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Sudden Weight Gain but Not Pregnant

I'll be 46 at the end of this month & just moved to a new state so I don't have the luxury of knowing any doctors.  In the last 1-2 months I suddenly gained 40 + lbs & look pregnant.   That seems to be where the weight all is.  A urinalysis proved negative for pregnancy on Monday & with my 3 grown kids I did not gain this much weight &/or so fast.  I just look pregnant & feel "full - heavy - tired & short of breath" most of the time.  Tomorrow I go for a Pelvic ultrasound w/a full bladder.  The day after I am scheduled for an Abdomen ultrasound - w/fasting.  Any idea what we are looking for or what could cause this?  I can barely eat because I feel so full & yet it's lately that I've gained the most weight.  I am not in pain, I just feel miserable - like over due.  When I asked at the doctor's office what could cause this & what we are looking for they said 'a cyst, tumor, or cancer'...... I would kind of like a bit more information if at all possible.  In the last week I gained another 10lbs & I know this can not be good or keep on.  

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Omg I could have written your story I was told by my doctor who knew my stoey that I had ptsd and basically just worn out tried putting me on a bunch of psych drugs ontop of meds for my bad back. Well long story short I got rid of husband left my job am happier then ever except I suddenly gained 25 pounds in 90 daysall in belly and I am so bloated I look like I am overdue it is all in belly. I would love to hear about your supplements etc. I went off all meds because I thought they may have caused weight gain and they did not seem to do any good .so please get back to me
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please post the regime
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I can relate to all the above and attempted all the diet/lifestyle changes many of you are doing BUT it wasn't until I had a physician that did a full body blood work up and discovered that I had elevated Lipase, that I began to experience relief. The result of bloodwork,then required an endoscopic ultrasound on my pancrease. That procedure determined that I have chronic pancreatitis. I am now on 36,000 units of CREON that must be taken before every meal and snack. The bloat has gone down significantly. ALSO, and this is HUGE, one of my doctor's noted my increasing complaints of fatigue. Even shortly after exercise, and as most of you know, the beauty of exercise is INCREASED energy. Well that was not happening. I often felt depleted (and my adrenals were in check). My doctor suggested a sleep test. I looked at him funny because I thought sleep tests were only reserved for those that snore and frequently stop breathing while sleeping.  My husband said I do not snore and he has never thought that I stopped breathing. He did comment that I twitch a great deal while sleeping. Apparently there are different types of sleep apnea and I have the type where my brain does not tell my body to breathe, so my body will twitch to wake me up and breath. I am very vain, did not want my husband sleeping next to me with this THING on my face and certainly didn't want to have to travel with CPAC machine BUT after one night of restful sleep I did  NOT want to leave the sleep lab without the CPAC!!!! If you have health insurance, just get it ruled out. Don't let vanity stop you. Don't let the fact that you don't snore stop you. If you wake up feeling unrested, unrefreshed, with a headache; don't think for a second that it's 'just allergies'. Men, if you have ED issues that can't be resolved with performance enhancing supplements or medication, consider a sleep study. NOTHING about your body can be healed until you start to get adequate sleep. In that one night of restful sleep, I could not believe the energy I felt when I awoke, how refreshed I felt AND joint pain was gone,  back pain was gone AND weight started to fall off because my metabolism started to function properly. It was also explained to me that the body starts to produce too much cortisol when you do not sleep well.  I am kicking myself for not pursuing the sleep test when it was first mentioned. I could have spared myself years of health issues. Will it reverse chronic pancreatitis? No but it has certainly helped many of the other symptoms I had been experiencing. I'm also off most of my meds  (hormone therapy, thyroid, high blood pressure). If fatigue tops the list of symptoms you are experiencing and you can't lose weight, then ask your doctor about ordering you a sleep test. Be persistent, as some MD's will suggest that you need to lose weight first. I discovered I needed the CPAC in order TO lose weight. Also, machines are very quiet and much more comfortable. It takes some trial and error but you and your respiratory therapist will figure out what works best for you. Hope this helps!
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what are the nutrient supplements you added ? I am really interested in the adrenal cause related to weight gain. I am going to check this out. I am turning into a balloon after a total hysterectomy 3 yrs. ago!

