1139187 tn?1355706647

anyone else have these side effects from levothroxine?

Guys please help. For 6 months I have had every test known to mankind.  I have tried everything in order to feel better including having my gallblatter removed.

Recently a Doctor discovered my thyroid TSH level was wrong.  He prescribed me .25 of levothyroxine and then he decided to increase it to .50.  I have felt much better, but have some weird side effects including:

FLUSH in the face
Feeling of getting a head cold
Hard to get into a deep sleep
Small headache that comes and goes

Of course im hyper now, but compared to the way I felt before which I can only describe as near death, I feel much better.  

Has anyone else had these side effects after starting meds?

Also can we drink wine?

Thank You,

45 Responses
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798555 tn?1292787551
Note: You will get better response if you make your own post rather than tag a question to someone elses.

Yes some lose hair from Levo and Synthroid. These people also commonly have other hypo symptoms continuing as well on these T4 meds.

Armour or any dessicated takes a little more fine tuning than T4 synthetic meds. The need for T3/4 combined really depends on any continuing symptoms while on a T4 med, or if you have a conversion problem seen on lab tests (T4 to T3 conversion doesn't always work optimally in some people). The 'risk' that docs dream up is the added T3. They are couscous with it if heart issues exist.  But many of us seem to feel better with the added T3, and our cardio system works better with more T3 also. I (and others) get heart palps when are T3 is LOW.

The Armour brand had filler changes to it last year and does not work as well as it used to in some people. But some still do OK on it. Others switched to Canadian Erfa dessicated -  (need to fax script to Canadian online pharmacies).

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1342095 tn?1283120251
Hi I take 200 mcg of levo daily and I have been loosing large amounts of hair. My pcp recommended I speak to my endo about switching to Amour or t3 t4 treatment. I spoke to my endo and he ran the usual labs he called today and said my tsh was 0.05 and to start taking 175 mcg of the levo and he was against the idea of Amour or t3 t4 treatment. Has anyone else lost large amounts of hair from the levo? I guess it could be because my tsh has dropped drastically in a shot time... Not sure just hope it stops. What are your thoughts on Amour is it really a "risky" drug?
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Today I had that weird electrical feeling, tingling going through body, feeling like finger is in socket.  Do you get this?
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The Doppler Ultrasound showed it up.
I noticed when the Radiologist was doing the U/S that the Carotid Artery had a large hole  and was half covered. I asked her if the Carotid was blocked. She looked at me and I told her I knew how to interpret ultrasounds as being involved in the Medical line of work for a few years now (and also seeing my Fathers Ultrasounds previously over the last 10 years. She then called a professor in and he confirmed there is a blockage.
Normally they dont tell you but with a lot of persuation , I was told.
Then my Doc told me when I took the report back to him (I had to wait for it).
I see another Specialist tomorrow and also another ultrasound is being done this afternoon to do the Doppler Carotid Artery. (I originally went for a thyroid ultrasound.)
Now they have to determine whether the blockage is an infection or plaque in the Carotid Artery. But my WWC (white cell count is through the roof) which means my body is fighting something.
Whether this is infection in the artery or from Hives...thats what has to be determined even further.I will know by 3pm Friday (Oz time).

I might mention I have had regular Dopplers done on a yearly basis since 1985 due to prolapse of valves in the heart, a heart murmur from birth and strong family history of strokes and heart attacks.
I go to the same Radiologist so they know me.
After 3pm tomorrow..I will scan the ultrasound showing the blockage....it is with the Doctor at present.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Deb,  did the radiologists tell you during your Doppler you had it, or later?
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I see Bruce said he 'was hot and cold at the same time'. That's a precise description of the 'hots'  I hadn't hit on. I freeze skin deep and burn inside.. If I stay covered in bed I sweat and and have to change pyjamas. So i uncover and wait until the inside-the-body heat and the skin cold balance out. It can take more than an hour. Lost sleep, of course .Curiously this has never given me a common cold. I have had the hots taking 100, or 125mcg Levo and now, 75mcg for the 5th week.  The hots still come but milder for the past few nights. I'll get blood tests in a week or so and let you know. I feel quite important  engaging in so profound a scientific investigation.
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Thankyou for your kind words Bruce....the Carotid artery comes as no surprise as my Father had many mini strokes so now his medical records are being gathered up ( he passed away in January) so that the Specialist could refer to them.
I have an extreme craving for sugar and an extreme thirst when Hypo.
I think maybe you should come to Australia Bruce lol...it would be cheaper.
The prices for healthcare in USA is atrocious and disgusting as I have been reading about it all.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Thanks.   Deb,  I had the cartoid artery Doppler too because of the ear ringing.

May I ask if any of y'all have extreme thirst?  Back pain?  

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798555 tn?1292787551
"I am hot and cold at the same time."

- Bruce that is a very common symptom of being hypo, during an untreated or under-treated hypothyroid state. Sweats also accompany it. Not that weird at all.

For most people, this goes away when thyroid hormone levels are corrected..
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Hey Deb,

Im glad that they found the artery problem.  Get it fixed, whatever it is.  I understand it is a very common procedure and you may get lucky and have it elminate some of your issues.

