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Bleeding 12 years after hysterectomy

What could be the possible reasons for vaginal bleeding when a woman has not had her uterus or cervix for nearly 12 years? In 1994, I had a total hysterectomy (removal of my uterus, cervix, & one ovary). My cervix was removed because of pre-cancerous tissues. I began experiencing a vaginal discharge in Nov. 2005 after recommencing sexual relations after abstaining for six years.  Also in Nov. 2005 I noticed old blood coming from the vaginal area (it was brown) and a slight smell.  I thought maybe the sex was too hard. I was checked in December 2005 by my general practitioner for STDs and HIV.  All the rest results came back normal and/or negative.  The smell and discharge decreased; almost faded totally away.  But now in January 2006, although I have not had intercourse since November 2005, I began smelling the smell again and the discharge has increased.  It has changed in its look and consistency.  It has been white, milky, but lately it has been somewhat watery.  Recently I had a rush discharge where I had to run to the restroom. There was blood on my dress.  The blood is pink.  I went to my primary care physician who said I had a bladder infection because she thought I was bleeding from my urine are and she prescribed an antibiotic.  She did not do a pap smear.  I went to a different doctor later that day and she did a pap smear.  She confirmed that I was actually bleeding from the vaginal area, more specifcally I believe she said from my vaginal cuff.  I am nervously and anxiously awaiting the results.  What are possibilities?
201 Responses
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being that u still have 1 ovary, it is very possible you may have a cyst. i'm not 100%sure, but it's very likely, there is no other explanation, i'm sorry you are having to go thru this, i only have 1 ovary left also, and can only imagine what it's like to see blood. please keep me posted about the results. good luck hun!!
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Thank you for responding.  I am waiting for my results.  And yes, it was quite alarming to see blood after all these years - and it was unpleasant.  It brought back the old memories of my HORRIBLE and incredibly heavy menstral cycles.  I will give you a report once I know next week.
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Hi Chel4
after hesterectomy 15 years ago and at the age of 46 years old I am experiencing the same problems you are having, the only differince between us is I had a complete hesterectomy. I will be seeing a dr soon, new to my home with no established dr.
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I had a hysterectomy 20 years ago at the age of 30, for the last couple of months I have been bleeding sporatically (spelling ?) the blood is bright red. Today I started bleeding heavier and noticed small clots. I am making a dr appoint. asap. This has got me some what nervous
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Hi girls,
This is so weird.  I had a hysterectomy and BOTH my ovaries removed over 20 years ago.  Three days ago I experienced heavy vaginal bleeding and some clotting.  I was shocked to say the least.  The doctor I saw sent a urine sample away, prescribed antibiotics and wasn't particulary concerned that I was freaked out by this very unexpected incident.  I do have a urinary tract infection , the bleeding has stopped, but, WHY was I bleeding and where from?  I'm going to see another Dr. who will hopefully give me an internal pelvic exam to at least try to establish the cause of the bleeding.
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I had a TOTAL HYSTERECTOMY 25 years ago  (pan hysterectomy)  I am 68 and have been having a vaginal odor and some clear discharge for about three months.  I cannot see the discharge, but asm aware of the odor.  Yesterday i bought tampons and inserted one last night.  When I removed it this morning, it was bloody with bright red blood.  Afer i removed the tampon, I got a bloody discharge.    My gynecologist is out of her office untl Monday, so hope to find out something then.
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453618 tn?1205864923
Hi Good Morning Everyone...

I'm new to this site and glad that I came acoss it.

