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Additional vaginal opening

My concern is as crazy as the title suggests.  I have recently noticed that I have an extra vaginal opening down there.  Not real sure what is going on and I was unable to find anything remotely related on any type of website.  It is a very small opening just above the vagina.  Any ideas???
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You should consult your gynecologist. You may have a uterine duplication anomaly, which can be further characterized with MRI pelvis.
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I was born with two urethras. It wasn't noticed until I was about four years old, and I was having trouble with dribbling incontinence. I had a minor surgical procedure in which my doctor basically disconnected the extra urethra from my bladder leaving only one. One urethra was a bit on the smaller side, so my doctor disconnected that one and left the larger of the two in place. His reasoning was that the smaller of the two would not drain my bladder as quickly or could possibly prevent me from emptying my bladder completely which could lead to chronic UTIs. I have never had any problems with the extra urethra. It's sort of like a hose that is not connected to a spigot. It's just there. I have never had a sexual partner mention that they noticed the extra opening. Neither a boyfriend of seven years nor my husband of 21 years seem to have noticed my anomaly, and they both have spent quite a bit of time up close and personal with my genital region. So, while you may indeed have a second vaginal opening that leads to an entire second vagina, it's also possible that you have a second urethra that may or may not connect to your bladder. Another possibility is something that I saw on my daughter's best friend. Her mother is deceased, and it is only she and her father in their home. I became a surrogate mother to her. She got her first period when she was in my home and decided to insert a tampon without telling me. When she believed that it was time to change the tampon, she couldn't remove it. She finally called for me, in tears, saying her tampon was stuck. After coaching her through different methods to try to remove the tampon without success, I told her that it was necessary for me to take an up-close look at the situation and perhaps touch her to remove the tampon. I had her lift one leg and rest her foot on the edge of the bathtub as I knelt on front of her. She appeared to have two vaginal openings that led to one vaginal canal. The tissue separating the two openings extended only about an inch and a half up the canal. When she inserted the tampon, it went in just fine, but when she tried to remove it, it caught up on the divider. I had to insert a finger, shift the tampon completely over to one side, and remove it.  I them told her to use pads only until things could be sorted out. She wasn't embarrassed at all; she was just happy to have the thing out. The awkward part was having to go explain the situation to her father. He needed to know that she had started to menstruate and that she needed to see a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor, a wonderful and caring woman to whom I took my three daughters, was able to perform a small reconstructive surgery, and it's likely that no one will know about her situation unless she decided to tell them of it. The point I'm trying to make in this encyclopedia of a post is that there are many things that can go on 'down there,' and most of them can be handled fairly quickly and easily. Having privates that are a tad different from the norm does not make us freaks; it makes us human, and it makes us unique.
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No one is 'normal'. lol We all have our own unique differences from the person standing next to us.  Glad you found an excellent doctor though to help with any problems arising from anatomical differences.  Thanks for sharing!
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Hi everyone. Im 23 and have 2 kiddies. Ive never been told if i have when ive been checked over/ vaginal birth that i have 2 vagina hole openings. But when i have intercourse, sometimes its normal, but on rare occasions, it feels too tight and causes a lot of discomfort! Sorry for tmi, but its not because theres not enough lubication but i can generally feel the difference. I would make my partner pull out and retry and its feels like its back to normal. Would i only be sure by going docs? I never knew it was possible until i saw you ladies comments
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I was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. As part of my health care routine I self-catheterize myself and insert several liquid medicines (called a bladder instillation) into my bladder. I am new at this and have done it about 7 times. I have had the worst time getting the catheter in the "right" hole, the urethra. The problem is that I have 3 extra holes all about the size of my urethra that go all the way into my vagina. You can tell where the catheter went in if you don't get urine out of the catheter. However, you can tell where it did go because vaginal fluids will be in the catheter! I was and still am having a heck of a time and wasting catheters - because they need to be sterile to be put in the urethra. My girly area looks nothing like pictures and videos I've watched to see what the heck is going on and why I can't seem to "find" my urethra...it's just trial and error with each hole until I get the right one as they all look the same and are all the same sizish. I kept telling my husband I have more than one vagina opening and he laughed like ya right. I am seeing both a urologist for the IC and a OBGYN and neither of them said anything at my recent exams. I am perplexed!
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hi i am a teenage girl. today i put in my first tampon and when i began to pull it out i noticed another opening that i could see the tampon through. Is this what you had? is it safe to put the tampon all the way out with the two holes? And does it matter which one to put the tampon in?
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i have the same thing you need to go to a gyn it is a thin lair of skin that make two sectons i am 22 and just now told the doc and dont worry about till you know how have a mri done to findout how far the lair of skin gose up.
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i have recently noticed 2 to 3 openings right below my ureathral opening and i am going to a doctor tomorrow. 3 years back i was diagnosed with intersisticial cicytis and new did any tests but took the medication until it made me too sick.. i just recently started feeling swollen and had pain in my bladder again and once i checked it out i was shocked to see more than one bladder hole!! i dont know how this has been over looked.. wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted! you all have givin me comfort and ill post what the doc said tom!
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Just to clarify normal anatomy for anyone who may be curious: A woman has three key areas in her vagina which could be considered "openings." The top one is the clitoris (many women confuse this with the urethra), the bottom one (closest to the anus) is the vaginal opening.  There should also be one in the middle, between the clitoris and the vaginal opening.  This is the urethra.

The vaginal opening is the opening to the birth canal.  It is also the place where tampons (etc) may be inserted.

Above that (and directly between, in fact, hidden by the labia minora) is the urethra.  This is the opening through which urine passes.

