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A white nipple discharge - mostly only extracted when squeezed

About a year ago, I began experiencing a thick white nipple discharge protruding out of my nipples. I wasn't sure what it was so I tried to get it off and then realized that it was coming out of my nipple and squeezed it out. I was completely freaked out. I could see a clear opening from where the discharge had come. I had pierced my nipple about 6 months before this happened, but it wasn't until after I had removed the ring for a few months that I started to experience this discharge. Since then, I have continued to experience the discharge with some regularity (this has continued for over a year), and the discharge has remained the same - still think and white, and still needs to be extracted even though I can see it underneath the skin or it may begin to protrude on it's own.
Also, a month or two after the first one started, I began to check out the other nipple. If I poked around at it - I could get similar results. I am a 26-year-old woman, who has never been pregnant (there was no chance of that happening when this began either). What do I do? I am slightly embarrased by this, I have kind of bounced it around some of my friends, and no one has experienced anything like this. Even a friend of mine who also used to have a pierced nipple (I thought that was the cause at first). Do I need to do a biopsy? Mammogram? I am so young, but the more I research it on the internet, the more freaked out I am by the potential problems that could result. I did have my prolactin tested about a month ago by my OBGYN (dont know results yet) and she didn't think it was a big deal. help.
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I was having pain in my nipple. Then it looked like dried up milk. Now im having puss coming out
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So, women have nipple discharge often related to their hormones.  But in your situation, it sounds more like an infection.  If it hurts (and not just because you are squeezing your nipples), that could be an infection and if 'pus' rather than slightly yellow, thin fluid is coming out, that's another sign of infection.  Can you get to the doctor?
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If it's just a white paste like discharge then it's nothing to worry about. If it's accompanied by any redness or itching or blood or anything then it's different, but if it's just the white discharge then i have an answer for you.

I had my nipple pierced at 18, and was a fairly regular customer at the place i had it done, as it was a jewelry, piercing, tattooing parlour combined and i asked about the piercer about it, and had the information confirmed by the program Embarrassing bodies.

Essentially piercing the nipple creates a tunnel through the skin, which has no exposure to air. Once the piercing has healed, you've created more skin surface, but it's enclosed. All skin grows new cells and the old ones die and fall off, but it can't slough off like it normally does, because it is enclosed. So these dead skin cells combine with sweat and whatever other moisture gets in there, and that grows bacteria, which is why this discharge smells bad.

The same things happens if you have an inward belly button. Sometimes when you clean your belly button you'll notice a bad smell, and again, thats bacteria from dead skin cells in an area which is always moist.

So this substance needs cleaning out periodically, but should not be an obstacle to someone wanting to breast feed. My piercer said she just squeezed her nipple before breast feeding, to make sure there was none of this discharge there, and when none came out, she went ahead and expressed milk, or breast fed her baby.

