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Vaginal bleeding after/during sex and with a bowel movement

I have Endomertiosos and another condition called Adenomyosis. I have been plagued by the symptoms from those problems for years now. But recently I have a new symptom and I am worried. A few months ago I started bleeding vaginaly during a bowel movement which still happends often...it also happends during and after intercourse. I have been tested for STD's and everything was all negative I have even had an ultrasound done and nothing. I am waiting to get a pap done. Anyways I am sooo frusterated and have been reading alot about cervical cancer so now I am scared that I might be having symptoms of cervical cancer. But I am also thinking it may just be the endometriosis or that other thing. I did have Human Papiloma Virus years ago...no problems for about 9 years now. Can anyone give me any insight???? I have also been extremely fatigued and have alot of lower back pain. I just don't know what to do and the doctors are not taking me serious. Please help!!!!!
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Hi everyone, I am currently going through this issue right now. I am 38 years old and no kids.  I have vaginal bleeding right after I strain from BM. Has everyone condition gotten better? Is there another forum about this issue?
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I was on this site a few months ago because I too would bleed - in between periods, after a bowel movement, or after sex. At times it was just spotting in between periods, or pale pink discharge after sex, other times it was bright red, lasted for a day and then reduced off into brownish, like at the end of a period. It was not constant. I went to the gynie who said she found nothing wrong with me. My CA125 levels (tumour marker) were even normal at one stage... why? Because the gynie did the blood test at the wrong time of the month. After 8 months of this I finally went to another gynie. We did blood work and my ca125 levels were double the limit. We repeated and they dropped again to normal. I insisted on a pelvic MRI and to my disbelief it was cancer of the uterus. I am 44, normal weight, no diabetes, and not of the usual risk group, so it was a huge shock, even for my doctor because there is only a 5% probability of someone with my age and characteristics to develope this. If I had gone sooner, it would all have been better and easier and safer to treat. Bleeding is NOT normal. Generally, bleeding is due to benign conditions, but dont wait... go to a good gynie, ask a second and third opinion if required. Note: Choose a gynie with experience in oncology so he or she will be able to detect what others don't. And make sure you get answers for the bleeding! I would like to thank the admin of this precious site as well as all the people who spent time sharing helpfull info on here that spurred me into action. I wish you all good health and luck, ladies. God Bless you all.
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Note: in the beguining, it started off as spotting - spotting after sex, then spotting half way through the cycle at around 10 days after my period finished. I even thought I was having pregnancy symptoms. But it escalated... one month I had a bowel movement and bled bright red and it lasted for a full day and then reduced, exactly like a light period, yet my period came normally 10 days later. Then there was a month that I recall bleeding after various bowel movements where I would push a little. Then there were times when I wouldn't bleed.
At what point in your cycle did they run your ca125?  I have an appt with my GYN on dec 5th to discuss these exact symptoms and would like to request the lab to eliminate the possibility.  THanks!
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Hello ladies, I am a 40 yrs old and a married mom of 2 and of the past few years. I have been spotting in between periods and sex.  Currently I have ovarian cyst and small uterine polyps and a sterilization yrs ago. In the past I did take BC to reset my cycle.I used to have  my cycle every 21 days, now it's every 14 days. I've been bleeding after bowel movements and a burning sensation inside my vaginally canal since December 2015 As if I had an infection but no odor. I have Chronic irritable bowel syndrome unknown cause and my pap exam are normal. I have tried the Braggs vinegar and it set my vagina on fire. I will consult with my OB on cauterizing my uterus lining.
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I am wondering how many people having this problem also have the Essure springs placed in their tubes? I have bleeding after bm and sex but no other diagnosis.
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I have the Essure and its ridiculous. I have had basically one good week out on,the month where I have no bleeding at all. Before I just had extremely heavy periods. Now with the mirena too I have lighter periods but 3 weeks long. ITS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE!!!
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Hi Everyone!
Im in the same boat, worried and looking for answers.
Im 34, two kids and starting 6 months ago I would bleed after a BM and it always happened 10 days (mid cycle) after my period. I thought I was going crazy! I would have a BM, wipe and see blood, but anytime after that no blood?! Also I would have light cramping during this time and bleed after sex. The crazy thing is this would all happen  one week after my period none of this would happen. only 10 days after my period it would? When I was ovulating all of this craziness would start then i would have my period on schedule and be free of symptoms for 10 day then boom again blood after a BM and bleeding after sex. I had a pap, and an ultra sound and nothing. So next is a DNC, and I have no idea what to think. Has any one found a name for this? <3
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Just curious if you found anything out? Going through similar
Hi,I had exactly that too and found out recently I had cancer in the uterus. See the full post I wrote today for more info . Please dont be alarmed, your condition may well be benign but just be safe than sorry. I wish I had gone sooner for an mri.
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Has a CT of your abdomen ever revealed an enlarged appendix?
