1405518 tn?1281153968

Is it possible for 1/2 of your thyroid to just disappear?

My Mother went to have an ultrasound on her thyroid recently (since I have been having all of my issues) & the lady doing it asked her when she had the other half removed. She never did! We are waiting on the results still but has anyone ever heard of this? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks :)
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I had 2 lobes to my thyroid-  documented by scans. Then at some point, a radiologist remarked on my R lobe having been surgically  removed. But it wasn’t.

I received no answers Was told my thyroid blood tests are okay despite the vanishing lobe. And a nodule that takes up a third of the tensing lobe. I have anxiety and an ability to get all shaky inside with just a thought. Never experienced this before. But I’m told whatever is left of my thyroid is working okay despite more than a third of it being taken up by a nodule.
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I'm 56 and found out I only have 1/2 thyroid.  The right side only.  I had some blood work done.  Calcium levels were through the roof and the vitamin D was bottomed out.  I was tired as heck. I had a biopsy done to determine if the 2 nodules on the right thyroid were cancerous.  I have been set up to have the nodules removed.  I have noticed my hair had thinned out a lot and I'm hoping after the surgery everything goes back to normal including my hair.  So 1/'2 thyroid is not as uncommon as we thought.  It pretty much works as two and you don't know it until later in life when it needs a little help.
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I am a 34 year old mom to a 13 year old child...as well as a fitness bikini competitor who has never done any type of performance enhancement drugs...for the last few months Ive been having severe anxiety due to many different ailments Ive been having. Ive gone from DR to DR....to not find any answers to the shortness of breath...the neck/back pain...sore joints....burning nerve pains in my head/chest area....was told my reflexes on the right side of my body aren't as responsive as the left.... the agonizing HEADACHES..... the list goes on and on and on....today I finally saw an endocrinologist for the first time and the first question she asked after reviewing my ultrasound was.....when did I have my right thyroid removed? apparently I have only half a thyroid gland ...... all these years up until even yesterdays blood test results all my hormone levels are okay....

Ive literally been in a depression trying to figure out whats wrong with me and now that I have found this page I am so grateful! on the MRI my Pituitary gland was asymmetrical so now I have to have an MRI of the Gland itself....

all i can say is that i am happy to at least know that im not crazy like  and all these symptoms are REAL!!
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Well, at this point your most important consideration is finding a good thyroid doctor.  A good thyroid doctor will treat a hypo patient clinically by testing and adjusting Free T3 and Free T4 as necessary to relieve symptoms, without being constrained by resultant TSH levels.  You can get some good insight into clinical treatment from this letter written by a good thyroid doctor for patients that he sometimes consults with after initial tests and evaluation.  The letter is then sent to the participating doctor of the patient to help guide treatment.  In the letter, please note the statement, "the ultimate criterion for dose adjustment must always be the clinical response of the patient."

In the interim, please post your thyroid related test results and their reference ranges shown on the lab report.  Also, if tested for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, please post those, with ranges, as well.  Also, what symptoms are you having currently, if any?


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No the cause was never looked in to it was only yesterday when I was told I had no thyroid gland that I was told they could not believe I had never been to a  Specialist  or had a scan before especially as my levothroxine was 250 daily and liothroxine 10mg daily
I have no gland but there is a thread there what ever that means  thanks I don't understand it at all.
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There are people who are born without a thyroid gland.  My question about diagnosis was to find out if you were ever diagnosed for cause of the hypothyroidism?  If it were Hashi's, then the antibodies attack and eventually destroy the gland.  But even then I wondered if the ultrasound would show nothing at all.  
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I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I recently have been suffering with a sore thoat  so I was given a ultrasound you can imagine how confused I am to be told I have not got a thyroid . I have to wait another 3 weeks to see my consultant. Have you any idea how this can be.
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Unusual question.  The only way I can think of that the gland would be diminished would be from the destruction of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?   Even with that, I am not sure if it would be completely gone.  Were you ever diagnosed as having Hashi's, when you were started on thyroid med?  If not, what was the diagnosed cause?
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Is there any one out there who can help I have had under active thyroid for 20 plus years I have been on

