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798555 tn?1292787551

Help!! Lab experts, bad labs on Nature Throid

Labs say HYPO feel HYPER!!

Some of you may recall I am having issues on old marked Nature Throid.  Three months ago I felt hypo when I changed to Nature Throid 2.5 grains per day from a generic Armour copy called TCL.  Then I felt hyper, but no labs were taken at that time (mistake I know). So I lowered the dose to feel better.

The problem is I keep lowering it and feel better now down to 1/4 grain this week! Something is way wrong. I get really hot when I try to increase it, I wonder if I'm alergic to it.

Just got labs last week TSH says way hypo, but I cant increase Nature throid, I get hyper symptoms.

Labs:   They did not do freeT3, did total T3 instead.

               me             range
TSH        25.52          .3 - 5.0            wow is that high
free T4        .62          .71 - 1.85         not to low
Total T3     2.36          .5 - 1.65          not the same as free, but why is that high with a TSH so hypo?

I ASKED for freeT3, they didnt do it eeerrrrrrr!!!

but with T3 over, can I have T3 toxicosis and hypo TSH? Feel hyper if I increase.

Is this pituitary?

Sould I get Reverse T3 test?

Or am I alergic to Nature Throid so I cant increase?

Thank you all, this is so strange.
28 Responses
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798555 tn?1292787551
So, I am hypo per that lab after all, BUT I am not one bit tired! This cannot be explained. I have been lethargic with a TSH of 10 before in the past..........this makes no sense.

My endo even suggested a couple other endos that know more how the whole endocrine system works together and one is nationally known but out of my insc network - but that could change.....

So I met a new GP doc, who listens to patients and looks at freeT's religiously, I was shocked. This is a MD that says its important to look at the whole body. I agree. So, I was tested for a new Thyroid lab (I and the doc were not impressed with the endos mistakes) and will even get testosterone tested.

Also  picked up some new formulated NT this afternoon at CVS, see how it goes.

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798555 tn?1292787551
Yes I was a little anxious when writing these posts, I was in a hurry. You can allways tell if I'm not in a hurry.........I go on and on,LOL.  And I've been dealing with trying to get leveled on NT for three months, I've decided thats way to long, thus losing patients.

The energy surges are just extended periods of being very wide awake, no nightmares, no anxiety attacks. Just all of a sudden wake up and feel like I could run a marathon - at 3 AM  and also in the day, with heart palps sometimes.

I felt the best in ten years in November, and TCL dessicated was discontinued. In the past I have not been able to change thyroid meds well, even blending the transition did not work so well. What did work before was to go hypo on purpose then increase very slow, which means hypo for quite awile.

I picked up a NEW bottle of newer NT today to give it a whirl.
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798555 tn?1292787551
I liked the idea of two synthetics, and I tried it this time last year.

Cytomel, even with split doses totaling 5mcg gave me headaches for three weeks nonstop, couldn't take it anymore. Then I went to Armour, and others since.

We really need a cytomel option in the US.
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988694 tn?1332359479
I am sorry but I do not know what you mean by "energy serges", but from what I read I think you are feeling a little anxius.

One of my hypo symptoms is anxiety. I know when I am hypo because I have terrible insomia, sleep only 5 hours at night or less, or wake up in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep again. Plus, I have nightmares, just like I had another life while asleep. Lots of energy as you can see.

When the medicine has worked in the past I sleep like a baby and I do not remember my dreams.

Increase slowly, not too quick but do not wait too long either to increase because hypo symptoms come back worse (my experience).

Obviously you need the medication. I am having a hard time too with the old and new nature throid but I can not switch either, so I am hoping it will eventually work.

Probably you had a reaction to the new formula and need to adapt again.
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In this case...you ARE HYPO but I still think that a trial of T4 med and T3 med would serve you better. This basically tells you that you arent getting enough thyroid hormones.
And if you are symptomatic with the increases, personally I would go back to the 'old' T4 med with a T3 med added (synthroid & Cytomel).
Really ...what do you have to lose?
If the T3 goes too high, you an control it better as its not as potent (cytomel) in your system as a dessicated med.
Just a thought........
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798555 tn?1292787551
Update. Leeson learned.

