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Depo Provera and Hypothyroid Symptoms

I was on Depo Provera for BC for 8 years with no side effects but headaches, which were manageable. Also had no periods, which was great! However, I became ill when I stopped having the injections at age 45. I experienced fatigue, joint pain and swelling, and depression. I was tested for everything from Lyme disease and Lupus, to thyroid conditons - all negative. My Dr. finally gave up and diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue syndrome. My OBGYN ran a bone scan and diagnosed me with osteopenia, and declared me menopausal, since my periods have also not resumed. Now nearly 4 years later I am still miserable - fatigue, depression, headaches, cold all the time, and I suspect hypothyroidism. I also have learned that Depo causes bone density loss so maybe I am not menopausal. I don't mean to sound whiny and pitiful, but I can hardly remember the energetic, optimistic person that I used to be. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! I have been searching the net and find lots of women with lots of side effects from taking Depo Provera, but I am trying to find other women who have experienced problems after QUITTING the injections.
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I know this is 9 years later but reading your post was like rereading something I just wrote. Same age, same symptoms,  everything.  I was just tested for Lymes  last week...results negative. I have been doing a lot of reading and it seems like I keep running into articles about the correlation between stopping the Depo and thyroid issues. Mainly a decrease in T4. I'm going back to Dr in 2 days to show them my research and request a Complete Thyroid Blood Panel be done. This wouldn't be the first time I've had to diagnose myself or a family member...and be correct. I'm sure it won't be the last either. Lol. Too bad I don't get paid a Dr's salary!
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If you need any help with the doctor following is a good link for all kinds of info on testing, diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism.  

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Just curious, what were the treatments you received?
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Please post your last couple of sets of thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.  Also if tested for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, please post those also.
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I know this is an old blog but I'm also hopeless in finding out answers. I've been on Depo for 6 years (went through many different types of BC but all of them made me go crazy and still didn't help with irregular periods and pain) and never had an issue with it before instead it helped me with and I actually lost weight and kept it off for years. Unfortunately 2.5 years ago my mother spotted a lump in my neck and it turned out to be thyroid cancer (or so I was told) and I had a total thyroidectomy of March 2015. I was on synthroid at first which caused me to gain weight to 125 to 145 and cause horrible cystic acne but then I got on a natural thyroid medicine but my new endo refuses to listen to me and put me back on it stating it wasn't working for me but I want to be back on it cause I did feel much better with it, I lost weight, and my acne cleared up. When I was on natural thyroid (armour) I went from 145 to 120 but then my new endo took me off of my natural thyroid and put me back on synthroid which I went from 120 to 187 lbs and that was from May 2016 to now and my horrible acne is back.... I talked to my OBGYN about my Depo maybe being a slight cause but they said everything looked normal on my hormone level so I went back to my endo and he said all of my blood results from my thyroid profile was normal except I was Vit D deficient. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel horrible with no energy (which my doctor won't listen to), I can't get much sleep, I'm depressed, I have horrible anxiety, my hair is falling out, I feel disgusting, my joints hurt badly, and I have no motivation to do anything. I feel hopeless... I'm about ready to just give up cause I'm always hurting and always tired... Plus, looking in the mirror every morning just makes me want to cry. Can anyone please help and tell me what I need to do cause I've been researching and I've tried many things but I still can't lose weight, no energy, horrible acne (that I've never had), etc. sorry this was so long.
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Sorry I didn't notice my typo but I had the total thyroid removal March 2014 not 2015.
All of your symptoms are similar to those of fybromyalgia and lupus as well. Especially the pain, fatigue and depression. Many doctors have a difficult time diagnosing these diseases because of overlapping symptoms. You stated that you've had your thyroid removed so I'm going to assume that your body is treating it as hypothyroidism which is an autoimmune disease. So is lupus and fybromyalgia. I suffered the same symptoms you are for over 5yrs , I gained over 180lbs (427lbs) at my heaviest. I finally found a rheumatologist that tested me for lupus and other autoimmune diseases and found i had all 3. Lupus, fybromyalgia and hypothyroidism since I've been treated for these things I  have lost 150lbs,since Nov. Of 2015 and I feel like a new person. Try a rheumatologist and see if they can help.
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Please check.  That doesn't sound right.  Also what is the name of the med?  Also need to see your blood test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.
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My thyroid was not producing at all.
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4.5 miligrams I thinj.

