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Hashimoto's patients, are you TH1 or TH2 dominant?

Hashi patients, do you know if you are TH1 or TH2 dominant? I'm TH2 dominant. Coffee and green tea make my neck swell. I've given up caffeine and I take my Echinacea and Golden Seal each day and the flareups are gone. (Well, except when I eat chocolate). Which are you? Do you know if what you're eating could be causing auto-immune flareups?

Below is a part of the TH1/TH2 transcript taken from a video by Dr. Geronimo. Here's Dr. Geronimo's website:

I don't have enough room to post the entire transcript.To read the full transcript see my journal entry below:

:) Tamra

"An autoimmune condition occurs when one branch of the immune system over dominates another branch. This is called an either a Th1 or Th2 dominance. A dominant TH1 response means that the natural killer cells and cytotoxic t cells are responsible for attacking the body, while a TH2 dominance indicates that your bcells and antibodies are mounting the attack. A blood test is needed to find out which branch is dominant. Thus to treat an autoimmune disease, it is critical to find the dominant branch and to balance the seesaw by stimulating the other branch. For example, if a patient’s autoimmune disease was TH1 dominant, treating it would require that we strengthen the Th2 side to balance out the immune system. If the patient were Th2 dominant, we would stimulate the Th1 side to regain balance. It’s a pretty simple solution, but so many people suffer needlessly because the immune system has been ignored, until now.

This is where clinical nutrition and natural medicine comes into play. It is well documented in clinical research that Th1 stimulants are Echinacea, maitake mushrooms and golden seal to name a few. Th2 stimulators are caffeine, green tea, and grape seed extract. So in the example I gave in the previous slide, if a patient with an under functioning thyroid is TH1 dominant, then I would prescribe supplements containing caffeine, green tea, and grape seed extract to stimulate the TH2 side to regain balance. If they were TH2 dominant, then Echinacea, mushrooms, and golden seal would balance out their immune system. Since most people with autoimmune conditions have no idea which branch of their immune system is dominant, they can actually make their condition worse by taking over the counter immune boosters. Lets say for example you were Th1 dominant and you catch a cold. A friend tells you that Echinacea helped them so you take it yourself. Unknowingly you would be flaring up your already dominant Th1 response and cause even more destruction to your thyroid gland."

94 Responses
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1013194 tn?1296459481
Never even heard of a TH1 or TH2 dominant..Interesting, will have that checked with next bloods:)
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Very interesting.  Can my PCP test that or is this something special that my doc and lab can't do?
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219241 tn?1413537765
Interesting article, but what about if you no longer have a thyroid? I am a Hashi's with less antibodies after the surgery, but still have them...the only thing I find that flares me up is being over heated, like in summer, having an infection, or my knee becomes inflammed, or stress. Never really noticed from taking anything that anything happens.
Good post though, I am about to buy the book anyway just to see what they are on about.
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Good question. I don't know if your GP will run these tests. My chiropractor is running them for me. He's also testing my adrenals and treating my gut/yeast problem by detoxing my gut on a 24 day  cleanse. I've had Hashi friends who've done this with great results, flat stomachs and no more stomach pains.

Most doctors treat symptoms and levels and give us drugs. They don't look for the underlying auto-immune cause, so I don't know if they will run these tests, but you can certainly ask.

Dr. Geronimo can order these tests. If you go to his website, I believe he has contact info.  

I found my doctor by going to Dr. K's website at www.thyroidbook.com and typing my city. He sent me a reference.  

:) Tamra
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Even if you no longer have a thyroid, you still can have the leaky gut that caused all this in the first place.  You can still have these antibodies attacking you and you might benefit from getting to the root of the cause. I'm glad you're buying the book. It explains so much.

:) Tamra
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219241 tn?1413537765
Food for thought..bwaaaaah haa haaa.. I make a little joke!  I am trying hard to get to the root of the cause, but without much success! I ordered the book, and will get my US friend to ship it to me with my Care Package. (Still works out cheaper than just getting them to ship one book!)
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Well I'm stuffed lol...I'm allergic to mushies and Echinacea (which is the bark of a tree).

So Tammy...you are TH2 dominant which is otherwsie known as humoral immunity.
This refers to immunity to infection created by proteins termed antibodies, often referred to as "B" cells.

Doesnt make much sense to me considering we all have antibodies.

