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IUD with pregnancy symptoms, but negative test....HELP???

I had an IUD put in last Jan after I had my son and every month I have a period(I call it "what's the point period") but this month it hasn't come and I have sore boobs and they feel so heavy now and i'm dischargeing clearish stuff and i'm also having mild cramps off and on. Acouple of days ago I was having ligament pulling down below my belly if I moved wrong or if I sneezed, like I did when I was pregnant with my son. I think my last period was at the beginning of Oct. Well i took a test this morning when my hubby got up for work at 5:30 and it came out negative, could it have been to soon??? Please let me know what you guys think.
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I been having. The same problems. I been sick for a week but no period. I took a pregnancy test and they are all negative.i been having diaherrra for two days I need help
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Are you pragnit. Dose it hide if you have a iud coper one.
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I've been having a lot of pains in my lower stomach and my belly and I got my period for one dayon the 20th and I've been just very tired lately for like 2 weeks now is that a sign of pregnancy
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I am going through some very similar things. (I'm new to these sites so don't mind me not knowing what certain things mean, I know hpt means home pregnancy test)

So here's what I have going on with me. I am 23 years old. I have a 4 year old daughter and a 17 month old son. I have had The paragard in for over a year. The last real period I had was in november. In December I had what I assumed was my period but it only lasted 4 days and was very light. Well 2 weeks after that I was experiencing some spotting it was a light pinkish Brown but yet not strong enough to use a tampon, just faintly there when I wiped. That lasted for about 5-6 days and I have not had any sign of my period or spotting since. Now for the past almost 3 weeks I have been getting real nauseas (but mostly when I'm hungry) my appetite has increased quite a bit (im constantly eating), I look and feel bloated (can't lay on my stomach or apply and pressure at all) my boobs are pretty sore. I have been experiancing a few cravings and my sense of smell feels like it is on over drive. I also have been breaking out bad on my face and chest (I look like a teenager that just hot puberty)

Like I said above I have 2 children and in my heart and mind I truly feel like I am pregnant. I just took a hpt  (clearblue) and it came out negative. Could it be to soon? Or could it be that due to the paragard it can't pick up any hcg levels? And if I am not pregnant what could possibly be going on?

My boyfriend and some family and friends think I am pregnant just by looking at me.

I have an appointment Monday with my obgyn and I am going to make them give me a pregnancy test by blood draw.

