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candida and thyroid

I recently read an article connecting candida and auto-immune disorders.  Last year, right around the time I got sick, we were forced to hook up to our town's new water supply (at significant expense) and are now charged for heavily chlorinated water, which can destroy the good bacteria in your system, leading to candida.  (When we first moved in, we were told by the man testing our water that we had some of the purest water in the country, in the aquifer that supplied our water.)  I am now wondering if there is any connection between this and my current condition.  I also suffered whiplash around that time as well, and have heard that whiplash can damage the Thyroid.  Add to that a stomach virus, followed by Epstein-Barr virus.  I was diagnosed, this past October with auto-immune thyroid problem, but to this day, no one has told me what to do about it.  Any information I've gotten has been online, but I'm afraid of taking too much of vitamin and mineral supplements and would really like a doctor to monitor this.  Trouble is, I can't find a doctor that will take this seriously.  Six months ago, I was having palpitations and shortness of breath.  Luckily, with a change in diet, that part has subsided.  I'm getting desperate here.  I'm seeing an allergist in a few days to test for food allergy/intolerance.  I'm hoping he can shed some light on what I should do.  I think what I really need is alternative medicine, but sadly, that wouldn't be covered by our insurance.  Has anyone had similar issues or experiences?  I feel like I've been putting together a jigsaw puzzle for the past year and still have many pieces missing.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
13 Responses
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798555 tn?1292787551
A white coated tounge, and dry mucousy mouth upon awakening combined with the 'saliva in water' test can confirm candida if in question. The actual symptoms are very similar to hypothyroid along with symptoms increasing after consuming grains , gluten, sugar, carbs. Digestive issues will result, even gerd from candida.

I often wonder if some people that say they are gluten intolerant actually have candida and dont know it. If you have candida and eat gluten, you will feel uncomfortable. It would be easy to assume its the gluten making you feel bad- its the candida feasting on the gluten.

Three-Lac is a great probiotic, the best by far, I have used it myself combined with a temporary candida diet and injesting natural anti-fungles (herbs) like NOW candida clear in capsules.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Right, the original poster didn't mention the rash thing, but it is an indicator.  The problem is that conventional doctors often clash with something that is natural medicine that basically involves something to do with a strict diet to kill the yeast.  The rash is definitely fungal, because that's what the cream medication to use on the rash is for.  Yeast is fungal.  Candida is a broad term for yeast/'fungus.  Thrush also comes under the fungal infection category.  The diet change has to be pretty much the same for Thrush as for Candida.

I also read that there are prescriptions other than Diflucan, but I never heard what that is.  As sensitive as I am to pharmaceuticals, though, I know I'm better off just trying to kill it myself by starving the stuff out. I still don't know why the doctor wouldn't test me for something like this.  I sure wish I had more money to spend on a naturopath, because even on a sliding fee schedule, there is hardly any wiggle room for following all the other suggestions with the tests and such that they want to do.  The naturopath wanted me to try to get the conventional doctor to do the test, because that way the insurance would pay for it.  She wouldn't do it.  The naturopath was correct, of course.

Anyway, the diet is safe and still nutritious.  I still have to follow the first phase very strictly for a while longer, because I'm still craving carbs, including the good gluten free carbs that are fine for a later phase of the anti-Candida diet.  If I also lose weight, too, then the conventional doctor wouldn't argue with the diet part itself.

I have no idea which tests the conventional doctor was supposed to do, but I'm pretty sure it was some kind of blood test.  Ugh!  Needles!

The diet is very basic.  Any of the leafy green vegetation, including broccoli is allowed.  All the meats and fish are allowed, except for pork.  Pork doesn't agree with most of us with chronic illnesses anyway.  No clams in phase one, and no crustaceans in phase one.  And, absolutely no root vegetables or fruit.  So, yeah, no carrots or beets during phase one.  Carrots and beets can be added back later.  Carrots and beets still have natural sugars in them.  So do tomatoes and peppers.  Phase one is the most important phase of the diet, because that's the phase that kills the yeast by starving it out.  It is recommended to use gluten free and soy free vitamins.  You have to have the vitamin A or the beta carotene you would get from the carrots.  

I always filter my water.  I saw a news byte that said that the filter I put on my faucet, the most affordable one, is the best over all.  Fascinating.  I don't think chlorine internally is helpful with fungus.  I think it's better to work from the nutritional aspect, as was already pointed out by Lazy Moose.  It's also the most affordable way to kill the yeast.

