5264083 tn?1404665734

How Long Do Antibiotics Delay Period?

I was prescribed cipro to treat my UTI a week before my expected period.  I usually feel symptoms a week before hand that my period is on its way.  This did not happen.  In fact, my period never came at all.  It is now a week late.  I started getting period cramps and bloating a few days ago, thinking it was on it's way.  Never happened.  Instead the cramps and bloating just seem to be getting worse by the day.  I am NEVER late.  And there is NOT a chance that I am pregnant.  The only possibility is the antibiotics.  I avoid antibiotics, because I am a real health fanatics, and I know how damaging they can be to our biological systems.  I know many women have experienced late periods from antibiotics.  I'm hoping that someone can tell me their experiences, and how long it took for their period to come.  
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563773 tn?1374246539
You should get your periods in a few days. However if the periods are delayed then get it evaluated from your doctor. Apart from pregnancy, there are many other reasons for a delayed period. The other causes are hormonal imbalance like in PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), stress, obesity, malnutrition, anemia, hypothyroidism, illness, etc.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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I was taking homeopathic treatment for my painful manustrual cycle just after I completed my period. So overall i took a treatment for 1 month and now I missed my period. I am 6 days late. This is the first time ever since I am getting period (10 yrs) that I am late. My date is always fixed. I am never never never late. What could be the reason for it? Those homeopathic medicine can cause delay in period? I even took mensorine drops for getting period still it didn't come. Now I am tensed I hope I didn't make any mistake by taking this pain relief period treatment.
5264083 tn?1404665734
This is a reply to my original post:
I wanted to update you on my experience with the antibiotics.  I got my period 10 days late.  I have not taken any antibiotics since and I have been on time ever since my original post.  This leads me to believe that it was 100% the antibiotics.  I went to a naturopathic doctor, and he absolutely agreed that the antibiotics were the cause of the late period.  His and my advice to everyone: AVOID ANTIBIOTICS at all cost unless they are absolutely necessary.  In my case unfortunately antibiotics are the only treatment for a UTI at this time so I forced to take them.  Hope this helps some people.  
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Can i ask you something can i be preggy we had sex 3 days before my period? Im 6days delayed but last week i take co amox for my uti. Am i preg or delayed because of antibiotics? Pls help me..
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Thank you. I was prescribed antibiotics and the same day I started my period. I have taken antibiotics before but never had a delayed period, on or off antibiotics. The doctor said nothing about a change in period! I take responsibility for family planning but did not know these meds would change the whole equation. Thanks for the 10 day example! I'm 5 days late and will let you know.
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Oh my gosh THANK YOU! I'm having this almost very same problem right now! I took sulfamethoxazole-tmp 2x a day for about 2 weeks for a staph infection under my arm that I caught very early. There is ZERO chance I'm pregnant, and am not nor ever have been on birth control. My period is now 9 days late and I am always right on time. I'm hoping mine shows up soon!
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Update! I finally got it!!
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I got my last periods on 26 April, 2014 and since then I am waiting for my next cycle, n haven't got it. Last month I suffered from a multiple hair boil ( baaltod ) and was on antibiotics for almost 15 days. Does that affect my periods, besides knowing that I am not pregnant. Please advise.
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I'm late on getting my period. I was on an antibiotic about two weeks before I was supposed to start my period it was to treat a uti. I'm cramping a little. I'm also took a pregnancy test and it came back negative but I still haven't started. Is it the antibiotics or was the test wrong?
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5264083 tn?1404665734
There seems to be several girls our there who have experienced similar side effects to antibiotics.  I for one am COMPLETELY against antibiotics because of the havoc they cause to your body.  Be sure to take acidophilus for a good month after using antibiotics.  This will rebalance the good bacteria in your stomach!  In the meantime, avoid antibiotics at ALL COST unless completely necessary.  Many doctors will prescribe antibiotics for a common cold.  This is unbelievably ridiculous!  Our bodies are meant to fight infections as this builds our immunity.  Antibiotics destroy the immune system.  Fortunately, acidophilus can build the immune back up.  Also, if you are prone to getting UTI's like me, start taking cranberry supplements daily.  This will help flush our e-coli bacteria from building up in your urinary tract.  
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5264083 tn?1404665734
Hi Laprilw,