I was just seeing if any other ladies have had or are go if through anything similar.
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Hi berly2, I just wanted to follow up with you,about this post, I am actually going through the same thing,same symptoms and I've been on the paraguard IUD for 4 years now! Had a period Sept 3rd' nothing in october ' and spotted for 2 days nearly nothing then nothing after that.took hpt negative but same symptoms as you. In process of booking a doc appt to get a blood test done, but wanted to see what happened with you, thanks,,
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Any updates ? I have had the copper iud for almost a year ... Periods went from 41 day cycle to 28 days for last 3 months ...now this last time around I got what I thought was my period but only turned out to be spotting.... Took three preg test negative ...going to wait a little longer to see doctor...maybe I am pregnant but the iud is keeping the fertilized egg from implanting...I don't really have any other pregnancy symptoms ....or stress...so who knows !!!
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My iud was inserted in July and since then my period was a mess . ..I've been experiencing constantbreakouts and when it finally seemed to get improved I got these weird pregnancy symptoms.. My boobs are sore, nipples very sensitive with a tiny discharge of clear liquid , I feel "period  type " cramps and pain,. Pg test came out negative , doctor appt only in a week and I'll go crazy by that time
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I am having the same symptoms and I mean exactly the same. I do have state insurance but I am single and out of the relationship with the father if pregnant is the case. I have been to my regular MD, my OBGYN, and to the ER (which does not count I did not stay). They keep giving me pregnancy tests that all come out negative.  My symptoms started in June 2015 and I am still having them - they are actually getting worse!  My belly is swollen, I feel like I have a second trimester baby inside -  movement wise that is. If this is not a baby then what is it? So I completely understand what you are going through. These are also the same symptoms had had with my only son which is now 17 and getting ready to graduate high school. I do wish someone had some answers for us it would be nice to know if I was pregnant before I go into labor!
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15940947 tn?1444117037
I'm 22 years old and have had IUD in for a year and abit. I have a 4 year old daughter, I think my last period was in August and now its October only just started spotting really lightly but I have been bloated for a few days along with dizzyness and sore nipple and boobs are getting bigger, I have seen a lot of posts of similar but havent seen any replys' anything I should b worried about...
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12784061 tn?1427234440
Hello everyone,
   Well I had my Mirena IUD put in in June of 2011 and will be four years. But the past couple of weeks almost a month now. I have been having some pre pregnancy I haven't any bleeding or a periods. I did have a scare that I was pregnant last year. Where I took a PG test at home and came out positive. Then I then in turned and took another one again to be sure. It came back negative. So I brushed it off as o.k. then I may be just either going to finally have my period or at least stop. My periods are so rear that I only get a period once a year for an hour. That is normal for me and don't really think much. But this time around it is different and have been feeling just nausea, breast tender and little bigger, and a little pinching on the right side. Just then last week I spotted for an two days which was odd. And not to sound gross but there was a thick discharge and little slimy like. Seems like my body was preparing itself. as when I had my both of my boys. I honestly do not get discharge at all. Sometimes I hear that word I am a little clueless. I really has me worried is that after reading a lot of post of some similar issuses. I am affaired that I could be preganat again. I got the IUD so I would not have another child. Me and my fiance are content with are two son's. I will still love the new child regardless if there is one. Just worried and my Dr. office said it was normal. This does not feel normal as the others. I already took four test and three were positive. So is it the IUD sending false poisitves or indeed am pregnant.
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OMG!!! this all freaks me out I am 25 and on my 2nd IUD i had the first one done 04/2010 i had a few complication but just pain in my uterus and cramping really bad my periods where infrequent some omnths would be for only 1 day others a week or so but they where much lighter then before. I have really really bad and heavy ones since i was a girl i have a 5 yr old son who will be 6 in july i had my IUD( MIRENA) removed in june of 2014 because it had moved and could have been causing the pain. after it was removed my periods came back (OMG THEY WHERE BAD I HAD FORGOTTEN HOW BAD THEY WHERE I HAD HAD MIRENA FOR 4 YEARS) so i told my dr i needed it back in plus i still had the Uterus pain after it was removed!!! so i got it in AUG right after i had Ovulated however my boyfriend and I had been doing it like we had a mirena in place ( when we didnt) i Got it put back in and literally for the last few months i have been having all kinds of symptons 1) i have not had a period since i got it (which was not the case for the 1st IUD i had) i get dizzy sick i have craving for the last 3 weeks its been sonic usually ice cream shakes with fruit i have back pain and fluttering in my belly i have gone to Urgent care and PCP and had pregnancy test done all negitive i get emotional more then normal angry quicker then usual and i swear i felt light kicking on one side for like 3 hours straight really freaked me out!!!!!! i have headaches all the time and my belly feels bigger but ive lost weight my boobs get tender and i had discharge thats clear i have to pee all the time and i just feel like im gonna wake up one night in labor like on "i didn't know i was pregnant" i have made an appt for friday but i kind of want to go to the ER to be safe because its been so long and ive been feeling all kinds of crazy!!!!! its good to know im not the only who has gone thru this !!!!!
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Wow! I'm going to see my Dr this week for similar symptoms. Did they remove your IUD? If so were there any weird symptoms afterwards?
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Hi...So I been on the IUD for about 2 and some what years now,I been feeling some Symptoms like none stop headaches,my breast are sore,gas,and cravings.I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.So I'm not sure now can anybody tell me if this has happened to you?!
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Hi...So I been on the IUD for about 2 and some what years now,I been feeling some Symptoms like none stop headaches,my breast are sore,gas,and cravings.I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.So I'm not sure now can anybody tell me if this has happened to you?!
