwing some statistic in my face? Anyway, I pushed for the silent infection screening and finally prevailed. I will go in next week.

I also tried to get him to agree to a hormone panel for DHEA, but he absolutely refused, saying there is no evidence that DHEA works, that only retrospective studies have been done (I don't think this is true), and the fact that I don't have PCOS is proof that my testosterone levels are not high, so I wouldn't need one anyway. "But, most importantly," he said, "there are PROVEN methods that work and that is what you should be trying." I said, "But I'm not a candidate for those methods, so why wouldn't you help me try something else?" He said, "Because you haven't tried everything you can." I said, "Really? Like what?" Without missing a beat, he said, "Donor eggs." He knows damn well that I am not interested in donor eggs. I said to him, "Why do REs always put donor eggs in the same category as having your own biological child? It is an ALTERNATIVE to having a biological child (well, except for DH), just like adoption is. The goal for most of us is not to get pregnant at any cost; it's to have our OWN BIOLOGICAL child." He knows I would go to adoption before donor eggs because I've told him as much as before. But he just can't help but wave that $30,000 procedure in front of my face.

Anyway, blah blah blah. I am ALMOST done with doctors. If I had a great RE, it would be a different story. In fact, I do have an appointment with Dr. Sami David (coauthor of Making Babies) December 9th, but he doesn't take insurance and is expensive, so I don't know how many times I'll be able to see him. I'm hoping he'll order a hormone panel for me and then send me to a lab that does take my insurance. Once I have the "all clear," I'm going to try DHEA (I got an Rx from my acupuncturist yesterday--25mg 3x/day--though I'm trying a new acupuncturist this Tuesday [one that is affiliated with Randine Lewis of The Infertility Cure]). It's true that I'm doing a lot of research and running around to both REs and acupuncturists, but I really believe you have to go with your intuition. I just have not met the right people for my team YET.

Wendy, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. It's really hard and sad. In addition to everything else I'm doing, I'm looking for a therapist, one who utilizes hypnotherapy (for fertility) and EMDR (for PTSD. I've been very jumpy since my friend's death). I'm also going to see a new primary care physician (my last one was SPECTACULAR but he suddenly and unexpectedly died). The new PCP also comes with very high rating and it's taken me MONTHS to get in with him (my first appt. isn't until January 4th!), but he's supposed to really listen to his patients and employ all kinds of methods for getting someone in tip top shape. So I'm very excited about him as well.

I wish I could write more (believe me, I can), but I wanted to respond to your post before letting another day go by!

Have a great day and definitely keep in touch!

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