There is a great chance that you're late due to the antibiotics.  Don't worry!  Common medical doctors refuse to believe this is the case.  I've asked quite a few... From my own research and similar stories I've read, I 100% believe that certain antibiotics can manipulate the body, especially the function of sensitive organs such as a women's menstrual cycle. Like I told "respPeriod" be sure to buy yourself a bottle of acidophilus to help rebalance the good bacteria in your stomach once you have finished your supply of antibiotics.  And again, avoid antibiotics at all cost!
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Thanks!! for providing your experience.
My wife is going through the same problem. She had Ciprofloxacin and delayed by 7 days now. I will also check her pregnancy to be sure.
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Your posting is most appreciated as I have had the same experience. I was on extensive antibiotics due to dental surgery and it appears to have about a 10-12 day delay in the onset of my period.
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I have PCOS and am under medication. A week before my period, i was hospitalised for UTI and treated for the same. My period is late but i ve got cramps and bloating which is increasing by the day and is intolerable.
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Thank you for sharing your experiene and information!
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I am so happy you post this. I am going through the same thing to the TEE. I had to take antibiotics early in the month for a UTI. I hate them as much as everyone else because of what they do to our bodies. I am always on time like clock work. I am never more than a day or two off. I am going on 3 days and no signs of starting. I had cramps a few days ago and now they are gone. The only I am dealing with is really bad headaches, bloating, (gas) sorry for the TMI and tired.I thought I might be pregnant, but I took a test and it can back negative.SO the only thing I could think it could be is the antibiotics.... Unless a 38 year old can start menopause... I am so happy to see I am not the only girl that has gone through this.
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Yes this is what i want! I am also taking antibiotics to treat UTI and even worse, because of that, i have yeast infection. The doctor told me that, the antibiotics that cause me to have the infection. can u imagine it? and the side effect of the antibiotics is killing me, got fever, watery diarrhea and yeast infection. now my period is delayed for 4 days already and til now i dont have any symptoms that im going to have my period sooner. im not pregnant because i already checked it.
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I'm in the same boat!!! I was on Cipro starting Nov 22nd  for 10 days 2 pills a day. So I quit taking them on Dec 1st. I was suppose to start my period on Nov 30th. Its now Dec 12th no period. I have been spotting since Tues Dec 8th but no actual bleeding. I have taken 2 preg test and both say negative. I have no idea. It has to be this freaking medicine. Its just weird because i have been off of it for 11th days now. You would thinks this would be out of my system. grrr
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I don't recommend cranberry supplements for UTIs , they could only mask your symptoms. I took it thinking I was okay, but found out in the emergency room (there was blood in my urine) that the infection went into my kidneys. The doctors were surprised I wasn't doubled over with extreme pain.
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Thank God i found this page... I have been stressed and worried as im havng stomch bloating i have been on sooo many anti biotics frm the past two months but took more this december.. For urinary and othe infections like chest Now im 6 days late on my periods i know i am not pregnant but was just wondering why im havving all this i hope they will come really soon... I will update when i get em and thank u for all your updates they just solved half my problem.
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Thank you so much I found this page! I also experience this situation I take antibiotic for 1week twice a day as prescribed by my doctor to cure UTI..I was suppose to start my period on Jan 14 but its already 3 days delayed i'm very confused if i could be pregnant or its just because of antibiotic but thanks I discover on this page that theres a big possibility that its just because of antibiotic! I'm already 23 yrs old but not yet ready to be pregnant!
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So glad I'm not going CRAZY!! I had a UTI right before Christmas, went to the ER, and was put on an antibiotic. After taking it for a full week I wasn't much better, so I followed up with my Dr. She was puzzled at what antibiotic they had given me and wasn't surprised I was still hurting. So another full round of a second antibiotic. I'm about 7 days late but feel like it's going to happen any time now. My husband's had a vasectomy, but I was starting to wonder if it had grown back. After researching the odds of that online, I decided to check out the antibiotic possibility. So glad I did. Thank you for sharing!
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So glad I'm not going CRAZY!! I had a UTI right before Christmas, went to the ER, and was put on an antibiotic. After taking it for a full week I wasn't much better, so I followed up with my Dr. She was puzzled at what antibiotic they had given me and wasn't surprised I was still hurting. So another full round of a second antibiotic. I'm about 7 days late but feel like it's going to happen any time now. My husband's had a vasectomy, but I was starting to wonder if it had grown back. After researching the odds of that online, I decided to check out the antibiotic possibility. So glad I did. Thank you for sharing!
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Thank you for this useful information! Glad I wasn't the only one.. I am experiencing the same thing too. I have diligently been tracking my periods and I usually get my period on my 30th-33rd day. Here's my story:

