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Continual labial itching

I've had labial itching in this area since I was at least 14 (I'm 50 now). The itching is confined to the area at the top and sides of the large lips nearest the clitoris, but not INSIDE the lips, strictly on the outside skin of the large lips. Whether I shave my pubic hair or not doesn't affect the itching, it itches either way. When my pubic area is hot, the itching is intensified, as it is when the area is wet from swimming or bathing. Wearing a wet bathing suit can be extremely aggravating. Sometimes sexual foreplay increases the itching. The last two or three days before my period usually causes the itching to increase; then once my period begins the itching sensation lessens considerably. After the period is over, the itching sensation starts again.  The type of underwear doesn't affect the itching. Neither does changing my detergent, or soap, or towel material. I have no infections. The itching does NOT involve the vagina or the vulva, just this area of skin at the top of my labia. I have mentioned this itching to my gynocologist periodically, and he is noncommittal about it. I've used anti-fungal creams, anti-itch creams, moisturizers and tea tree oil at various times. All of these things stop the itching for a day or two, then it returns. I've also used Diprolene cream, which is prescribed for my hives. The Diprolene also only works for a day or two. I'm curious to know what might be causing this since I've had it all my adult life, and if there's a way I could get rid of it once and for all.
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I had this same itch for weeks, I thought it was yeast although I didnt have a discharge or smell.  Went to regular doctor she had no idea but gave me 2 flucanozal pills they did nothing so she tested for all the diseases which were negative sent me to a gynecologist who also wasnt really sure but she said it could be contact dermatitis she prescribed antibiotics amoicillin and triamcinolone which helped right away (shockingly the antibiotic DIDNOT cause a yeast infection which was great).
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OMG.... I've had this off and on itching for nearly a year now... nothing seemed to help. I was recently diagnosed with HPV (the cancerous type not the warts type) and figured this may be related, I'm also pretty sure I have a hormone imbalance even tho I've never had that checked out (no insurance, no money). I happen to have fluocinonide cream from a strange outbreak I had on my hands (I was a housekeeper, allergic to some cleaner) from a couple years ago. I tried what you suggested and for the first time in 3 days I'm not itchy and uncomfortable (I also added hydrocortizone to the application since its a topical steroid and anti itch as well). The hydrogen peroxide didn't sting at all though. I used to use Alcohol rub, now THAT stings, and my friend who's a nurse told me that's too harsh of a cleaner to use in sensitive areas. I absolutely suggest anyone with this strange, but apparently common discomfort to try this if possible!
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12172462 tn?1435281388
hi there i have a similar issue, my anus and vagina are always itchy i recently just got tested for yeast on my skin, but im still itchy even after the treatmeant, ive used ointments for eczema but i feel like the ointments made it worse, just want to ask did the itch ever go away? thank you
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See my latest post
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Try to read my lates post: it would help you
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Hello there. Hope this would help you.

I've been suffering as well on itchiness on my vagina labia  for about one week. No odor, No discharge.
I tried to remember what i have done or eat that i feel the itchy thing.

I remember, before my last menstruation, i've been spotting, so i put panty liner, and it takes for about 4-5 days before my blood finally come.
Meaning i've been exposed to panty liner, usually i didnt put any panty liner, i just put pad when really my blood comes out.

I've been shaving for about 4years, and i feel normal. No itchiness before. I've been thinking, it was the cause. But i guess not.

I have partner , but i know we are both clean.

Here it goes,
One night i wake up that i feel so itchy. I cant bear bear it, sometimes i scratch it. And blood come out. And i wake up just to wash again.
Anyway my normal routine, is to wash myself down. 3 times a day. Morning, that time i take bath. afternoon, i just wash it and together i put new panty for me. And evening before i sleep. Washing my whole body, and washing down there.

I came worried cause sometimes i have sleepless night. I tried to research and i found out this site. iI read the thred, i take down the medicine being mention or even the ointment. About pinworms, or other thing. About the diet, eating of yoghurt. Shaving.