To really 'get into this' you would have to know molecullar science inside out and know what you are doing as you could destroy or attack cells that you basically need.
I might add that Green Tea may be an antioxident but not good for those with Diabetes as it contains a lot of sugar.
YES ...Sugar.

This is from a place on the Net that I have access to......

These two different methods exist by which the body fights infections. While cellular immunity (Th1) directs Natural Killer T-cells and macrophages to attack abnormal cells and microorganisms at sites of infection inside the cells, humoral immunity (Th2) results in the production of antibodies used to neutralize foreign invaders and substances outside of the cells.

In many cases, an infection is fought with both arms of the immune system.
At other times predominantly one is needed to control an infection. A healthy immune system is both balanced and dynamic: it should be balanced between Th1 and Th2 activity, switching back and forth between the two as needed. This allows for a quick eradication of a threat and then a return to balance before responding to the next threat. The inability to respond adequately with a Th1 response can result in chronic infection and cancer; an overactive Th2 response can contribute to allergies, various syndromes and play a role in autoimmune disease.
In end stage illnesses, both arms of the immune system fail.

Antibodies and Autoimmune Diseases are also hereditary and not always from a 'leaky gut'.

Sorry....but I have seen so many Docs online that claim to do this, that and the other and all they do is ..get rich.

To start with...its not healthy doing a detox (regardless of what others think) as you are flushing not only the bad toxins and germs but also the good ones.
So many people think detox is the answer to everything.
And most people end up with infections after detox as their bodies do not have the natural body germs to fight the infection.

Detox was once a regular thing here in Australia but not anymore.

I tend to be cautious with the statements that your Doctor friend has made Tamra...sorry :(

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219241 tn?1413537765
I have to agree on the detox issue. Bit like colonic irrigation. Makes the person think they are doing a great thing, but in fact can make them worse! We have flora in our gut that we need!

I am always an observer in many things. I am hearing Tamra but will buy the book and decide from there. I really think many docs jump on the bandwagon and try to convince many people that they really need their product, etc. I still have issues with doctors not being able to give advice on the no thyroid issue. I have asked, but all the research is for those with thyroids still intact. Obviously us poor surgical and/or RAI's or birth defect non-thyroidians don't get a look in!

Having been an investigator for many years, I take it all in my stride. I never believe anything till I have all the facts and research put together.
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219241 tn?1413537765
Oh..you made a boo-boo..Echinacea is a purple flower..not a tree! In Oregon it is a really popular plant as a roadside plant and in home gardens. Very hardy!
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744962 tn?1270942038

I am OK with organic coffee without milk - and can have a block of organic 72% or higher cocoa content chocolate without any problems, if done once in a while.  Mushrooms, soya, Golden Seal,  Echinacea and gluten products get me to flare up - my throat starts to feel tight swollen and have a tingling feeling and I seem to get urinary tracts infections. Oddly I am the same with Vitamin D.  I was givena Vitamin D and Calcium combination by my Endo and two days later found to have a very sore throat, body aches and my body felt hot - odd and do not understand why at all. Am told these cause inflamation in my case.  I am OK with Ezekiel bread (not always able to find it here in Hong Kong and when you do they cost between 50 and 75 Hong Kong Dollars  that would be  6-9 USD per loaf ) needless to say you eat it sparingly LOL.  I have introduced coconut oil each day and have let go of all dairy products.  A slice of piping hot Ezekiel bread toast and a dollop of Coconut oil is my treat.  I make my own nut butters and once made store them in the freezer and that way have organic Peanut, Almond and other butters - made with Cocount oil - this way we prevent the mold as they all are a good source of protein.  I do seem to be OK with the Peantus as I buy organic nuts in their shell - deshell them - soak them overnight - dry and roast them then make the butter - this way I do not have any mold impact from the peanuts.  Hey all of this sounds sooooo tough to do but we are blessed as we can eat daily when many have nothing or very little in many parts of the world.  Each day I work hard to remain positive and to adopt a great attitude as I express my gratitude even with all the crappy things around this condition - as in Africa I have sat next to a number of people dying of aids and when I went into their kitchen to see what I could cook up for them to eat when soooo weak (volunteering work)- in more than one house all I could find was a couple of grains of rice in an old bashed up cake tin.

