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itching/discomfort after sex

Since past 2 years I have itching after sex. I have absolutely no itching problems or abnormal discharge at all in between sex (could be up to 6-8 months).

With each itching episode (lasting over a week, with treatment), there is no abnormal or foul smell in the discharge. Sometimes the itch involves more of the vaginal opening, sometimes more on the area near the urethra, or both.

I've been to the gynae last year about this. He ran cultures and PCR tests for gonorhhoea, chlamydia, also blood test for HIV and could only find strep. agalactiae and yeast. So I was given antibiotics and antifungal inserts.And I was told not to practise oral sex since the problem could be the strep from the throat, but this strep agalact is also known as normal flora. After a week, this itching subsided.

I've had 2 boyfriends in the last 2 years. When this first happened I thought it was STD but since this has also occured post sex with condoms, I am puzzled and worried.

It can't be bacterial vaginitis as it doesn't fit the description of foul smelling discharge. It doesn't look like typical yeast infection as sometimes there is normal discharge yet it itches.

I've been worried that I am starting to inspect myself using a mirror or to feel where exactly the itch is coming from. This week I felt a few micro bumps like those (on the tongue) on my inner left labia. I'm not sure if it's been there all the while. However, I can't see it (any bumps) when I look into the mirror.

Please could you help give me some insight on this?

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Hi all! I'm going to throw a wrench in the mix here ;) I'm 35 and divorced. I was diagnosed with HSV1 gential 3 yrs ago, after my bf at the time was cheating on me. Because I've experienced the uncomfortable soreness and itching after intercourse before and I've suffered from no-odor BV before, I figured it was something normal. Just dryness or a ph imbalance, until my dr confirmed I did contract HSV. My first "outbreak" was very painful and irritatingly itchy, but the few "outbreaks" after were minor and only lasted a few days. I haven't had an "outbreak" in about 2 years.

My concern now, is I have been dating someone new. He's a little larger than I'm used to. When we first had sex, I was pretty sore after and it took a few days for the soreness to subside. Almost a week ago we had really intense sex and I was in pain after. I always watch for the symptoms to make sure it's not the HSV flaring up, afraid that I may pass it on to him. A couple nights ago we had sex again. Not as intense, but still a lot more than I've been used to in the past. I woke up the next morning just fine, but I found that I started my period. By the afternoon itching began and some swelling. A day later, I'm now getting a lot of discomfort around the vaginal area and more extreme itching. I've checked for sores to make sure it's not the HSV, and it's really red and swollen and irritated. I also have burning after peeing, inside the urethra.

I'm seriously concerned and not sure if it's HSV or vaginal dryness and irritation from sex... Is anyone else in my shoes, already having a STD and vaginal dryness?
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It might be that you need more lubrication during sex. If you don't have enough it can cause serious irritation and discomfort during and after sex. I've talked to many doctors and sex experts about this because I was experiencing a similar problem. It makes a huge difference and you won't get that itchy feeling. I know it may seem weird because a lot of women consider that to be a problem that you experience as when you're older but it's not the case.
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I second the possibility of semen allergies, as well as the possibility of eczema or psoriasis if you're already prone to either. I've been perscribed lidocane numbing cream for this and even that sometimes doesn't work.

Some topical meds for eczema seem to help (like Tretinoin, which is a concentrated form of vitamin C, apparently). That, an antifungal cream, and hydrocortisone are all useful.
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I second the possibility of semen allergies, as well as the possibility of eczema or psoriasis if you're already prone to either. I've been perscribed lidocane numbing cream for this and even that sometimes doesn't work.

Some topical meds for eczema seem to help (like Tretinoin, which is a concentrated form of vitamin C, apparently). That, an antifungal cream, and hydrocortisone are all useful.
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I am convinced that I am allergic to semen.  When I'd had my first child we started using condoms and I had no problems but once I got sterilised the awful itching started.  I spent a fortune on Canestan creams and pessaries and various other "cures" but nothing helped.  I was driven mad by the constant itching.  Then I got divorced but found a new partner and still the itching used to drive me mad.  It went on for years and nothing helped.  Then, due to diabetes my new partner suffers erectile disfunction and as we're now old anyway sex has been of the menu for quite some time and I've had no more problems.  It spontaneously cleared up with no creams or meds.  I concluded that it was nothing to do with either of my long term partners, just that I was allergic to semen.  
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If you are still having this problem .... one thing that causes itching for me is almost every kind of TP.  I use only either facial tissue or Charmin free.  Some types of TP are very irritating to my vaginal/ labia skin area.  Others I can use for a day or two before the irritation starts.  If I inadvertently use irritating TP I will try to use a cool, wet washcloth right after.  This often heads off the problem getting any worse.  I hope this helps.  This almost drove me mad until I figured it out.
Now I am having trouble with itching after intercourse.  Post menopausal and have alot of dryness.  On Premarin and using lubrication but still having problems with pain, small tears in skin and itching.  Hope to solve that now!
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Try replacing your highly scented, and strong anti-bacterial soaps with Johnsons Baby Bath (non-soap).   It is mild, smells nice but is not soap.  

