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Contractions while not pregnant

Does anyone know anything about this? This is so strange! Last night when I was laying down before I fell asleep, I started having contractions. I am NOT pregnant. I had contractions for about a hour, and they were almost exactly 10 minutes apart each time, but the last 2 were 9 minutes apart. After that I decided to just go to sleep. Note: I do intend to call my doctor, but they don't take phone calls (they take a message and call you back in about 2 days... it *****)

I was told I have PCOS recently, but I don't believe this is pain caused by the rupturing of cysts. I have had a child before, and it felt just like that... I swear I could even feel my cervix dialating (not alot, just a little). I am no longer having contractions this morning.

I'm REALLY REALLY hoping this is a period because I haven't had one in 7 months, and I started taking birth control pills about 2 weeks ago. Do period cramps hurt like this?! I was always regular before these past 7 months, and I have never had period cramps! Do they feel like labor contractions?

If anyone has any advice for me, I would really appreciate it! The only thing I can compare my experience to is labor pains and I'm worried my doctor is going to try to pass it of as a bowel problem or something. Thank you!
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I have the contraction like pains and have had them since I had my tubes tied 12 yrs ago after my 3rd child I also get the sensation like a baby moving in my stomach I know for fact that I am not pregnant but what I have found that helps is bearing down like you’re trying to push out a baby and sometimes that relieves the pressure
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I am having the same problem I feel like I am having contractions but I am not pregnant, they become so hard and close together I have to bear down and push. My breasts also hurt when I get these pains does yours
I am 40 year's old.and have my tubes tied.I have had 6 natural births.after my 6 th child I decided to get my tubes tied.my youngest is 9 years old now.my oldest is 23 years old.just in the last 3year's I have been getting cramping so bad that it feels like contractions  really bad pain.but it has only happened a few times and each time it was right after sex anyone have this happen? My god it hurt it's contractions like every 2 to 3 minute's and last for 2 minutes.can anyone help..
It sounds like uterine contractions. Try Advil when it happens or even before you have sex.
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before I had my tubes cut and tied,I'd never had menstrual cramps. 2 periods after is when they started. And yes it feels exactly like labor to me. The pain goes arond my mid section and down my legs exactly like labor
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Think I'd mention this to your doctor.  Let us know what they say
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Hi i need answer for my ? I have be feeling some shooting contraction pains on my lower back and thigh cramps n i am not pregnant.Can u tell me another symtom that may cause that without being pregnant
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What about muscle strain?  Having a simple (non cancerous or serious) cyst in the ovary?  Passing a simple ovarian cyst hurts really bad!  Those are my best guesses.  Have you visited a doctor yet?
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I don't have an answer to it. But I have taken 12 pregnancy test and half said positive and half said negative. I go to my doctors on the 11th. But I've been having severe pains that feel like I am about to pop. And if I was pregnant it would only be for about two maybe three months. I've had two kids. One vaginally and one a c-section. But these pains are painful. I went to the hospital and that said oh its your period and that was two weeks ago. And I haven't had my period in a year now. I get a period once maybe twice a year. I've taken birth control to regulate it and it doesn't help. I really need answers. Because I'm in so much pain. I wanna break down and cry. Btw I am 21
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How is dysmenorrhea treated?