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Have your thyroid checked... Also sounds like possibly your liver is enlarged.
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I would love to see ur regime. I'm in same situation I have no doubt help!!! Ur input is awesome
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I experienced the same thing about a year ago. Happily I was working for a hormone dr at the time and have been able to finally get my symptoms under control, though I am in no way "healed" or back to what I was before. Mine all started with adrenal fatigue, which led to hypothryoidism and finally overall hormone imbalance. I don't sleep well,never have - which adds to my inability to heal my adrenals. Anyways long story short I had the same problem - rapid weight gain despite a healthy diet and lots and lots of exercise.
I've tried it all - started by taking Armour thyroid and going to a paleo diet and taking vitamins to support hormones and metabolism.  It worked for a while, then the weight started to come back on. I then found out my hormones were low so I started on HRT and immediately gained even more weight. I tried a sugar detox diet. I tried restricting myself to 1000 calories a day - helped, but the weight crept back.
Finally about 2 months ago I decided to go OFF the paleo diet and follow a whole foods high fiber diet (fiber is big in weight loss) instead.  I added back in oats and beans and occasional whole grain bread. Calories restricted to 800-1000 per day, limit workouts to 35 minutes a day (high intensity), all carbs eaten before 3 pm each day, and either try to skip dinner or eat only a protein shake with unsweet almond milk and hemp for fiber. Finally did the trick and I am back down to my normal weight of 124 pounds.
However, my hormones are still shot so I have started HRT including some testosterone to help rebuild my muscle tissue and will continue to take the following supplements: DIM (for estrogen metabolism, weight loss), Collagen (for muscle development, weight loss), Berberine (to improve insulin sensitivity, weight loss), 60mg per day Armour Thyroid, Milk Thistle (liver detox), Zinc, Vit D, Omega 3 fish oil, Adaptocrine (endocrine support), Aloe (anti inflammatory). Also I don't drink alcohol or caffeine. I eat very little dairy (greek yogurt only), and absolutely NO products containing hormones (cage free vege fed eggs, organic free range or grass fed meats, non RBST butter, etc).  No processed foods other than my organic whey protein powder and hemp powder.
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Please tell me your supplement regime as my daughter has adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism but hasnt improved with her current supplements after 5 months and is still gaining weight despite being grain free and eating no sugar or processed food.


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Perhaps this has been mentioned, but all the common symptoms of sudden weight gain, fatigue, loss of energy, stress fall into thyroid issues which can be easily fixed with prescriptions (levothyroxine for one). Also carving out a place to go and time for yourself (you are worth it, if you don't believe it, do it for the ones who love you) to completely unwind & de-stress, perhaps writing every thought & battle in a journal with the complete freedom to destroy some pages - especially after you've written down all your anger issues as if you were actually face to face with them. - Or go to counseling, just somewhere to de-stress and clear out, bring yourself to a place of peace. The stress levels send the body (the internal organs and blood flow) into chaos and provides a seed bed for all kinds of disease.
'God will keep in perfect peace all those whose minds are focused on Him'
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I am a 54 year old woman who has had 2 C-sections, a radical hysterectomy, and 5 inches of sigmoidal colon removed due to diverticulitis. I gained a lot of weight and haven't been able to get it off.
I was tested and on a special diet to rule of celiacs disease without any weight loss or any change. I have been married to the same man for 20 years with significant financial issues throughout those years. 2 years ago my husband abandoned our whole family and I lost a between 40 and 50 pounds. I started walking 2-4 miles a day and started toning a lot.  I looked great and then lost my job, had to move back to my fathers home to take care of him as an Alzheimer's patient till he passed. since then I have gained about 30 pounds all in and around my stomach. I walk 2-6 miles a day, eat right, not drink or do any drugs and I cant figure out why I cant loose this weight. I look 6 months pregnant and am very uncomfortable.  the doctors tell me to count calories and exercise more, what the heck. I think I have a hormone imbalance but no one listens please help direct me where I can get answers and help.
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I am 45 and going through a lot of the same symptoms.  Very tired, bloated all the time.  What I have figured out is that I have an intolerance to milk/diary products.  I am working on removing dairy from my diet completely.  I use dairy free coffee creamer, dairy free butter and eat no cheese, no milk etc.  I am going back to the basics kind of.  I just started so I don't have any results to share BUT...i know of 2 other people who experienced the same symptoms and felt like a new person after 2 weeks of NO DAIRY!  It certainly couldn't hurt any of you to try.  Good luck!
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I don't know if you will even see this considering it's been a few years, or if it's even still applicable to you, but I thought I would pass on some advice my nutritionist told me, and add a little of my own lovely experience.  

According to my nutritionist, you need to eat...and eat, and eat.  Healthy, whole foods of course, or quick foods that have been created healthy that we can grab and go with, however, it's very important to take the time for yourself to take 10 and eat your meal.  In her words, "You are worth it, so take it".  Eating only a small amount of food will set your body into what is known as feast or famine mode, which basically means that if you don't eat regularly, your body will hold onto it for dear life because it doesn't know when it's going to get fed again, which makes you gain weight, not lose it.  I read somewhere once, that when we get our POW's back in a state of starvation, the quickest way that was found to make them gain the weight back wasn't to feed them a lot of food...it was to feed them very small amounts so their bodies would hold onto that nutrition until the next small meal that they received.  It was a very interesting article and it brought into focus of how important it is to eat those meals so that your body knows it's ok to burn it off instead of greedily hold onto it.