I had a full Hysterectomy 13 years ago when I was 25. I was diagnosed with radical cancer of the cervix and due to my family history with cancer the doctor thought a full ( instead of partial ) hysterectomy was the answer. All the women in my family have passed from Cancer in their early 40's.
2 weeks ago ( and still present) I started spotting blood and having some discharge from the vignal area. I am extremely nervous about it as my mother also had a full hysterectomy and started bleeding after 20 years. She died 2 years later from rectal cancer that spread from her abdominal area.
I do have a doctors appointment but I am very uncomfortable about him doing a   pap. He makes me feel that all this **** is in my head... sigh~
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i also had a full hysterectomy  about a year and a half ago and after realizing i had bleed on my underwear yesterday( it was bright red) I was hoping that I could get some answers before I go to the doctor. I'm a little worried and wonder if anyone has any ideas on what could be causing this.
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What were the results? My mother told me she is having that problem and I want to take her to the E.R.
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I too had a complete hystorectomy in 1995 no ovaries, about a week ago
i started spotting blood = went to my doctor and she used silver nitrate to stop the bleeding and told me to come back in a week - went back today and still bleeding she is sending off a biopsy - we will see what happens.

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I had a hysterectomy almost 2 and a half years ago. I still have both my ovaries. Today I noticed blood when I used the rest room. I have been feeling nauseous, but I haven't vomitted, but I get the feeling all the time. I have been also having pain when I urinate and I have been going alot. Could this be stress or something more serious?  I haven't made a doctor's appointment yet, but I will soon. I am scared it may be more serious than I think. Any Advice?
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Gosh, it's been years since some of you posted. Didn't any one of you have the decency to come back here and report back, knowing other women will read this and struggle with the same issue and would come here looking for help?

There is nothing here but questions. So, what happened to all of you? What was wrong? Don't you think that would be helpful to those of us coming behind you with the same problem?
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I agree, my mom had a total hyst, I believe last summer actually, and she occasionally has some bleeding and doesn't know why. Her gyno said nothing is wrong with her but it still happens and she doesn't know why.
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no one knows what is wrong with me either.  I had a hysterectomy in 2002, and last August, i started bleeding.  I went to the ER, where they ran all kinds of bloodwork, and got strange results that they didn't seem to know how to interpret.  They also sent me for an ultrasound, which found nothing abnormal.  I was referred to different specialists, and since then, have been to 5 different doctors, undergone so many crazy (some invasive) tests, and yet, no answers yet.  Does anyone have any idea?
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Some problem as all of you - I had mine done when I was 25 - now 52 -everything gone but one ovary. Got so bad I actually took my bloody underwear to the doctor. His response "Can't be happeninng - all the test say its not happening." I felt like telling him to keep the underwear to show other women what can't be happening to them. I actually went to the ER when it was so bad one time and the doctor took a personal call while his head was at the business end. 8 years later I'm no closer to finding out what "can't be happening" but its started again today. I say again becuase it goes away for a couple of months then starts again. I honestly don't know what the hell to say or do because it's all in my head according to most doctors!
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I too am having bleeding problems after my full hysterectomy in 2000. I've been to 4 different doctors and have had 2 pap smears which both came back normal, The doctors say they can't see anything wrong and made it seem like it was alll in my head, one even suggested it  was hemmoroids but I know the blood is not comming from there, I feel stupid going to yet another doctor but I'm also afraid of what it could be, I also have little tiny bumps on my vulva. there seems too many women with the same problem for it to be nothing.
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I'm having the same problem.  I had it about 2 months or so ago, the doctor sent me to the er, after six hours, the er doc said "I have no clue, you need to see a doctor"  Thanks for that!  It stopped so I didn't think much more about it until it started back 3 days ago.  Last time it lasted only an hour or so, this time has been three days.  The gynecolotist cannot see me until July 28, so I don't know whether to worry or not, but I am.

I wish someone, somewhere would have posted whatever they found out after these episodes.  I will for sure come back even if they say they have no clue.  I don't get it, how can the doctors not be able to tell what is causing it.  I mean obviously, if you are bleeding 10 years after a hysterectomy (which I am) then there is a problem somewhere.  I'm glad to know it's not just me, but I sure would like to know some sort of answer, even if it is a scary one.
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I agree with the above posts..WHY all the questions but no one has an answer or has the courtesy to let us know what happened to them. It is personal, but you posted your problems, why not the solution. Many need your help. Do we go to the Dr or just ignore it and buy pads/tampons again???
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I am very concerned to as to what has happened to the ladies that posted their problems and has not posted their solutions.  My mother had a full hysterctomy in 1993 and is having the same problem but she is afraid to go to the any doctor.  She needs a lot of medical attention and has done nothing at all just dealing with whatever happens.  She has lost so much weight too.  How do you get help with this situation?