Anti-inflammatory medication – If your menstrual cramps are painful, you may want to take an over–the–counter nonsteroidal ant-inflammatory (NSAID) medication for 1–2 days of your period. If your pain is severe, you may want to begin taking an NSAID 1-2 days before your period starts. These medications are “anti–prostaglandins” (pronounced: an–tee–pross–ta–glan–dins), meaning that they work to stop the cramping effects of prostaglandins. They help to relieve discomfort, make your flow lighter, and cause your uterus to cramp less. Try over–the–counter medicine with ibuprofen or naproxen sodium in it. Make sure you read the label so you know how much and how often to take it. You should not take these medications if you are allergic to aspirin–like medications or if you have stomach problems (such as ulcers). Remember to always take these medications with food.
Hormonal treatment – Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), also called birth control pills, as well as other hormonal treatments (patch, vaginal hormonal ring, Depo-provera, IUD and hormonal implants) are often prescribed because the hormones thin out the lining of the uterus which lessens the blood flow and cramping. These medications are sometimes prescribed continuously so you don’t get a period
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Hi help! The contractions I had literally took me down and I could not walk. I have had 5 children and all vaginally.my oldest is 17 and my youngest is 2. I am 38 years old and when I experienced this yesterday I was not on my period. I am not do to start my. For another two weeks. I was told from 3 different women that it is possible that this experience is a symptom of perimenopause period;the stage before menopause. The problem is most of the women in my family including my mother, did not start menopause until they were in their late fifties. My mother had her last children, my sisters who are sets of twins, at 44 years old. I will be going to see an OBGYN in two weeks however I want to be able to possibly scratch some of what I think the issue could be off of my list. Anyone with ideas let me know please.  
I suffer uterine contractions and a other symptoms.. Have you heard of adenomyosis? I have adeno and have two children and can only describe the pain like labour.. Sounds to me like it could be adenomyosis
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Ok ladies I've found the answer

What causes dysmenorrhea?

The cramps you feel as a result of dysmenorrhea are caused by uterine contractions (when your uterus tightens and relaxes, allowing blood to leave your uterus). The lining of your uterus releases special chemicals called “prostaglandins” (pronounced: pross–ta–glan–dins). These chemicals are released from the lining of the uterus and increase the strength of the contractions, especially during the first couple of days of a woman’s menstrual cycle (when levels are high). High levels of prostaglandins may also cause nausea, diarrhea and lightheadedness.
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I have no clue what it is but I am going through the same thing. I have been having contraction like symptoms with my period. I am on Mirena IUD and I have been on it over a year. I have never had kids. I have tried other birth controls out there and this was the only one I thought would work. My cramps hurt so bad. It feels like I am going into labor. I am not pregnant though.
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I have three children. My first was a natural delivery and my twins a c-section. I never have had a regular period (not always 28 days and would last anywhere from 4-7 days{as an adult it lasts 4 days})so I figured it was just my body but since the twins I've had the most unbearable periods. It's been so bad that I've clung to the toilet vomitting from mass back to back contractions with no relief in sight.my head throbs and I can't even be in lighted rooms.I've had one occurrence where I did pass out from the pain but nothing more serious than that.I also seem to bleed extremely heavy(wearing a tampon and overnight pad and still have to change about every 45min.) There is no way that I can be mistakenly pregnant because my tubes have been tied for four years. I've gone to a couple of doctors and all they could tell me was it could be an extreme case of pms and to try to switch my fem.hygene products.(which I have done) with no change in my periods.if anyone finds knows what this issue is please enlighten me.
17539191 tn?1457623539
you sound like u have a good line of doctors behind you..   Could u help me with a few questions
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    ?Your comment to Loyalthatsme was absolutely uncalled for and quite judgemental for someone who claims to be in the "medical field".  Most people who have made a career serving and caring for others are expected to have the ability to read a post such as the one written by Loyalthatsme with feelings of sincere empathy for the tragedy and loss the poor woman undoubtedly suffered with the deaths of two babies. At no time did she say that "that all doctors are bad" as you implied more than once. She simply said that she does not trust doctors. I do not know this woman or the entirety of what appears to be a very difficult and painful journey for her. However, she is certainly allowed to have her own feelings and insecurities regarding her own personal life struggles and share them on this forum with honesty. We are here to help and encourage one another with an expectation that we won't be insulted for expressing a feeling that might be different from someone else. I would kindly ask that you please be considerate of others.