Wishing you only the best
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I'm going to a doctor here who will monitor my detox. Some of my Hashi friends over at *****  have done this detox with great results - stomach swelling gone down and no more stomach pain.

I understand that many Hashi cases are hereditary. My mom and aunt have it. We believe my grandma, who had her thyroid removed 40 years ago, had it, too.

The question is: Is the thyroid disease hereditary, or the leaky gut which lead to the thyroid disease hereditary?

I'm Italian. I grew up eating bread with each meal and loads of pasta. My family eats way more gluten than most. And LOTS of sweets! Italian cheesecake, pizelles, canolis, Italian cookies of all kinds. You name it.

I am going to give this gut detox a try. I'm at wits end and want to be healthy again. I will let you know in the next coming weeks how all goes. So far, the gluten suggestion has helped because I've had to lower my thyroid meds.

:) Tamra
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You are a gem for sharing your eating tips. I will have to look for the organic decaf next time I'm at whole foods. What are your thoughts on natural peanut butter? The kind you have to stir.

:) Tamra
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You are right Redhead ,,I apologise.
I was thinking of the 'root' of the plant that looks like the bark of a tree and cultivated can grow to 1,2 metres in height.There are also 9 varietys of Echinacea.
Here is the write up about it.....

•Although toxicological information about Echinacea based products is scarce, the plant is considered to be safe when taken internally.
•Preliminary testing undertaken in pregnant women did not reveal any birth defects in the children born to mothers who used this plant during various stages of gestation. Nevertheless, since only one clinical trial evaluating Echinacea during pregnancy has been conducted, taking Echinacea products during the first trimester of pregnancy should be done only under professional supervision and excessive use should be avoided.
•Patients allergic to ragweed or other members of the Composite or Daisy family, such as Marigold, Arnica or Chamomile, may show cross sensitization (allergies) to Echinacea products.
•Injectable preparations were available in Europe, but are now banned in Germany and other countries due to the potential risk of anaphylactic shock or adverse drug reactions in sensitive individuals.
•It has been suggested that Echinacea preparations could be toxic to the liver, but no clinical evidence exists to support this. •The German Commission E monograph on Echinacea has contraindicated its use in patients suffering from HIV infection or autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, although some researchers believe that this statement is either theoretical or poorly substantiated. More clinical research on human subjects is needed before any conclusions can be drawn.
•Although the Commission E monograph on Echinacea mentions that continuous treatment with Echinacea products should not exceed 8 weeks. This statement is not related to potential toxicity, but rather to the possibility that the plant’s effectiveness may wane with time, rendering it less effective.
•The possible herb-drug interactions involving Echinacea are for the most part unknown, although patients with HIV should consult their physician prior to taking any Echinacea product, as this may interfere with conventional antiviral therapy.
•Echinacea preparations may theoretically reduce the efficacy of certain medications, such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus and corticosteroids, for example.
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I cant comment on Hashi's and hereditary but Graves is usually hereditary and not from leaky gut.
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734073 tn?1278896325
Lila's post was so sweet yet so bitterly true wasn't it? Good for us all to remember that we are all so blessed in our afflictions compaired to many others in our world who don't have anything to even consider eating. Makes me cry! What amazing people with such hearts I have met on this site. So chins up people and lets all count our blessings each day. As far as peanuts go (even organic) I think the fungus is in there. I'd steer clear. Try the organic almond or cashew butter!
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Hello Smilerdeb.  You bring up some very valid and interesting points.  I would love to clear up any skepticism that you may have.  Tamra asked for my permission to post the transcript of my videos on this site,so naturally I was intrigued with what people have to say about it.  Anyway you seem like a well educated woman and I respect your opinion.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  
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Yes, Lila's post was true. I am very blessed for my life, even though I still suffer from fatigue. There are worse things.

:) Tamra
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Hi Dr. G.
:) Tamra
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219241 tn?1413537765
I still think Echinacea is a pretty flower.....if it does some people good, so be it! Only thing for me that works is Iron in liquid form, and calcium..the rest I just can't afford right now. Being on a low income precludes most of us from being able to be healthy. Have you seen the price in Aus for Echinacea tablets???

The air that I breathe is full of pollutants, the water I drink is contaminated with fluoride and chlorine. The 'organic' food I buy is grown right next to a freeway with pollutants landing on them and into the soil, I go to wash them and end up with more problems. I pee, and the tablets I take, turn fish into 3 headed monsters. ......bah....too much to think about!  We live, we die, end of story.

