471161 tn?1317190950

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Choking feeling

For a couple of months now swelling would come and go in my neck.  The best way to describe the area is (if I had an adams apple it would right under it).  In the last 3 weeks it has been swollen and hasn't gone down and I almost constantly feel like I am going to choke or my airway is being cut off a bit.  I googled and found an article about thyroid nodules and Hashimotos Disease and it describes EXACTLY what I have been going through.  I was also dx'd last week with hypothyroidism.  Is there anyone out there that can tell me if they have this and if they feel like they are choking?  Is this dangerous?  I have lupus and have been in a flare with two hospital visits this year regarding the lupus attaking my heart.  I am wondering now if it isn't also attacking my thyroid.  Does anyone have any experience with Hashimotos or thyroiditis?

34 Responses
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534785 tn?1329592208
I have had this same choking feeling for a year now, and I've come to realize that it's more of a discomfort than anything truly harmful. It does making swallowing a little more difficult than it normally is, but I haven't had any problems with it and I'm hoping I can get rid of it with thyroid hormone treatment. I had a thyroid ultrasound done and no discrete nodules were identified, so I don't think the "lump" is a result of anything worrisome, besides thyroid swelling. I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's today and will be starting on levothyroxine soon, so I'll let you know if this helps!
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471161 tn?1317190950
Thanks.  I am going to my PCP tomorrow.  She drew bloodwork last week for the usual CBC, ANA and she also too some for T3, T4 and TSH.  I wonder if she will know what blood test to run for Thyroid anti-bodies.  Do you remember the name of it?  I wish she was a Rheumy or Internest because she is awesome but her knowledge is limited.  Let me ask you.  They said my ultrasound showed my thyroid to be "normal size" would it be enlarged if I had something wrong with it?  I can't figure out why my neck has this bulge coming out of it and why my whole neck is swollen but they couldn't find anything.
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219241 tn?1413537765
You really need to insist on having a thyroid anti-bodies test done...If the ultrasound shows no nodules, then you are probably more likely to be suffering from Hashimoto's disease....It took me 15 years to get my doctors to listen to me....you can do it tomorrow!
  I ended up having my thyroid out coz it had a cancer in it, but besides that, it would have had to come out anyway as the Hashi's had been left untreated for  so long had totally made mine swollen to the point I could no longer breath without taking huge gulps of air like an emphysema patient.
   Don't be shy in asking for the test.....it proved my doctors wrong and pretty much saved my life.
  Lupus and Hashimotos are both auto immune diseases and there is nothing to say you can't have more than one auto-immune disease at the same time...in fact some people get more than 3!
  Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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471161 tn?1317190950
OK, I got a call today from my Internest today that just reminded me of how ridiculous doctors can be.  They evidently didn't find anything in the ultrasound on my neck.  YES, IT TOOK THIS LONG FOR THE DOCTOR TO GET BACK TO ME SINCE THIS ORIGINAL POST.  And I had to call them and they didn't even have the results, they had to call the hospital and get them rather than be on top of things and have them in my file.  If I hadn't have bugged them about the results I wouldn't even have them yet.  But besides all that.  The doctor had the nurse tell me that they found nothing in the ultrasound and that I can take, if I want, Ibuprophen or Tylenol for it.  I said, "You mean I should take Ibuprophen for the swollen neck and lump sticking out of my throat?".  "First of all she should know I can't take Ibuprphen because I am on 400mg. of Celebrex a day and secondly, how is that going to help the KNOT I HAVE STICKING OUT OF MY NECK AND THE SWELLING OF MY ENTIRE NECK?"  If I didn't know that I can't take ibuprphen with celebrex that doctor would have me frying my liver right now.  And how in the world she thinks that Tylenol would make a knot in my neck (THAT IS STICKING OUT THAT EVERYONE CAN SEE EXCEPT HER I GUESS) go away and stop choking me, I just can't comprehend.  I have liked this Internest, she is nice and talks with me but I have wondered about her experience since she mentioned being in that practice for four years.  I believe now that she is inexperienced.  I spend all day trying to ignore my neck swollen and I toss and turn at night trying to get in a position where I can fall asleep and not be choking.  I wake up and it;s the first thing I notice.  I FEEL LIKE I AM BACK IN THE BEGINNING WHERE I HAD TO CONVINCE A DOCTOR SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH ME.  Doesn't having lupus attack your heart count for some attention to the rest of your body?????  I feel like I am back to square one at finding a good doctor.  I am going to see my PCP on Thursday.  She is awesome but there is just so much that she can do.  Once again, I am so let down by these so called specialist !
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471161 tn?1317190950
Thank you all for your responses and I wish you all healing.  I no longer feel alone or like it's all in my head.  My boyfriend and my friend both tell me they can see the swelling on my neck but when I went to the doctor the other day she had me drink a glass of water and she watched me swallow.  ??  She said it is probably nothing but that we will do an ultrasound this Friday.  How can it be nothing when you can see it and I am saying it feels like I am choking?  This is a doctor that has so far been good to me and is working with me to get my lupus under control.  Maybe she is tired of seeing me.  I have had to go to the ER and be admitted twice in the last two months.  Both times they kept me for four days.  I have vasculitis (swelling of the blood vessels around my heart) so why would my tyroid possibly be swollen?  Doctors make me crazy sometimes.  Anyway, I go for an ultrasound Friday and I do hope it's nothing but at the least I think it is inflamed.  For now, it is just annoying and disturbing.  But it sounds like you all understand.

