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Post-vasectomy scrotal itching

I had a vasectomy many years ago.  Not long after I noticed a significant itch in the scrotal area, and it's been present ever since.  It comes and goes (only goes after I scratch fiercely), and can be quite intense.  There is no surface manifestation - it seems slightly sub-surface - and location varies slightly.  It is commonly brought on by inadvertent arousal.
It's mainly just been a nuisance, but more seriously, recently, my scratching has broken blood vessels close to the surface, causing prolific (veinous, I think) bleeding.  This could get embarrassing, even dangerous, so I'd be glad to hear of any remedies to the itching.
I repeat, it's not a fungal or jock-itch thing.
I've been searching for ideas on line.  Can you advise?
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Just joining.  I had my vasectomy 20 years ago and have intense itching constantly.  There is NO CREAM that will touch it because it is internal. My guess is that the metal clips are in some way rejected from the body and things, including nerves, are constantly flared up in the scrotum, and will be until time for your dirt nap.  

The ONLY remedy I have found is  scratching my itch vigorously with a brillo pad or bristled hair brush.  That seems to penetrate the scrotum skin and get to the itch, albeit for just a while.
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You still itch after 20 years and think it was the vasectomy? The brillo pad doesn't cause damage to the outer skin? Nerve issues can cause this kind of internal itch. Have you consulted with a neurologist? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7959783/  Copy and past this article about neuropathic itch.
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I had a vasectomy almost 20 years ago now and I deeply regret it now for many reasons.  I too have this same issue.  

I never experienced this problem in my life up until about 3 years ago.  Now the itching is so intense and unbearable.  

I shower daily and along with this itching, I started noticing a strange odor and substance from around the scrotal area throughout the day.  It's as if the sperm are literally leaking out through the skin of the scrotum.