When something looks wierd call back and ask. When numbers are rewritten mistakes can happen. They said they made a mistake when refering to TT3. That makes me fwwl real comfy.

Nurse says it was FT3  2.36  with range of 2.30 - 4.20

**So then I am truly hypo, But still, why am I not tired, and increasing med is hard?**

I am seeking other tests, non thyroid. Meantime I will try to increse slower to maintain stability. Maybe stability in med will result in more stable feel.

Thank you all so far
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Check out the initial post (question) in this thread (specifically FT3 and TT3 results):


I've done the math...TT3 is 70% of range, FT3 is 9%...guess the two might not always correlate very well!  That's quite the discrepancy...

Interestingly enough, her FT3/RT3 ratio also indicates RT3 dominance...a connection?  If you're thinking that your symptoms might be hypo rather than hyper, it might be worthwhile to throw in an RT3 test, just to cover all the bases, as long as you're doing it anyway?
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499534 tn?1328704178
I switched from Armour to Synthroid and Cytomel because my body would not absorb. I kept getting sicker on the Armour.....unfortunately I couldn't take it.
It was a very easy transition to the synthroid and cytomel, because you control the T4 and T3 levels individually. For me it has been a life saver!
Everyone is different and most important is to get you feeling well! Keep trying until you find the right combo! :)
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499534 tn?1328704178
Here's what I think.....you are not absorbing the natural for some reason, or it has too much T3 for your body. It would be helpful of course IF we had a Free T3 result....as you already know. lol
Yes you are HYPO......but your T3 level is showing hyper.....I would suggest trying a different med.....your body doesn't seem to like this particular one. :)
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798555 tn?1292787551
"So when my Doc explained to me that I was having 'crossover'

When the FT4 starts to convert to FT3, we get the odd 'hot flush' and if we have them for a few days, we regard ourselves as HYPER when in actual fact, it is the body converting.
The TSH then recognises that the T4 is being used up (TSH doesnt care where it goes) and then the Pit. gland starts to pump out like crazy...saying " I NEED MORE MEDS"...when it actual fact, it doesnt as the FT3 balances itself out on a continuous level of T4 and T3.
This is what is happening to you."

Thanks. Still dont know about TT3, I will ask for FT3 again through the nurse. So I dont know how valid that highTT3 is.

Changing meds again sounds difficult. I will try to maintain at a regular dose to see how I feel since my don wont be back till next week.
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Ok..gonna put my thoughts in here....

It seems like you are getting too much T3 and not enough T4 ..basically med induced Toxycosis.
I remember a time when I had a low range FT4 but a high FT3 and a high TSH.
At the time I discovered 'cross over' symptoms.
I would feel freezing cold yet get these gi-normous hot flushes, I would have anxiety shocking, I would get fast pulse for half an hour then all of a sudden, the pulse would go down to 60bpm after being 120 half hour earlier.
I guess at the time I thought maybe it was the menopause garbage but I knew I was over that 5 years prior.

I soon found out what the problem was......
I was increasing and decreasing my doses on what I felt 'on the day'.
For example.....if I felt hot all day, the next day I would decrease my T4 med by 12.5mcg.
That fixed the problem for a week or so then bang! I was hypo.

So when my Doc explained to me that I was having 'crossover' symptoms, I knew he was talking sense.

When the FT4 starts to convert to FT3, we get the odd 'hot flush' and if we have them for a few days, we regard ourselves as HYPER when in actual fact, it is the body converting.
The TSH then recognises that the T4 is being used up (TSH doesnt care where it goes) and then the Pit. gland starts to pump out like crazy...saying " I NEED MORE MEDS"...when it actual fact, it doesnt as the FT3 balances itself out on a continuous level of T4 and T3.
This is what is happening to you.

I am no expert in dessicated but do know that you need the tiniest bit of T4 med to balance out the T3...and not send the TSH into spiralling circles.

Here it is in simple terms.....

