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High Progesterone Levels, Am I Pregnant?

I was on my first round of Clomid 50mg and went in for my 21 day progesterone check.  I had to go in a day early for it due to weather and got my results back.  I was at a 26, almost a 27!  Does that mean there is a pretty good chance I am pregnant?  We have been ttc for a year and a half, I would love that!
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I have had a history of fertility problems.  I too have a 6 year old from a previous marriage.  My AMH levels are really low so my docs have been putting me on several types of meds.  We first started with femara 1 daily for 5 days and then gonal f shots for 3 days.  My progesterone was 15 on day 17.  We tried that twice, no luck.  This month they switched things up and i took femara 3 a day for 5 days and then Menopur shots for 4 days.  On day 18 I was at a progesterone level of 22.5. My levels are the best they have been...but I am still awaiting results...with fingers crossed....we are praying that this is not another disappointment...ultimately we believe it is in GOD's hands...and are praying that the result is positive.....
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I had sterelization reversed April this year 2012 , when on clomid this cycle from day 2 to day 6 had bloods done day 22 came back 51.8 they say any thing over 30 is good ! Had scan day 24 to see if I realised an egg and 2 follicles where gone to say yes I released eggs , when can I test to see if I'm pregnant thanks Kelly
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Hi,my husband and I have been trying for pregnancy almost two years now.I had my progesterone test which was 92.now am on clomid and this is my second month,do u think I might have a higher level of it or its normal.I pray all of us trying to concieve best of luck.
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Hi I have just had my results today and my level was 147 it is my 3 cycle on clomid, last month my level was 64 which I thought was high so it's a big leap, I wonder too if this can indicate pregnancy, but can't test until 3/7/12! Fingers crossed to all ttc x
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I have been on clomid for 5 months with the first 4 taking 50mg and this month being 100mg. I had my tubes tied 8 years ago and reversed last year in hopes to concieve a baby with my new husband. no luck yet. My progesterone levels are usually around 12 or so, this month however was 3 :( does that mean that there is no posible way for me to be pregnant?
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I got my back and 1 week after ovulation is 125! Well, nurse said that it might mean that little embryo is trying to dig in :-) Fingers crossed
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I am in the same situation as you.  ive been on 150mg of clomid for 3 months and my level is 129.2,  last month it was 11.4.   im confused as to if im pregnant, or if its some of the other things such as hydatiform mole, over production of the adrenal glands or cancer    
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Well in 2004 I took my first round of Clomid and ovulated- I'm sorry I do not remember my level at that time.  I got pregnant that month and delivered a healthy baby boy at week 38 1/2.  He is almost 7 now.  I am currently trying to conceive my second child and am on round 2 of clomid.  My level was 30 last month with no conception and 21 this month.  I am on day 25 waiting on testing :).  Good luck to you.  Just wanted to let you know that good things can and have happened with Clomid.  He was the best miracle God ever gave me!
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I am on my second round of clomid. The fist time my progesterone test was 8.9. Now the second time it is 17.1. My doctor told me that it was really good... At fist I thought it was good but i am seeing a lot of people have higher levels. I did take an early pregnancy test 4 days that was a negative. Can i still be pregnancy.
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I am just finished with my 4th cycle of clomid. I was on 50mg for 3 moths and only ovulated at 9. This month I ovulated at 19 with 100mg. I am going crazy everyday thinking I have every pregnant symptom. Has anyone gotten pregnant with ovulating only at 19?
Please help. I'm needing some peace of mind...
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Just wanted to let you know i am now 4 weeks pregnant.
Getting my levels checked tomorrow so hopefully all goes well.
Doctor suggested it may be multiples when i mentioned my gyno had me on Clomid but i think that is a long shot as there are no actual facts yet.
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My doctor started me on Clomid on just a random day as i was not getting my period.
The 3 day window when i was meant to ovulate - i actually got my period on the 2nd day!
He then started me on it again from the 2 - 5 day of that period.
Last week was my ovulation days and today i got my results from my day 21 progesterone test - my result was 196.. yes, 196
I dont know what that means.
All he said was one of 2 things will happen - if i get my period next week i need to take clomid again days 2-5 and a test on day 21.... or if my period doesnt come next week i need to do a pregnancy test.
Fingers Crossed!
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I'm so glad I found this site! I'm starting to belive the correct progestrone level is different for every women. I have been trying for 3 1/2 years and clomid makes me think I'm crazy (having every preg symptom imaginable) first round my progestrone level was 1. the second round at 100mg of clomid my progestrone level was 0. (That's right, big 'Ol goose egg). My doctor then started giving me progestrone. After my the next try at 150 mg of clomid my progestrone was 14. That's huge for me! I don't think I'm preg, but I'm worried. I asked my doctor for more progestrone and he told me I didn't need it. The doc said when I get preg, he will put me on progestrone. I'm worried if I do get preg or if I am now I'll misscarry just like last time before I even know I need it. I don't know what to do?
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Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to comment on this.... I was on clomid for the last 3 months (days 5-9) and my progesterone levels were through the roof!  The first time I called, she said my 21 levels were at 105!!! and thought for sure I was pregnant.  Well I usually have 28 day cycles and day 28 came and went with no AF.... I took test after test and they were all BFN.  Finally on day 32 AFT decided to show her ugly head.  So, onto the second round of clomid and that month my prog levels were 52 and again on CD 34 AF showed.  On the final month my levels were high again at 63 and again a BFN and AF on CD 32.  I am now off Clomid but have been continuing to check my prog levels and this month it was 56 all on their own!  So I'm not sure what clomid did for me except extend my cycles and give me every pregnancy symptom in the book until I thought I was going crazy.... anyone else have super high Progesterone levels?
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this page started 6 yrs ago, has anyone gotten pregnant and had healther babies since this started?
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hi my name is Rachel and I had similar story. I had clomifene first 50 ,nothing ,than 100 one month and got pregnant, unfortunately, 27 week(due to placenta insuffiency) i delivered a boy who died after a  month,
I wonder whether this clomifene is doing any harm to the fetal
a doctor have said that it s not a case but i dont trust them .
it is not first case me and you
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Hi Kat 122, sorry about your miscarriage, just wondering why you are on clomid when you conceived natural, from what I have been reading its normally low progesterone that will make you miscarry, I was diagnosed with pcos and endometriosis in June of this year, I’m now on glucophage 3 times a day (500mg) to regulate my insulin which is causing the cysts on my ovaries, have taken my first round of clomid from day 1-3 of my cycle 50mg (because i wasn't ovulating), had my results last Friday for my progesterone levels on day 21 they were 22.7 they like it to be over 30 but it’s still ok over 20, so I was happy with that as the last time I had it checked it was 1.4 , don’t think I will get my BFP this month but bought a test today anyway so going to do a test in the morning.....
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1881645 tn?1320758629
hey everyone
I've been reading your posts and have very similar situtation. I am 21 and we've been TTC for 1 year now, i got pregnant naturally in april but had misscarriage at 8 weeks. after 3 months my specialist put me on clomid 50mcg and I am now gona start my 3rd cycle and still no pregnancy. my first round my ph was at 49, this last month it was at 61, but just yesterday started spotting, so i guess my period is coming. I am so frustrated about everything, cause if I'm ovulating why am i not getting pregnant? somebody please help
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im 22, me and my partner have been ttc for 3 yrs, i have pcos, i just went for my day 21 blood tests. i hope all is ok i hope to find out soon :) .
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I read all these forums but no one says what has happened next. are these success stories and has any1 got a positive result

