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Septum removal and success stories of pregnancy

Hi there,
I have never been a part of a forum before so here it goes!  I have been trying for a baby with my partner for the last 2 years.  We have had 5 miscarriages to date and never made it past 6 weeks.  I have been blood tested, DNA tested...the works and they found I was a normal girl with a normal boy for a partner.  One doctor eventually picked up a uterine septum on two of my previous ultrasounds and booked me in for a.......I cannot think of the work......it's like laparoscopy.....anyway....to have the septum removed.  This happened last Monday.  I am going back to the hospital to have a hsg ultrasound in about 3 weeks.  They were going to insert a marina or IUD to prevent the walls from forming another septum but because we are looking to have a family soon they didn't put one in.  I am so scared because I have read no positive stories about people going on to have beautiful babies after uterine septum removal.  I am almost fed up trying and waiting and hoping.  If there are any stories out there send them my way.
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564773 tn?1226920823

I had my septum removed 3 months ago now via Hysteroscopy surgery. We had been TTC for over 2 years and suffered like yourself with miscarriages all mine seemed to end at approx 6.5 weeks. All my blood work came back normal it was just the septum that was picked up during my scans that I was told maybe the problem. I never had marina or IUD inserted either as I wanted to TTC straight away.

I have read of lots of positive stories when ladies have had their septum removed. (Search the net for them) Sorry I haven't got my own just yet but I hope too soon.

Good luck.
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Thankyou!  It's not nice but in a way it is nice to know I have someone out there who has suffered as I have and still has hope!
Thankyou so much.
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Hi there! I'm new to the forum...

On 4 Feb, after an HSG scan, our fertility specialist told me that I have a septum in my womb. Apparently I was born with it, as are 4% of women( like that makes you feel better, right?!). We have been trying to conceive for 28 months, during which I had a miscarriage as well as 2 failed artificial inseminations. I am shocked that it took this long for them to identify the problem...
Anyway, I was supposed to go for a hysteroscopy on Tuesday to remove the septum. When I phoned to confirm, I was told that my name was not on the list. Now I will have to wait for my next cyle to go for the op. It is so frustrating because I had already confirmed a week prior and was told all was in order but  now, because of their mistake I have to wait another month. I'm sure you can all relate- a month is a small eternity when  you are told this could be your chance to fall preg.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the next step is after the hysteroscopy? Is assisted conception the only way to fall preg or has anyone fallen preg 'naturally' after having a septum removed?
thanks for your time!
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I am 30 years old and I had 4 miscarriages in the past 2 years. After my second miscarriage I found out that I had a uterine septum (sometimes I wonder how Dr's can miss something like this even after doing a D&C??). Then I decided to try again, unfortunately I miscarried around 5 weeks. I had the surgery done few months ago, the surgery and recovery wasn’t that bad, no pain more of being uncomfortable. A month after the surgery and got over my period i got pregnant. I was fine until 5 weeks and 2 days when I saw blood. I found out I miscarried. It is very frustrating since they told me the reason for my miscarriages was the septum and not that’s gone I still miscarried and I don’t understand why?? They have done all kinds of test on my and my husband and everything came back normal but yet I still miscarried. Any advise or anybody with who miscarried after septum removal???
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I have a septum in my uterus ( thank god the found it before i was trying to concieve) and I was told that after the surgery i would have to wait at least 4 months before trying. I dont know if that might have anything to do with why you might have had a miscarriage after healing for a month? I was told i would need those months to fully heal. Who knows. I wont know until I try. Just a thought.
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I just had a septum removed, after my first m/c. I'm glad they discovered it straight away, however there is no proof that the septum caused the m/c it is just better if this wall is not there. I was not told that this wall can grow back, as i read in another forum! I hope it doesn't!! I am also told to wait for 3 natural cycles before trying again because you have to give your uterus a chance to heal properly. They said that m/c happen of course for other reasons too. Future chances are good, but will just have to wait and see.
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I have been trying to conceive for the past 2 years...and i was told i have a septum that i need to remove..at first, i refused since some of the doctors i saw told me it might not affect my chances of getting pregnant...then after waiting for sooo long i decided to do the hysteroscopy...the operation was under full anesthesia, and i can say it is an easy operation, with slight pain...my doc told me told me to wait for once cycle, as the coming period will " clean " the uterus and make it ready for a pregnancy...im full of hopes...and i didnt even wait till my next cycle....one week after my operation was my ovulation..so i thought id try my luck...im really hoping ill become pregnant soon...will keep u posted and good luck to everyone
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i had my septum removed in march 2010 and got pregnant in november 2010. im almost 6 months now. anyone who has had their septum removed is going to have a scary pregnancy because there are lots of issues that can happen after that. al we can do is stay positive
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I had three miscarriages before being diagnosed with a septum. I had a surgery to remove it, then got divorced. Years later I remarried. I asked the original surgeon if a uterine wall can grow back, he laughed and said no. So my husband and I got pregnant, and I lost twins because the septum DID grow back (or his surgery sucked). I had a second removal surgery, got pregnant 3 months later, and am now the happy mother of a healthy baby girl! I did deliver her 4 weeks early, I think because my uterus stopped growing and she ran out of room - probably due to the uterine anomaly. If you have the surgery, always check to make sure the septum hasn't come back before trying to conceive. Good luck!
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I had 2 miscarriages and pelvic pain and I really had to push the doctors to pay attention to me.  I was finally referred to a fertility specialist that immediately told me that I had a bicornuate uterus and a uterine septum.  I elected to have the surgery to remove the septum where I found that I actually had 3 septi.  I now have 3 beautiful healthy children and no more miscarriages. Good luck to everyone as I know the fear a woman feels when they cannot have a child.
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Did anyone see their period 2 weeks or less after their septum operation?
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I have just gotten my period yesterday, May 9, after my resection on April 27, a little less than 2 weeks but about on schedule for when my period should have come with out the resection. I feel like it's too soon! Though I am happy, I feel like it's a good sign. I'm gonna call my RE today and see!
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I have done septum removal...they put iud..i had bleeding alot but in few days it is fine.i just have salinesoluble sonigram..they said its still 2 horns or 2 sprate ways.what my doctor say after this i don't know. Again TTC..hope fr the best
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