    I would add that I'm very pleased that you had a good experience with your medical team. It sounds like you have been through quite an ordeal yourself and I will certainly remember you in my prayers.
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15637824 tn?1441909712
It's so rude to say you don't trust doctors. You trusted them with all 5 of your babies, labor, delivery and recovery. Doctors are just that, DOCTORS! They are here to HELP diagnose problems, they are not GOD or whatever higher power you may or may not believe in. They never claim to have all the answers, its just like any other profession. TRIAL AND ERROR!!! They are taught a certain way to try and find answers, that doesn't mean they will always get it correct. Maybe watching House, and other medical related shows isn't in your best interest since you seem to believe in the fairy-tale of what TV depicts. I am not a doctor however I have been in the medical field for over 12 years. The past 4 years I have been deathly ill, had it not been for my wonderful group of doctors, trial and error, test after test and finally getting to the bottom of one issue, which actually was the one that darn near killed me I wouldn't be here today. I have chronic hyponatremia that almost took my life twice and my team of doctors worked day in and day out trying to figure out what was wrong. On top of that I also have a thing called Gastroparesis (paralysis of the stomach and moving into my lower intestines) Both of which I had NEVER heard of in my whole career! I am 30yr and never expected to be in the position that I am in. I also have lupus, PCOS, anemia, and a few other medical issues. All I want to say is that my doctors are amazing and you shouldn't down all of them just bc you got a hold of a few ****** ones. It still took over 4 years to get where I am with my diagnosis but I never lost faith in my medical care team bc they showed me how much they actually cared. I had a few bad apples along the way but it is not cause for me to me to call them all bad doctors and say I don't trust them. You go to school as long as they do, do all of your clinicals, do you rotations, get thrown on the front line and see how well you do as a Doctor!!! They work their ***** off everyday just to hear from ppl like you that they are not good enough. Science changes and with that so does medicine. It's an ever growing field with new advancement and treatments along with new and harder to treat illnesses. Maybe we should look at what we're doing wrong, that's causing them to constantly have to re-evolve and re-evaluate the way they have to go about treating and diagnosing us! Doctors are not perfect nor do they claim to be...and if you find one that does, that's your queue to get up and run! Doctors saved my life and I'm still here to be a mother to my 2 wonderful kids and if nothing else, I am 100% fully thankful to them for that!!! So maybe next time you are in a do or die situation, you should go to McDonalds and see what kind of advice they offer since you don't trust doctors maybe you can trust them.......who else are you gonna run to???  
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Who are you to tell her it is rude to trust doctors.  You do not know if she trusted them with the birth of her 5 children or not.  It is hard to find a good doctor, who is not a narcissistic, know it all,  who actually listens to his/her patients.  I was diagnosed with abdominal cancer in 2009, for over 2 years before my diagnosis I was dismissed by doctor after doctor trying to tell me "you have irritable bowel syndrome", "you have a ruptured cyst", "you are suffering from depression".  Too many doctors will not dig deep to uncover symptoms, and instead give blanket diagnosis when tests are inconclusive.  So yes, there is plenty of reasons not to trust doctors.  The answer isn't swearing off medical care, but finding a doctor you can trust.  
15032408 tn?1438016378
I had my 1st child in 2007 and after I had her I was getting these very very bad pain in my belly but the nite when I was going to labor my contractions  wasn't as loud as it was a post be but its like 3 or 4 months later I started to get these very very bad pain in my belly and it would wake me up at nite I would do the breathing blow in and out and it didn't work lol and so around 2am they stoped  and never came back again until dec.23.2013 I had my wonderful son I was only 6months and I had 3 months to go my son was born 2pounds and 8ounces and so now its like its all happening again but only this time after a year last nite the pain came back but this time it happens while im driving or at the store in my sleep and while im cleaning the house I whent to the doctor and got a ulta sound and blood testes done x-raxs done they said everything is fine everything is good but I don't know something is wrong with me can any one help me.......
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You need to get evaluated. We need to know if you are on birth control currently.Some birth control causes bleeding for months.  You are describing large clots; and that seems like a more serious problem.  Go see your OB/GYN for an evaluation.  
