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Reoccuring Yeast infection

I have had a reoccuring yeast infection but then I changed my pill and they stopped.  But Now I had one again but I think it is almost gone but I got burned rather badly on my arm...could that have been the cause? And when do I know if its okay to have sex again without the pain? And finally...does anybody know any tricks to keeping yeast infections away that dont involve yogurt?
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Yikes! I just realised your post is like 6 years old! I'm sure your yeast infections have been  sorted out by now. Lol!
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Hey mer,

My sister-in-law is a pharmacist and she explained to me that being on the pill can actually contribute to the development of yeast infection. Not entirely sure why. I have been on the pill for a while due to a hormonal imbalance and used to have recurring yeast infections too.  I don't anymore though but there are so many things that changed in my life that could be the cause of the end to that.  If I had to guess I think it's because I no longer have sex without condoms.  I was on the pill and I never bothered with condoms as my partner at the time and I were both monogamous (that and they broke all the time -_-'). Apparently though, the pH of the vagina, which is naturally acidic, becomes out of balance when the alkaline semen enters that environment.  That messed up pH could be the cause of constant yeast infections especially if you have sex very regularly.  Is this the case with you? Since you are on the pill do you and your partner use condoms?  If not, it might be the cause.

Outside of that, I worked in a cafe and used to consume ridiculous amounts of coffee and bread.  Since I left that job I cut down on my coffee and I very rarely eat bread.  I read that both bread and coffee can increase yeast.  So you could cut down on those too if you consume lots of both.  

I know you don't want to hear about yogurt but its really good. I'm lactose intolerant so I try to get the 1% milk unsweetened type.  Oh, and I've been reading on other boards that tea tree oil just rubbed on the entrance of the vagina is good. I wouldn't try that though because I find tea tree oil kinda tingles and gets warm.  Also I've read about a trick with garlic.  Either eat lots of raw garlic or insert a clove into the vagina (sew thread through the clove several times and let a good length of thread hang so that when inserted into the vagina you can pull it back out like a tampon, or put a clove of garlic in gauze with enough gauze to hang out of the vagina so you can pull it back out) and leave for about 8-12 hours. I haven't tried the garlic trick but I've read that it works.

Good luck!
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You should try coconut oil candida. I heard that there's a special coconut oil made for candida but Iam not sure where to get it. Hope this help a bit
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OK - I am a 48 year old woman who has had lots of experience with yeast infections and Monistat. When you first start using it, your symptoms will temproarily increase...this is normal. It tells you this on the box, that your symptoms may (well, they WILL) increase at first. I do not recommend Monistat 1.  It is too harsh and won't knock out a bad infection. Monistat 3 is my choice, and I will use two packages back to back if the infection is bad.  Generic versions are also fine.  ALWAYS the first 2 days at least the itching and burning will be more intense shortly after you insert the internal cream or suppositories. That's the way it is, you have to grin and bear it. Ibuprofin can help take the edge off the discomfort.  And YES, you may see a little blood those first two days.  Shouldn't be a lot, but a little is normal for the raw irritated membranes to bleed or ooze pink or red in your discharge. Take a couple ibuprofins, put in the monistat, and try to go right to sleep.  If you wake up itching/burning intensly, then get up and wipe off the excess that has oozed out. Gently wash with a soothing vaginal towlette or a wet wash rag if you absolutely can't stand the itching/burning, and then go back to bed. DO NOT SOAK IN THE TUB at this time, save soaking for BEFORE you use the medicine at night.  At least some of the monistat needs to stay inside of you for a few hours to do its work.  ALL yeast infections take 6-7 days for you to heal, no matter what you use to cure it. Think about it, a cut or raw skin takes that long to heal. So this is the same thing.  Keep using the external cream for 7 days. Monistst 7 is good for this because it forces you to wait 7 days. However, Monistat 3 is twice as strong so I think it gives faster relief after the first three days.  If after 6-7 days you still have discomfort, get another Monistat 3 pack and after that it will be gone for sure.  ALSO drink milk if you can, and eat a yogurt every day. Doesn't matter what kind...it all has live cultures, and any kind will help you from the inside.  Some Cranberry juice daily wouldn't be a bad idea either in case you have any little bladder infection accompanying the yest infection. Lots of water, and cut back on sugary things. That's really all you need to do.  

MEN...wash good every day and then use the monistat cream that came with your woman's monistat, rub it good into any foreskin or crevices of your own parts...for 3-4 (or 7 to be sure) days at least. This will insure that you don't reinfect her.  This is good insurance for you ladies.  The yeast usually doesn't thrive well on the men, but it can stay around long enough on him to keep you miserable. Men, if when you put on the cream, it burns some...well, then that means you NEED it!  It means your skin is irritated too. So there's your clue. Don't blame the monistat for not working if your man has not used it, and you keep getting it back every couple weeks.  Men can use the stronger cream inside the applicator or the weaker external cream on their parts.  

Women, if you get infections often, then start wearing cotton underwear!!!!  Get rid of the fancy nylon stuff, or save if for fun only, for when you will be removing it soon. DO NOT wear it every day, all day long, or when you are exercising, or you are just asking for trouble.  

Okay, that's allI have to say about that.  Use common sense, read information on the monistat boxes, don't freak out, expect it to burn and itch, and take steps to prevent it from reoccurring by eating right, treating your man and wearing sensible underwear.  And by all means, if after trying two boxes of Monistat, your infection is still not healed PLEASE see your doctor, as there are other STDs out there that mimic a yeast infection (like chlamydia) but will not be cured with monistat. They need to be diagnosed and treated by your doctor.
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Very effective is canesten vaginal supposotory 200 mg for 7 days. or neo=penotran vaginal table 7 days also.

Use for 14 days and take
Then diflucan one a week only  for 1 month .

Take a lots of rest. Keep dry. drink a lots  of water.
keep cleanse.  Keep in touch  to your the obyn after 2 weeks follow up..
eat yogurt no sugar. keep away from sugar.

General check up.

Here in the Philippines we have a variety and very effective yeast cure without spending a a lot of money.
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A few months ago i got a yeast infection and after treating it with the pink little pill (diflucan) they give you at the doctors and with gynelotrimin, it kept coming back. It wold go away for a couple a weeks but it would just keep coming back, i had a re-occuring yeast infection for about 4 months or so. That all stopped after i went to my local Trader Joe's and purchased their acidophilus tabs with LiveBac. (white bottle with orange tag). They are less than $10 and they work wonders. You can take up to 3 a day which is what i did, after taking it for about a week straight, my yeast infection disappeared and it hasn't come back since. I haven't had one in about 4 months and i truly believe that the acidophilus is what made it go away.

The reason i chose to purchase those is because i always read that eating plane yogurt helps get rid of yeast infections but you have to buy the yogurt that has LiveBac.. Plane yogurt also has acidophilus. I really didn't have the time to be eating yogurt all day so that's why i decided to give these tabs a try. I highly recommend you all do the same! Let me know if it helps!

Good Luck!
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