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who me? No
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I am so glad I found this thread!!!! My periods have always been consistent, every 30 days and it would last about 3 days with the 1st day being the most heaviest with some cramping. but over the past year or so ive noticed more cramping. and the past few months the bleeding has gotten heavier. I also always have spotting about 2 weeks before my period comes. this past month though I had bright red blood a few days before period was due - so I thought it was early but then it stopped. then my period came and my cramps were unbearable for over 24 hours. everything calmed down then about a week and a half later I had sex with my husband and had a lot of bleeding. it was bad. everything I found was making me think cervical cancer. but reading this thread gives me hope that its something not as serious. I have an apt for weds. praying it goes well. im still a nervous wreck though and just so scared. I am 40 yrs old and have 2 children.
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After ultrasounds and blood tests, I think we have figured out that I have Rectocele, basically a rectal prolapse. It can cause vaginal bleeding. I also think I have Cytocele, which is a bladder prolapse. Hopefully all of you find what is wrong. Just keep on keeping on until someone listens!
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What did they do for you and did it fix your problem?
What did they do for you and did it fix your problem?
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Check out this thread too...


I wrote on that thread what is below but after reading this, I feel like I should throw in some more information. I had PID when I was 18, then also had a miscarriage and a D&C. When I was 19 I got a pos HPV at my pap. They did a cone biopsy on my cervix and LEEP surgery and I never had another pos test. I had my first child at 22 and my second at 31. I also have IBS and am overweight.

I am a married 37yo with a 15yo and a 6yo. This same thing started with me a little over a year ago. About a week or so before my period, when I have a BM I bleed. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's a little, but I always have dull ache cramps to go with it. I also have a tilted uterus. I was on birth control when it started, the SAME birth control I had been on since my son was born, but my obgyn said it was just breakthrough bleeding. I stopped the birth control in August of last year and it is still happening. I have read that sometimes antidepressants can cause it, but the two that I am on (Celexa and Wellbutrin) are on the 'least likely to cause those side effects' list. My grandmother, aunt, and mother all had to have hysterectomies in their late 30's and early 40's so I hope that it is nothing too bad.
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I'm 39, have 2 children.  After my 2nd child was born I started taking the birth control pill Cerazette.  Soon after I started suffering nausea, abdominal pain and anxiety so after 3 months I stopped taking it.  The symptoms eased immediately but over the next few months gradually came back.  After about a year of suffering with the symptoms I went to the doctors and had a lot of tests all negative.  He told me I have IBS.  Now nearly 5 years later I have started experiencing vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement.  Happens when bowel movements are hard and difficult to get out, about 5 days before my period is due.  Doctor is not concerned.  He has tested me for bowel and ovarian cancer and ruled those out.  Interesting that a lot of people have mentioned IBS.
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I have had the same problem,I suffer with fibromyalgia and bone pain syndrome,I was told for years that I have iIBS, but after a colonoscopy I was told I hadnt,I have noticed when I need to open my bowels I'm passing blood from my front,but it only happens when I get this severe pain in my lower back,I've had a ablation done so I no longer have periods,and haven't done since it was done.yet I still bleed when opening my bowels once the pain is there,doctors seem baffled
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I have had the same problem,I suffer with fibromyalgia and bone pain syndrome,I was told for years that I have iIBS, but after a colonoscopy I was told I hadnt,I have noticed when I need to open my bowels I'm passing blood from my front,but it only happens when I get this severe pain in my lower back,I've had a ablation done so I no longer have periods,and haven't done since it was done.yet I still bleed when opening my bowels once the pain is there,doctors seem baffled
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Yes! I had the Novasure procedure done also 2 years ago. Due to bleeding during & after intercourse. Unfortunately the Novasure procedure did not work for me. Now for the last 6 months I have had bleeding after a BM if it's close to my cycle time (within a week of my cycle) I have my yearly done in December. I hope to get answers then. I get concerned since I have had Kidney cancer and Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia with breast. So Anything odd with my body scares the mess out of me "literally"!
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I've also have slight vaginal bleeding after orgasm or a bowel movement.  As though its the 'push down' that causes it.  I had an abnormal smear test result and tested positive for HPV and was cin2.  Had lletz ( laser) treatment and am all fine now.  This bleeding started after my colposcopy and lletz treatment.  I am now clear of HPV and my smear is normal.  It wasn't until I spoke to the nurse and my GP and they said this can be quite common when you are ovulating, if your body has been under stress.  
I am not medically trained in any way.  So please get checked out before you drive yourself crazy!!  X x x
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Hi I am a 38 year old female, never had children about 8 months ago i started getting dark vaginal bleeding with stringy clots. My periods were always regular and the bleeding in between is a daily occurance, however i have noticed the blood is heavier and bright red when i have a bout of constipation or pass a hard BM. I have been to four different doctors, referred to two different gynos, one said endemeterious, then said it was not that, the other said ovarian cysts on either ovary however they are to small to remove, I am booked in for a further blood test this week as the last CA125 blood test was unusually high. I have now noticed my periods have stopped on the normal due date started to come 2 weeks later that happened last month and again i have passed the original date this month so expecting it this week about 18th will wait and see.