I check my vagina., its normal. No flaky, not red, but sometimes i see white. But i supposed it is white blood.

After reading all the comments. I came with this. Still i didnt go on OB or Derma Doctor.

1. I wash my undies by my self. Hand wash. Wash it thouroughly.
2. I dry my outer labia with separate small cloth.
3. After i take bath, ( i tried to be aware about the pinworms, about the egg and the white thing. ) So, what i did, after taking baking, I rolled white masking tape on my four fingers, and tried to put it in on my ***** and removed. About 6 times. Try to change the white masking tape, once you put it on one area.
( 3x a day i do this, everytime i wash )

Please note: i was still on shave that area.

4. The panty i will used, i put Alcohol, with 70% isoprophyl alcohol.
     And im rubbing and gently massaging my labia and all area down      there with alcohol. It maybe stung for a moment but it is worth it. ( putting alcohol also 3x a day, verytime i wash )

5. Then i wear my panty, sprinkled with alcohol.

6. I came aware also about my diet, i gain 5kilos. I've been eating a lot of bread. And i cut it down. Less caffiene. Less sugar.

7. I used to eat now yogurt. Atleast one a day.

8. And before i used to scratch my labia, but just worsen the itchiness. So i tried to control myself. And just gently massage the area. And put some alcohol. (GREEN CROSS ALCOHOL with  70% isoprophyl)

AND AMAZING, THE ITCHINESS WAS GONE... I made it only by myself all this expirement. I dont want to suffer, or my ***** come damage.

PLEASE NOTE: I may not able to see for my OB cuase my OB is in the Phils. I am overseas worker here in GCC country where weather is so hot.

I am doing it now for almost four days. Im itchy free.

HOPE THIS WOULD HELP. (Sorry not sorry for my english)
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I too have itchy scalp. It started after my first pregnancy, when I was diagnosed with celiacs disease. I have to eat gluten free and use gluten free body products otherwise I itch like crazy. I've had this itchy labia for over a month and I have not been eating gluten free. I'm wondering if this is all related.
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I have been reading some of the previous posts regarding vaginal itching.  I have come across some of the same symptoms I have been experiencing.  It also seems as though a lot of women are suffering from this but have no answers.  Like many I thought it was yeast and treated it last week as such but that didn't help.  I saw my doc two days ago and she mentioned Lichens but said my labia don't look like that.  However, I am not confident she has a lot of experience with Lichens and may not recognize it.  I have to say I have been looking at my vagina for 41 years and thought it looked normal but now I'm not so sure? If I stretch it out it seems to have a lacy appearance in certain areas but I am not sure! I wish I could view a "normal" labia. And I think it has had this appearance for many years but I never had any symptoms.