As for the personal experience I was speaking of, (aside from the feast/famine thing): I nearly drank myself to death...with water.  I love water.  I didn't drink it to diet, I literally LOVE water.  The problem was that with all the water I was drinking, I washed nearly all of the sodium and potassium out of my system.  I swelled up huge.  You could press your finger on my hand or an ankle, and 10 minutes later, you could still see the indent the finger made.  You may want to go to your doctor and ask for a complete blood workup and see if you are low on any of the essential minerals you are supposed to have in your body.  It took, in my case, reducing the amount of water I was allowed to 3 liters a day, (this was a compromise between my doctor and I.  He said two, I thought he was trying to kill me.  We agreed on three for starters), and keeping track of every mg of sodium and sugar that I ingested until I returned to my normal weight.  It wasn't easy, but it had to be done.  And it was worth it.  I wouldn't be spending time with my husband, my daughters, and my wonderful family if they were not able to figure this out.  The reason I brought this up, was because of how quickly you said you gained that much weight.  I'm not a doctor, but that screams medical condition to me.

I hope you have everything under control these days.  If not, and you still get this post, I hope it helps.  I wish nothing but the best for you!!
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I would really like to no what supplements and diet your following plse, my life has slowly got more stressful an upto 5 months i was a size 8 but all of a sudden i;ve started gaining 2lb a wk not matter what i do and gone upto a size 12 already :(
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Weight Gain But Not Pregnant
Did you have an answer to this question?  I'm experiencing the same symptoms.  I've started working out at least 30 mins a day and I'm still not losing weight.  I've gained so much after a surgery I had and I'm only eating oatmeal, veggies and yogurt.  I can't understand why I'm not losing weight (and am unsure why I gained so much in the first place).  HELP!
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Did you ever get an answer to your question?  I'm experiencing the same symptoms.  I've started working out at least 30 mins a day and I'm still not losing weight.  I've gained so much after a surgery I had and I'm only eating oatmeal, veggies and yogurt.  I can't understand why I'm not losing weight (and am unsure why I gained so much in the first place).  HELP!
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please post what you are doing for adrenal fatique. or email me ***@****
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yes please send me your regime Sent to ***@****. I am 52 and need some help thank you.
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Without saying too much, I completely relate to you. I would love to see how you managed the adrenal fatigue you mention. I have been skinny most of my life and i have some very similar stress related issues. I have recently been piling on loads of weight and very quickly. I eat next to nothing and the weight just keeps piling on. Please tell me more. I look forward to hearing from you. thank you so much for sharing on your personal life like that.
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I read your post and my heart went out to you pleased you have turned a corner, my beautiful 42 year old daughter has gained a lot of weight is very depressed, she has my full support. Could you please send me a copy of your diet
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I'm interested in your vitamin and gluten regimen.  Thank you for the post.  You are an extremely brave young woman and an inspiration.  Bless you.
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Interested in your regimine,
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I relate totally on your post. So sorry that someone else is going through what I am. My doctor told me that I need to count calories now. UGH I know what I am eating that hasnt changed except for the better. Its my weight that has changed and for NO REASON. hugs
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9118730 tn?1401800652
I also used to be on the same boat but thanks to Liproxenol, I got back to my ideal weight. I didn't think it is possible but I was proven wrong by this product. Best of all, I didn't experience any side effects.
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well, have just read all of this and it is describing me, i have had rapid weight loss followed by huge weight gains for years am now 44 , started at 23 , later i found out i had pcos , so sometimes when on birth control i would get fatter but with Diane for example would lose 12 to 15 kilos, then i started getting acne so they gave me adrocur, medication to block testererone production , the last time i took it i lost all the 18 kilos i had gained but now have gone into menopause so the adrocur has not helped this time ad the cists on ovaries have suddenly disappeared.
About a year ago i started having swollen knee joints, swellings on the face, terrible dry eyes, although a tear test shows enough fluid just the quality is not there, have headaches terriblle tiredness, eat hardly anythig yet look like am around 8 months pregnant, suffer from cramps, round puffy face, dry hair, progesterone is not helping nothing helps the wight gain arrived in 2 weeks was not even eating at the time am so sick of people joking about the baby issue or eating sweets, don't feel like going out have no sex drive ad sometimes do't have the energy to walk 100m without stopping to sit, am hot all the time no flushes and wake up aways through the night for no reason, anyone found any help yet?
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