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Reoccuring Yeast infection

I have had a reoccuring yeast infection but then I changed my pill and they stopped.  But Now I had one again but I think it is almost gone but I got burned rather badly on my arm...could that have been the cause? And when do I know if its okay to have sex again without the pain? And finally...does anybody know any tricks to keeping yeast infections away that dont involve yogurt?
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This is my second time of having this yeast infection... My OB/GYN prescribed me, since I was having this and UTI: one sachet Monurol, and Neo-Penotran plain 500mg once per night for 7days. Definitely worked... the first time around... But now is my second. I don't have UTI, so I didn't buy Monurol. All I'm taking is Neo-penotran and it still itch at 10pm, today I'll take my 6th. I do suggest all women to take a pap-smear test, blood sugar test, a vaginal pH Test, pelvic exam, have a pelvic ultrasound and a blood allergy test. These tests help a lot more than just consultation. It figures out what the real problem is, what the bacteria, what is the proper medication with concern for what medication you're allergic to, etc... Doing these tests on your first consultation helps and prevents future recurring and future visits to the doctor. Because all these tests will already show what is really needed to fix the problem on your first visit.

p.s. I got my first yeast infection due to: anti-pregnancy pills, my love for sugar and bread, stress, and the number one cause ---> my Ulcer medication.  My OB/GYN also recommended naFlora vaginal wash green. To wash it. And to always wear loose cotton underwear. And to not wear underwear at night, laying on clean cotton bedsheets.
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PART 2   And yes, the usual: keep dry, keep clean: wear cotton undergarments (or you could, you know, air out a bit) and non-restricting clothes (rip off those hose as soon as you don't need them on any more, or switch to the sexier thigh-high). Change out your femme products often enough. Don't sit around in moisture--change out of sweaty undergarments and wet swimsuits asap; a nice, warm bath may be contributing to your problem. Go take care of business as soon an you can when you feel the urge to pee, and always wipe front-to-back. Again, go teetee before and after sex. (Urine, unless you have a UTI, is sterile in the body and has some mild enzymic powers that discourage microbes. It will flush out your urinary tract and kind of rinse the exterior of your other parts, which you then wipe off; plus it gives your body a chance to purge out of the vagina some of what has accumulated there. Don't let urine sit around, though. Sure it cleans you out a bit, but once out of the body, the sterility is not maintained as it becomes a breeding ground for other things over time. Women who have little leaks--you know when you sneezed you felt something else happen--or have to hold it too long, thus making them more likely to leak a little, need to change out the affected liner, panty, whatever.)

About the yogurt and garlic applied in non-food ways, um. I don't know about that... The yogurt of choice may not even have any live, active cultures (and those are best for your guts, anyway), but I bet it has sugar. Do you think it is sound to feed a yeast sugar? Or even a bacterium for that matter (sugars in the milk((lactose))/yogurt helps feed the bacteria there, thus making the yogurt, as I understand it). And garlic inserted in the vagina? Garlic is great food-wise, having lots of virtues in a raw, crushed state, but garlic is also irritating to flesh. Adding an irritant there opens you up to stuff, you know? Hmm. Doesn't sound good, but that is just an opinion. I haven't ever heard of it before, so I have no data, empirical or experential... All I can add is that there would never be any garlic applied inside My vaginal orifice. Good grief.