I am wondering if any one out there has similar symptoms with any definitive diagnosis? I have had an itchy scalp I think since my second child was born so for about 7-8 years.  I notice it most when my scalp is wet when washing my hair and it mostly the back of my head.  I remember one bout of having a very itchy scalp while sleeping.  I thought the scalp was a hormonal issue and didn't give it much thought. For many years now I have had the occasional blister form in my mouth.  Always on my inner cheeks but I never really thought much of it as it really wasn't bothersome.  It would pop easily and heal up quickly. I used to teach a lot of spinning classes over 10 years ago so lots of sitting on a hard saddle and I noticed that the end or the tip of my left labia minora seemed a bit roughened and if I took a break from spinning it would seem to resolve.
My symptoms currently are an itchy left only labia minora for about the last 2-3 weeks.  I have never had this before.  Two days ago I had a blister form under my tongue.  not directly under the surface of my tongue but in the valley area below.  Finally, I have noticed over the last may 1 1/2-2 years I get very watery discharge randomly throughout my cycle. so its not something I can track with my cycle.  I can bend over and gush! I thought it was related to my hormones shifting perimenopausally.  
I am questioning whether I have one of the Lichen syndromes and whether it is possible to have it for many years but not really have bothersome symptoms?  I think if my vaginal itching had not occurred I would have carried on as usual with the other symptoms.  ugh! but I am not impressed with  my vagina now.  I have read that scratching it causes a vicious cycle so I am avoiding that.  I mean its not as bad as some others have expressed and I am not having sleep disturbances from it.  I used the cortisone cream twice yesterday but that makes be very nervous and do not want to use it much more.  I think my approach is going to be to deal with my stress...
any thoughts from anyone would be so appreciated!!
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I'm 15 and I'm not a virgin, but for the past two weeks my virginia has been really itchy, its worse at night, but does itch in the day, iv tried all the things to help it but they don't work, I drink loads of water and don't use any creams or shower gel's, my mum thinks its a yeast infection and iv tried with apple cider vinigar and it just won't help it please can someone help me I'm really scared :( xxx thanks
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Faith, sweetheart, you are much too long to have to carry this on your own. If I had to guess, it's caused from an autoimmune deficiency. Since there seems to be no cure, just temporary treatments of all different kinds, some give a little relief, for a time, while some do nothing at all to help. I'm 66 and developed this over a year ago. Dr. didn't have a clue, tried four rounds of some powder concoction to no avail. Been tested, thyroid is fine, hormones, no problem, but stress level is out of sight. Plus I have non ulcerative colitis,  because of an autoimmune deficiency. It takes on so many parts of our systems. I also have fibromyalgia, also believed to be caused by the same thing. Temporary help is all that's available because all these physicians can't agree as to what it is. How on earth could anyone ever come up a cure and if it is attributed to your autoimmune system, then there will only be treatment, not a cure. I have allergies and applied a cream to my face that had lanolin in it. I am very allergic to wool/lanolin so I had a very red face and itching and burning so bad I went to the ER. I got a cortisone shot, face finally calmed, but for about 4 to 5 weeks........NO ITCHING. It was the cortisone. I's back...
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This may be the answer for some of you!!  I had the same itchy problems you are describing for about 9 months.  I went to 4 different Gynecologists and they told me the same things you are hearing- maybe it's your soap, sleep naked, use these creams blah, blah, blah..  I could not take it anymore, and I was convinced that this was not normal and I should not have to do all this stuff just to feel not itchy.  Finally, I went to the fifth doctor.  She tested me for "GROUP B STREP".  I tested positive- she gave me some sort of 5 or 7 day prescription (pills) and it was gone - totally- for 6 years now- back to normal - no more creams, no more anything!!!  I could not believe I suffered for that long before finally a doctor figured it out.  Group B Strep is NOT a sexually transmitted disease.  It happens when microscopic amounts of fecal matter end up in your vagina and can cause a disruption of the flora in there.  Not hard to happen if you have been going to the bathroom all day, have had a bowel movement, and then have sex that evening without taking a shower first.  I know it sounds gross but, it easily happens to people.  So...  it's worth a shot- ask your doctor to test you for "GROUP B STREP".  Also, this is VERY important to know if you are going to have babies because once you have Group B Strep it lies dormant in your body and when you have a baby, they need to put you on an antibiotic during delivery.  It's extremely important!!  Don't worry you cannot pass Group B Strep on to your sexual partners.  (At least not as of latest research)

Also, here are some things that might help, they are cardinal rules for me and should be for every woman!!  They should have taught this in health class!!  I have had no more problems:

1) ALWAYS urinate immediately after sex.  Even if it is just a few drops.  This will help eliminate your UTI's.  Do not just roll over and go to sleep!!  Very important!!

2)  ALWAYS wipe front to back.  (I know most woman know this one, but just want to make sure.)

3) DO NOT engage in anal sex.  If you must, DO NOT go from the anus to the vagina or mouth without thoroughly washing the penis with soap and water.  If you go from the anus to the vagina without washing, this is a sure fire way to get Group B Strep which causes itching.