If I drop dead in the meantime, well then, I will no longer have any more health issues....LOL!
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LOL, you are too funny! I'd really like your take on the govt. run insurance care you get. I'm scared of what is to come in the US.

:) Tamra
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744962 tn?1270942038
Hi to all

As far as I have read up and been told is that Hashi too is hereditary - I know that I am the my great gran, granny, mother and myself all had/have Hashi problems.  Perhaps some just did not know about the word Hashi at all - since I get to know more of the symptoms speaking to my mum back in South Africa on skype discovered that most of the symptoms I have for sure runs way back in my family.  I too would not do a pure detox week but rather sip detoxifying drinks inbetween whilst eating what is within my OK's.  I have substituted gluten with Coconut flower, make tea with crushed ginger, mint and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice - this helps to clear all the slush out of our liver where most toxins are held.  I try to follow a 4 day rotation diet and keep note of a reaction - my nose starts running within seconds after I have had something to eat that my body reacts to.  Coconut the old fruit brown with hair on is a good source of protein and has number of health benifits for Hashi, is a natural parasite killer, clears the liver, prevents inflamation of the urinary tract, prevents any cravings - loads of information on the net.  Sipping Cinnamon tea inbetween meals also is very good.  Use organic stick cinnamon and simmer in a glass container for about 10 to 15 minutes.  I have done away with all forms of cooking pots and plastic containers and only make use of glass and no microwave cooked foods or drinks as well.  Redheadaussie I really had soooo much fun reading your comments and it really made me laugh sooooo much.

Blessings to all and I looooooove and enjoy learning from all.
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It was interesting to see you post here as this is the only post that you have posted.
As you realise, we all here are very different in our mollecular biology and also DNA.
I heard read and researched privately (having a stepson who is a dietician and a health practitioner here in Australia and after 3 years of discussions with him, am totally against detox.
I have looked at your website and it does promise a lot of things (of which I am sure you are capable of doing) but it isnt always that 'cut and dried', as you know and being the knowledgeable person you are,,,,you would know this to be true too.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and even though I am am against detox as I know that we all need certain germs in our bodies to help fight protection...I would like to ask you how the body is able to fight infection if it doesnt have those germs?

In my case, my heart issues  (heart murmur, prolapse mitral and triscuspid valves)are not from toxins from foods, chemicals, germs, or hereditary.
My issues are from being born with Rheumatic Fever which you would know can and does most of the time cause heart murmurs.

I have my levels good and stable in regards to Graves Disease and yes, that one I did get from genetics (hereditary).

But what I would really like to know is... you state on your website that you can 'treat' certain conditions but that does not mean 'cure'.
In the case of someone with CP (Cerebral Palsy) this is where there is muscle wastage, continuous UTI's, aching joints,etc.
As you would already know, this is a gentic birth defect and cannot be cured.
MS (muliple Schlerosis) is also a disease that can be treated but not cured as with many other deseases.
Hypothyroidism can be treated but Hashimoto's cannot be cured.

I am in no means trying to discredit your work or your website but when someone goes through what many go through here...Graves Disease, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimotos, Hypothyroidism...then I believe that it must be stated clearly on your website that "you can help treat but not cure",

There was a stage back 2 years ago that if someone had asked me if I wanted to win the Lotto or get rid of Graves, I would gladly have taken the latter due to the debilitating disease it is and there are others here who would gladly try 'anything' to get well.
But with my own research, the 'working with a brilliant Doctor' and my own common sense. I now live a good life with stable levels.

In regards to "detox", as I said before ...in Australia a few years back, it was regarded as the 'be all and end all'...the MAGIC cure so to speak.
This was then found to be incorrect.
It was found that patients would have infection after infection, especially with a bowel detox and that it flushed out the bacteria that actually fights infection.

As I said earlier in this posting,.....I have my own beliefs and am open to discussions and opinions of others but am also 'wary' of "miracle cures" so to speak.

Personally myself, I very rarely touch the traditional western medicine unelss I really have too and check out each vitamin and supplement that I think may be beneficail to me.
But most importantly of all......I tend to rely on the 'natural vitamins' of fresh vegeatbles, minerals etc and steer clear of commercialised products as I have seen so many sport and health food stores promoting just about anything they can.
I have also looked into foods that we should be eating, going by our blood groups.
That is something I have been looking at for a while but am undecided as of yet about it.