I personally think ive got something else going on that is not related to the thyroid.  Im going to have a bone marrow scan tomorrow.  Im going to have a full body scan hopefully this week.

I thought my back pain was from the thyroid, but im starting to believe now that there is something else going on.  So do the doctors.  Whatever it is, im ready to get it treated and move on.

I read this and it sounds like all the pains im having:


Deb,  I hope you do well and will be praying for you.

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Forgot to mention Bruce......I have had hot legs and cold upper body at the same time and vice versa.....
I call it the 'time zone' lol.
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My postings were trying to get the message across that it is a well known fact that thyroid patients excrete a large amount of HISTAMINE when exposed to an ALLERGY.
Now that subject has been covered.
I apologise for any confusion.

Also too...after extensive research, there are 4 Carotid Arterys from your Heart to your brain. Two of these arterties are behind the thyroid (which I no longer have).

If you followed my earlier postings early January this year, you will find I suffered from an acute bout of Vertigo to the stage that I couldnt sleep unless I slept upright. The ears were 'runny'...tingling in the fingers that was put down to Calcium deficiency (which the diagnosis I know now was incorrect).
I have also had Bradycadia and Tachycadia for years, aching feet and legs where I couldnt sit in a car on long journeys without feeling the need to take my shoes off, or move my legs.
Also another symptom is HYPO symptoms.

Now please dont be scared by this ....as it only reflects on MY personal medical history but feel it is worth mentioning as you are having all the symptoms I have had in the past.PLEASE DO NOT THINK YOU HAVE THIS BRUCE....just eliminate it by Ultrasound.There is also postings about this on this site and if you type "Carotid" in the "search forums" , you will find it.
Read over the postings...your symptoms are the same.

I went for an Ultrasound yesterday where they have found that the 'inner left Carotid Artery' is blocked.
This artery lies at the back of the thyroid.
As soon as I can I will upload the ultrasound picture and it will be on my pics for you to view.

What has to be done now for me is to find out whether the Carotid Artery is blocked with 'infection' or blocked with 'plaque'.
Basically I will know today whether they can unblock the artery (if infected) with blood thinners and/or meds after a Tommography scan is scheduled or whether I have plaque that if any breaks off can cause a stroke...which will require a stent if it is plaque.

Either way....this artery has to be unblocked or operated on by surgery for me.

I am not saying you have this but please google CAROTID ARTERY THYROID and then ask for a Carotid Artery Ultrasound to be done.
It will most probably come back normal for you....as I have a family history of heart disease.

This is what I mean by 'process of elimination' and that the thyroid and thyroid meds dont always cause the symptoms.

I have enclosed a link for it.
I hope this is helpful.

But whatever you do....please dont think you have this just because of the symptoms....
ELIMINATION is the key.


I was simply mentioning that a lot of allergies can be contained with antihistamines and not that Bruce has Urticaria (Hives).
There may have some confusion in the postings.
I wasnt saying Bruce has Hives...only that I have.
I was saying Bruce may benefit from antihistamines in regards to medication allergies.
I hope that clears that up.

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1139187 tn?1355706647

No hives for me.  Most of my symptoms are as follows (this happens every day)

Hard to wake up. But, Wake up, take  my .025 tisorint.  Feel okay for a little bit but then feel a little hyperism set in.  Make it until about 1:30 or 2:00 and then all the master of all hypo symptoms set in.  This is tiredness, ringing in ears, fatigue, brain fog x 10, body starts aching, feet start hurting.  Some nausea.  Suffer to bed time.  Go to sleep, wake up and start over.  Last night I noticed something weird too my wife brought to my attention.  I am hot and cold at the same time.  Its hard to explain, but It was hot in our bedroom, and i felt the hotness, yet my body was cold.

Has anyone ever split doses on t4,  like add .13 towards the end of the day or anything?  I am only on .025 but thought about adding .13 the second half of the day?

Also as a side note,  Does
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393685 tn?1425812522
I am still confused with some posts after re-reading them.

Bruce - are you showing signs of an allergic reaction lately with hives now? From what I know you are having fatigue and ringing in the ears as primary symptoms, right?

You're vitamin B and D deficient as you say so that testing is done. These 2 deficiencies are linked to low thyroid. You recieving injections on B and you should look into a pure form of Vut D-3 as something to supplement with your doctor over seeing you. Most doctors will have you take a high volume of D once a week and then monitor you.

Your symptoms above, strongly link to low thyroid.

Vit D deficiency has an autoimmune attack receptor with many Hashi patients. Getting that deficiency fixed could work on your favor

Your lastest labs from the Mayo/Florida indicate low thyroid. Meds are needed daily and monitored.

You didn't take meds for one week and your conditions ( symptoms) worsened. Hense again speculated by low (er) yet - thyroid function occurred to make you worse.

Your immune system is shot due to constant colds coming on. The autoimmune issues will rear harder on the body when your immune system is down. Labs can sometimes give false negatives and positives when the body is under attack with a weak immune system.