You need more T4 and less T3 to get that TSH back down.
I know we always say to go by our symptoms and that is true in most cases but when there are 'crossover' symptoms, it can be very confusing.
What is also confusing is the fact that the different change in meds is giving the TSH the wrong message.
The change in formulas may have LESS T4 and more T3 .

So I suggest you go back to a T4 med, taking cytomel with it but at a low dose slowly.
Sounds complicated but its not......all that has happened is your 'train has come off the tracks and needs to go back on the tracks' so to speak.

Put up with the hot flushes for about a week, get some T4 into you and take T3 at a ratio of 1 to 5.
Basically start from scratch as if you are starting your first time meds.
Do this for 4 weeks and I guarantee the FT4 will come up, the FT3 go down a fraction and the TSH come down.
Get the BALANCE back there.
And the only way to do it is taking a T4 and T3 meds.
Then reconsider (after labs) on going back to dessicated if thats what you want.

Hope thats not too complicated to understand.
Good Luck.

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798555 tn?1292787551
Did you have 'energy serges'  during this time  while sleeping,  even though you were hypo?  

Iam getting more labs hopefully in the next few days.

If labs (including adrenal) do not support further cause, I will increase very slowly.
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798555 tn?1292787551
Pulse was only 33, but it feels strong. Face flushed too. Try to sleep again.
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798555 tn?1292787551
Well its 1:20 AM, and I cant sleep. I might have some. But had loads of energy in my chest. Strong heart, felt hot ,very wierd.
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988694 tn?1332359479
You are probably right about T3.
When I was on synthetics, taking a combo of t3 and t4 (same ratio as desiccated), my doctor increased only cytomel. I had to take the added dosis in the afternoon.

Within 2 weeks I went nuts. I was sure I was hyper. My chest was pumping, sweating like crazy and a lot of itching everywhere!

I started to reduce my dose, just like you did, as my doctor suggested, but I felt worse and worse, according to me, hyper.

I quit the whole thing and started over. Same thing, according to me, hyper.

I never had bood work (mistake), but when I finally had it, whitin two weeks without medications, I was like in the beginning, very hypo. I think I was never hyper, I was not taking a lot of medicine although I believe synthetics are more powerful than desiccated. I had either a reaction to too much T3 too quick or an allergic reaction to synthetics.

I switched to desiccated, but this time I started with a 1/4 dose of a 1/4 of grain and I started to increase every two or three weeks, very small and slowly.

They are right when they say that one can be confused about reactions. It could be either you are still hypo and need more medicine or you went hyper. A fine line.

According to what I have read any allergic problem or reaction can be dissolved by starting small.

Some doctors give patients a water solution with minimal doses to eventually switch to tablets.

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798555 tn?1292787551
I was Dx'ed with Hashi about 11 years ago. But I had a mix of hypo with some months of hyper for at least 10 - 15 years prior to being tested.

Till mid  december  was on 2 grains / 2.5 every other day of TCL, felt good and labs were realy good. Then changed to NT end of Dec felt hypo, doc said up to 2.5 per day.  In late January at 2 1/2 grains of NT per day :

tsh was like .99
FT3 top of the range
FT4 was at bottom 3rd.

felt better, but not right.

Then opened new bottle and some time later started to feel hyper. Palps, sweats, hot/cold at night and day, burning eyes. After that the less I took those symtoms lessened.

I got an ultra sound last friday - my nodule is still under 1cm, it might have shrunk the last year.

That TT3 looks like I'm storing T3???  But like goolarra says, does TT3 mean anything?

This could be:
1) one strange hashi rollercoaster
2)Nature Throid bad batch
3)Adrenals running rapant
4)any mixture of the above
5)something the opposite of good changing from within- really dont want to think of that.
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798555 tn?1292787551
"Also, since you "split", could you be getting lots of T3 one day and virtually none the next?"

I didnt mix the 2 bottles of NT. Used one no problems.  Then opened another about the time I started to feel hyper. I cant narrow it more. I split the pills with a splitter, yes its not perfect. But my symptoms are consistent daily.

I am also going to insist a new bottle of NT tomorrow, just in case this bottle is wacko.

