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Am I having contractions?

I'm 26 weeks pregnant and I've been having contractions all day long (I think so anyway)... I woke up with this pain in my very lower tummy kind of to the left, and it sprints up and down with pain.. It's constant, but sometimes it gets worse, then releaves for a bit, then bounces back again. I've had them seriousely, all day long, it's now 10:00pm, called my doctor, and he hasnt called back. I'm just wondering if anyone is online right now to get a quick opinion.
13 Responses
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I dream of boredom. I am so jealous! Seriously, I know that you are 90 to nothing all the time, but you have got to SLOW down! At least for a few more weeks. Once you have hit around 32-34 weeks, then you can pick up the pace. Not saying that you have to just lay down and do nothing for the next 6 weeks, but do try to slow down. Enjoy the opportunity to take a bath, read a magazine, see a movie, watch the sunset.. After Sarah was born, Dave would come home from work to find me covered in baby stuff. I'd hand her off and RUN for the shower. She wouldn't let me take a shower if he wasn't home becasue I would take her with me and have her laying in her carrier, I'd peek out to check her and she would freak out to see me all wet. LOL So no more showers til Daddy got home. I didn't have a bath for about 8 years straight. And a nap would have been HEAVEN, ANY sleep would have been heaven! No TIME!! I couldn't even drive to the grocery store without having to pull over to feed or change a diaper. So relish this time. Time is something you will be wishing for VERY soon!
Now go take a nap! LOL
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i'm so glad everything is okay. you sound like you are doing a lot better and you have waaay too much energy! why dont you just take a nice bath or get some magazines and lay down. jerry springer is always on and whenever you watch that, your life seems so much better! LOL no, you dont want the baby to hear all that yelling and bleeping. just try to relax and dont over do things. i know you will be bored but enjoy the boredom now while you can because trust me, you won't be bored for very much longer!
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They didnt give me an IV, no pain medication, or anything like that.. They didnt check if I was diolated because it was determined a bladder infection and that set off the contractions... It felt like really bad period cramps, and my belly was really hard, felt like a rock.
I'm supposed to stay in bed, but I'm ready to do a 5 mile hike.. I HATE being stuck in the house, It's like a dark dungon here... James is still at home so that makes me want to get out even more.
Or maybe I'll walk down to the Market Place and go tanning and buy baby stuff. :-) The rain stoped so it's nice warm, and sunny outside...
I'm bored... The house isnt big enough for the both of us being home all day.. It's nervewrecking!
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Girl, girl, girl! I am so relieved to know that you are okay. We were so scared for you both. Cady need so behave herself, sit down and be a good girl.LOL She is way too anxious to see the world and Jenni, you are in for it when she does get here. She will be running you ragged.
Did the give you something in you I.V. to stop the contractions? Do they attribute them to the pain from the bladder infection? Did you have any dialtion? And I assume you are on bedrest for a while? Bed is where you need to stay. Slow down and breath for a few weeks.
I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. PLEASE keep us updated on how you are doing. And go to the E.R. as soon as you have ANY warning signs from now on.
So glad you are done with working. And I know you are thrilled!
Love to you both.   Cady, mind your mama!
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Oh thank goodness all is well!  I have been so worried about you.  We all have.  

I know you are very happy to not have to work anymore.  You did it, you held out long enough to get put off from work  lol.  Congrats!!

:)  I know you love hearing her heartbeat!  Isn't it wonderful.  Ashlee is 25 days old now.  And she is a bundle of joy.  I know you can't wait to hold Cady, but she is just going to have to stay in the oven for a while longer.  

Take care girl and keep in touch.

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The odd thing for me, was when I was pg with Jonathan, I went into PTL at 26 weeks and had zero indication, I went in for my regular appt had some minor issues and when they did the pelvic, I was dilated fingertip.

On the other hand, with T, I was suffering with braxton hicks for 12 weeks before delivery. And when I say suffering, I mean labor felt better. I was terrified I was in PTL, my contractions were ranging from mild to extremely painful.

Glad to hear all is well. Keep hydrated, take your antibiotics, and rest up!

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Okay well I didnt go to the doctors lastnight, I went this morning around noon.. After a long night of tossing and turning, no sleep, and almost 24 hours of the darn pain, I went. I have a bladder infection. It's like no other bladder infection I have EVER FELT! PLUS, Cady likes to sit on top of my bladder, so that dosnt help! lol. When I go pee, my insides get real tight and it's like I want to stop peeing, but I cant, so I scream until I'm done. Yeah, it hurts.
They were indeed contractions, but not preterm labor, or Braxton Hicks... I dont know of ANYONE who felt the pain that I had, so I was freaking out for a while. But everything is okay now. I still have the pain, but they can't give me anything for it because we had sex yesterday morning, and they can't check my vaginal fluids because it has to be after 48 hours or something like that. I'm stoked I dont have to work anymore though. YAY! They took me off. :-)
Okay, well I am in need of sleep bigtime, but thanks for replying..
Sorry for scaring you Jo and MH.. you are so sweet to care so much! I'm super glad that everything is okay though. She is MUCH too little to want to meet and greet the world. She'd be a very sick baby. :-( I cried when they had me hooked up to the machine detecting my contractions and her heart beat. I heard that little thing flutter, and it felt like a *family* moment. She's in there causing me grief, but when I hear that little heart beating so fast, it makes my heart melt. :-)
Goodnight.. Thank you again.
<3 Jen
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It sounds like Braxton Hicks. Have you gone to the ER or talked with your DR?  Let me know what you find out.  I hope every thing turns out fine.  Ill be praying for you and Cady!
Love Jen
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Plus, if the doctors in the ER can catch her soon enough, she
can be given medication to stop the preterm labor.  I had to
take that medication with my daughter.  She was still born
3 weeks early.  Hope we hear from her soon.
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Why haven't you posted back!!!  Oh my gosh....hope you are okay.  I'm sure you're fine, but Cady is too tiny!!!
Oceans3--if it were the placenta previa causing a problem, she would prob. be seeing bleeding.  
Jenni--are you bleeding at all????? If so, you need to go to the ER.  Please let us know.  I remember with my 1st, I went to the hosp. 3 times b/c I thought I was having "real" contractions.  They were just B.H.  They can be strong, but not really strong enough for you to be seriously hurting.  I'm calling you...
Please post back and let us know...
Thinking of you and Cady!!!
Love you girl---MH
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Jenni!!! OMG I am freaking out right now. I have no idea when you wrote this. Are you okay?? Calm down Joanna!!! Okay.. If you have any clear fluid leaking then RUN to the ER. They will get you to L&D. Braxton Hicks can freak you out at first because they are like practice contractions. But they shouldn't hurt. Maybe a little uncomfortable, but not pain. Try a hot shower, and if the "contractions" continue during and after the shower, then they may be the real thing. Also, and I am NOT condoning this, but my Doc always told me to have 1, that is ONE glass of wine. Said that if it is Braxton Hicks, the wine relaxes you enough to calm them down. If it doesn't stop after a glass of wine, then it is the real thing! Go to the ER. In fact, you just go anyways, forget waiting on the doc to FINALLY call you back.
I will be thinking of you ALL day so please let us know that you are okay!
If I don't hear from you by this evening, me and the crew might just have to call you!
Worried sick--J
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hey girl..i dont know when you signed on but i agree, they could be braxton hicks. look that up and see if it describes what you are feeling. do you have that book..what to expect when you are expecting?
could it have something to do with that placenta prevaria? did i spell that right? no bleeding right?
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Could it be Braxton-hicks?  If it does not end or if they become regular, I would go see my ob.
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