Monostat. I don't recommend because of those I heard have used it, they seem to have the same problem again. Perhaps it cannot fix the underlying issue. I would go w/ rx-strength meds instead of this over-the-counter quick-fix. Or perhaps in combo with a perscription of recommended. Doesn't seem to do the trick by itself, but maybe that is becuase so many who use it are self-diagnosing and mistake their issue for what it treats, so it cannot even help their real problem and so of course it seems ineffective. See your medical professional first to make sure you know what you are up against specifically.
Vinegar is a skin-irritant undiluted. If you want to try it, make sure you dilute it enough not to hurt yourself. Do not douche. Vinegar does have some repsectable anti-yuck properties, so I highly recommend it in cleaning surfaces, washing machines, etc. And it seems that many people find relief with sinus issues, runny noses with a dilution of it, but it is not likely to be an adequate treatment for a yeast infection. Perhaps as an addendum. Grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil also have antimicrobial properties. I know tea tree oil is highly recommended for other fungal-based afflictions, like dandruff, and can be used to treat mildew on non-people surfaces, like a wall. Be careful, though, about using stuff like this inside such a sensitive part of your body; particularly one that isn't flushed through regularly by food and drink. Just because something can work for the digestive tract, doesn't make it a good idea for the vaginal canal.
Well, now this is a book I've written--wow. And I was just going to share the probiotic info I have. Well, if you've made it this far in reading, I really hope you found it helpful. And you are well on your way to finding solutions that will work for you, because you obviously have diligence and will pursue the matter.

PS: stress definitely contributes! Anything that knocks your system out of homestasis will potentially contribute to a health issue such as this kind of infection, including diet and stress. Good luck finding a way to cure that one...
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I have always been very prone to infections.  I can pretty much predict when i'm going to get one though.  

-using any new body soaps, even sensitive skin ones as one dr. recommended.
-after being in a bathingsuit for a while
-after lots of sex
-anything perfumey such as pads or tampons
-wearing tight clothes/jeans when its hot thereby getting damp in the vaginal area
-wearing silk pjamas, probably same if i wore silk underwear as its non-breathable

I try to eat yogurt regularly and take accidulpus if I'm going to be in a situation that could cause an infection such as a summer vacation or taking antiobotics, but everyone once in a while i slip and for example use a new soap say in the shower at the gym and presto.  I feel that my body is becoming resistant to the oral antibiotic too that used to work like gold to me as i seem to be allergic to the drugstore remedies such as monostat or cannesten.  Regarding soap though, if i use nothing but water i'm find and i seem to have done well using my daughters ph balanced baby soap, as much as we don't truely need soap i feel a little cleaner when i can us it :)

I notice some comments up above about oral sex as well and i have to admit ive had my suspicions on that one too.  To the point that my husband removed his tounge ring be cause i felt that maybe bacteria was building up in the hole since the mouth is such a dirty place, and it seemed to make a difference as well.   I agree with the MD that maybe some research needs to be done in this area.   And i have read enough over the years and have had one dr. and one pharmacist mention the yogurt directly on the affected area, and I may start to give this enough credit to try it next time as well.  