250mg  throxine for at least 10 of these.I have had an ultrasound today for the first time and have not got a thyroid gland does this mean I have never had one or can they diminished.
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Hi, I was found to have only half a thyroid too, then a few years later I was diagnosed with hypo, have had so much trouble with levels, my free t3 levels were below range and eventually convinced the endo to let me try t3 so I am on 50 mcg of t4 and 20 mcg or t3 but keep going back because I feel so bad, I cant even do the simplyest of things at work and as I have started a new job recently feel so thick, I am sure they think I am stupid, I was never like this, I have always been so quick to learn but its driving me mad, I have terrible hand a feet pain, constant headaches, aura headaches, which I never had before, and the fatique is mind blowing, I am so wiped out, but my last results were really strange

TSH 0.28
FT4 10.8
FT3 4.2

then a week later they were

TSH 0.07
FT4 11.
FT3 4.9

The ref ranges are

TSH 0.3-3.0
FT4 10-22
FT3 3.4-7.8

So if I take any more meds I will be over medicated but the t4 and t3 says otherwise, I am wondering if I have hashimotos, cos the last letter the doc got from the endo she stated I had autoimmune hypo, did she mean hashimotos or was that a slip of the pen, she also said I had thyroid esophagitis, I actually have barrets esophogus and now am wondering if this plus the fact that I started the menopause at 37 is anything to do with the thyroid

Love to all you out there that are struggling like me
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Hi, I was found to have only half a thyroid too, then a few years later I was diagnosed with hypo, have had so much trouble with levels, my free t3 levels were below range and eventually convinced the endo to let me try t3 so I am on 50 mcg of t4 and 20 mcg or t3 but keep going back because I feel so bad, I cant even do the simplyest of things at work and as I have started a new job recently feel so thick, I am sure they think I am stupid, I was never like this, I have always been so quick to learn but its driving me mad, I have terrible hand a feet pain, constant headaches, aura headaches, which I never had before, and the fatique is mind blowing, I am so wiped out, but my last results were really strange

TSH 0.28
FT4 10.8
FT3 4.2

then a week later they were

TSH 0.07
FT4 11.
FT3 4.9

The ref ranges are

TSH 0.3-3.0
FT4 10-22
FT3 3.4-7.8

So if I take any more meds I will be over medicated but the t4 and t3 says otherwise, I am wondering if I have hashimotos, cos the last letter the doc got from the endo she stated I had autoimmune hypo, did she mean hashimotos or was that a slip of the pen, she also said I had thyroid esophagitis, I actually have barrets esophogus and now am wondering if this plus the fact that I started the menopause at 37 is anything to do with the thyroid

Love to all you out there that are struggling like me
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I had rai about 17 years ago, I just had an ultra sound of my thyroid and the report said that the thyroid gland appears so atrophic it is not identified.
I thought the rai made the gland quit producing thyroid, not disappear..
(which, to my knowledge is what that means)  I had a thyroid gland, saw it myself, 17 years ago.  I too cannot tolerate Levothyroxine or synthroid, and my Dr. will not prescribe Armor, (so I went to a gen. practioner and got the armor.) but no one will explain to me what happend to my thryoid gland itself.
I too am sick and tired of being sick and tired, my legs and body hurt so bad i couldnt get up and down hardly.  I didnt take my Levoxal for 2 days and could actually walk normal again.  I will never take it again... same for synthroid. I will read the book that the lady suggested, and continue to look for a Dr. that actually understands and knows what this is all about.  It just must be the strangest odd disease ever.  
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If that 4.60 was a TSH test, as I suspect, then I worry about your treatment.  TSH is a pituitary hormone that is affected by so many variables that it is totally inadequate as a diagnostic.  At best it is an indicator to be considered along with more important indicators such as symptoms, and also levels of the biologically active thyroid hormones, Free T3 and Free T4.