Thank you
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1804238 tn?1316056035
I also have PCOS, but I was given a drug by the name of Femara.  And then I took the Ovidrel injection.  Once I did that I went in for IUI which means Intra Uterine Insemination of my husbands baby juice (lol). I went for a blood test today and my Progesterone level was at 26!  I am so excited because next week I will go back for an actual pregnancy test.  Wish me luck because I am only 24 yrs old and has been trying for about three years now.
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I have been ttc for three years, started iregular period about year and a half ago, got pregnany in late jan, miscarried in march. now i have pcos. I started my first round of clomid 50mg day 5-9 on june 18th, I went for my day 21 progesterone levels and it was 19.4 my doctor said I had ovulated and I took a HPT two days ago on july 12th it was negative, called my doctor and she wants me to take a blood test tomorow if I dont get my period. Wondering if I could be pregnant.
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hello i am also ttc for a yr now i recently took provera for 10 days just waiting on af to arrive then i start first round of clomid on day 5 of af. I was just curious what everyones progesterone levels were before starting and what they were at your 21 day visit mine was below .5 thats point 5 and also wondering how many got pg on first or second round of clomid?  good luck to

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BABY DUST~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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i have been trying to get pregnant, i got preg a year and half ago and lost it at 11 weeks, since then i have been on clomid and tamoxifen to help overlation. my problem was irregular cycle between 25-32 days, its very difficult to pin point day 21. my levels were varied and unsure if i was overlating. this was due to not getting the right day (day21), my doctor sugested counting backwards and estimating day 21. i had no signs of overlation, but on clomid it was very painful around day 15, so i counted 7 days after the most painful cramps and i was able to get the right day (day21).
i have now been overlating as levels have been above 30, my consultant says to show you have overlated it has to be over 30. however having high levels dosesnt mean your pregnant this just indicates that overlation has occured.
if your having problems then get your partners sperm checked too, my husbands motility was low, after taking zinc they are back to normal.
we have been trying for so long and still no joy, the medication drives me insane and i have decided to give it a miss for a couple of months my levels this month was 29! im forever hopeful but it just seams to be a lottery.
i just loose hope every time my period comes, im also 39 and time and age are against me, i have been told that IVF will be my next step if i dont conseve within the next few months.
good luck everyone x
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