AJWS6 - how are they helping you with the swelling?  That sounds very uncomfortable.  I read that the thyroid wraps around your esophogus (sp?).  I can't imagine you not having a choking feeling.  Gld Bless.  I hope you feel better soon.

Selma - funny you mention pudding.  I am eating some as I write this so I can take my nightly medicine.  lol  I also have acid reflux and a hyatal hernia.  As long as I take Nexium each morning I am ok though.  Feel better soon Selma.  I like your name by the way.  It was my grandmothers name.

Barb - thanks for the info. on the lab work.  I am assuming if I have this that maybe my autoimmune is attacking it, the same inflamation that is attacking my heart but now I know to ask the doctor about that specific antibody labwork.  I hope you feel better.

Damw, it does feel like someone is pushing on my throat and I can't get confortable when i lay down.  I have to get my pillow just right and it can't touch my throat.  Ugg !  I hate anything having to do with the neck or choking.  That is my biggest fear, choking and now this.....  Feel better.

Cheryl, I pray that the other nodule is nothing serious.  Please let me know what you find out.  I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you for your responses.  I am overwhelmed and I don't feel stupid like it's in my mind or just stress anymore.  I am sorry you all feel or have the same symptoms and the choking part stinks.  Please let me know how you all are doing.  I will let you know what my ultrasounds says when I get results back.
Take care.
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You know, I also got the same response from my doctor when I ask him if I have goiter or something like that since I can feel a lump in my neck..and he told me that it's nothing. I have a nodule btw but it's really small. He put me on Euthyrox medication for 3 months. I'm still on my 2nd month. This is really stressing me out and I'm really scared that it might get bigger in the future. I'm only 24. I know that it runs in the family since my mom has hypothyroidism & my aunt had goiter.
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Hi Joni,

I know exactly what you're talking about "choking feeling"  I thought it was stress related, but my Oncologist sent me for an ultra sound and the ultra sound report stated that I have nodules.  He then sent me to an Endocrinologist who sent me for another ultra sound.  Results came back with 5 nodules.  My endocrinologist sent me to a Renowned Radiologist who did a needle biopsy.  They said that one of the nodules was indetermined?  I actually see my Endocrinologist next week to go over the test results.  My thyroid levels are off also.  My TSH level is high.  I have had low-grade fevers which are concerning me.  I guess I must sound like a mess.  But I know exactly what you're talking about having the same choking feeling.  Hope you are feeling better.

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