My doctor prescribed this tub of white goo to use instead of soap and it's disgusting!   I'm trying to make it work but it doesn't leave me feeling "clean", so I finish off with a little lather of Baby Bath.  
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Hi, I have read through some of the post.. I am 23 almost 24 and I have never had any problems with my intimate area. I hadnt had sex for around 7 months and have just started again,  we used a new brand of confom to what I would normally buy and it his his first time having sex, so I have ruled it being any serious sexual decease.

My problem is just itching, if feels internal but not deep.. I have no pain, no abnormal discharge just the normal clear stuff.. it doesn't feel really dry though it went dry dometimes during srx because thete was alot of moving around in different positions. The itching isnt the make me crazy kind, but obviously ifeel a need for it to go away..

I dont know what it can be.. well I have 2 ideas, 1. Bladder infection because I am not blessed with a normal bladder and I cant hold it well ir I sometimes pee alot.. but ive never had the itching,  2. Maybe I have fiund ine thing that I am allergic too, since all my lufe I haven't been allergic to anything..... but these are only ideas and worst of all I am in Spain until august...
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Just discovered an ice cube is heaven in relieving it. Just used a few times and now no itch.
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I've had this same problem too. After sex, with and without condoms, with and without the guy coming and it still occurs. Also had an std screen recently so its not that. I have minor irritating, annoying itch, pretty dry but slight lumpy/curdy discharge inside vagina and it's not smelly. Have used antifungal creams in the past and seem to work but only after 2-3 days of treatment. I found most inflamed my vagina, Clonea cream has been the only soothing one (sold in Australia and unfortunately only sold in some chemists). I do not want to have to do this everytime after sex!!!! With some research, have narrowed it down to most probably yeast. I came upon this helpful article and will try and start doing some of their suggestions.

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Hey guys,

Its so great that the internet is a forum for finding answers to these tricky questions. Its a pity though that we can't just discuss these things with the people we love. because obviously this stuff is a lot more common than we think!

I've been experiencing the same problem recently. I'm having...a lot...of sex with a new partner and, no we don't use condoms.

So apparently the vagina is slightly acidity with a ph of around 4.5. This is important for lowering the chance of other types of bacteria taking up shop down there, as most of the nasty types prefer a more alkaline environment.

Anyway, apparently semen has on average a ph of 7-7.5. So if one regularly has semen in the vagina this can cause the symptoms of BV or bacterial vaginosis. A common symptom of which is itching.

I also have an implanon (a slow release contraceptive which is inserted under the skin) a side effect of which can be blood spotting or irregular periods. I've been bleeding a lot! Blood has a ph of 7.4.

I finally freaked out and asked my mum for help and she was very adamant about yoghurt. We just happened to have some plain organic yoghurt so I applied it liberally inside and outside my vagina. The result was almost instant. Relief from one of the worst itching bouts I've had since seeing this man.

I have also read that apple cider vinegar baths (make it dilute!!) can help restore ph.

Other women here have also suggested other ways to restore ph.

I suggest this be a first test. Often the simplest answer is the most likely.

Not always of course - see your doctor if need be.