I don't believe what the doctors say about it being absorbed by your body and everything is fine.  Our bodies are not meant to absorb sperm and it doesn't just go away.    
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Just joining the discussion.... My vasectomy was 6 years ago in 2016, and I experience an intermittent 'internal' itching sensation, on and off for years now.  It feels like the scaring on the inside of my scrotum is causing the itching, just as many here have described it as a 'squeeze' itch, rather than a 'scratch' itch.  Also primarily on my left side.  I sometimes treat with some medicated Gold Bond powder, which seems to alleviate a bit.  Hoping to find relief outside of topical solutions as it inhibits my wife's, uh, oral gifts.  Anyone ever try a cortisone shot?  Icy Hot?  Bengay?  BioFreeze?
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I had a vasectomy in March of 2021. Intense inside my scrotum itching started in December 2021. This itching is on the left side. No rash and it is not on the surface. The itching is inside. My vasectomy was different as my urologist recommended being a  operating  room procedure as he could not find the "tube" on the right side in the pre procedure inspection.
During the surgery it was determined I only had the left vas deferen. He said this was probable from birth.
I believe I have had a reaction to the Anti sperm Antibodies. The intense left side itching comes and goes and is the most problem at night causing sleepless nights for weeks at a time.
I also believe the anti-sperm antibodies have affected my immune system causing a rash that has moved from parts of my body starting with the skin around my left hip area after a cracked hip from falling from bed in November of 20231. This was a itching rash with soars. this has spread to both knee areas and then elbows areas. I am still dealing with this as of October 2022. I have not had any rash on the scrotum at any time during this itching.
Ny urologist tells mt to wash my balls more often and that the vasectomy is not the cause.  
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Did you get any answers to this? I’ve been itching for 15 years after my vasectomy and have found no relief.  I feel like it’s messing with my head now that it’s been so long. I’ve tried cream and nothing. Please let me know if you found any answers.
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I have same. 6 months since surgery. It’s sub-surface for sure. I envision the tubes that were cut and coderized scabbed up and that’s what’s causing such fierce itching. But looking at responses, I see this is not healed at any stage. It’s excatly like everyone says. Fierce bouts of scratching. Not like nail scratching, but more of a squeeze scratch. It’s enouph that I occasionally adjust or scratch like normal guys, but with this it’s like an ocd obsession when starts. Only mind power stops me from prolonged squeeze scratching. God help our balls!
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"I envision the tubes that were cut and coderized scabbed up and that’s what’s causing such fierce itching"  This is exactly what i think about my post vasectomy itch but my surgery was 15 years ago!  Unfortunately time hasn't helped the itch subside so im thinking the coderized tube( a wound essentially), during the healing process, became fused somehow to some hair follicles down there and thats ultimately what causes the itch.
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I have the same issue, and it's been 10 years. Do you all have a titanium  ring installed in the procedure ? I did, and I found some medial literature about allergic reactions to titanium implants. I have a strong feeling this might be the cause of the itch. Try and search "Allergic contact dermatitis caused by titanium screws and dental implants" and see if it match you symptoms.
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I have the same problem and have tried everything. What helps most is after showering I apply benadryl liberally all over the area....Helps for about 18 hours....
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For me it has been almost 20 years of this nusance. It is unrelenting and there is no way to satisfy the itch. I have painful welts in the area as a result of the scratching. My Dr. Said, impossible to be from vasectomy. Offered to send me to shrink. Yeah, it's in my head! That's why I scratch until it bleeds. Has anyone found a way to stop this, or one day I may need that shrink!  I have found some relief by using Vic's vapor-rub; seems the menthol gives something to the problem long enough to fall asleep.  I also saw something on internet from Canni-Med. A cannabis cream that provides some theurepeutic outcomes. I just have to find a way to get my conventional Big-Pharma GP  to prescribe it so I can at least try it.
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I had mine just over a year ago (April 2016) and have experienced alot of off and on itching. Can get pretty intense. It's always above the left testicle, feels like it's at the site of the vasectomy, and all these comments seem to align with that perspective. I think ejaculation serves to relieve it, but I haven't really taken notice to ensure it.
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I too had my vasectomy over 20 years ago. The itch seams to be more intense now than a few years ago.
Wondering if a reversel is the answer?
Did you get any answers to this? I’ve been itching for 15 years after my vasectomy and have found no relief.  I feel like it’s messing with my head now that it’s been so long. I’ve tried cream and nothing. Please let me know if you found any answers.
It wouldn't be surprising if some men (obviously not all) that have a vasectomy react to the sperm in their body, especially if it is finding a way out of the vas deferens (even if not into their semen) and staying a while inside the scrotum before getting absorbed. I have always wondered why medical science shrugs off how odd it is to tie off a tube down which something usually travels, with no apparent curiosity about side effects. If it's an allergic reaction, a reversal (as people are suggesting here) would seem to let the sperm out of the body, but that's a lot more complex of an operation than the original vasectomy and so may not be worth it (depending on how troublesome the itching is). If you go that route, would you post back here and tell what happened? You won't be the last person to find these posts and try to solve this problem, and the information of anyone who has had a reversal (especially if it eases the itching) would help a lot here.
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I had a vas 12 years ago and get this most horrid severe at times itch drives me mad i told the dr it only happened after my op he said had nothing to do with it but i know my balls and it did lol i have a steroid cream i use little at time if i can help it i dont use it i do find if im in the shower a hard scrub with the nail brush stops it but bloody annoying and i would def say its post vas op syndrome of some sorts
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I had my vasectomy over 2 years ago and I have experienced this itching once in my life. It lasted for about 3-4 days then just went away. The itching felt like it was under the skin. I was afraid maybe there was some unwanted healing going on down there :-/ but the itching stopped. I hope it does't happen again and I hope my vas didn't reconnect, or try to. I had my vas burned with electrocautery but I'm still paranoid about that.
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I had my vasectomy over 2 years ago and I have experienced this itching once in my life. It lasted for about 3-4 days then just went away. The itching felt like it was under the skin. I was afraid maybe there was some unwanted healing going on down there :-/ but the itching stopped. I hope it doesn't happen again and I hope my vas didn't reconnect, or try to.
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I had a vasectomy 3 weeks ago and now have many of the above symptoms.  I have been trying different over the counter products with little luck.  I have been trying Desitin cream for 2 days now and I would say symptoms have almost stopped.  It is greasy messy white cream found in the baby supply section of stores.  Buy some cheap underwear and try it, great relief.
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Did you get any answers to this? I’ve been itching for 15 years after my vasectomy and have found no relief.  I feel like it’s messing with my head now that it’s been so long. I’ve tried cream and nothing. Please let me know if you found any answers.
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I too have the same issue and have had it after my vasectomy 25 yrs ago. I have brought it up to my family doctor and I get told it is not from the vasectomy and could be jock itch or some other form of fungal irritation. Sorry doc but you are wrong. Why can't these docs admit that they don't know or better yet realize it is a side affect of the vasectomy. I am with everyone else on this and it's not our imagination, it's not fungal, or so called jock itch, it's internal and our insurance companies or government plans should cover reversals as we were not informed of the side affects nor do I think many doctors did not know that this could happen to some men. Could it be the material they used on closing off the vas tubes that some of us are allergic to? Are there any doctors on this site that have answers for us?
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Absolutely, I agree, a physician's input on this issue would be very helpful!!
Mines more of a squeeze scratch. Not a nail scratch. Each side of sack. It’s almost daily and relentless.
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Does anyone received a professional advise that is effectively? We have the same problem too. This looks like a side effect of vasectomy and it was never informed to us.
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Did you get any answers to this? I’ve been itching for 15 years after my vasectomy and have found no relief.  I feel like it’s messing with my head now that it’s been so long. I’ve tried cream and nothing. Please let me know if you found any answers.
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It's been over 25 years since I had my vasectomy and I still experience intense itching exactly as you described mainly on the sides of my scrotum.  Like you, it is not a fugal or jock-itch thing, the itch is coming from UNDER the skin and I've noticed it usually occurs anytime after about a half a day after an ejaculation.  The itching on the sides of my balls is so intense that I feel like I want to rip my balls off!  Sometimes it will itch this way even after a half hour after a shower.  Some doctors have tried to tell me that it's dry skin, but countless moisturizers are no help at all, I've still experienced intense itching while the anti-itch cream is still on the skin!  The itch is coming from the inside so no topical solution is going to be effective.  I've been wondering if there is a connection between the itch & the reproduction of sperm/seminal fluid.  Funny how there are no comments from any doctors/urologists here...
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have you gotten any help yet?
I went to see my doctor at the clinic and he just said it looks like dry skin.. he said just to put some topical moisturizer on it which Ive done before and it really doesnt help.  Im itching now as I type this..
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I'm about 5 days post vasectomy and the itching hit me HARD last night. Unlike some of the earlier comments I have some rash-like inflammation on the pen is and testicles that I've never had before. The inflamation and itch sensation reminds me of the eczema I've had off and on during many of my younger years. It did show up at the site of a perithyroid surgery that I had a few years ago, and so I wonder if the stress of the procedure brought it on. I've long been prescribed the same steroidal topical cream that one commenter quotes above. Eczema is essentially an auto-immune response by the body against its own cells. I'll try to ride this itch out for a few more days before I move to the cream...  Oh, and my soreness is limited to the abdomen where I felt some good (aching) during the vas work on that side. Good luck men!
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I have the same problem post-vasectomy. I'm no doctor but the only factor that has really changed is that our bodies now have to re-absorb sperm production since it no longer has an outlet. I wonder if the antihistamines developed from antibodies are causing the itching..
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I think you’re right. I had a vasectomy and a removal, and it’s only itchy on the side with the vasectomy.