4) Whenever possible try to have CLEAN sex.  Meaning both partners take  a bath or shower first.  If this is not possible, at the very least before sex, take a washcloth and wash your anus.  You don't want that bacteria from fecal matter getting mixed in during sex.

Hope this helps!!
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To Faith

Request another biopsy as my symtoms were similar and I was diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus.  If it is Lichen Sclerosus - in young women it can sometimes leave them after a while.  In menopausal women like myself the condition often remains for life but needs to be managed with steroid creams and lifestyle changes ie diet etc. I have been told there is no cure but good mangement is the only solution.  I had the biopsy done after 16 months of having symptoms and being treated for vaginitis  and can relate to your feelings of deperation as I have been threre myself.  At present I am seeing a naturopath for dietary changes and a dermatologist for management of the problem.  Best of luck I hope you find some solutions soon.
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For real i will check out that cream I have problems with my skin normally when i me stressed. Its hard enough to sleep, and wakening up scraching is miserable. I was a little nervous about asking about this,  thank you for your input
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I have been watching this site for at least eight months, reading all the posts and hoping to find an answer because I was dealing with the same exact issues.  Here is what I have found out.  

I decided to change my eating habits to lose weight and made dramatic differences in my lifestyle.  I stopped eating all sugar, salt, dairy and white/wheat flour or starchy foods.  Only lean protein (fish, chicken, lean steak and 93/7 hamburger) and complex carbs.  I kid you not, all issues have disappeared so I believe that the problem was a food allergy.  Because I eliminated everything at once to lose weight I'm not exactly certain what the allergy is but I will bring them back into my diet one at a time so that I can find out.  

Eight months of misery has ended because I changed my diet.  That was the problem but I never would have guessed it.  It is a tough task but so worth it!
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I'm wondering if Gluten or dairy is the issue?
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im 15 had it since i was 13 ish  

i never realy minded it but it left for about a yr and just came bk and is really bad today so i googled and found this i wiped down there and put on pure alovera gel and its all soothed now and alovera id great so im gonna do it for a few wks every night and it should go it git rod of my ingrowing toenail problem so fingers crossed it will work


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Well, it's been a year since I last posted on here...it is funny to see how I've grown and also depressing because I know that I'm at the same point I was last year.

I haven't made much progress and I blame myself for that, I pretty much took this year off from doctors. I couldn't handle it anymore, it all just made me too depressed.

But now I'm feeling the big push to be well for college, which I'm afraid won't happen. I'm afraid I'll never be better.

I have to schedule a doctor's appt. and hopefully she might have something new for me to try. Maybe, I'll find a cure. After I go and test out anything she gives me, I will come back and report on my success.

Right now I'm attempting to not use any Gold Bond Anti-Itch Cream, which I use to keep myself sane, and it has been terrible. While using the Gold Bond (for about the past two years straight) my skin has become dry and cracked, sort of like the Sahara Desert, and lately I've been wondering how much the Gold Bond is affecting my skin. One of my doctor's suggested the idea that my original itching might have gone away, but I couldn't tell because I was unable to tear myself away from the Gold Bond.

So far my attempt has been horrific, without the regular treatments of Gold Bond my skin has been crawling and has become even MORE dry...despite my attempts to help it with Vaseline. I'm going to hold out for at least a week, but right now the future of this endeavor is looking grim.

I take that back, my outlook on the future is look grim. However much I feel that way at this moment, I know that there is always the possibility that I could be well tomorrow and I will hold out the hope for that sort of miracle.

In the case that tomorrow will not be a day of salvation, I'll get to remember that I've learned a lot from this experience. I realize that my post is not helping any of you in terms of our shared medical problem, but I'm hoping that I may be able to lift any of your spirits, at least a little.

I've learned that everyone has their problems. The only people who know about mine are my doctors and my immediate family, everyone else has no idea. What other problems do others have that I'll never know about? Things that they bear in silence? This sort of awareness is invaluable and from the types of people I have met, ranging from adults to peers, I have realized that so many are oblivious to the problems of others. I'm glad to not live in the unobservant and often unsympathetic world.