I noticed one other thing.  If I try to drink tap water without filtering it, there is enough chlorine in the water to irritate the GERD.  Filtering the water helps a lot when trying to avoid the over use of PPI medications for the GERD.  I'm also hoping that losing this excess weight will help the GERD and the Candidas.  Excess weight isn't good.  Interestingly, the things that feed yeast are also the most fattening items in the average American diet.  Later, the gluten free grains can be added back into the diet.  Just not now, because they're still carbohydrates.  Everyone knows that carbs are turned into sugar by the body.  It's one of the basics we're all taught as early as grade school if our parents didn't teach us that.
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649848 tn?1534633700
The original poster didn't indicate any rashes, etc; she was asking about chlorinated water, killing beneficial bacteria.

You don't say what tests confirmed your candida; maybe you could be more specific, since you said your doctor wouldn't even test for it.

How did you come to be on this "candida diet" and what does the "diet" consist of?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Naturally, I do agree with you, but this awful rash appeared and it was fungal, so I knew I had to go on the strict Candida diet.  Funny thing of it is, though, I thought there was a problem quite some time ago, but I couldn't get the conventional doctor to so much as give me a proper test for Candida just to confirm.  It's not like I wanted a prescription or anything, but the one conventional doctor who is pretty agreeable on just about anything that is integrative medicine said she didn't believe that a person could have systemic Candida unless the person was so sick the person was flat in bed in the hospital and on IV medication.  Grr!  I will have to tell her that I was correct and she should have listened to me.  She usually does, but on this one thing she didn't.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Not all candida causes a rash in the skin folds.  Recommend that you try Moose's method.
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681148 tn?1437661591
There is another way to figure out if you have a Candida overgrowth infection--getting a horrid fungal rash in all the folds of skin in your southern region.  I had to read this whole thing, because I've been on the anti-Candida diet for about two weeks already and have been using NOW brand Candida Clear as well as Traditional Medicinals daily detox teas.  The anti-Candida diet is pretty strict, but it's alright.  At least I don't have other people in the household that I have to cook for who would be eating all those foods I'm restricting myself from.
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Saw an ENT in the beginning.  He scoped my throat, ordered a CT scan, then put me on a trial of reflux medication.  It didn't do any good then either.  I've been on three different medications over the course of the past year and none of them have helped with the congestion.  That's why I'm questioning whether that is the problem.  I'm afraid to give up on the medication, though, knowing that serious issues can arise from reflux.  I hate taking medication and would like to do something natural to get rid of the congestion, if at all possible.  I sincerely appreciate all of the feedback I've been getting.  Though I wouldn't wish this on anyone, it's good to know that I'm not alone and there are others that understand.
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649848 tn?1534633700
The "normal" range, is whatever range the lab puts on the report, because they vary from lab to lab, depending on the way the test was run.  The question is where, within that range, do you feel best?

Have you seen an ENT?  Thyroid issues can cause reflux...... I had that horribly until my thyroid levels got right; now I rarely have it.
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Thanks for the information.  I have been unsure whether or not to continue with my reflux medication...I'm still not convinced I have it.  I've never had heartburn or any other symptom, other than the constant throat congestion.  I've heard that congestion can come with the thyroid issues, though.  I've had an endoscopy, which came back fine.  I'm just so confused at this point.  I'm tired of trying to figure it all out on my own and I'm really afraid of overdoing it as far as supplements are concerned, knowing that some can be dangerous in large amounts.  I just need to get rid of this congestion.  It's driving me insane!  My singing voice has been shot for over a year and I desperately want it back.  Doctors only look at numbers....not at wellness or quality of life.  I'm missing opportunities here while the debate goes on about what constitutes "the normal range" in lab results.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Thanks Moose, I figured you'd see this and chime in, since you've been down this road.  

I do use apple cider vinegar, but I've also discovered that dill pickle juice helps with GERD, as well, though I'm sure sweet pickle juice would not, because of all the added sugar.

Jaded -- you don't have to have your water tested -- simply call your water supplier and tell them that you want one of their operators to come by your house, because the chlorine seems too high....... They shouldn't be running more than 2.0 mg/L or (2 ppm) chlorine residual.  If they are, it's a total waste.  They would have been required to test for several groups of contaminants before they put the system online, so ask them for a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which tells what contaminants are in the water.  In addition, as a public water system, they are required to do bacteriological testing at least once/month and depending on how large the system is, maybe more often.   At any rate, it's unlikely that the amount of chlorine in the water is going to kill off the good bacteria; if it did, it would also kill off the bad ones......
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798555 tn?1292787551
What Barb said...........and:

There are holistic Drs pointing out possible autoimmune disease connections across the board. Way to many theories, some might be true, some not.