***** to be a woman some times !!!!!
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Hello, I'm new to this forum....I just want to seek help. Like the original post, I also have recurring yeast infection....the first one I had was when I was a virgin.The second was prolly caused because I was sexually active...then the one I have now....I have no idea what caused it. I had sex before getting yeast infection now, but before that I had a fever. took some meds and such. After 2 days of drinking flu meds, I wake up with yeast infection....CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!? QAQ I'm very prone to yeast infection it seems....
I've used a vaginal supp before call Neo-Penotran...do I need a doctor's prescription for it?
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I am sorry for the typo errors if any is found as I was driving while instructing my friend on what to write. Thanks for understanding!
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Good day all....first I must say thank God for the proper use of technology!, the caring doctors, and to you lovely ladies who take the time to share your situation along with your tested and researched imformation and observation (both trial and error). Now, to the meat of the matter... I have been to the doctor more than 10 times within the past 3 & 1/2 months for what I was told is yeast infection. I have received multiple treatment. HIV/Diabetic testing was done ...results (negative)I had severe cramping pain in  my entire left leg. I did a test for cyst as was recommended by my OB/GYN. The test showed that I had a very small ovarian cyst. During this 3 & 1/2 months period, I have been having repeated yeast infection. I was told that the cyst can desolve on its own. Don't know if it is gone given that my tummy becomes bloated very often and burn at the sides, (especially the lower left). This can be very painful. I have observed that I flatulate frequently whenever I am having a yeast infection and becomes bloated. My pelvic area (both lower sides of the abdomen) also hurt badly, as well as the bones below my "bottom", if I am correct, so much so that it often impairs my walking properly. I am still having an infection, my bottom hurts inside out. Whenever I am passing my stool it feels like there are prickles on the stool piercing through my skin. My GP told me I am constipated. I cannot understand this as I do eat very healthy. In Addition, I have observed that when I pee, the last part of the urine is normally whitish and little particles are expelled (Lord knows what those are). I was also told by my GP  that the urine is fine...I must say that I am not very comfortable with that answer given that I did not have this problem before the frequency of yeast infections. Sadly, I have to discontinue my work outs given the holistic discomfort. Since the constant bloating and pain in the abdomen, I have observed a lot of little moles springing up all over tummy. I have read many of the comments here, those posted by the Dr.'s and you lovely women, and I am inspired to try the vinegar as I cannot see any other option right now. And I shave tried so many things. So I guess it would not hurt to give the viniger a try. If any one of you ladies are experiencing or have experienced these symptoms and have found a solution that I have not yet read, please feel free to direct me to it. Big up and thanks to the doctors who always care and are trying to bring solutions to our worries. Keep doing what you all are doing. It is valued! And to you wonderful and awsome ladies, big up and thanks again for being selfless. It  really takes a kind and thoughtful person  in my opinion to take the time to share not just the problem but the solution. A lot of you have tried different remedies that have proven to work for you, and without moving on about your daily business, you stop to share. It's an act of kindness and thoughtfulness. I appreciated it!. Thanks doc., thanks ladies! Have a bless (day, night, morning and and or good afternoon).
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Your situation sound exactly like what happened to me. I started out with a really painful UTI, took a dose of antibiotics, and thought my symptoms would resolve. However, I continued to have bloating, pain in my lower abdomen, and the same weird floating particles in my urine. After multiple different blood tests, STD tests, and appointments my doctor said I had a ureaplasma bacterial infection. I took another round of doxycycline which cleared up the symptoms while I was on the antibiotic but now they've come back. I also have ovarian cysts on both ovaries. I recommend getting tested for ureaplasma! Good luck!
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I've read on other forums about inserting acidophilus capsules in the vagina and it being very effective in treating yeast infections. My question is to anyone that's done this is...after inserting the capsule at night does it just dissolve???  I did this last night and have to admit I feel better today than I've felt in days but I have not had in excessive discharge at all from using the capsule like I've heard others mention.  Am I to assume that it just dissolved??  I also take acidophilus orally but plan to continue on inserting it vaginally because it really seems to help so far.
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In reading the posts, I too, was struck by the arrogant attitude conveyed by the doctor. I am a psychiatrist. One of the disadvantages in online communication is the relative difficulty in conveying tone and emphasis. I appreciate that individuals seek answers and discuss ideas with an open mind, that is one reason to have public forums. I assume the doctor's intent was merely to provide what he believes is correct information. However, one should always be open to considering alternative view points. A most recent example is the tremendous backtracking of the medical community in the long held recommendations for various screening tests and their possible contribution to unnecessary invasive treatments. Another example, when I was in medical school, a gynecology professor believed so strongly in the global benefits of HRT, that he became enraged when I suggested that a woman's decision to start or to decline hormone therapy should be an individual one, rather than a definitive "every menopausal woman should have HRT, there's just no reason not to!" Questioning an challenging assumptions is the basis of scientific discovery.
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Last year I had several yeast infections one after the other.  The doctor will prescribe the 1 day Fluconazole 150MG and after about a week of feeling better the symptoms will start again.  I will take the 2 and up to 3 doses of the Fluconazole and then again the yeast infection will come back again.  This went on for about 4 months until after reading some web sites I started to take probiotics.  I had finished a fluconazole dose and when I felt the burning and itchiness starting again I started taking Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support 50 billion, 2 caps in the morning and 2 caps at night.  After 2 days the symptoms were gone and have not come back (it has been 3 months already without problems).  I kept taking the probiotics but reduced it to taking only 1 in the morning and 1 at night.  You have to buy it at the market (do not order online) since it needs to be refrigerated.  Before I tried monistad, apple vinager, hydrogen peroxide, yogurt "suppositories", etc...  Nothing brought permanent relief.  Please give a continuous high dose of probiotics a try, let me know if it works for you as good as it did for me.
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My previous comment about goint to the doctor for testins was a response to the HHH doctor's post.
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Hi, the only thing that I found somewhat unhelpful is the suggestion that we visit our doctor to be tested for a yeast infection.  If you read these postings, it is obvious that traditional treatments have not helped.  Most people have gone to their doctors, been tested repeatedly and have taken many courses of medication.  It seems kind of obvious to say to go to your doctor and be tested...pretty simplistic for a complicated problem.
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Hi, the only thing that I found somewhat unhelpful is the suggestion that we visit our doctor to be tested for a yeast infection.  If you read these postings, it is obvious that traditional treatments have not helped.  Most people have gone to their doctors, been tested repeatedly and have taken many courses of medication.  It seems kind of obvious to say to go to your doctor and be tested...pretty simplistic for a complicated problem.
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I had reoccurring yeast infections for years along with frequent urination especially before my period.  Sometime I would get up 7 times during a night to urinate.  I would go to the doctor and they would prescribe me Fluconazole this would get rid of my yeast infection however it would more than likely be back the following month.  I lived my life like this for years.  I was told this problem was hormonal.  Finally a doctor suggested I have a pelvic ultrasound done.  This showed a cyst, I had to have surgery to remove my left ovary and the cyst that was leaning on my bladder, the cyst was the size of a softball.  I did have major surgery and found out I have endometriosis.  Ever since the surgery last year I have not had a yeast infection.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much better I feel.  I believe the reason that no doctor suggested a pelvic ultra sound was because I did not have any pain.  I did not know to ask for a pelvic ultrasound.    Good luck I hope you find your cure.

