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stomach pains after gastric bypass

I had gastric bypass surgery about 15 months ago.  Two weeks after surgery I had my gall bladder removed and spent a week in the hospital with dehydration and pancreatitis.  I have had that same stomach pain a couple other times since pancreatitis.  Last week as I live by myself I had to call an ambulance as the pain in stomach was so severe.  They did blood work and said my pancreais enzymes were elevated a little.  Gave me pain pills and sent me home.  I had a cat scan and endoscopy which did not show anything.  Pain radiates to the back.  What should I do?  
I live in a small area and do not like the doctor that did my surgery.  Also.  I weighed 248 lbs at time of surgery, and am still losing but not trying.  I am now at 117 lbs.  Any suggestions????????

Please help

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1927226 tn?1323008457
In 2004 I had Rou-En-Y Gastric Bypass & have endured pain since then.  Have had multiple surgical interventions from expl. lap to possible hernia repair & lysis of adhesions.  To no avail, I live on pain meds such as Hydrocodone which I hate and have exhausted all the Bariatric Surgeons I could think of.  It was a horrible feeling knowing you are in pain & no one can diagnose you.  Well Friday I finally found out my pain source & what's so troubling is that it was so obvious on the GI study with contrast done that it baffles me.  Turns out that the source of my pain is BLIND LOOP SYNDROME. I don't have the weight loss associated with this but I believe it is attributed to my sedentary lifestyle because I am in pain day/night which is even difficult to walk. Add depression to it and it worsens.  Hope this info. works. BTW my insurance company wants a 5,000. copay in order to have this repaired, smh.
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I know some of these posts are older, but just wondering if anyone has found the answer.  It sounds just like the pain my daughter is having.  She had an internal hernia repaired in the beginning of Oct 11, felt fine for 1 month & then the pain started again.  Goes from her stomach right through to her back.
Any one get any answers ?
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Hey all
In january 2011, I went to the hospital with sharp pain around my appendices, so a few days later had that removed. While in the operation they accidentally sniped my bowls, which led to adhesions (scar tissue) which then led me to a cutting out some bowl and having bypass. Since then, I've been to the hospital about 5 time and spent a week on each visit due to real,y string pains. The doctors/surgeon did the same test over and over. I've Had CT scans MRI, X rays, ultra sound ect. After not being able to find anything, they then told me that they had no idea why I had this pain and that I had to deal with it on meds.
As time went on my pain started getting worse and worse. So I jumped online and looked for the best bowl dr in Australia, and found a prof. In Richmond.
Anyhow, cut a long story short, I turned out where they did the bypass from wasn't t the end of the bowls but about 10 cm from the end, so in time that 10cm of bowls that wasn't getting used, was just filing up with infection and bacteria.
Now theres a chance that I'll have to have another surgery to fix e problem, but I'll find out about that next week.
In My experience never trust public surgeons or doctors. Private is the best way.
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I have had same pain. Had my gallbladder out 1 yr ago. I am 3 months post op sleeve surgery. I have been hospitalized 2 times and 5 ER visits. I took Bentyl for IBS, which I never had before. It worked... My horrible pains are gone.
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This is my very first time posting anything online. So bare with me please.
Just want to say that I too had extreamly severe bad pain on my stomach near the belly button area.... I would get into fetal position. only thing keeping me going was the pain meds, but that was only hidding the problem.  After going to several doctors and specialist, I ended up going back to the surgeon who performed the gastric bypass who was able to give me a diagnosis in less than 3 minutes.  I had a STRANGULATED INTESTINAL HERNIA (which is very common after gastric bypass surgery).  This is something that must be taken serious.  I almost died.  Had this hernia erupted, who knows what kind of life I would be living right now had I survived after it erupted.  Seek help now!!! make sure this is not the problem you are having.  Go to a specialist in bypass surgery.  I went to several Gastroenterologist who had me get xrays, ultrasounds, and even endoscopys, and did not end up finding this issue.  Hope the best for you all.  My only problem now is gaining weight again :(, but I am alive.
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Hello I to thought I was in this alone. I even was at the point where I thought i wascrazy I thought this is all in my head and I even thought my friends and family thought I was crazy. I had gastric bypass uly 21, 2009 and I have lost 170 pounds and I was feeling great about it until I started feeling this awful pain went to gastric doctors my family doctor a gyno he found that I had endometrious and I had a total hysterectomy at 36. I had to have a blood tranfusion after my surgery and I got a large blood clot inside after surgery so I was on pain meds for 3 weeks once off pain meds the pain returned and even worse. Ipratically lived in the ER I felt like the doctors thought I was crazy and that I was just coming to the ER for pain meds but I wasn't  was truly in pain and I felt like giving I when I would eat I was in extreme pain I would vomit and sometimes I would wake up with vomit in my mouth when sleeping. Sometimes I would be constipated and sometimes diarrhea. When I would go to the hospital they did all kinds of test they thought it was my gallbladder but the tests came back negative the gallbladder was fine. I also was admitted in the hospital at one time thinking that they where going to take out my gallbladder but when the tests came back negative the did a EGD to find that I had ulcers on my incision from my surgery so the put me on meds to help heal it and to help with the pain.
In August 20, 2011 I went to the ER very dehydrated couldn't eat was vomiting and in severe pain they did blood work cat scans and said that I had pancreatitis kept me in the hospital for 4 days kept me on pain meds and a liquid diet. I got out with med and pain meds and felt fine for a few days then a week later Iwas back in the ER with stomach pains the doctor made me feel like I was a liar and I was not really in pain but I knew my body I was truly hurt at this point I was ready to give up I told my husband I just wanted to die I could not take it anymore. Finally I went back to the ER on September 30, 2011 vomiting and in pain I couldn't eat and the doctor said he could admit me because of the vomiting but there was nothing they could really do so I went home with pain medication and stomach medicine the doctor also gave me a number to a bariatric surgeon because I am new to Florida. I called the surgeon and he requested al of my films from the hospital and went over them.
Ok so here where my story gets good after seeing about 100 different doctors and excessive visits to the ER I finally got an answer to what is wrong with me.
Today October 5, 2011  went to see the surgeon and he gave me answers he said that I am having problems from my gastric bypass from 2009 he said that I have something called BLIND LIMB!!!
Blind limb is where the gastric bypass is suppose to look like a lollipop but mine look like a candy cane. where the hook is on the candy cane the food sits there instead of going down to be digested.
I am so relieved to get an answer to what is wrong with me.

So I bet your asking what now well he put me on carafate medicine to help heal my ulcer he gave me pain medicine for now so that I could sleep he put me on protein shakes he told me only to have liquids and protein shakes set me up to check my blood work so he knows what I am deficient on before I have surgery. I have to go have another EGD done to make sure that my ulcer is healed before surgery I have to have revision surgery to fix the blind limb and then I will be ok.
No one is more happpier than I am right now just to get an answer to what is wrong with me and now I know that I am not crazy that I am really having pain and niow thank God I know that it can be fixed and I know what it is.
I wish you all luck and I hope that you get an answer because not knowing what is going on with your body is the worse feeling in the world.
Once you find out it is a great relief.
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