I've become a stronger person. Even though I often feel like I'm crumbling, I have become stronger. Opening up to others about our problem is embarrassing and doing so takes courage. Continuing to live a normal life with our problem, that takes strength! Be proud of yourselves!

I've become closer to my family. I mean, how can you not when you have to tell them that "down there" itches... And in my family I include God, I understand that we are all not religious, but I am and I have definitely come closer to God and it's nice to think that this might help me somewhere else in life, I've definitely grown in ways that I would not have had I not been afflicted with this condition.

All in all, I sometimes feel like giving up hope, but where there's life there's hope and as I'm assuming that we have no zombies on this post than I'll hazard a guess that we all have a reason to hope for recovery.

Continue to be strong and I'm sorry for my lack of real content in my comment. I was feeling very down tonight and wanted to do more research when I re-stumbled across this page and I had to write something. It's comforting being able to share your problem...even if you have nothing to contribute really.

Best of luck to you all, I pray that you all find a solution as well. I might die of jealousy first, but afterwords I would ecstatic to see someone beat this dragon we're up against.

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I have the same exact problem! Constant itching no odor or discharge, mine started when I got pregnant almost 3 yrs ago now and hasn't stopped. It's really aggravating, the same as some of you, mine worsens when doing four play or sex, and especially at night, I've been to my gyno numerous times and all tests for stds and infections came back negative. I've tried creams n now was given a powder which helps for like an hr, I just don't know what to do anymore..
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I am 30 and just the very top of my labia (not my vagina!) started itching about 2 weeks ago. Reading this forum makes me think it might be there forever! But I am wondering about the people suggesting that it might be hormonal as I am 20 weeks pregnant and have been out of whack for the past 2 weeks as well (dizziness, hot flashes etc.) I am hoping that it will be gone by the time the baby is born or shortly after since my hormones should change. I would suggest checking out a hormone imbalance or something.
P.S. I've never heard of pinworms causing itching only on the labia, usually the itching for pinworms starts in or around the anus...
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please look up pinworms!  I've been having this problem for months and months and have been looking everywhere online for what it could be and how to fix it. tonight in my search I found out about pinworms and did some research. I now realize that what I saw and thought was discharge was actually a worm. they caused a few other health problems I've been having as well. tomorrow I am going to buy something called "Reese's pinworm medicine" and make my boyfriend take it as well and wash our sheets and clean the toilet really well. these months have been torture, especially at night. seriously go look up pinworms and see if that could be your problem!
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Hi I too have suffered in silence, when i have spoken to the doctor/s it has been passed off as a yeast infection -if only.
I read about the steroid cream in this forum, returned to the doc she has prescribed Eleuphrat ointment 0.05 %
Use once a day before bed but not immediately after a shower. The first two nights it caused minor stinging and i was still itchy by the third night I had no irritation . THE ***** OF AN ITCH HAS GONE.The treatment is to apply at night for 4 weeks then every second night for 4 weeks.
Good luck ladies. I cant tell you how relieved I am to have found a treatment that works. This itch started when I was about 14 and has plagued me for over 20 years
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Hi I too have suffered in silence, when i have spoken to the doctor/s it has been passed off as a yeast infection -if only.
I read about the steroid cream in this forum, returned to the doc she has prescribed Eleuphrat ointment 0.05 %
Use once a day before bed but not immediately after a shower. The first two nights it caused minor stinging and i was still itchy by the third night I had no irritation . THE ***** OF AN ITCH HAS GONE.The treatment is to apply at night for 4 weeks then every second night for 4 weeks.
Good luck ladies. I cant tell you how relieved I am to have found a treatment that works. This itch started when I was about 14 and has plagued me for over 20 years
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First of all I have to say how relieved I am to know that I'm not alone with my itching and scratching!!!

So, I'm 27 years old. The itch has been with me about two years now, it started out of the blue. Like some of you, my itch is basicly on one spot of my large labia, the upper side of the right large labia actually... My only symptom besides the itch is that the labia is swollen from all the rubbing and scratching. No color changes or nothing else.