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I'm 28 years old and this is my second Iud. The first iud I had no complications so I decided to put another one in 2010. My Iud will expire in 03/15. Recently I been experiencing tender breast, vomiting with almost every meal and very tired. Tired to the point that I fall asleep at work, not to mention my weight has been crazy. I have taken a a home pregnancy test and it came back negative. I feel tightness around my stomach with minor flutters. I recently had my anual and my strings were no where to be found so an ultrasound was ordered for me. Turns out I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant.
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If you don’t mind me asking, What IUD did you have?
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I was wondering what results you got?? I am 45 and on my 3rd Mirena...the first was put in at 6wk checkup after my daughters birth who is now 10. I had no problems or periods with my previous mirenas. Nor have I had any pregnancy scare or symptoms with my first 2 mirenas. I had this one put in around July 2013 and haven't had any issues with it until the last 1-2 months. Ive had nausea and all day sickness for the last 4 and a half weeks....breast soreness tenderness...frequent headaches...heartburn...back ache....leg and foot cramps...bloated tummy and for the last week I've had flutters and actual felt like kicking. I've got 2 kids my son is 21 and daughter is 10 so I know the symptoms well....I've taken home test that came back negative and because of my age and high risk pregnancy with my daughter I made dr appt with local dr to find out soon enough to be able to take proper precautions. They did urine and blood test that came back negative and she also checked to make sure it was still in place. This was 2 weeks ago and since have continued with vomiting 4-5 days a week, smells making me nauseaous daily and the feeling movement starting this past week. I was wondering what results you got so I know if I should see my obgyn for ultrasound or believe all my negatives and chalk it up to side effects from possible bad Mirena since first 2 were not this way. Any answers or advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Did you have any negative home pregnancy test by any chance? I just keep feeling so pregnant and I had mirena before I had my son but I even feel movement sometimes and I've already take 3 test and they all were negative. Sorry to bother you and I wish you luck.
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I have had the Mirena IUD for 1 year as of 12/10/13 and had 2 weeks bleeding, 2 weeks of freedeom followed by 6 weeks of bleeding. Dr. said it was just body adjusting to hormones and to give it some time. No bleeding until Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., (consisted of 2-4 days of light-med flow). Now in December expecting the same thing but had a yearly exam on 12/23 and doc cannot find strings (no surprise I could never either) so scheduled transvaginal u/s on 12/30. Before leaving to go to u/s appt. I had one bright red spot of blood when I wiped followed by a light pinkish tinged thinking I was starting my period. U/S tech said everything in place and I noticed there was some pinkish looking d/c on wand when removed. After this there was nothing more so I thought no more about it but the following week had major pregnancy symptoms and finally called the doctor on 1/7 and they had me take a home pregnancy test that came back faintly positive. Called doctors office and they scheduled me an appointment in a couple of weeks but today I am starting to bleed again and more than likely am having a miscarriage. I scheduled appt. to have this Mirena IUD removed immediately and going back to natural family planning. I just thought that this would be a better alternative while attending nursing school and boy was I wrong. Good luck ladies!!
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I had mirena for 5 years and never had a period but I still felt when I ovulated.  this past august I had it taken out because I was at my 5 year mark. i had sex august 27th and on august 28th i had it removed and replaced with paragard. it took the doctor some time to place the paragard in after mirena was taken out.  since then i have had my period (lasting 2-3 days only).  I never went in for my post check up and i have been having pregnancy symptoms since September.  i  have 2 children and know the symptoms , however i have had negative hpts and regular periods every 28 days.  could i be pregnant?
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hi, in the same boat as you. Lower back is hurting, swollen/sore breasts. Bad cramping, broke out in acne, bad acne, i have had the skyla iud since june and idk whats going on. I took a test and it came out negative, my period ended 2 weeks ago. help!!!
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I have been experiencing what feels like a kick in my upper stomach area. I have a 10 month old and just had a period but am still lightly bleeding I have had a little bit of cramps the past couple of days and have had cysts also previously
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Check out the part about the iud and early stages of menopaus...I'm going through the same thing. Breast are swallon, fatigue, thought I was pregnant numerous times amd all came out negative, hot flashes n cold sweats, gaining weight (I work out and eat same as I ever did) dizzy, run down, depressed, can't think streight half the times cause I'm so tired, stressed more than normal, less patience, lower back pain and numbness to the left leg and tingleing in the toes. I'm going nuts I feel like it. Even at work I wanna just fall over. I went to the dr. Today and they are testing my hormones and thyroid to see what's going on. I wint know for a couple of days but after reading some of the related discussions it hit me! If its early menopaus, I am gonna be very devistaded!! Heart broken. Upset that I will never again be able to have another child. I've had the iud since feb of 2008. Just got a new replacement at the end of september and my body is worse õthan it was with the first one. I have the mirena that has the hormones in it. I've also read today that missing periods are NOT GOOD !!! I would really advise to check out early menopuas with iud and see if this sounds like what you all are going through? ! You are not alone.
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I  just recently had the same issues, i mean I was having all the pregnancy symptomsand I've had the mirena in for 4 1/2yrs now and never get my period only every spotted luke 3 or 4 t imes tops! ( And very, very light might i add)  so I then took a p regnancy test came back negative, went to the dr.s  and she told me after examining me and taking a urine test that came back negative, that I want pregnant, and my cervix felt normal! I was a little disappointed to tell you the truth becuz my oldest is 10 now and  my youngest is gonna be 5 in February!  And I'm 28, my bf is 30& he doesn't have any kids of his own so we were really upset anyways so that same day i told my Dr. i wanted to get my mirena removed and she asked me if i wanted to do right now and I said yes pls.... i was just so done with the whole iud deal!  And the dr did tell me that the mirena let's off these hormones and can sometimes let off extra ones that
can then cause p regnancy like symptoms!  crazy right

