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weight gain after stopping depo

I used depo provera injections for two and a half years. It's been over a year since my last injection. within the first six months after stopping the shot I gained 40lbs without a change in my diet and excercise.I was told this was unusual to gain after stopping the shot and that i may never lose the weight. Is this true? or is the only way to go back on the shot because while i was on the shot i actually lost weight.but if that's the answer won't i be trapped on the shot forever?
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I auctally was on that same shot and the same thing happend to me, i was always active and in pretty good shape until i started using the depo i usede it for appx. the same amount of time as you and i must have gained about 25-30lbs as well....that was about 3 years ago and i am still suffering from the weight.
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Yikes! I'm in the same situation! I went off depo after being on it for 2 years, last July. I got married last October and I've gained 25 pounds in a year. Mostly in my middle. I'm not a big exerciser, but I haven't changed my lifestyle all that much anyway. I thought it was the "newlywed 15" but it never felt quite right. My doctor never told me about any weight gain once coming off the depo, only while I was on it. I'm going to loom further into this. Thanks for the info!
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Same thing had happened to me! I was on the depo shot for 6 months.  I gained approx 12 pounds, so I decided stop having it.  I stopped using it expecting to lose the weight. (I lost 10 pounds immediately after going off the pill a few years before and never gained the weight back until I started up with the shot.)  After going off the shot I had actually gained another 15 pounds within 3 months.
I lost 10 pounds using the Weight Watchers program, but I still have the extra pounds 2 years later. I had heard about weight gain while using the shot, however this is the first time I've heard anyone say anything about gaining weight afterwards.  I had suspected all those hormones effected me some how, but didn't think much about it.  Now it really makes me wonder....
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I was on the depo shot for about 1 year and gained about 40 lbs within the first 4-6 months. This was about 3 years ago and I have had a weight problem ever since, which I never had before.
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Same here and it sucks.  I have been on depo for just over 9 months.  I have gained 15 lbs.  I have a hyper thyroid and up until the depo couldnt gain weight if I tried and would loose pounds if I missed any meals.  Now I am trying to loose and cant even with the extremely over active thyroid gland.  I was thinking about stopping depo to loose the extra weight, but after reading all of ya'lls comments...it seems to get worse after...
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wow. it sounds like theres a serious problem here. I've been on the shot since November of 2005 and have gained about 20 pounds since then. In the 3 months between my 1st and 2nd shot, i lost 8 lbs. while working out on a regular basis.  I still work out 3-4 times a week, but have yet to lose any weight at all. In fact, i've gained 2 lbs since i've been working out regularly again for the past 3 months. my family and boyfriend blame it on muscle weight, but as small as my frame is, my weight is extremely unnatural. No matter how much i try, the weight seems to stay the same and my self esteem is at its worst.
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I was on depo for 3 years and I LOST 25 pounds.  I have been off for 3 months and have gained only 5.
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Wow you are the lucky minority, most women - like myself gain on depo... It's taken me 2 yrs and I still haven't gotten rid of it all.
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I can't belive i found this thread, i have been searching the net for others who have this problem too... i started depo provera approx 3 yrs ago and whilst on it i never had any changes to my weight.  I stopped the injection 5 months ago and so far have put on 8lb with no change in my diet or lifestyle!! I can't believe it and its really gettin me down!!
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I am 20 years old and start taking the shot before my 19th birthday. I didn't gain any weight, in fact I lucked amazing! I weighted 128 pounds and gained maybe 2 pounds the first 2 shots.... Then I took the next 2 and gained 10 pounds!! OMG!! I thought I was so fat. It all went my thighs. Then the last shot I took I gained  another 20 pounds which has put me up to 158! Its all in my thighs and my calves! I have went up 3 pants sizes! I recently just stopped taking it but seem to be gaining weight still, but I'm afraid to weigh myself! I need help with losing this weight too!
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I'm with everyone who knew about weight gain on depo, but knew nothing about gaining after stopping. Here is my story.

I Weighed 147 before pregnancy six and a half years ago. Gained to 196 by the end of my first . Two months after I had my child I was down to 143. ( less then my pre baby weight! ) Then I started depo.   Over the course of two years I gained every pound of my pregnancy weight back.
Then I became pregnant with my second child. (while on depo, whole other story! )During this pregnancy I gained about 30 lbs.