Good luck!
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I am 20 years old, only have sex with the boyfriend. I also have an IUD and was tested for all STI and STD in the past year. I also got the burning everyone is talking about and the itching. I have allergies to many things so i am careful to avoid anything i am allergic to. hbahr, have you found anything that works? This is beginning to drive me crazy!
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oddly this samething has started happening to me and Im married, but my husband works out of state and so we are only having intercourse every three to four months. I read about applecider baths awhile back and picked some up today because of the irritation. Im confident that it will solve the problem.
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Hey girls, I had same prob! I found it was my underwear! If I wear some that has nylon I itch. I read about, female Jock inch! It can cause pain while peeing, bumps etc. so maybe try swapping, I was wearing jeans and boy short nickers running around causing frictionand sweat. I started using talc after showering cotton briefs instead of  boyshorts, where the material is heavier. seems to work. After sex it had happened again fiction heat. Always shower and keep fresh hopefully it will clear.
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After I had my boys this started happening to me. My obgyn actually told me that it is just irritation. Pretty much it is throwing your ph off and you may not be producing enough "lubrication". Try using a water based lubricant. It still happens to me every once in a while if i dont get "wet" enough and it still scares me. If you have been tested and are sure it isn't an std then try the lubricant. Sounds like it may be a simple fix, but it worked for me after having my babies.
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Did sex first time, due to it my skin is itchy and dry .... :/
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Same problem here for many years. I've been with my husband for many years (13) we've only every been with each other, but I simply cannot handle it after we have sex. We've tried him pullling out, condoms, no condoms, lube, you name it we've done it. We have one child and the problem persisted right through pregnancy and beyond. Going to the doc tomorrow to hopefully sort this out.
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I have had the same problem for about 5 years ever since my first year of marriage. I noticed when I wash my underwear in tide and use dryer sheets It burns. So I use baby shampoo and no dryer sheets its helps so much! I have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years and its hard when you can't handle sperm in your vagina. I notice when Im really excited for sex and my body is ready it doesnt bother me as much when he goes inside. Im starting to learn that it must be vaginal dryness. So I started taking evening primrose oil. you can also take a tsp. of robitussin cough medacine daily to increase your cervical mucus. And a think called fertilityCM. there all safe to take and over the counter. They should help with any dryness. I hope one of them helps me with my problem and if Im lucky to conceive a baby :) Good Luck!
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Hello, I have only in the recent months started having sex and I thought that I was getting discomfort because it was just something new my body had to get used to. But even after a while it became apparent that this was a different problem as it happens even without penetration, any sort of stimulation of the area which makes me climax brings this on. I am pretty sure I have no STDs as I have only slept with one person who was tested beforehand and I thought at first it might be a urine infection as I would also experience some discomfort at the end of peeing and I started to want to pee a lot more as an addition to the itching, but I found out that I do not have a urine infection. I don't think I'm allergic to condoms because I've had the same results when not using any. I am scared that this problem has no real answer and its kind of putting me off wanting to have sex I have been using a ph balancing soap but it's not really helping I am so glad to have found this thread as now I don't feel like I have a disgusting disease
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Hi everyone, I was reading all of the posts here and I have/had the exact same problem for some time.  Intense itching and sometimes pain around my vagina.  I got checked for every STD known to man, all negative, as was the test for a yeast infection.  As it turns out, there was a very simple cure.  My main problem was dryness/irritation around the vagina.  Now I use neosporin or a fragrance free lotion for sensitive skin all around that area.  It has made a world of difference.  I was sooo frustrated with the intense itching and even pain, and the solution was right in front of me.  Obviously, not everyone here may have the same problem, but hopefully this helps some of you.
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I am 26 and in a monogomous relationship myself. My boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship so we may not see each other for weeks at a time and then have extremely frequent sex over a period of just a couple of days. I initially discovered that I have a latex allergy which presented itself like a yeast infection. Now we don't use anything (as we are committed) and I've found that after our weekend romps, I leave with extremely swollen and itchy labia. There is no odor and a slight white discharge. Everything down there feels super dry and irritated. I have a hood piercing, so my sensitivity is ten-fold that of the unpierced female. I finally broke down and asked a friend about this, and she said she had the same problem. Sex, especially frequent sex where your partner ejaculates in you, can cause a disruption of the ph balance causing all these symptoms. Douching can make it worse and creams can aggravate the symptoms because it's not an infection, just irritation. I've discovered the product "rephresh". I use it the day before I go see my boyfriend and again when I leave. It's kinda pricey, but it has eliminated the problem for me. It could also help to have your partner pull out, to lessen the chance for irritation and hydrocortisone cream (especially anything with topical lanacaine) will help to treat the itching until everything gets back into balance. Good luck!
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OMG I have started having this problem last year I have been married for 18 years and not been with any one else other than husband had tests for stds, bv, yeast etc. jsut like the rest and all neg now this is something new we never used condoms as I have tubal and we have no fear of pregnancy we dont have sex as often as we used to we are lucky if its 1 time a month he is very small in size so i know thats not the issue but every time we have sex afterwards the lips they itch soooo bad I mean i have cut them clawing the hell out of them becuz its the worst itch I have ever in my life had! I dont know what or why this all the sudden has happened but it would be nice if it all the sudden stopped :(
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Here is a website I ran across about dryness. I have had the same problem as everyone else here for 6 yrs. and like wise been tested, scared, and mad that nothing seems to work. until I came across this and it explains a lot! My personal problem was his size, and dryness! that's it and now i wash clothes in no dye, non allergy (dreft or ALL free and clear) laundry soap, only wash perineal area with water.. making sure to not go past the opening. and no problems now! I use equate personal lube a couple times a day and during sex. that's it! Oh and I quit using tampons they add to the dryness and are bad for yeast! Hope this helps!!! Good luck!!!

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I am so happy to be reading this info.  I am 29 and just started having this problem this year.  I have been without sex for about 1 year, then when I began to start up again....my partner ejaculated inside of me and everything has went wrong ever since.  I have the IUD.  I have the itching for  about 2-3 weeks because I have not found any cream to work well that speeds up the healing.  I itch so badly all around the outside of my vaginal wall.  It is so bad this time around that I even feel it reaching back to my anal opening, but not quite there. I hope that someone has found the cure.  i have not been tested recently and I am way tooo scared.  I spoke to my doctor about it and he did not seem to be worried about it being an STD until I told him that I was.  Again, it is  only really bad after he ejaculates inside me.  We were also only having sex about 2-4 times a month.
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