- 10th day of my cycle: I had a boil that had to be surgically removed and naturally, I had to be placed on antibiotics. I had to take Ciprofloxacin for a total of 18 days since along with the boil, during my recovery from surgery, I had to extend my medication as I have contracted tonsillopharyngitis.

- 17th day of my cycle: (my 8th day of antibiotics), this was supposedly my time of ovulation but I experienced light bleeding and it lasted for quite a while. I have experienced ovulation spotting before, but not this heavy so I'm ruling it out. My spotting is more like a light period actually, with occasional solidified blood and all.

- 22nd day of my cycle: (my 13th day of antibiotics) This is the last day of my bleeding. I don't think I should consider this as my period, should I? I'm supposed to be experiencing very, very mild breast tenderness (as I previously would in my past cycles) but didn't get any.

- 26th day of my cycle: (my 17th day of antibiotics) I spotted again that lasted the whole day. I didn't experience any other symptoms aside from that. I can tell that my ovaries and uterus are quite as confused as I am.

- 27th day of my cycle: (my 18t and last day of antibiotics) I am beginning to feel my usual tightness in the abdomen. I usually get this whenever I am about to get my period (estimated 4-7 days from the time the symptoms start). My usual breast pains (though not as intense as my previous cycles) are starting to make its presence known now.

- 33rd day of my cycle: I am supposed to have my period now but didn't get anything. I only have mildly sensitive breasts and occasional abdominal pains that I would usually experience whenever I am about to get my period.

- 37th day of my cycle: (this is today) Still no period. Only sensitive breasts and occasional abdominal pains. I have also been feeling gassy and bloated today. Where oh where is my period? I don't want it and the dysmenorrhea that comes with it to ruin my trip to the theme park tomorrow..

Also, for important additional info: I am 23 years old. South-East Asian. I am no way pregnant because I am a virgin. I am not taking any birth control pills. I am also tracking my cycle and have been doing this for three years now because I got scared before when I got delayed after getting confined for an infection (thus had antiobiotics placed in IV) and then bled blackish colored blood on the 14th day of my menstrual cycle. I have been told a lot of times before that the changes in my cycle are affected by something else but I believe otherwise, hence my drive to track a daily diary of my cycle, tracking my secretion types, the kind of physical activity I'm in during that day, my alcohol intake (since in my past cycles, I have noticed that alcohol sort of kick starts my delayed cycle) and medicine intake (which so far delays my period).

I hope this helps. I'll update this as soon as I notice something different in my body. Take care!
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I am now making an update for my previous post.

It is now my 41st day and lo and behold! I have my period now :) It started out as brown spotting until it turned to red and became heavier and heavier. I am expecting to have severe cramps and nausea today due to me being delayed for so long.

So to summarize it up, antibiotics got me delayed for 7-8 days. That thing really messes up my system. Hope that helps! Take care!
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January 28, 2015 my girl friend started to have her mens. Feb 3, 2015 we had unprotected sex. I know she's safe. Feb 28, 2015 is the expected next mens cycle. But it is now March 4, 2015 yet no signs of mens, only white and clear discharge and mild cramping. By the way she took antibiotics last Feb 3, 2015 until Feb 5, 2015. Twice a day, 500mg amoxicilin, because of tooth ache. Is she pregnant? Please help.
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