This put my weight at 226.  I then shed 44 lbs to 182 in 5 months.  Same as befoe I went back on depo and gained all the weight back over a three year period.  It seemed odd to me that I kept gaining the weight back even though I hadn't changed my diet, food intake or activity level.  I've never been a big eater, I actually don't care to eat most of the time and have to force myself to find something when my stomach growles at me.  When I talked to my doctor about my concern she tested for thyroid problems and diabetes, after all was fine with these tests she suggested that the problem was the depo.  So I stopped the depo, bought a tredmill for my home, started taking Lipozene, and have been faithfully exercising 45 minutes a day for the past 3 months.  Every so often I lose 1 or 2 lbs But imediatly gain it right back.  Until I read this forum I never would have thought that it could possibly be the depo.  I've been so frustrated not being able to get the weight off, And now I'm even more depressed to think I might never be able to.  If anyone out there has any advice please let me know.  I'm desperate!!
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I recently hit the end of my last depo shot (April 4) and I've only been off for not even a week and I've gained 5-6 lbs!  I did not gain any weight while on the shot so this came as quite a surprise.  It concerns me how fast I've been gaining weight now that I'm off the shot.  I know it can linger in your body for quite some time so this was not expected!  My belly especially is showing the weight and I feel like I'm 5 months pregnant!  My midsection has really bloated and I am very tired lately.  I've had some spotting coming off the shot too so it has been quite a whirlwind for my body.  I am concerned about how much weight I am going to gain coming off of the shot!  Any advice?????
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well here's my sad story. I lost a baby back in nov of 2007. I was sooo scared of getting pregnant again that I took the depo shot. (a single mother of 2 very young boys) I bleed every day until about 2 weeks ago it finally stop. I got off the shot in May of 2008 since i was no longer seeing anyone and want the bleeding to stop. it's only been 2 months or so and I've already agained 15 pounds and feels like the last 3 weeks i gain a pound or two and lose one then gain 2 and it's been horrible. depressed!!
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Just wanted to say,so sorry for the loss of your child.I was a single parent for many years.prayers your way.Keep your chin up..You are raising two children on your own,you should be proud that your trying!~Don't give up,it does get better.my email is ***@****...
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well my situation is diffrent from the ones i read,before my baby i was 102 lbs which i've always had a problem with because i would love to be a little thicker so after i gave birth i was about 130 and loving it. after my 6 week check up i decided to take depo and i'v been loosing weight rapidly my son is 9 months old and i'm about 100 lbs. so i took my last dose of depo in march i wonder will i gain any weight back because i look like a child. i hope i gain like some of the other women
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I started taking Depo after my second child 14 years ago. I took it for around a year and a half. I have never had problems with my weight before but since the depo I gained around 50 pounds and never lost it. Just like most of the other woman here it was after the shot not during.
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Thanks for everyone's candidness. My turn...I am scared to death after reading all these testimonies. I've been on depo for between 2.5-3 yrs and loved it.. Have a healthy relationship with my body weight since being anorexic in high school.  Since h.s. I've always weighed ~115. High metabolism, very fortunate. Didn't gain any weight on the shot--until NOW. 23, just figured out the damn shot was the cause of the 15 lbs. I put on in 1 month and 5 since. (Last 2 months) For a while I was blaming the weight gain on another medication I was on, that was helping me, and actually stopped taking it until my eyes opened this past week! I have gone from a size 4 to my ultimate low, not fitting into size 11 jeans tonight. The last few days I was getting hopeful that when the chemicals leave my body I will loose the weight. Now I'm super scared. If this is any encouragement--the person who just by chance--opened my eyes to the cause for my weight gain--said after she was on it for 3 years she put on 30 lbs in 6 months, went off it, and quickly lost 20. I'm so upset for all of us. It's not like our lifestyles/diet have changed--if anything we've gotten healthier in a desperate effort to drop a few!
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I've experienced the same thing. I was using depo for 6 years and lost weight on it. As soon as I stopped and went to Yasmin I gained 20 lbs. I'm now going back to depo to see if the weight comes off.

Research has shown that about 60% of women gain weight on it, 20% lose weight and 20% have no change. But there is nothing on weight gain/loss after.

Depo also has a slight anabolic effect i.e. making it easier to build muscle.