When she fell pregnant for a second time, she decided she didn't want to worry about this anymore, and she'd let her piercing heal over anyway, so she just had it re-pierced, and then didn't keep the bar through it, creating a new wound which was able to heal over, eliminating the circumstances which led to the discharge. I am planning to copy her and get mine re-pierced and heal over to eliminate this problem.
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Wow! This all totally makes sense. I've asked all my nurses and doctors that I see about why my nipples do this since it started and that was over 15 years ago. No one has been able to answer my age old question. So thank you so much for your wisdomon this scary and unusual situation.
I always wondered if repiercing then taking the bar out would actually allow mine to heal so they would no longer collect gunk. Thanks for your wisdom. I will be trying that when I get old or sick of my nipple piercings. I've had mine pierced for almost 16 years. I have had 4 kids and nursed all of them. J just took out the barbell for each 12 month period while nursing. Every few months I would take the barbell and push it thru the piercing while I showered using antibacterial soap to clear any gunk out. I never had issues breast feeding. And my piercings didn't close up fully ever. But when I put jewelry in after not having any in for a long time I start with a smaller gauge. Hope this helps someone.
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I got my nipples pierced 6 months ago and just 2 days ago I had a pimple on the center of my nipple and I popped it and a good amount of puss came out and then I could see kinda like a little hole in it from where the puss came out. It healed up after 2 days and then I just popped it again and same thing!! So pain, no itch, I wouldn't have known if I wasn't checking out my nipple rings (lol) but you're not alone!! Probably just something to do with the healing process
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Yours sounds like an infection in the ducts from the piercing. Go to a doctor.
Have you found out what happened? Im having a similar problem
Have you found out what happened? Im having a similar problem
Mine did the same thing. Your piercing is infected.
What about new pain happening first pasty stuff for a long time, now puss fallowing with a little blood just saw it do this for the first time an I haven’t had them pierced in over a year.
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I have been having for over a year white discharge from my left nipple and have been afraid to go to the breast specialist and go get the mammogram and ultra sound done. But my family and friends have been on my case about going, so I finally went yesterday to get the mammogram done and ultra sound. The dr at the placed where I got it done seem very unsure of why this was happening because he found 2 cyst in my right breast but nothing in my left breast so he could explain why it has been happening all he could tell me was to follow up with my gyn and the breast specialist. I have no children and never had my nipples pierced. So I still have unanswered questions about why this is happening The dr yesterday said possible why I have the cyst in the right breast is to harmones but he wasn't sure why. A couple of months ago my gyn and regular physican di the prolactin test on me and it came back fine. The gyn dr. said if it came back abnormal it could be due to the medicine 'Im on but that wasn't the case so now  I have to go to the breast specialist.
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Were you able to breastfeed? I've had my piercings out for about 7 years or so and I still get that white stuff.. I'm pregnant now though, and I'm worried I won't be able to breastfeed my baby...
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Were you able to breastfeed? I've had my piercings out for about 7 years or so and I still get that white stuff.. I'm pregnant now though, and I'm worried I won't be able to breastfeed my baby...
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Did you ever find out about this? I know it is an old post. I have the same thing, left side same duct every time. Super thick, almost pliable white when squeezed. It seems to 'fill' after time and gets itchy so i have to squeeze again. Does this sound similar?
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973741 tn?1342342773
Hi there.  I wouldn't say it is normal but common.  prolactemia is something that happens often when a woman has a hormonal imbalance.  I had it when my body was naturally producing too much estrogen.  I would talk to your doctor about it.  Some women have this when they have a very small tumor in their pituitary gland (I was given an MRI to rule this out).  So, definitely something to see your doctor about.  good luck
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So I guess the white discharge is normal? I had my nipples pierced 2 years ago. They are still in, but I thought it was an infection or something. They don't hurt, but my nipples get dry and I have the discharge. Only one time did I have the wrong bars in which caused my boobs to hurt and I had lots of discharge come out. I took those out and replaced them with the old bars.
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12957104 tn?1427928138
I'm 29. No nipple piercings. Never pregnant. Have one inverted nipple (Right) and one regular nipple (Left). I have the areola dot things that produce white substance and can produce a thick white substance from both my nipples.
I've been doing this since I was 14. It's 100% NORMAL. The areola pimple like dot things just produce oil. The nipple discharge is normal too.

The only thing you should be concerned about, is if there is blood mixed in with the discharge. Sometimes the nipple discharge can be white, green, cream colored to even black (mine have always white though)

The nipple discharge can be a couple different things from, cleansing oily discharge, premilk to dead skin mixed with the oil. Or puss with piercings.

It's nice that there is a community to talk about this stuff. As a young teen going through this, I felt alone and, discussing it with a doctor was embarrassing. My middle school health teacher explained it to me. A doctor backed it up years later after I grew up a little and felt more comfortable talking about it.

I always felt like a weirdo though, having just one inverted nipple :-/ but, as I've matured and experienced different partners, I've grown fond of my nipples. Though communities like this make me feel not so alone and different. I'm also happy to read that I'm not the only one who experiences both discharges from my nipples and areolas. Although, doctors will tell you its common and normal, it helps to see it from real people.
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I have been experiencing discharge from my nipple and my breast has been very sore ....the pus is yellowish and sometimes has a little blood in it...and when I squeeze it it pours out sometimes...any suggestions
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You need a doctor. Infection or worse. Blood should NEVER come out your nipples.
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I had mine pierced for about a year and took them out about four months ago. They are oozing white thing stuff from where the peircings where but a clear/ white liquid is coming out the middle where the peircings weren't at. Idk what it all is I shouldn't be pregnet bc I am on the pill and on my period. It's just freaking me out having it coming out of the middle of my nipple. It doesn't smell and didn't happen when I had the peircings in. Should I go to a doctor?
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Seems like to me with all the woman who are having problems with this discharge from our breasts the doctor would take this more seriously and come up with answers instead of its ok...nothing wrong, there is always something wrong when you have a discharge coming from any part of your body..Listen up doctors out there....We Want Answers.....  
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i have bunps on my nippled that when in the shower the wholes open up and white hardish soft long stuff comes out .i also have implants isvthis normal
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I'm 22 about to be 23 & I too have PCOS & had my nipples pierced a year ago & every since I took them out now when I squeeze my nipples I have white stuff come out. I was worried because I haven't had a period in 6 months & have breast soar & tenderness so I began to search the discharge up. Glad to know I'm not alone! I too feel much better after reading this post!
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I have all had the same experience. I got both my nipples pierced 9 years ago when I turned 18. I took them out about 9 months ago and started to have the white puss come out both nipples where the holes were. I can see white bumps on other a few other spots and I can also extract them. The puss does smell a little so I always wonder if my boyfriend can smell it too. Also during and after I had my piercings whenever I get really cold, my boobs hurt, does anyone have that problem? Do you think that if I stopped messing with extracting the puss, the holes would close completely and stop. I also had my ears gaged but took those out about 7 years ago and they still smell sometimes or if I wear regular sized earrings, why does that still happen?
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I have both my nipples pierced, but I had an excellent piercing artist who informed me before she pierced my nipples what the bumps on my areola are, and why we all have them. She told me ( to put it simply) that those bumps are connected to our milk ducts. The way mine were aligned, if and when she were to pierce my nipple the needle would come into contact with  one of those little areola bumps which is connected to my milk duct tract. This would be true for both breasts.
Which would mean that around that time of the month (either a little bit before, during or after menstration) I would experience a white/clear (or both) discharge. She also said you never want greenish dischage, this could be signs of an infection. She told me to not be alarmed, and that this white/clear stuff is normal. During menstration your hormones are working hard. Your breast enlarge a bit and with a hole in your nipple there is only one place for extra fluid to go, and that is out.
Squeeze it, clean it just know what it is. Your breasts are attempting to do what they are built to do, and that is produce milk. Your body does that every month, every cycle.That's why are breast get swollen, and tender around that time of the month. You wont make milk, just that fun, thick, whiteish, clearish' stuff we all speak so highly of.