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I can't take these infections anymore.  I just searched and found this site.  I immediately tried the vinegar bath and have just come back to my laptop.  Feeling refreshed.  Please God let this work.  I so thank you all for all your posts.  I didn't read all of them - couldn't get to the bath to try the vinegar soak fast enough - but thanks anyway.  Can't wait to post another comment saying how wonderfully this worked - fingers (not legs, ha ha) crossed!
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Wow this is really sad that soooo many of us are suffering and not in silence.  
I have had Bacterial Vaginosis and yeast infection problems for the past 6 years and this forum is helpful.  
I have tried the pro-biotics and they kind of helped but the problem with those is the way they are transported because they only work if they are kept in a fridge.  If it isn't in a fridge than all those wonderful pro-biotics die.  My Dr. has said and many pharmicists agree that it isn't the best method.  I have tried pretty much everything but I haven't been tested for Diabetes so maybe I will try that.  I will also be trying the vinegar bath, as much as that will stink.  I have also been told to do a vinegar douche and just so you know I wouldn't do one unless a Doctor says so because they can also screw up your PH balance.  
For everyone that is suffering I cannot stress enough that you should always go to a doctor first before anything else as it could be something completely different.  Also get referred to a Gynecologist that is their specialization and they should help.  
I think if this doesn't stop soon I may have to go to med school and try and figure out wtf is going on with all of us lovely ladies.  
Good luck to you all and I wish you the best health.
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*The part about not seeing it on here before was specifically about the probiotic/prebiotic info--I was actually going to post only on that, with one little note about the man, and then I got totally carried away. Sorry, sorry. lol, laughing at myself.
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PART 1   Since I don't see that anyone else has mentioned it on here, I will.
If you are sexually active with recurring infection, check your man. He can also get infections. If he has burning @ urination, itching, etc, he needs to see a medical professional. If you have it, then he may as well, and you don't want to keep passing it back and forth.

