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Vaginal Strep in a Non Pregnant Woman

Hi,  I had been having lots of itching, burning and a brownish discharge for two weeks after a fun sex filled weekend with a boyfriend whom I only see every two months or so.  This happens often and I have always treated it as a possible yeast infeciton.  This time it didn't go away and so I saw my ob/gyn.  She took a culture and found strep B, which has nothing to do with Strep A that creates strep throat.  She said she could give me antibiotics to make it go away but then I would get a yeast infeciton from the antibiotics and then we'd have to use another cream etc.  She said just to let it ride it's course.  Now it's been three and ahalf weeks and it's better but not all healed.  Does anyone have any ideas about treating this or preventing this?  Every article on the internet has to do with Strep B in prenatal women (when it is very dangerous for the baby) and nothing about Strep B for regular women in their 40's like me :)  Thanks, I'd love to hear from anyone who has ever been treated for this disease or any doctors out there.
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apple cider vinegar kills strept and staph.  protects vaginal ph to prevent yeast.  plain and simple.
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Hi there. Thanks for commenting. The only problem I have here is that douching is not recommended so if you are suggesting that, it actually usually creates more of an issue for women.  It washes out flora that we need to have a healthy balance.  :>)
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Hello ladies. I too have had issues for the past 2 months and after being diagnosed with a yeast infection (that wasn't the problem) and being given the wrong treatments, I finally found out I was strep b positive.

The thing is, sometimes physicians think they've seen it all and know it all and unfortunately give us the wrong treatment that makes us worse and I feel as though I have to go in telling my physician what they need to do, in my case, do the right testing. Eventually when the correct test results came back (after I insisted on it), a simple smear test (after being tested for all STD's, and having multiple urine and blood tests done) I was given antibiotics which the follow up test showed has cleared the strep b, however, I am still left with burning and discomfort, it's actually making me pretty depressed as you all know what a struggle this all is. To be totally frank, because I had read so much about strep b being so hard to beat, I think while going through the antibiotic treatment I kept believing that it wasn't going to work and of course I still have symptoms after the infection is gone. which is probably a combination of all the wrong medication I received previously and my mind not wanting to believe the antibiotics were going to work

The point i'm trying to make here is, I know we all go online out of curiosity and desperation, but please please please, don't self medicate, don't use all sorts of natural remedies that may not be beneficial to you and your body. My specialist is telling me vinegar baths may have caused more irritation than good in my case

Go and see your Dr immediately, if you see them guessing what it might be you have put your foot down, ask to be tested so you know and they know what it actually wrong.

I feel like all this medication and ointments i've been given have made my body very sensitive and I'm going back to my specialist to see what I need to do now, as I am still burning.

I know we all mean well and want to be helpful but reading posts online could be dangerous and scary, our situations are all different and our bodies are all different. Reading about familiar symptoms may trick our brains into believing we have a condition that we don't really have or that we may not heal because someone else hasn't, this could be very dangerous as the mind has the power to affect the body.  

As for me, I have stopped all the other treatments I was given and i only follow what my specialist has told me to do until I see him again soon so hopefully we can beat this beast, whatever it is

So go see your doctor and take care of you. The only thing that has always helped me a little is meditation, it may not heal but it will calm you down. Much love to anyone who's suffering, you will heal
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Hi all, I just wanted to give you an update of my situation. As you can see in the answers above I've posted here the last couple of years about my (former) debilitating GBS vaginal infection. After my regimen with intravaginal DHEA, probiotics and a vaginal gel by Multi-gyn (see regimen explained above), I'm better than ever. I don't have to use the vaginal DHEA and probiotics anymore. Every couple of days, I put some of the Multi-gyn vaginal gel in, just for maintenance and because it also helps me with my UTI's from sexual intercourse (I don't get them anymore after years and years of suffering!). I feel like i'm completely back to normal and I enjoy sexual intercourse again.