I am so glad my piecer was a woman with nipple piercing, and I am glad she shared this with me. I've had my nipples pierced for 2 years now and I love them.

If you have never had your nipples pierced don't be alarmed there is a natural hole there. I know mine because when I was younger ( and my breasts were developing) I would squeeze my nipples and clear fluid would come out, back then it freaked my out. But the moment she explained it to me, it took me back to my younger days and made me realize that my body was "waking up", my hormones were "starting their engines if you will."
She also told me that this would most likely never go away. She assured me that this would not affect breast feeding.

She gave me knowledge, and information, which in turn gave me peace of mind.

I hope I have done the same.
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you need to get to Dr immediately!  I had same problem...put off going for 3yrs because I could soak it in saline and it would get better.  Now I have an infection so bad deeply in milk ducts that I am getting ready to have my 2nd surgery to remove breast tissue-----they don't know how much they will have to take.  GO TO DR!
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The **** were you soaking it in saline for?!!!
That's just creating the perfect environment for bacteria to swim around all over. You turned your breast into a culture for the bacteria!

NEVER soak infections in saline, unless you want to try to create a liquid culture of everything growing all over the submerged area.
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hello i m 17 year old male but my breact nipple come white cells
plz rep me what is this and how treatment this
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Thanks so much for ur comment. My situation is more like urs. I don't have any pericings  but still get a lumpy discharge from my nipples. I have two kids and breast fed them both. I thought this discharge will go away but it didn't. Now I know that I m not alone!
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What about the liquid coming out 4rm 1 of the hole of the niples, cud this mean im pregnant, it only came out once
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I had my nipples pierced for 8 months I took them out cuz 1 didnt heal right & its been about 7 months since I took them out. I was looking at the scars where they were and noticed a good size hole still. So I squeezed a little and an off white liquidy substance came out I was just about devastated lol so I did it again & there was more? So I checked out the other side and squeezed a little and there was also a white substance only much thicker. Not sure why im just noticing it. But i did recently find out that im pregnant. So its hard to say what it is now! But sounds like it just has something to do with having a foreign object in your skin at some point. I will ask my dr about it and about the breastfeeding cuz its apparent im going to need to know that as well.
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I am 29 years old never had children I have small breast with inverted nipples never had a piercing oh my never!!!!! But I have white discharge that comes out every day, I notice it when I'm showering I've been really worried about it, my doctor says its nothing to be worried about but I feel so grossed out and scared about it. So thank you so much for your posting it helps a little I will be getting it checked again by a different doctor any info really helps and goes a long way
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I have many piercings. I have done them all by myself and never had an infection (tongue, lip, nipples, eyebrow, 6 in each ear, top and bottom belly button and my nose)  have never had the white thick discharge except for a piercing that i have taken out to close it up. my nipples have just gotten redone after my pregnancy, I had my doctor do a look over to make sure it was ok to breast feed. He told me that there was nothing wrong with my nipples and it would not effect breast feeding. If u have not had your nipples pierced and u r getting this problem, it is a must u get them check out cause it could lead to breast cancer. I am a tattooist and i do piercings, it is my job on a daily basis and i see many horrible infections people come in with from other places. This young lady came into my shop one day, she had gotten her nipples done at a differnt place and showed me and asked for help. she had a horrible infection, possibly staff, she had RED RED lines shooting off of the tip of her nipple going all the way to the outside part of her boob. I sent her to the doctor come to find out if she would have waited any longer she would have lost her boob. The kind of nipple ring the guy put in when he pierced them were a cheep kind and because of the brand of metal it left shards of metal inside the new piercing. She got meds and let them close, had me redo them and she hasnt had a problem since.Just look out for odd symptoms
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