Now that I remember I think I went from size 8 to sizec14, not 16, but still drastic weight gain (around 125 lbs to around 145, but even at 145 I was not large)
Now Im a bit more, but still Im not large. I havent gained weight since on synthroid.
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Actually I probably went more from a size 8 to size 14 but it was still drastic weight gain.i went from like 125 pounds to about 145 very quickly.
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What is your daily Synthroid dosage?  Also please post your thyroid related test results and reference ranges shown on the lab report.
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Hi, I took depo for 8 years. First it cause me to gain a little weight. Then I exercised, ate sensibly (still ate whatever I liked but reasonably) and I ws thin again. Then three years later my motabolism slowed. I started eating less, exercising more. Inever tried slim fast for a short while. Every time I gotva physical my blood wss normal. I went off it and still had a slow morabolim. I wasnt fat but I use to be a size 8 and was a size 16. Then years later upon trying to get pregnsnt I was up to 163 pounds at 5 foot. I had troubke getting pregnant and got tested. My thyroid was low and I take synthroid. My weight is going down but dtill no size 8. I still eat what I want but eat small amounts and walk. I guess it was the depo. Also I noticed weight fsi  whrn I got sick once during depo,nothing serious and had a reaction to antobiotics. I got a steroid injected and alergy pills given.
        I think the reason its still around it bc its still less dangerous tgen estrogen pills and more effective tgen estrogen free pills. No risk of blood clots and I think u can even smoke on it. But I would not wish my problems on anybody.
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Depo is a hormone shot for BC. The hormone injected (progesterone) causes the body to stop producing as when you're pregnant. So naturally there is some weight gain and roundness of the stomach that occurs. The body is being told it's pregnant so it tends to do what it needs to provide for the baby that does not exist. As for hypothyroidism I found out 6yrs ago by my doctor who noticed swelling around my throat sent me to do an ultrasound which showed an problem. She then sent me for a biopsy of the enlarged thyroid, which turned out to be cancerous. Thank God my prognosis was that the cancer was within and had not spread. I had a total thyroidectomy. So I have no thyroid. I have been through radiation, iodine treatments, change of doses. My levels are good now. I have been cancer free now for 6years.I have also giving birth to a handsome little boy now 4mos. Choosing Depo this go around has not been great. Im constantly spotting or bleeding. I think it has to do with my levels being of after having the baby. I assume the hormonal imbalance is causing me to bleed. So I labs to check my thyroid and from there if nothing changes depo may not be for me. I might have to look into another Bc option. But good luck to all
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From looking at those symptoms I think it is very important for you to make sure the doctor adequately tests you for thyroid related issues.  I suggest that you insist that they test for TSH, Free T4, Free T3,   Since people with thyroid issues also frequently are too low in the ranges for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, I also highly recommend getting those done as well.  When you have test results, please post them, along with reference ranges shown on the lab report and we will be glad to help interpret and advise further.  
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I was on depo for 10 years, I stopped using it 4 months ago, and I'm not feeling any better, my Doctor has ordered a panel of blood tests, including a complet hormone panel, and thyroid, but from what I'm reading, I am losing hope that I can be repaired. I am often irritated, moody , tired, sometimes just down right mean, I have gained sixty pounds in those ten years and having a struggle getting it off, even with followig the Atkins diet.My sex drive is completly gone, and I have lost a decent relationship because of my bad moods and anger. I have wondered many times if the depo is behind this, I don't want to be a monster, I just want to feel like a human again. I feel tired, anxious and my thinking is not sharp. There has to be something out there to repair this damage, I'm 45 but feel so old.
                                                                                    Looking for hope
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Thyroid issues are typically diagnosed by checking TSH. Many individuals that have Hashimoto's thyroiditis have a TSH in the normal range. You need to have the doctor check your Free T3, Free T4 and both types of thyroid antibodies. Your T3 should be in the upper 1/4 range. T4 midrange and TSH under 2. Some docs will say your are normal if your TSH is 5. The book, Stop the Thyroid Madness will educate you on many issues thyroid suffers face from clueless docs.
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I was only given one shot and like others I wasn't truly informed about the side effects from my OBGYN and at 18 I actually trusted my Doctor. I was 125 before the shot and today I'm 183 and look about 5 months pregnant. My friend and I were talking about it Friday and she had the exact same thing happen....she walks a couple miles every day, eats healthy as can be, goes to the gym, etc etc..finally went to the Doctor bc of the weight and found out her Thyroid levels were incredibly low. (my mother also just found out she has low thyroid levels). As for me, I fo to the gym 2-3hrs a day...buring 800 calories (4x a week) and 1000 calories (once a week)....I don't eat snacks, ice cream, chips, etc. Two years ago I found out I have bleeding ulcers. Than now whenever I get full (which is alnost immediately after eating a salad or something small) if I try to eat anything else I'll get very sick. I don't know if its all related. I just wish I was informed better.
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PS. the thing I most want to say is "thank you".