My problem is that if this is an “allergic” reaction due to absorption, why doesn’t my anti-histamine medication have any effect on it? Or maybe it has and I haven’t noticed the correlation between dosage and relief?
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I went back to the urologist four weeks after the procedure and described my symptoms. After an examination the PA prescribed clotrimazole and betamethasone dipropionate cream (anti-fungal and topical steroid combined). This stuff is pretty strong so I could only use it for two weeks. The itching slowly subsided after two weeks but I did notice that my skin was considerably fragile wherever I applied the cream. I'm in week seven and off of the cream for a week now. Everything seems like its back to normal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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I had a vasectomy three weeks ago. The very next day, the scrotal itching started. I've tried anti-fungals, hydocortisone, and skin cream. Each of those provide some relief, but it's only temporary. I have to put something on it about every 8 hrs. My urologist wasn't any help. He said if the incision isn't infected (which it isn't), he can't do anything for me. It's time for a dermatologist visit.
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It's been 6 months for me and everything has been great with the exception of a severe scrotal itch. I'm gonna have to go to the doctor and find out what the hell is going on. My girl friend always cuts her eyes at me when I frantically scratch my balls'
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Serious I have this too!!!
What is this?? I see so many people on the net with this problem, but know one has an solution. I tried jock itch creams after a wash and dry and this remedy may last 4 hours or so and then the itch attack comes back again. People are looking at me funny, cause I'm scratching like a monkey down there!!!! By the way I'm clean with no funny business and I had my snip about 3 months ago. Please let me know if anyone has a solution !!!
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Same issue, would be nice to have any ideas on this.
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