I believe the trigger for my GBS was that I had done severe damage to my vaginal flora after having multiple yeast infections and UTI's, which caused the GBS to take control. Stopping every harsh treatment and restoring the vaginal flora was the trick for me, using methods I had found in scientific articles on PubMed.

I have promised myself that I would continue to give you all updates as the years go by, because once I was so desperate with this condition that I thought about giving up on life. Doing research and trying different treatments consumed my life and made me utterly miserable. If I can just help one person with my regimen I would just be so happy. Ladies who are still suffering, please hang in there. I know it may not seem like it after years and years of trouble (I know all about it), but there is a genuine possibility life will become normal for you again. Much love to everyone out there!
And please do not forget that restoring your vaginal flora doesn't happen overnight. It took months for me to feel better. During this period, try not to have sexual intercourse (I truly healed when I stopped having sex for a few months), try not to douche or use other harsh treatments and medications. It will take a long time for the lactobacilli to take over from the bad strep bacteria and recover your healthy vaginal flora again. This may sound stupid, but remember that bacteria can take a long time to grow, if we grow them on a petri dish this may take more than a week, but if you throw in bad bacteria (strep) or other harsh chemicals it may never happen. Lactobacilli are very fragile. So consider your vagina as your own sacred petri dish and try to grow the good bacteria again without intervening too much. I'm afraid there isn't such thing as an overnight cure, and in my experience all the antibiotics destroyed my flora even more. Best of luck!
Hi, I have 2 questions : did you have some kind of discharge and if yes- what was it like? And during the healing process were you on some diet like no sweet, no white bread etc.? Thanks in advance.
Oh and for how long did you use multigyn actigel ?
And one more- dhea is a hormone, so were you afraid that by putting a hormone into your body it may result in hormonal disbalance, because if your dhea levels are normal then by putting it  inside your body, the levels may grow in excessice amounts . And p.s. I am very happy for you. You brought my will back. I just started your regiment by putting multigyn every night but for now there is no result ( it has been only a week after all). So when I find this probiotic that you wrote and dhea pills I will start doing it all properly.
P.s. How much time after the beginning of the treatment did you start to feel better and the symptoms to disappear?
And did alocohol affect your UTI badly. For example after a night of drinking was it more painful for you to pee than the everyday pain?
Also did you have burning feeling when you put multigyn ?
And did you have some days when you felt better and after that- worse than ever, then good again and bad again an so on.
And for how long did you take the probiotic with lactob. Rhamnosus and reuteri?
And since you feel good again , have you taken antibiotics for some other reason like angina or smth else? If yes what was the result?
I feel hopeful after reading your comments… What exactly is DHEA treatment? And can you tell me which pub med articles you read? And how are you improved your badge in the flora which probiotics you talk? I have been dealing with this for four years and it’s creating a lot of depression and hopelessness I really feel like I will never enjoy sex again
Hi I feel hopeful after reading that you got better. Can you tell me which pubmed article see you read,  And what you did to get better for example what probiotics you talk? And did you still take antibiotics for the GBs ??
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I had suffered for 9 years with GBS until I realized that GBS is only a problem when there is an imbalance in the natural flora. I started taking certain probiotics and it made a difference. However, the thing that finally cured the problem for good was an energy machine called the Ondamed.   This machine targets bacteria with energy that destroy the bacteria. After 9 years of having GBS, only 2 minutes using the Ondamed wiped the problem out for good. I could not believe how long I had suffered because I did not know about this treatment option. It is so good to know that if I ever get reinfected I can get it treated quickly.
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Hi what is Ondamed?
It is an energy machine. The machine takes about 5 minutes to target the bacteria at an energy level that will destroy it. Check out Ondamed’s website to find a local practitioner.   I wish I had found out about this machine years ago. It would have reduced my need for antibiotics for the last three decades. I have not had any antibiotics in over a year which is amazing given my history. Ondamed will clear up other infections in addition to GBS.