Next, be clean with sex. Your doctor/nurse/community health clinic has probably already advised you: ladies, go pee before and AFTER sex, being careful to always wipe from front to back (you want to drag anything from your bottom away from your body, not toward your precious parts). Make sure your (gentle)man understands how important it is to keep himself clean for you, too. You know, if he wants sex, he can respect his girl and learn to wash up first. If he is uncircumsized (and he should keep it clean regardless), he needs to know how to properly clean himself under that skinfold.
Some persons who do not already practice these habits may have to make an adjustment, I know, but do your best! :)   (Note that this does not preclude spontaneous love-making, but a little planning can help... If you know that you're going to be spending one-on-one time together, be prepared...)

If you read the advisories on the treatment products you may/may not use, you will probably see that it tells you to wait until cleared up to resume sexual intercourse. It may be a bummer, but then so is burning during the act and non-stop itching.

Also, the point of acidophilus pills and yogurt are to try to return your intestinal flora to its natural state: blooming with *healthy* microbe life that helps process the foods you eat, resist infections, and create wonderful nutrients like vitamin B. Our bodies naturally do this, or did--but our modern diet has gotten so far from what it should be. We are unbalanced by the overdose of overly-processed foods, excess salts, sugars and carbohydrates that are not so complex as they should be; the end result that our wonderful flora can't thrive, and so weird stuff happens--imbalances--such as predisposition toward yeast infections. But the problem with trying to fix it by popping a pill (whose quality may be questionable, but, hey if it seems to be working for you, go for it!) and downing yogurt comes that it's often too little. That yogurt you are eating may not even contain live, active cultures that will survive to add anything helpful to your gut, and may in fact have high sugar content. That pill may not, either, for that matter. So what can you do?
1. Make sure you are consuming yogurt that has live, active cultures. If it does, it will probably advertise it. How good is the pill? See if you can find actualy research on it, and not just by the company who stands to make $$$ on it.
2. Eat more of other kinds of probiotic- and prebiotic-rich foods. Nobody seems to have mentioned on here that produce also has awesome probiotic qualities that nourish your enteric flora. But it does. A salad can go a long way toward the restoration of intestinal balance. (Just wash it first, of course, because the E. coli you may ingest otherwise isn't going to do a thing to help you ;) THAT's not the kind of flora you want, lol)

Next, all those comments about not using soap there and leaving off anything that's not attached--they are so right! You can mess with your body's pH and natural flora with the soaps and lotions and perfumy things if you want, but you really don't want all the irritants in those products anywhere near your delicate regions. The chemicals in the product irritate your delicate skin, compromising your natural barrier, and opening you up to possible infection; then some microbe comes along, maybe even your normally nice ones that live with you, and go nuts (those opportunistic buggers!)... Next thing you know, you've got a problem.