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I know this post is old, and you already would have found out by now what the pain, and bleeding was, but for anyone else who might be reading this... She could have been pregnant.  I bled through all 5 of my pregnancies. With one, I started bleeding at 13 weeks.  Bled heavily all the way to 26 weeks when I started having contractions and gave birth.  I was young, and stupid, and not getting proper prenatal care.  Turns out the baby had died at what they assumed was around 13 weeks.  So just because your bleeding, it doesn't mean your not pregnant, and just because you are pregnant and bleeding, it doesn't necessarily mean the baby is hurt, or dead.  I bled heavily with my daughter who is now a 12 year old healthy, happy girl, my 10 year old son, and 16 year old son.  But - I also bled with the baby who died, and my other daughter who had a heart defect.  I was told with the healthy babies that it has something to do with a pocket of blood from the amniotic sac not attaching to the uterine wall completely, or correctly.  The other babies they said, it was because my body tried to "get rid of" them because there was something wrong with them.  One successfully, and one who died at 2 1/2 months from her heart defect.  I found this post looking to see why it feels like I'm having contractions, but am not pregnant.  Looks like from the posts on here, the cyst on my ovary may have ruptured.  I don't trust doctors so I guess I'll sit here in pain, and wait to see what happens.  They never seem to know what's wrong until it's too late anyways
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I had two children.Had one normally.I had placents previa and ceaserian section with the other one.I am not pregnant.I have been having serious unbearable contraction for days now.I wonder what it is.I had an IUD removed few months ago.Had the IUD because I was having heavy bleeding due to fibroid.Instead of myomectomy,Drs suggested a hysterectomy due to the size of the fibroid. I have gatherd some ideas now by reading different posts on this page.Thanking u all for sharing.Any more suggestions?Thanks
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I had two children.Had one normally.I had placents previa and ceaserian section with the other one.I am not pregnant.I have been having serious unbearable contraction for days now.I wonder what it is.I had an IUD removed few months ago.Had the IUD because I was having heavy bleeding due to fibroid.Instead of myomectomy,Drs suggested a hysterectomy due to the size of the fibroid. I have gatherd some ideas now by reading different posts on this page.Thanking u all for sharing.Any more suggestions?Thanks
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Just wondering if you had any conclusion to your problem? Your symptoms are exactly like mine. But I'm 43 and have gone through this about 5 times since having my second baby nearly 17 years ago. Doctor wasn't sure what it was.
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Well I am 29 and have 5 kids. i have had my tubes tied for over 3 years now. Last month i was over a week late and this month I am right at two weeks late. i have taken tests and all negative. Now I started having full blown contractions not the false ones known as braxton hicks but the real thing. Timing them every 2 to 3 minutes lasting about 45 sec to 1.5 long. I am currently on my cycle but don't understand what could be causing these symptoms. Please any advice out there is welcome. Thanks ladies!
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4934794 tn?1361230070
I'm 49...still having my period every month without fail...can't wait for menopause!!! but last month on my second day of my period, I started having contractions...just like hard labor..yes I've had a baby and know what it feels like...the contractions lasted about 2 hours and were about 5 minutes apart lasting 1minute or so...I had both front and back labor...my husband was about to take me to the ER when I tilted my cervics up in the air with pillow and a chair then my contractions stopped. I do have large fibroids so I'm thinking that maybe one of them was trying to come out? I'm trying to avoid surgery because supposedly fibroids shrink during menopause...but am scared for my next period!
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Could you please explain your position better.
Could you please explain your position better.
2094879 tn?1333063993
Wow. I just had this exact same thing happen to me twice now. I'm 33 and never been pregnant, have PCOS. Could you email me?? rainboweverything (4) gmi4l d 0t k0 m
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i have this pain as well. and i have had a child before so i do know the pain of contractions. they do not come and go like every 10 mins. but i will get a bad one for anywhere between 3-7 mins and then it will just go away until the next time. ive had an ultrasound and they found nothing, ahhh. could i just be gas?
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I'm happy to read you all. I had may times in the past those kind of contractions... the exact SAME of the one in labor. I had too kids naturally, so I know!
Usually it last for 20-30 min.But last week end I had an episode of 3 hours... it was horrible. Ctx that last for 2 to 5 minutes, stop 2 to 5 minutes and comes back. The same when we're at 9cm, ready to push.
I went to ER and  it stop after 1,5 hour there so I sign a refusal of treatment and promise I would do the tests to my office the day after. (I'm a midwife).