I do not want to hear anymore that I have a yeast infection, because I know I don't!!!

Only relieve I've found are showering "down there" with as hot water as my skin can stand (really hot!) and putting some "colds rub" (you know that jelly that has menthol smell, that you use when you have flu?). The jelly helps me to fall a sleep, sometimes I have to add it middle of the night when I wake up to the scratching.

I'm just wishing this itch would end!!! :(
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omg!!!  I thought I was alone.  I've been like this since early childhood.  My mother could not find a pic without my hand in my crotch scratching.  I've been through it all and seem them all and tried it all.  It's now so bad that it's starting to portray yeast like symptoms.  SOMEONE HAS TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITH US!!!  I don't know what to do anymore!
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Hi there, I'm 16 years old and this has been going on for about three years for me and I wish I could tell you it is better. Unfortunately not...I have been tested for about everything under the sun, had a biopsy, blood work, yeast & glutein free diets, patch testing! Nothing, absolutely nothing. I am at my wits end about it and if I knew what it was or how long it was going to last I would feel better. But I don't, I'm scared that it will last forever, and I don't know what to do. I even had my normal doctor suggest that it is all in my head! All in my head? All in my head!?!?! I have never imagined anything like this before, why should I start now. I went back into her office recently for a physical, after having not been back since then, and she asked me about it. Saying, "what about that other problem you had? It just went away." Well no, M'AM it did not go away. "Oh so it's just off and on then?" No! It's all the time, 24/7, I'd like to see you live with it.

It doesn't help that I was stupid lately and decided to shave my bikini line, with my condition right now....worst mistake ever. The next three weeks or so (at least I hope it will be that short!) are stretching out in front of me and I honestly don't know how I will be able to survive it. I don't think I'll be wearing anything but skirts or dresses for a while.

While I don't have any cures, I do have one thing that I swear by. GoldBond Anti-Itch cream, the menthol is amazing. I can't go more than a few hours without it now and I'm worried that I have become addicted, but then again, I don't care. If it helps me live, then I'll do it. It's like cancer patients, give THEM the damn marijuana already. (Not saying I think marijuana should be legalized, but in certain medical cases, yes, which it is.)

Also, look into yeast ( possibly glutein and diary as well) free diets, if you do some research you will find that these things can cause all sorts of stange, symptoms that doctors won't find! It's just a thought...

Also, I really and truly believe that SOMEHOW my symptoms are related to stress. If you can break out when you're stressed why can't your sensitive skin down there be affected? I personally have always found that it is worse when I am stressed out. Unfortunately I've never found any relief from anxiety meds...

Also, if you are embarressed to go to the doctor. First of all let me tell you, it does suck, and I can MORE than relate. I've had at the very least 5 different doctors look down there, and more than one occasion. But, it'll be worth it. It took me about 5 months for me to tell my own mother! And I wish I had done it sooner.

If anyone reads this, sorry, it was kind of a rant because I think I'm going to rip my hair out over the next few weeks. You know that feeling where you are going to explode inside? It keeps building and building, and your heart beats faster and you just want to get away. But with something like this...you can't.

I'm glad I got to get this off my chest, it's hard to always hide it? Isn't it? It's not like someone who has broken their leg and although it's very painful, it's not embarressing and everyone can sympathize (and on occaision make allowances for you). Not only that, but if you did try to tell anyone, they would immediately say, "oh well it's a yeast infection. Or it's an allergy. Or it's this...or that..." and you know that you've tested all those things and it's NOT them... And then that makes you feel worse.

I'm crying as I write this, I don't know what I do to deserve this. I know we all have our cross to bear, but I wish this wasn't it.

I will try to remember all of those far worse off than us, and I advise you to do the same. Stay strong, because if you do, then maybe I will be able to as well.

I don't know you, but I love you guys and I am so sorry... (and sorry for my scary long post)

^_^ Faith
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