Waiting Prayerfully
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I don't know what help you can get for this situation as I came on to this site looking for answers too.  I, myself, had a radical hysterectomy in April of 2007 because of ovarian bloat and the fact that my uterus was grossly enlarged.  It weighed 5 pounds when it was removed!  Last summer I had to have laser ablation of pre-cancerous cells in my vaginal vault.  And just these past several days I've started to bleed from my vagina a bright red color with what appears to be tiny clots.  At first, I had a burning sensation and thought I was getting a yeast infection, but I've never experienced bleeding with one before.  Now, the burning is accompanied with blood that was first streaky and is getting more pronounced.  If, I didn't know better I would also say that I am having menstrual cramps, but of course this is impossible.  Since, it is Sunday night there is nothing I can do, but go to the emergency room, which I don't want to do based on the other posts I have read.  I am going to wait for tomorrow morning to call my ob-gyn and pray that he can get me in asap.  I don't want this bleeding to be anything serious, but I can't imagine what it can be.  I haven't had sex, so it can't be attributed to this.  I am not feeling any burning when I urinate or an urge to go frequently, so I don't think it's a urinary tract infection. Whatever answers I do or do not find I will come back and post them.
Thank you,
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My mom had a complete hysterectomy a year ago and now she is having the same pain that she had before the surgery. She says that the pain is coming from her internal scar. Her gynocologist keeps giving her yeast infection creams, which doesnt help her at all, and he keeps saying that there is nothing left that could cause her pain and that the scar is healed. Well, things just got even worse because two days ago she started bleeding, and everyday a little bit more. She will make an appointment with her gyn. tomorrow. Hopefully we will find some answers.
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This looks like a common problem. I had my Hysterectomy 10 years ago and yesterday noticed some brown spotting that has continued into today.
I had pre cancerous cells and fibroids prior to my H.
I noticed pain on one side inside during sex on Saturday and wonder if its anything to do with Menopause and dryness because Iv notice some signs of that happening in the last few months. Headaches and Blushing LOL
I'll go to the dr this week and report back here because Iv also noticed no one has come back with any follow up comments.
It a tad disconcerting to say the least, both to be experiencing bleeding after so long and the lack of return followup comments. Its unlikely Iv sprouted a new womb but I dare say miracles have happened before LOL
I'll be back. Save this page to your favorites lest you get lost and cant find it again.

Cheers Sharon

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Hi.  I too had a total hysterectomy in 2001 at 31 yrs of age due to  polyps growing in my uterus. In the last few weeks, I have been spotting bright red off and on. I went to the doctor today thinking it was my diverticulosis flared up and she all but raped me with the pelvic, pap, rectal --- whole nine yards. I questioned if the bleed could be coming from my intestines being flared and she stated no-that would not cause me to bleed vaginally and besides my diverticulosis was fine.  All the labs came back ok but she did feel something the right side of my abdomen that she says is quite firm. She stated it could be a cyst, scar tissue something cancerous but until they further investigate we wont know so I will be going in for an internal ultrasound on 7/15. I hope it reveals something small and easy to correct because I'm not one to take "We don't know" for an answer.  I shall return to let you all know what I find out but until then let's stay strong and encouraged.
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Well, I came back to give you an update on my mom. After she noticed the bleeding she tried to make an appointment with her gynecologist but he was booked for the whole month. I think it's crazy that he couldn't squeez her in because it sounded like a emergency to be bleeding a year after a hysterectomy. My mom decided then to find a new gynecologist.  Well, after a month of trying to figure out why my mom is having the same pain that she had before the hysterectomy and why she was bleeding, the gynecologist finally concluded that my mom probably has endometriosis. She prescribed my mom some medicine but if nothing else helps my mom will probably have to have another surgery.
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