Wish they did the FT3 I asked for, idiots.........  They always start out with ' well we usually dont do FT3"........ At least this lab takes only 3-4 days, still thats not great.

Everything hormone has a time lag.........what a mystery to figure out.  

I really dont feel to bad today,  had a walk after work, relaxed, not tired with a TSH of........25!  Now I was a zombie in the past on synthroid with a tsh of 1.2 last winter. Go figure.

As an experiment.....4 hours ago I popped 3/4 grain of TCL I had left to see how I feel tonight and tomorrow. If that was from this bottle of NT, the T3 in it at 6 PM would have me wired. I'm not wired and it was Time Caps Labs dessicated. Well see about tomorrow.

I even place a 'friendly' call to NT and asked if there were any unusual symptom comments from people. Even if there was, no company is going to admit it.
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No, I think labs normalize after six weeks (T4), but symptoms lag...depends on how long you were hypo or hyper and need to heal (recover).

Ask the phlebotomist what s/he is doing...make them say it...helps minimize mistakes.  It's too easy just to agree with whatever you said...after all, who cares?  Totoal, free?  All the same, right?
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798555 tn?1292787551
I even asked the blood drawer to make sure I was getting FT3, - I always have to ask!  Maybe she got confused with TT3. Not a good mistake. I am going to call tomorrow ask If they got my name mixed up, and ask for a new lab test. And I will push for cortisone test too. Wish me luck.

"So where is all the energy coming from?" - thats what I dont get!

My doc is on vacation again, nurse must clear with other docs - another hoop.

I know it take a long time for meds to take effect during increase, not t3 though.

I wonder what the correlation lag time is from true dose to how you feel. Is it 6 weeks as well?
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Yes, I have to agree.  I never have my labs done without asking the phlebotomist "What are we doing today?"  A shame we have to be this vigilant, but what can you do?  Yes, get FT3 done...
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I agree with prior posts that you need to know quickly what your FT3 level is.  It's incredible how many times patients think they are getting FT3 tested and end up with TT3.  I've had to go to the extreme of asking the lab attendant what tests she is going to have run, and if not correct then back I go to the doctor's nurse to get it straight.  While you are doing that we will all scratch our heads and contemplate what is going on with you.  

Just thinking out loud here.  How long ago were you diagnosed with Hashi's?   Also, 2 1/2 grains of a T4/T3 med like NT sounds like a full daily replacement.  There would have to be a significant reaction when you started lowering your dose, now down to 1/4 grain.   So where is all the energy coming from?  If it is from the adrenals, can that be your body's  reaction to the big reduction in NT?  When you go back for FT3 test, maybe you should also ask about testing of adrenal function.  
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Okay, this is what I was questioning...you opened a new bottle, and you started having hyper symptoms...consistency in the meds lots???  Much more possible that it's an allergic reaction if it happened after a change in lots.  Also, since you "split", could you be getting lots of T3 one day and virtually none the next?  I'm just guessing here.

Yes, a possibility with the adrenals.

No, not necesarily on the TT3 vs. FT3.  I was just corresponding with someone who had over the top TT4, but FT4 right on the floor.  I don't know why so much of either T3 or T4 would be bound...not used to looking at totals...don't know if it's even significant...is that why "totals" are considered trash???

Overconversion?  I have heard of this, but I didn't consider the source necessarily reliable...  However, if there is a possibility for something to go wrong, I imagine it can.

Another possibility...I'm sure you're under a lot of stress with starting a new job and all...stress causes adrenals to kick in...extra adrenal function causes conversion to ramp up...purely conjecture...just thinking out loud.
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158939 tn?1274915197
I had a very similar problem.  I was doing *great* on Armour thyroid until it was pulled from the market.  I went to a compounding pharmacy and they made the "exact equivalent".  Two months later I had my labs run and my TSH had gone from 0.5 on Armour to 37.6 on the natural thyroid compound!!!!!!    I went back on Synthroid with Cytomel (much as I didn't want to).

For some reason my body was not absorbing the natural thyroid even though it had been doing find on Armour.

You might have to go back to a synthetic until they can figure this mess out.


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don t know as much as goolarra thats for sure but i do think its the med and not you
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