Here is what I know about hypothyroid and candida (experienced in both unfortunately).  Hypothyroid in general (does not have to be Hashi autoimmune) can slow down the digestive tract from lack of stomach acid and even reduced pancreas enzymes - not good at all. This disturbance in digestion can cause IBS, reflux (gerd, heartburn), bloating. Mushy foods like gluten starches, sugar and proteins can then hang around longer than they should. All that stuff in the intestine is like a smorgasbord for bacterial overgrowth. Its that simple sometimes. We all have bad bacteria, but not more than good bacteria. The situation above makes the bad take over.

I can go on forever but I'll have you goggle interested. Goggle candida saliva in water test - one very effective simple morning candida test thats amasingly accurate. Goggle Candida symptoms. If you have it, google cadida elimination diet. Take probiotics with at least 1 billion live amounts of "cultures". At the same time you take natural herbs that kill the existinging candida (go to health food store) and change the type in 2-3 months as candida can adapt to it. Apple cider Vinegar will kill candida too. Other vinegar foods promote candida, like pickled foods.

Candida is just a generic name covering many , many types of bad bacteria. Both genders can get internal Candida without it showing up outside the body - opposite of the myths.

One the cycle is broke, probiotics for life might be wise, as well as adapting a more alkalized diet, less grease, red meat, alcohol, sugar. A good swig of pure lemon joiuse is very alkalizing (opposite PH of acidid) and helps sleep.

And of course keep thyroid levels healthy. Autoimmune might make candida more likely, who knows.
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Hi Barb~Thanks for your reply.  I may look into having our water tested.  It actually smells like a swimming pool when you turn on the tap...very heavy chlorine smell.  

I have Hashimoto's.  I've been gluten free for about six months and dairy free for about three.  This past week, I've been doing an elimination diet and am avoiding yeast, soy, corn and eggs as well.  Through this, I've gotten some relief, but still have a long way to go.  I still have this strangling sensation in my throat and congestion that is driving me INSANE!!!!

I already posted my lab results in another thread, but never heard anything back from anyone.  I don't have them with me right now, but I'll try to post later.  I'm on my way out.  

Again, thanks for the information.  I've been trying so hard to figure this out.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
EPA requires that municipal water providers maintain minimum amounts of chlorine in the water; however, there are also maximum limits regarding the levels of chlorine in municipal water supplies (I'm a licensed water treatment operator), so there can't be enough chlorine to kill the bacteria in your stomach; if you truly believe the chlorine levels are too high, you should call the supplier and have them send someone to your house to check the residual. The water supplier is also required to test for certain disinfection byproducts, and other contaminants, in order to insure safe drinking water; they are also required to provide customers with a report detailing any contaminants present. When one isn't used to chlorinated water, though, it's not unusual to taste it.  

That said, we have had some members who have had candida overgrowth.  I'd think the stomach virus and EBV would be more likely to be connected to candida than chlorine in the water.  Some people find that giving up gluten for a while helps get it under control. I also take probiotics, which may help.

There really is no treatment for autoimmune thyroid disease; the resulting symptoms are treated.  Which autoimmune thyroid disease do you have?  Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or Graves Disease?  

Hashimoto's is generally associated with hypothyroidism; with this disease, the body sees the thyroid as foreign and produces antibodies to destroy it.  This destruction process can take years to complete and will eventually leave you with hypothyroidism, which will require thyroid hormone replacement. Hashi is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the developed world. As the destruction progresses the thyroid produces less and less hormones, so it's not unusual to begin having symptoms, long before the process is complete.  Many doctors refuse to treat hypothyroidism if levels are "in range" and many others go only by TSH, not the levels of thyroid hormones.

Graves Disease is most often associated with hyperthyroidism and causes the thyroid produces too much hormones.  This is often treated with anti-thyroid medication, or the thyroid may have to removed or destroyed with radioactive iodine.

Please post whatever thyroid blood test results you have, in order to allow members to better assess your situation.  Be sure to include the reference ranges, since these vary lab to lab and must come from your own report.
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