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I  just recently had the same issues, i mean I was having all the pregnancy symptomsand I've had the mirena in for 4 1/2yrs now and never get my period only every spotted luke 3 or 4 t imes tops! ( And very, very light might i add)  so I then took a p regnancy test came back negative, went to the dr.s  and she told me after examining me and taking a urine test that came back negative, that I want pregnant, and my cervix felt normal! I was a little disappointed to tell you the truth becuz my oldest is 10 now and  my youngest is gonna be 5 in February!  And I'm 28, my bf is 30& he doesn't have any kids of his own so we were really upset anyways so that same day i told my Dr. i wanted to get my mirena removed and she asked me if i wanted to do right now and I said yes pls.... i was just so done with the whole iud deal!  And the dr did tell me that the mirena let's off these hormones and can sometimes let off extra ones that
can then cause p regnancy like symptoms!  crazy right

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6736340 tn?1384268305
I just got my IUD two weeks ago. I have had bad periods for 25 yrs cramps so bad have to stay in bed take hot baths nothing helps. After talking to my Dr they recommended the IUD saying in most cases you will have little to no period . I do not have OHIP yet in Canada as I am a immigrant so it was the cheaper option $500.00 so Picked up the IUD at my drugstore went to the Dr. I was told it would take 15 mins well 45 mins latter and very painful it was in.The dr kept saying you are so tiny its hard to place at one point she had one side in and said she could not get the other side in had to take it back out I was like  are you kidding me. After it was placed I was given no information on care when to come back what to expect ect. All I was told was I would have cramps and spot for a few days. I had cramps for 5 days and bled for 5 days. I was a bit nervous to have sex when we did it hurt in certain positions. Two days ago I woke up to very soar breast my nipples hurt so bad. So I call my Dr and ask WTH and then was told no way it is the IUD as the hormones are localized and I need to come in for a PG test I started to laugh told her my husband had a vasectomy and had a reversal 8 yrs ago has been tested several times and was told the reversal did not work he has zero sperm count .then said to her we have had un-protective sex for 10 yrs you made me take a pg test before you put this in. Why in this day in age do Drs still treat women like this. You are either pg or its in your head. So I have a dr appt Thursday another pg test waist of money why they sit and deny that the IUD is causing this.I am 2 weeks in and not impressed . My back hurts  my boobs are heavy and hurt and cant sleep. So I started looking up online about this glad to know I am not alone.  I dont know what is worse bad periods or feeling pg .
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