Reading your stories reassures me that going back on the thyroid hormone is not just the *only* thing to do, but is likely to be the *right* thing to do.
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I found this thread after googling "Depo Provera thyroid". Why? Because I was starting to join some dots in my head and wondering if the conclusions I was drawing had merit. It seems they have some.

I have tears in my eyes reading so many stories above. God I know that frustration, judgement, self-flagellation, depression and desperation! I know what it feels like to be the "living dead".

As a child I battled with my weight, but flip-flopped between a really bad excessive eating habits and very strict "dieting" (also being *really bad* eating habits) from the age of 10. I was not at all an active child.
So, as a kid I was fat basically because I did all the wrong things. I don't think I did my metabolism any favours while I was at it!

From 16 to about 28 or 30 I ate sensibly and was much more active... and was a much healthier weight and much more energised. That's about the last time my body was "normal" without medical intervention.

Over the next few years I put on 35+kg, despite my level of activity and pretty "normal" eating habits.

I have been tested for hypothyroidism and the common, basic tests showed "normal". I was recommended to a doctor who specialises in hormonal medicine. He had a 13 page in-depth checklist of symptoms which I completed.

His diagnosis was hypothyroid despite the tests (I have heard false negatives mentioned a lot when researching this Depo/hypo topic!). He said my symptoms were way too clearly pointing at it.

I was put on NATURAL THYROID EXTRACT RATHER THAN SYNTHETIC and experienced incredible change once I reached my therapeutic dose (for me it was 3.0 grain).
> Lost 17kgs in 4 months
> Had energy to burn (and loved doing it!)
> Libido increased to what had previously been normal for me
> My skin was clear and fresh looking, my colour was good and I looked "vital"
> My depression dissipated
> My cravings for calorie-dense, nutritionally poor foods were replaced by a desire for fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, lean meat, nuts and high fibre grains/cereals. I ate what I wanted and I ate a healthy amount. It's just that what I wanted changed and I was able to stop when I was "satisfied" rather than needing to feel "full" (ie "over-stuffed") to be able to stop.
> I easily managed 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night and woke feeling refreshed.
> Migraines were a thing of the past
and so on....

The weight loss was not unnatural or excessive. It directly resulted from the shift to healthy eating and daily exercise. I had no "negative" hyperthyroid symptoms. My regular blood tests showed my hormones still within "normal" range - just a little more toward the upper end of the normal range.

My new job made it hard for me to see my specialist and I dropped treatment. The downward spiral began again.

In the meantime I had heard some people suggest treatment with thyroid hormone rather than TSH could make the thyroid "lazy" and cause it to shut down. So I had my doubts about returning to that treatment.

Then I quit work to study and there was no question of being able to afford the treatment.

3 years later, I'm back to square one and desperate. I found a new (much more affordable doctor) and now have a prescription to start again (started today).

The doctor is also an acupuncturist and believes that the underlying issues (thyroid, pituitary, pancreas and liver are all issues for me) can be cleared with a course of acupuncture treatment.

I'm willing to give that a go and will share my thoughts here as we progress

I'm seeing her tomorrow and I'm going to ask her about links between Depo and the endocrine issues I have... because the dramatic negative changes all began around the time I started on Depo.

I note many here noted the changes after stopping. I'm certain my dramatic downward spiral started WITH the Depo.

I switched from Depo to Implanon at the age of 38 (6.5 years ago, after a break of roughly 2 years from Depo) to allow myself the option to conceive sooner if I should choose to. My next line of enquiry is whether Implanon is also linked.

From age 17 my periods were unbearable and I was on the pill by 20 for treatment (not as a contraceptive). I progressed through various dosages as my periods got worse and then moved to Depo as the pill was no longer effectively managing my symptoms.

As the bad periods can be a symptom of hypothyroidism, I note a comment above says the BC can mask it during treatment rather than being the cause. But then, I had few related symptoms before Depo and a barrage of them once I commenced Depo.

Too many people have suffered. Doctors need to be more aware at both ends of this scenario (before prescribing Depo and before dismissing hypothyroidism).

As my next line of enquiry begins.... does anyone have any comment re Implanon?
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My story is somewhat similar (I will post it separately) but the dr that eventually DID treat me for hypothyroidism prescribed natural thyroid hormone, as has my new doctor.