If you think you've got an issue, you definitely want a medical professional to do a culture & sensitivity, microscopic eval, whatever, to ascertain just what is afflicting you. If you think it is just mild irritation, you can make changes, such as to a detergent w/ fewer, gentler chemicals to launder your panties; laying off the products applied to that region; switching out your pads more regularly, etc.
So if you've got discharge, that's nice, me too. If you itch, and maybe if you burn, you've got an issue. Typically if there is a strongly unpleasant odor, you have a bacterial infection; just lots of itch and copious discharge, probably a yeast. If you lack other symptoms than burning at intercourse, you may not have an infection at all. Could be as simple as your body needs to adapt to a new partners size, or maybe he is accidentally irritating your urinary meatus when attempting to come in (have him aim down a bit more). But whatever the case, I recommend avoiding self diagnosis. Let someone who spends days and days of their lives checking out this sort of stuff evaluate your issue.
If your doctor determines you have a bacterial or yeast infection, please complete the course of any antibiotic or antifungal you begin taking--DO NOT STOP TAKING THE MEDICATION IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DOSE! Follow through with it to avoid more serious issues. (It goes like this: when you begin taking the drug, at first it's only affecting the weak germs as the drug builds up in your bloodstream to an effective level, then by the end of the treatment it's knocking out the stronger bugs. If you stop before it is finished, you've successfully wiped out all the weak ones and left the strong, more resistant ones to multiply. Don't do it! While it may seem like there are loads of anti-baddie agents out there to choose from, there's really not. And if you've just created a resistant army of nasties inside yourself... Anyway, just don't. Unless it would be worse for you to continue the drug, ie you're allergic, finish the course you begin. Okay, I'm getting down off of the soapbox now. Pardon me. Didn't mean to preach so much, lol)
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Yikes! I just realised your post is like 6 years old! I'm sure your yeast infections have been  sorted out by now. Lol!
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Hey mer,

My sister-in-law is a pharmacist and she explained to me that being on the pill can actually contribute to the development of yeast infection. Not entirely sure why. I have been on the pill for a while due to a hormonal imbalance and used to have recurring yeast infections too.  I don't anymore though but there are so many things that changed in my life that could be the cause of the end to that.  If I had to guess I think it's because I no longer have sex without condoms.  I was on the pill and I never bothered with condoms as my partner at the time and I were both monogamous (that and they broke all the time -_-'). Apparently though, the pH of the vagina, which is naturally acidic, becomes out of balance when the alkaline semen enters that environment.  That messed up pH could be the cause of constant yeast infections especially if you have sex very regularly.  Is this the case with you? Since you are on the pill do you and your partner use condoms?  If not, it might be the cause.

Outside of that, I worked in a cafe and used to consume ridiculous amounts of coffee and bread.  Since I left that job I cut down on my coffee and I very rarely eat bread.  I read that both bread and coffee can increase yeast.  So you could cut down on those too if you consume lots of both.  

I know you don't want to hear about yogurt but its really good. I'm lactose intolerant so I try to get the 1% milk unsweetened type.  Oh, and I've been reading on other boards that tea tree oil just rubbed on the entrance of the vagina is good. I wouldn't try that though because I find tea tree oil kinda tingles and gets warm.  Also I've read about a trick with garlic.  Either eat lots of raw garlic or insert a clove into the vagina (sew thread through the clove several times and let a good length of thread hang so that when inserted into the vagina you can pull it back out like a tampon, or put a clove of garlic in gauze with enough gauze to hang out of the vagina so you can pull it back out) and leave for about 8-12 hours. I haven't tried the garlic trick but I've read that it works.

Good luck!
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You should try coconut oil candida. I heard that there's a special coconut oil made for candida but Iam not sure where to get it. Hope this help a bit
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OK - I am a 48 year old woman who has had lots of experience with yeast infections and Monistat. When you first start using it, your symptoms will temproarily increase...this is normal. It tells you this on the box, that your symptoms may (well, they WILL) increase at first. I do not recommend Monistat 1.  It is too harsh and won't knock out a bad infection. Monistat 3 is my choice, and I will use two packages back to back if the infection is bad.  Generic versions are also fine.  ALWAYS the first 2 days at least the itching and burning will be more intense shortly after you insert the internal cream or suppositories. That's the way it is, you have to grin and bear it. Ibuprofin can help take the edge off the discomfort.  And YES, you may see a little blood those first two days.  Shouldn't be a lot, but a little is normal for the raw irritated membranes to bleed or ooze pink or red in your discharge. Take a couple ibuprofins, put in the monistat, and try to go right to sleep.  If you wake up itching/burning intensly, then get up and wipe off the excess that has oozed out. Gently wash with a soothing vaginal towlette or a wet wash rag if you absolutely can't stand the itching/burning, and then go back to bed. DO NOT SOAK IN THE TUB at this time, save soaking for BEFORE you use the medicine at night.  At least some of the monistat needs to stay inside of you for a few hours to do its work.  ALL yeast infections take 6-7 days for you to heal, no matter what you use to cure it. Think about it, a cut or raw skin takes that long to heal. So this is the same thing.  Keep using the external cream for 7 days. Monistst 7 is good for this because it forces you to wait 7 days. However, Monistat 3 is twice as strong so I think it gives faster relief after the first three days.  If after 6-7 days you still have discomfort, get another Monistat 3 pack and after that it will be gone for sure.  ALSO drink milk if you can, and eat a yogurt every day. Doesn't matter what kind...it all has live cultures, and any kind will help you from the inside.  Some Cranberry juice daily wouldn't be a bad idea either in case you have any little bladder infection accompanying the yest infection. Lots of water, and cut back on sugary things. That's really all you need to do.  