I tend to research before I 'jump' so to speak.
But I have worked with patients with Spina Bifida, MS, Downs Syndrome, ABI, Autism etc and we both know that these conditions cannot be reversed either by your way of treatment or by western medicine.

But I would like to thank you for your time on coming to this site.

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393685 tn?1425812522
wow, nice post and so imformative. This took me a while to read along with Tamra journal.

I think I may have to re-read it again - but I am missing a vital point n all this.


Although I agree - the immune system is very important and is ignored more than ever in modern society, my belief is the body MUST be looked at as a whole than picking it apart piece by piece and than showing one thing as the culprit.

Let's take soe thought on the basic biology of the body.

Everything starts out as a cell - plant or animal

A group of cells creates tissue

A group of tissue creates a particular organ ( think of that... all the different organs. all different cells to form that organ) The human body has 11 organ systems - Cardio - Resp-Digest-Skin-skeletal-musc-nervous-endocrine-lymphatic ( immune) - urinary and reproductive.

Group of organs create us - organism

Healthy - means all these levels are healthy - Ill - means opposite.

In my opinion, while the immune system is major in our overall health and to say - we are ill in there - fixing it - may not unlock the whole thing either. It has many things to look at there too.

I think the big thing in immune system for hypothyroidism or antibodies are the antigens which tell the body to "identify" -    us.

If the antigens are backfiring - or telling our body its not "self" identity - thats where things gets complicated and become invaders.

T cells are "trained"  to react to ONE particular antigen and turn into a cytotoxic T cell and multiply quickly.In return they start killing whole cells. They bind to "sick cells" and make it toxic causing rupture. Now other cells are called into battle.

B cell bind to the antigen and are the "watchers" - when bad cells are found - they multiply too and there job is to create an army of antibodies - takes about 10 days to creat the antibody attack in what I read. Antibodies fight the germ or antigen. BUT the B-cell is capable to "clone" into the bad ill cell too and store it in a memory bank for better words. If they have another situation with the bad cell again - they KNOW now to produce those antibodies ahead to kill that off. - Here is the IgA and IgG ( other IG) antibodies ( also TSI - TPOab and other autoimmune)  and the hormone outline of antibodies begin.

Here is where I totally agree the immune system needs to be protected before all this starts - but with the prescription drugs freely offered (far from just thyroid meds) and the soil - water food - everything has changes - our bodies are so complex with toxic cells that the hormones are now altered as well. - again not just thyroid but all hormones alter other hormones.

I agree about nurtition and changes - but hard mineral are heavily ignored in this day and age. Hard minerals are the back bone of this immune system and as we destroy them more in more - Echinacea isn't the cure now. I think it is more enhancement right now to support other things and my opinion is the hard mineral is essential for overall health - along with amino acids and proper diet.

I mean - you know this goes into thousands of things - like free radical damage - ph levels- Para-Sympathetic - Filteration -

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There is a lot to consider Stella and if you really look at it in the long term basis.
I tend to live for today and do also notice that people can want a 'cure' so bad that they become obsessed with the whole issue. I know because I was one of those people in the early stage of Graves. But my attitude has since changed. I still research but I do not read everything as 'gospel '.
Positivity would have to be one of the biggest healers in my books.
Yes, research by all means..... Learn all you can about your condition....... Try different things that you have thoroughly researched first...... But also take a look at the big picture.

Basically what I am trying to say is...... Just because someone believes in a certain religion, that does not mean you have to also.

It is very easy to get caught up in treatments that claim to 'fix'  the problem but be 100% sure first. sometimes the treatment can ' undo' all the good you have down up until now.
Tam... I hope you have researched 'Everything'  on this and if you decide to go ahead with it then let us know how you go but also research the side effects of detox as there are some and also make sure that you are also NOT flushing out medications in your bloodstream for your thyroid condition.
I too cut down my T4 med after a while because I found my intake of food was cut down and my body didn't need the higher dose. Just like drinking alcohol.......... If you drink on an empty sto
ach, you tend to get the effects of alcohol faster.
Anyway....... Good luck with it all and grea posting!

sorry if spelling is out but iPhone doesn't t like fat fingers lol    
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