I also had one doctor say it could be the start of menopause. I am trying natural remedies which has stopped the blood during the day but its there when i wake up and have first bowel movement and now stools have been soft for 3 weeks. I take raw natural coconut oil 1 Tea spoon every day and 1 tea spoon of Munukka honey 15+ UMF, I have cut out sugar in tea mostly all junk food, especially fried food from takeaways this seems to help with general health around and the weight just seems to stay off something good out of this depressing situation hope this helps other sufferers  
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I must say, reading this has both calmed me down (knowing that others have my same issue and it's not life threatening) and made me nervous (seeing as many of you haven't been able to get answers...like myself). I've had vaginal bleeding during and after sex, and also when straining during BMs, for upwards of 5 years now.  I've seen two doctors and they have no clue what's going on with me.  My PAPs and ultrasounds are normal.  During my exam, when the doc touched my cervix it would bleed.  I too have been told I have a sensitive cervix.  At my last visit (April 2013) I tested positive for Ureaplasma. My doc said they recently starting testing for this with PAPs and it's actually very common.  I guess it's something that occurs naturally within a man and is sexually transmitted.  Both myself and my husband were treated with an antibiotic and we are now clear of it. So, I'm wondering if Ureaplasma has come up with anyone else?  I know this post is old, but the information is still relevant.
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i dont know if you'll read this scene its been years sense you've posted thank you for the knowledge of cervical ectropion it gives me at least something to say to my doctor maybe he'll have a clue were to go from here the bleeding thing is getting old and frankly quite a turn off every time me and my husband get close
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Hi all, I'm joining in as I too have a similar story. I was on the cerazzette pill for 10 yrs. In Nov 2012 I reduced the dose to one every other day.. By January 2013 I started lightly spotting so I began to take the pill everyday again.  However the bleeding didn't stop.  In Jan 2013  I also started to suffer with lower back pain which I thought I'd hurt at the gym.
Back ache continued and got worse.  In march doctor put me on Zapain and Naprosyn for pain relief.  This caused severe constipation.  The bleeding continued and became more regular. Practically every day, especially more after a bowel movement.  In May this Year I had the symptoms of a UTI, but all tests came back negative, I was given Trimethoprim for 3 days, within a day the symptoms came back and I was given a 7 day course of treatment.  This went on for 7 weeks. I was in agony, my bladder hurt so bad, the urge to pee was constant everyday, making it difficult to go anywhere without toilets near by.. A simple 2 mile drive to work, left me in tears, because with the urge came bladder pain.  On top of all that the bleeding got heavier, it did eventually stop for a few days , but after a hard bowel movement it started bleeding again.   I have been through hell since January, my back is still agony, I'm having physio at hospital but it's doing nothing.  I cry myself to sleep.
After seeing an Urologist, I was put on a 2 week course of Trimethoprim which finished last week and now I'm on a 6 month course to kill the infection in my bladder. (Even though no infection is showing).  Very confusing..  Now I need to solve my bleeding, it's everyday, sometimes very lightly, sometimes it stops. When I pass a hard stool, or even strain to go, on wipe the tissue is covered in blood and clots. it's scary as he'll.   toilet bowl is bright red.. I'm going back to docs to have some more swabs taken and a pelvic exam. Fingers crossed ill get an answer but I'm not holding much hope. X
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51 days of vaginal bleeding after a BM ..... no "periods" during this time. Tests have come back clear for thyroid, hormonal, bacterial problems and iron is fine too. i have an ultrasound appt October 2nd. refused a smear as i am only 24 8months old! Have to be 25 for nhs to do it! So inquired for private which a nurse will call me back with info. costs £125..... Alot but worth every penny where my life is concerned.
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Just an update...... I have had a telephone appointment with a new doctor, She has sent a referral for an ultrasound and i'm going in to see her next Tuesday for more blood tests and an examination. I will keep updating, as this may help someone one day, ive spent hours and hours trying to find someone who has missed periods, negative home pregnancy test and bloods, and bleeding vaginally only with bowel movements.
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hi really happy i've found this thread. i've had light bleeding for 34 days now. it started 5 days before my 'period' was due - which didn't come and ive realised the pattern now, when I have a BM in the morning I have a light bleed, maybe a little dark blood in the afternoon. I was due my 'period' again yesterday - which hasn't come. been to the doc's who have tested for pregnancy through bloods - negative, tested for STI's - negative. I will be making an appt tomorrow for more answers. I am 24, had my first child 2010, been off the birth control pill 10 months and got back to a normal 28 day cycle before all this started happening. it is early stages of this problem I know, but its not in anyway normal for me. I hope the doc will investigate further - fingers crossed.
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it sounds like pid pelvic inflammatory disease which if left untreated can cause you not to be able to have children this is the same for gonorrhea and Chlamydia ask to b checked for PID!
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Me also... The DR said no cancer in pap or uterus scrap... been having blood from vaginal when pooping also.. I am wondering... how many of you have had at one point Merina iud.ssss??  I didn't have this problem till after that point.. that's my thoughts..
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Can any doctor help us here? I have the same problem too. bleed after BM. I have a polyps according to my doctor. Does that the reason for the bleed?
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
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Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
From skin changes to weight loss to unusual bleeding, here are 15 cancer warning signs that women tend to ignore.