MEN...wash good every day and then use the monistat cream that came with your woman's monistat, rub it good into any foreskin or crevices of your own parts...for 3-4 (or 7 to be sure) days at least. This will insure that you don't reinfect her.  This is good insurance for you ladies.  The yeast usually doesn't thrive well on the men, but it can stay around long enough on him to keep you miserable. Men, if when you put on the cream, it burns some...well, then that means you NEED it!  It means your skin is irritated too. So there's your clue. Don't blame the monistat for not working if your man has not used it, and you keep getting it back every couple weeks.  Men can use the stronger cream inside the applicator or the weaker external cream on their parts.  

Women, if you get infections often, then start wearing cotton underwear!!!!  Get rid of the fancy nylon stuff, or save if for fun only, for when you will be removing it soon. DO NOT wear it every day, all day long, or when you are exercising, or you are just asking for trouble.  

Okay, that's allI have to say about that.  Use common sense, read information on the monistat boxes, don't freak out, expect it to burn and itch, and take steps to prevent it from reoccurring by eating right, treating your man and wearing sensible underwear.  And by all means, if after trying two boxes of Monistat, your infection is still not healed PLEASE see your doctor, as there are other STDs out there that mimic a yeast infection (like chlamydia) but will not be cured with monistat. They need to be diagnosed and treated by your doctor.
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Very effective is canesten vaginal supposotory 200 mg for 7 days. or neo=penotran vaginal table 7 days also.

Use for 14 days and take
Then diflucan one a week only  for 1 month .

Take a lots of rest. Keep dry. drink a lots  of water.
keep cleanse.  Keep in touch  to your the obyn after 2 weeks follow up..
eat yogurt no sugar. keep away from sugar.

General check up.

Here in the Philippines we have a variety and very effective yeast cure without spending a a lot of money.
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A few months ago i got a yeast infection and after treating it with the pink little pill (diflucan) they give you at the doctors and with gynelotrimin, it kept coming back. It wold go away for a couple a weeks but it would just keep coming back, i had a re-occuring yeast infection for about 4 months or so. That all stopped after i went to my local Trader Joe's and purchased their acidophilus tabs with LiveBac. (white bottle with orange tag). They are less than $10 and they work wonders. You can take up to 3 a day which is what i did, after taking it for about a week straight, my yeast infection disappeared and it hasn't come back since. I haven't had one in about 4 months and i truly believe that the acidophilus is what made it go away.

The reason i chose to purchase those is because i always read that eating plane yogurt helps get rid of yeast infections but you have to buy the yogurt that has LiveBac.. Plane yogurt also has acidophilus. I really didn't have the time to be eating yogurt all day so that's why i decided to give these tabs a try. I highly recommend you all do the same! Let me know if it helps!

Good Luck!
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Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
From skin changes to weight loss to unusual bleeding, here are 15 cancer warning signs that women tend to ignore.