Now you're starting over and you must tackle the known issues right now which is low thyroid and autoimmune Hashimoto disease. You have gone through a complete profile of other conditions that have basically came back clear except your trashed immune system which is apparent that needs work to build back up.

You should continue on the path of balancing out thyroid and improving your immune system to build your body back up as priority to fight off these ill-issues you have had going on for nearly a year.

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393685 tn?1425812522
Stay consistant on this Tirosint now Bruce for at least 4 to 6 weeks and then get your labs done

The labs must indicate the Free T3 and Free T4 Bruce. Make sure when you are testing those are done.

When you post about your labs - you always say they are T3 and T4 levels which is confusing and suggests these are total labs - not free.
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I take an antihistamine because of chronic hives from Autoimmune Urticaria.
What I am basically saying is...dont always assume the thyroid is to BLAME for everything.
I have Graves and with one autoimmune disease may be...... another that is uncovered.
Thats what I found.
I dont have 2 autoimmune disease but the Graves antibodys are causing the hives to flare up...not the thyroid or the meds.
The antihistamine relieves the symptoms of hives....and when the flareup is bad, Prednisolone is prescribed and titered off.

Bruce..thyroid issues do not go away overnight and you really have to stay on a thyroid med for up to 6-8 weeks to 'allow' it to get into yr system....that is if thats what yr levels really show.
Taking an antihistamine can 'ease' the allergies or side effects from taking thyroid meds for a week or 2 until it starts to get into your system.

I am not on Aleve...I am allergic to NSAIDS. (anti-inflammatories).

What I am really trying to say is......all these problems you are having with the meds may NOT be the meds but an 'underlying issue' completely different.
The best advice I can give you is to eliminate EVERY Autoimmune Disease first before giving up or changing meds.

Eliminate each deficiency in vitamins, metals etc....or as you are doing ......fillers.
I find I cant take thyroid meds with Stereate Talc in it (a filler) so I opt for the other brand here in Australia and have been fine on it.
Although with each med increase, yes I do get the odd hot flush or the little bit of anxiety or more bowel motions but they seem to subside after about 3 - 5 days.

Some people are more semsative to meds than others.
I am only on 62.5mcg T4 med everyday and I am 2 1/2 years post RAI.
Others who have had RAI after me are on a lot higher dose than me.
As others have advised....you need to 'go with' what YOU feel is right.
Just because some do well with a TSH of around 1,0...I do great with my TSH around 2.3 - 2.5. Everyone is different.Your body will tell you the right levels.....not any Doctor.

Hope this hasnt been too confusing for you.....

But remember that an antihistamine will ease many allergy related symptoms you may be having....whether it be from a symptom or a thyroid medication.
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I think there's some confusion happening in this discussion in the translation from Aussie to U.S.!

Aleve is an NSAID here (naproxen sodium), not an antihistamine.  I think you are probably referring to Allegra or anything with the antihistamine fexofenadine in it.  
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Ok, but why do you take aleve?
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They call it Aleve (antihistamine) but here in Australia , its known as Telfast. 120mg twice daily at the moment).

Ativan is a completely different medication, it is for anxiety.

Be wary of the Lupus test as it is very hard to diagnose...sometimes comes back with a false-positive reading.Unless SLE lab test done..the result will not be 100%.
Lupus test is Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Also they shouldve run the Complements tests 1-50 especially C3 and C4 to test for other autoimmune diseases.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
I am sorry I meant attivan.

What does the aleve do?  Had lupus but not sle.   I picked up my tirosint today...  It's the new levo, no fillers.
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I am currently on Aleve 120mg twice a day and have been tapering off Prednisone for the last 10 days due to Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria.
I also carry an Epi-Pen as had Anaphalaxix a few months ago triggered by stress.

I was diagnosed by labs and got that last result this morning....and see an Immunologist this afternoon.
Get checked for Urticaria (excessive histamine).
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1139187 tn?1355706647
I thought I was going into shock this morning. I felt as though I was unable to function at all....  My eyes were rolling back into my head and I wad shaking uncontollably.  I felt like a diabetic.

My wife got me .025 levo and abattivan.

I picked up .025 tirosints today.  Trying to start it tomorrow.
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I would be looking at having ANA ds labs done...(anti nuclear ds) which determines if you have Lupus.
I also would suggest that you ask if theres any way possible that you are suffering from Angioedema Urticaria (you can be tested for it...its a skin test).

With Urticaria (Hives) not necessarily showing but large amounts of histamine being released, this causes the angiodema (swelling) and can cause all the symptoms you talk about in regards to the T4 med side effects.
Basically the immune system is 'attacking' anything it sees as 'foreign'...even if it isnt.

Ask for these tests...
ANA ds (serum)

The adrenal glands produce 4mg of histamine a day and if overproducing...then you can get all these symptoms as the histamine is attaching to the BAST CELLS.

Excessive histamine production is 'common' in Thyroid Disorders.
So everyone who suffers with Rhinyitis and also hay Fever, Tinitis, Ear Infections will find they MAY be producing too much Histamine.

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393685 tn?1425812522
Bruce - what makes you think you should take your medications?
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