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Ugh!!! I can't believe the stories I have been reading!  I started taking the shot October of 2008. My third injections was scheduled for March of this year but after I did two cycles and decided to get off.  I have gained about 15 pounds which started coming on after the second shot.  I was told by my doctor that "you skinny girls never gain weigh!"  Sure!!!  I am watching my diet more than ever which is crazy because I have always taken care of myself and work out a couple x per week.  I just don't know how to get this weight off!!! I am at 140 5'5 and tired of my clothes being to tight!!  I am 36 and a mom of a 5, 7 and 9 year old.  Please help!!!
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I lost weight on the depo (on it for about 3 years) and then, I also, started gaining MAD WEIGHT after quitting it! Like 30 pounds in the matter of months!! I eat the same and everything. I was a size 4 or smaller before and now none of my jeans fit and I am just miserable I hate this I wish there were some answers to fix this horrible problem. I hate looking in the mirror! I've always been kind of lazy and am really kind of scared to try and make myself exercize only to find out (as so many are saying) that I wont lose any weight! I'm going to stop eating as of today and try and kill this problem because this is aweful and this thread is so scary. I hate fat! And I refuse to be it.  ;(
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I was presicribed depo to help with my dysmennorrhea (painful menstrual cycles, vomiting, diarrhea, clotting) I weighed 180 at 5'11 before starting the shot. within 2 months I gained 20lbs. This is during my time in the police academy I was very active. I was on the shot for  1 yr. I recently stopped taking the shot, I now weigh 220lbs. Not to mention I bled for a month & 3 days after my last shot wore off. Women are meant to release the waste that depo makes u retain.  
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I too have been obsessed lately with my body.  I stopped using Depo about 4 months ago and it looks like my belly has exploded.  I am extremely fit and work out a minimum of 5 days a week which included bike riding.  I have gained i would have to say between 5-10 pounds in the last month.  I started taking the pill immediately after stopping depo and got so scared that today I took a pregnancy test. Thankfully negative.  I am so uncomfortable in my own skin now.  I just don't know what to do.  This is so not normal.  I just turned 30 and got engaged month ago.  This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life... Now I look in the mirror in absolute disgust.
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I was on it for 2.5 years took a year off and went back on cause my periods are so bad. I used to have a dream motabolism but it ruined that.  After the first year on it I started gaining weight and fast.  I lost it when I took my break but my motabolism hasn't been the same.  
The weight is back and I haven't had a shot in 5 months. I run most everyday and I'm only gaining mass cause the muscle builds up under the fat but I can't loose the fat. It's frustrating but if you eat well, (small healthy meals several times a day,) and are active the weight should come off.
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I hope that all of you are loosing weight now. It takes a lot of time for Depo Provera to get out of your system.
I went from size 4 to size 14 in Depo, and I am now using Mirena instead and use a zero carb diet and lost 30 lbs so far.
My periods are still not normal. I look a lot better than when when I was on Depo. It literally put me in a constant "pregnant" state for years and made me hold on to fat and water, which is being released now. The weight around my belly and legs is just about gone.
I look forward to getting my body back again!
My BF didn't know it was the Depo making me fat, so while I was on depo provera I starved myself on strict diets, exercised like crazy,Went to a hollywood weight loss doc, took HCG weight loss shots and prescription weight loss pills, even cut out fats, lowered my calories to 500 a day, and GAINED WEIGHT!
My GYN told me the Depo was making me fat. Told me to to stop it ASAP and stop eating any white foods(no sugar,potatoes,bread, and esp. no alcohol), quit starving myself, and eat some protein and fat.Up my calories not lower them. I didn't think it would work. My BF said it was crazy!(he is a vegetarian and uses juice fasts a lot, which made me gain also!) I went home and googled her advice, and found a zero carb diet forum. There are a lot of people that eat zero carb.I just never realized it. It worked! Now the BF weighs more than me!
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I feel so much better knowing I am not the only one experiencing this dilemma with Depo. I had been on and off of Depo for the last 6 years and of course gained weight during but was always losing it on break periods. However, this year has been different. I was on it for 6 months straight this year. The first dose I did not gain weight but the second dose I gained 15 pounds. So I stopped to loose that weight but surprisingly afterwards I gained 20 more pounds. I feel like my weight gained happened overnight!!!
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