Above the urethra is the clitoris.  In a woman, the sole purpose of the clitoris has no function other than to give pleasure.

I hope this is useful to someone.
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OMG, I just noticed that I have two openings too!  I was a little itchy and decided to take a look...I've never seen it before and no doc has ever said anything.  I'm freakin out!  I'm 32 and just has my second child 6 months ago....both by c-section.  Gonna call the doctor STAT!  Did you ever find anything out?
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This is "crazy" in a good way. I am glad I'm not the only one.  A few years ago I noticed that when I put a tampon in I would still have bleeding outside the area. About 5 times as an adult I actually have two tampons in at one time. I felt weird because I didn't know it was there. I know that sounds gross. How do you think I felt. I pride myself in staying fresh & clean, esp arund that time of the month.  I asked my boyfriend to look, because obviously I couldn't.  I was right there are 2 openings. I'm definately going to do more research on this. Thanks everyone for their comments
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I too was born with two openings in my vagina. The first time it was noticed by a doctor was on my first pap test and I remember telling the doctor he put the speculum in the wrong hole and he looked at me as though I ws crazy..well as it turns out it was checked by another doctor who recognized the condition right away and said that I would have to have surgery before giving birth..Well I ended up  getting pregnant and gave birth without the surgery so it literally tore mei in half and I had to have so many stiches it was unreal..As a teen I noticed it while trying to use a tampon. It was caused by medications that my mother took while she was pregnant with me.I don't havve two uteruses though. Hope this helps.!
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It's called a uterus didelphys, possibly including a septate vagina. And yes, it means you can have two completely separate uteruses.
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148691 tn?1260194903
I appologize for my lack of knowledge...but....are you serious????? there can be two uteruses with two cervixes?? i mean, i've heard of bicornuate uterus.......but two separate ones???????? wow!!!! that amazes me!......i will google it and try to get more info on it so i can be more helpful here....
Do women (i know, silly question...) that have this condition have 2 separate menses???? like, do they 'bleed' from both openings???......
darn!, it would suck if your uteruses don't coordinate and overlap in timing ...and you have 2 separate menses a month...........wouldn't it??? enough 'bug' is having one......
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167 tn?1374173817
This is gross and probably won't help you, but how far does it actually go? Like is it just a pit or does it go up a ways like the vagina? I'm asking out of curiosity mostly. Just trying to understand what type of "hole" it is? I am very suprised a doctor hasn't said something. If a doctor hasn't mentioned it, it may just be something benign and nothing worth even mentioning, like a birth mark. We are all different. I would be very curious about it if I found it on me, though. I would be asking lots of questions, too!
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158812 tn?1189755826
I'm sorry, I wasn't not taking you seriously.....You didn't state that there was a total of (4) openings, and some women actually do NOT know that there are 3.
Are you sure that it is an OPENING?  Has your Dr. ever noticed it?  Do you know how long it has been there?  hmmmmmmmmm............
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I 100% agree with you that there are way too many women, girls, and men too who believe that there are only two holes. It's a little understandable for a man who has not had any up close and personal time with a woman's genital region or who has not checked out a medical book to be ignorant regarding female anatomy. Afterall, they use the same hole for urinating and sex;it would make sense that women do too. It is a completely different story when it is a woman or girl who thinks they urinate through their vagina. I have met more that a few who thought this. Some didn't believe me that there were three openings (this was pre-internet). What convinced them was when I asked them how it was possible to urinate with a tampon inserted. That.got them thinking finally.
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The openings are called fistulas. But, if I understood it is anterior to the urinary meatus.  Way back when in nursing school, I remember learning about catherization in women that if you inserted the catheter and did not get urine we had to leave that catheter in place and insert a new one into the other opening. I think that some women just have a malformation or some type of fistula there. I'd have it looked at during the next exam, but it should be ok if nothing is leaking out of it.
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There is something similar to this, I don't remember what it is called but a woman can have technically 2 vaginas, a wall is formed inside the vagina that separates the 2 side of the vagina.  Some women even have 2 or more uteruses(sp) and cervixes (sp).  I've seen diagrams of girls that have 2 complete reproductive systems, a vagina that leads to it's own cervix that leads to its own uterus and then a second vagina that also leads to it's own cervix and uterus.  This is not usually discovered until pregnancy or if there are issues into teenhood.  So it's possible.  Are the 2 'vaginal' openings right next to each other?
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I once read a story in Readers' Digest about that syndrome. The woman was pregnant.for something like 13 months. She got pregnant in one uterus, then, while still pregnant, got pregnant in her other uterus. Her babies were born about four months apart. She only found out about the situation when she had her 20 week ultrasound for her first pregnancy.
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I just wanted to add that this site is so great! It's so good to all give their comments and put our heads together to help each other!
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I still am not sure, if I run onto anything I'll give you the website. All of us are very unique and made with differences. I'm sure it's something benign.  Sorry about the other comment. We have had a lot of children playing around on the site lately and maybe she thought this was one. Take care, tmv
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It is about the size of the urethra.  You can draw a straight line - urethra, unknown opening, vagina, anus.  Four openings total.  That's why I said it was crazy.  I'm 33 y/o and pretty knowledgeable about the female anatomy.  Thus my concerns about this matter.  I'm not sure how long it has been there, although I just had an annual in December and the Dr. didn't say anything.
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hmmm....very small like urethra small? Is it on the perineum or in the vagina? I honestly don't have any ideas.
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158812 tn?1189755826
Yes, it is the uretha, where the potty comes out.  
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