A good thyroid doctor will treat a hypo patient clinically by testing and adjusting Free T3 and Free T4 as necessary to relieve symptoms, without being constrained by resultant TSH levels.  Symptom relief should be all important, not just test results.  

This is a good link to read about clinical treatment.

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1801038 tn?1316382315
I am on 100 mcq of Levoxyl.  My dosage was just upped from 75mcq of Levothyroxine.  About 4 weeks ago.  I will be re-doing blood work at the end of September.  My level was 4.60 and the nurse practioner said it was in "normal" range but I insisted that I needed more.  Extreme exhaustion and fatigue just trying to get through the day....
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What is your daily dosage of levoxyl?  Also, please post your thyroid test results and their reference ranges shown on the lab report so that members can assess the adequacy of your testing and treatment.
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1801038 tn?1316382315
Hi, I had my ultrasound done today and I only have half of my thyroid.  I have the right side but not the left.  I had an ultrasound 18 years ago and I had the other half then.  I don't know what happened to it over the years.  I will have to contact the hospital where I had the first ultrasound to have them compared.  I was diagnosed with Hasimoto's Thyroiditis 18 years ago and I've been on levoxyl ever since.  I am now diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which was about 2004.  Extremely muscle pain all over.  Anxiety and panic attacks.  This are all related to the thyroid.  If you have a chance read the book "The Thyroid Solution"  by Dr. Ridah Arem.......best book I've ever read about Thyroid and all the aliments that go with it.  He is an endocrinologist from Texas.  If you go on Amazon.com you can also find the book.  This book opened my eyes to my thyroid, we really aren't "crazy"  like the doctors make you feel.  We have true aliments that we want answers too.  I am so sick of being sick and tired all the time.  The exhaustion, brain fog, memory loss, ADD, anxiety, muscle fatigue, muscle pain, muscle tremors, lower back pain, uncontrolled heat sensor, either overheating or extremely cold.  Unable to tolerate both too hot or too cold.  Weight problems since I was a child.  Dry eyes, brittle nails, loss of hair, dry mouth, so many symptoms.....but all to do with the thyroid...good luck with yours.  Hope you get a chance to read the book.  It will give you so many answers and foods to eat and not eat....vitamins and things that are good for you...Good luck and God Bless.....
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1405518 tn?1281153968
Thank you all for your response. To be clear, No, she has not had any part of her thyroid removed. Back in the 70's she had her thyroid checked (probably during pregnancies) & they told her she had a large goiter (but she actually had a whole thyroid). They told her she had to take some pills for the rest of her life which she only took for about a year & stopped. We were very poor growing up & my Mother put us first & neglected herself. She doesn't remember what she was prescribed & unfortunately my Dad has past so I can't ask him (he was the one to actually tell me of her goiter issue, not her). She is finally going to the doctors now because I told her we need her results as I may have a genetic thyroid issue. The only thyroid blood test the doctor did recently was her TSH which was 2.67 (normal range 0.45-4.50). So now we are waiting on the results of the ultrasound, which has been 3 weeks...kind of ridiculous! Like me, she has had a chronic sore throat for months, ear pain & frequent headaches. Any thoughts or advice?
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393685 tn?1425812522
When she had the other half removed? - Has she had a partial removal already?

If she had part of the thyroid removed and received RAI then the other half of the gland could be ablated.
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1070570 tn?1283436213
yes- I had an ultrasound of my thyroid when I was 16 and was asked the same question. I was like what are you talking about?! My endocrinologist at that time said I was probably born that way and that the other half of my thyroid was producing enough hormone for my body so it wasn't a problem. Since then, I've been diagnosed hypothyroid and take meds. I had my ultrasound redone this year when I was 23 and it still shows I have only one side. No more has disappeared so I guess that's good.

I've not been able to find any information about others that only have one side without it being surgically removed. How is your mom? is she hypo? keep me updated on waht her results are please!
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