So I did the tests. But no Ultrasound. I fugure I should schedule one...
When I saw my cervix it was all red at the opening and a bit bloody, like if the ctx had try to open it... it is SO WEIRD!!!

I wonder a thing: If everything is right medically, could it be something like having to much compassion for women giving birth? Or being connected to some people we love that are having trouble and we "feel" it?

Does anybody knows something about that?

Actually I would prefere that theory better than any other medical cause...

I will start rasberry tea for a while and visualise light in my cervix!!!

Thank you for you sharing...

And by the way: I'm sorry for my english! I'm French!!

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I'm happy to read you all. I had may times in the past those kind of contractions... the exact SAME of the one in labor. I had too kids naturally, so I know!
Usually it last for 20-30 min.But last week end I had an episode of 3 hours... it was horrible. Ctx that last for 2 to 5 minutes, stop 2 to 5 minutes and comes back. The same when we're at 9cm, ready to push.
I went to ER and  it stop after 1,5 hour there so I sign a refusal of treatment and promise I would do the tests to my office the day after. (I'm a midwife).

So I did the tests. But no Ultrasound. I fugure I should schedule one...
When I saw my cervix it was all red at the opening and a bit bloody, like if the ctx had try to open it... it is SO WEIRD!!!

I wonder a thing: If everything is right medically, could it be something like having to much compassion for women giving birth? Or being connected to some people we love that are having trouble and we "feel" it?

Does anybody knows something about that?

Actually I would prefere that theory better than any other medical cause...

I will start rasberry tea for a while and visualise light in my cervix!!!

Thank you for you sharing...

And by the way: I'm sorry for my english! I'm French!!

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1730584 tn?1310080884
I have problems with bloating and stomach pain that radiates around from the front of my tummy to my lower back. I found through a vaginal ultrasound that I have a large polyp or fibroid in my uterus and my lining is 20mm instead of 10mm. I have had contractions with this because my uterus is trying to push out the object, my doctor said, which makes sense. It could be the same with IUD's, your uterus may be trying to push it out, rejecting it. My ovaries are fine, but uterus hates me. One doctor told me that I have to have a D & C done and the polyp removed right away. I got a second opinion and was told it is nothing to rush about, and that I do not have to have a D & C. I could have an ablation that will destroy the lining of my uterus so that more polyps ( if that is what it truly is) will not develop. Destroying the lining causes most that have it done to no longer have a period, some have spotting, but you would no longer be able to have children because there is no lining for an egg to plant in.

My advice is to get a vaginal ultrasound, and get a second opinion when surgery is brought up. Advocate for yourself. Do not let doctors just prescribe you meds without you looking into the side effects and look at all your options when surgery is brought up. I had a bladder infection twice last year and went to the ER; they ended up prescribing me Cipro for a bladder infection. This antibiotic is used for people who have been exposed to anthrax. I wasn't dying; I just had a bad bladder infection, and should not have taken that drug. I trusted the ER doctor, took it and had extremely bad side effects for over a year because of it. I will not take any drugs now unless it is necessary to keep me alive. Our bodies weren't made for all these chemicals, and high amounts of gluten products, fast food, etc...

If you are having bloating problems try a gluten free diet. It will help. Also try taking a pro-biotic. While people may not have something as severe as Celiac, you could have a gluten sensitivity that can cause you intestinal issues. You can get it in yogurt or in pill form from a health food store.  Both of these things helped with my bloating. Be careful to know what nutrients you are losing when going gluten free, so you can supplement with other foods or vit's/min's.
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