Both doctors subscribe to the school of thought that believes natural thyroid extract (hormone) is much more effective than the synthetic kind because it is much more readily taken up by our bodies.

I have never had synthyroid, only ever the natural option.

I was placed on 1.0 grain (not "gram") initially and told to monitor symptoms. Every 3 weeks I was to increase by 0.5grain until symptoms went away.

My therapeutic dose turned out to be 3.0 grain. About 2 weeks after reaching that level, I began dropping weight and feeling more energised and "vital" than I had in at least a dozen years. My tests were done again and my hormones were still in the normal range - yet I was absolutely a new person.

I lost 17kg in the first 4 months and it was not hard. I wasn't eating any stupidly strict diet or denying myself anything that I really felt like.

The best way I can describe it was that my body seemed finally to be able to use the nutrients I consumed. I craved what my body really needed instead of craving calorie dense and nutritionally poor food. I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, lots of meals of fish/lean meat and salads, with fruit salad for dessert, raw nuts or fruit or hommus with vegies or crackers for snacks. And I didn't have to drag myself out of bed or to exercise.
I would wake after 7-8 hours of quality sleep and be ready for my day.

This was nothing crazy. This is how my body had behaved from the age of 16-27 when I led a pretty "normal" life (also pre-Depo).

I would say to anyone who is on synthetic thyroid hormone and is *not* feeling a genuine "lift" in energy and mood, that it's worth talking to your doctor about trying natural thyroid hormone and seeing if you get a better result.
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The link's not working....
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I have been on and off the depo for the past 12 years. I never had an issue with anything other than slight headaches and the occational spotting. I quit smoking cigarettes about 8 months ago then shortly after decided to come off of the depo because I kept gaining weight for no reason. I went to a doctor and he flat out said that I ate too much and that the weight gain had nothing to do with my depo or the quitting smoking, I also questioned my thyroid and he quickly dismissed me with " you eat too much". I then had angioedema and he quickly dismissed the swelling to dental work I had done weeks prior. Last week my legs, ankles and knees swelled up and I could barely walk. I went to urgent care and was seen by another physician, he performed xrays, urine and blood work on me. Nothing was broken, no arthritis, and my urine was fine. I have gained a total of 78 lbs in 8 months. My bloodwork came back and I have hypothyroidism and have been prescribed to synthroid everyday. Honestly at this point I am glad to finally have an answer but wish that they could have just been honest with me and at least looked into my concerns... 8 months it took to find answers now I am in a deep depression, am 80 lbs overweight and am ready to scream!!! So glad to see that I am not alone but sad at the same time!!! There is definatley a connection!!!
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I've been on the depo for about 15 years or more straight and I use to get tender breast, weight gain and that is about hit.  I just got tested for menopause and thyroid and my test came back negative.  Even though I have been experiencing sweating through out the day and night, I'm hot the majority of the time, I have mood swings, I get cold spells, constipation, and forget sex but according to my doctor I am not in menopause.  But how can you really tell if you have been on the shot for a long time and your body all of a sudden starts with the symtoms I just mentioned. Oh I'm 43 years old.
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It sounds like it could very well be thyroid issues - try going to and endocrinologist and tell him/her that you wanted to be treated based on your symptoms, and not on the results of your lab tests.  The thyroid tests can be very deceiving; they may show normal ranges, but you are still having very obvious symptoms.  I took only one shot of Depo, back in Dec. 2010, and never took another one, because I couldn't stand the side effects.  Now, I am constantly freezing all the time, my hair is falling out by the handfuls, I am gaining weight that I can't lose, I have muscle cramps and pain, constipation, headaches, depression, itchy skin, extremely painful and frequent menstrual periods.  I have had my thyroid tested before, and my results always came back within normal range.  I have had doctors tell me anything from "it's all in your head, accept it" to "you're starting through menopause".  I am hoping to get in to see an endocrinologist very soon so I can get this mess settled once and for all.
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I took Depo for about 10 years. At 26 I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. I had 2 surgeries to have my thyroid removed. Since then, while taking synthroid, my thyroid levels have been all over the place. I will be steady with my medication for a while, then out of nowhere my levels will be off. In the last 5 years I've had at least 5 medication increases. This never seems to end, these steady increases can not be healthy.
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You will get to Normal within three months if you follow Ramdev Baba's breathing yogig's exercise called ( Kapaalabati).  Please learn this technique and follow it for 15 mins initially and increase upto 30 mins a day.

Remember Kapaalabati is only one stop medicine for all diseases.
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