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I believe I have the same problem. When I was 35 weeks pregnant and tested for Gb strep I was positive. I didn't know what it was so I researched it a little but thought it went away after I had the baby (I had c section since my previous child was a c section baby) Well I thought I had yeast infection a few years later, took the 1 day treatment and woke up the next day burning like fire. Called ob and made appt but then she, my doctor, had to reschedule and she was too busy so I went to see another doctor in her office who was a man. He said I probably had bv and gave me cream. Didn't work. Went back and he gave me the keflex for 7 day. It worked but then came back and still have it because Ive just gotten aggravated because he's a man and doesn't understand I guess. My doctor is hard to get in to see because she's so busy so I've just been looking things up myself & realized gb strep isn't just in your gut, it also lives in a woman vagina.I guess i shoild of known that but it just didn't click at first. Well I recently found a website to help pregnant get rid of it naturally so im doing some things like take cinnamon and garlic but I guess I need to do them all. Has anyone else had any luck?  Any updates ladies?
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Hi there, I do have some experiences to share....  18 months ago I got a UTI & then vag cultures positive for GBS infections.  Dr's seem as clueless as initial internet postings where everyone swears it's not possible unless you're a newborn or elderly.  But it is, and the infection can be quite serious.  Dr's told me I couldn't have it bc I'd have to be bedridden.  But I have been- was just finally getting active again when this hit.  5 years prior I had what I thought was PID, but no pathogen ever showed in tests.  The pain's been so excruciating that I've been on heavy narcotics thro pain management.  If you get that much pain, don't delay in asking to be referred bc it can take a while to start treatment & pain can escalate quickly.  So at the time I finally started getting positive test results, I could feel the disease spread thro my body & attack my heart.  I've been close to death a lot the last 18 mo.  Was fortunate to see an ID Dr in time to start continuous oral antibiotics.  But it was like putting a bandaid on an open wound.  He wanted to prevent Rheumatic Fever, but I quickly realized that I HAVE RF.  And oral AB's do not cut it.  Standard treatment in Penicillin G injections, a lot of them.  But I couldn't convince Dr's I was that ill.  Until... the story changed from, 'you're not ill' to 'you're too ill.'  Just like that, I was written off as chronically diseased & beyond hope.  So I discharged from one of my many hospital stays & procured Pen G from... a vet supply store.  Turns out GBS is common in farm animals.  It's thought to have crossed species from cows to humans about 50 years ago.  I was born 46 years ago.  My older sister became ill at age 4 and died of respiratory failure from bacterial infection they never ID'd.  When I turned 4, I also was hospitalized, and dx with scarlet fever, from strep.  Probably strep B.  Probably we both contracted it at birth, congenitally.  I remember my Dad turning down the Dr's advice to put me on oral antibiotics.  To avoid chronic infection.  I had two contraceptive implants as an adult and each time had horrible pain at their sites.  Now it all makes sense that I've had this my whole life.  Nowadays, this is most likely what they want to prevent by screening & treating expectant mothers. This is a fairly NEW problem, and I wonder if it's a silent epidemic.  Worldwide, most common cause of death is heart disease by bacteria.  Most common type?  Strep.  Strep B is tough; requiring roughly 5x the AB's to treat than Strep A.  In America, we rarely diagnose anyone with RF, and clearly, it's even more rare to treat for it.  I thought maybe they were saving AB's for 'old people' who need it.  But we're in a health crisis, and the goal is to not adequtely treat bacterial infections under the premise that we're holding out for 'real' infections.  This is a real infection.  Good news is that it's possible to live with it asymptomatically by overcoming the infection.  Do take any AB's offered is my advice.  Also go on an elimination diet : nourishing meals.com.  Pretty much same food as candidadiet.com.  Decrease stress etc.  It's really not possible to get the support needed if it gets worse; becomes a downward spiral.  I do believe this is how people become homeless bc it rarely kills us prematurely.  It just spreads, so try to take care of yourself & heal. If I can do it, You can do it!  Good luck!
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How often should I get penicillin G injections? Background: 36 years old, 3 kids, partial hysterectomy in 2015. About 4 months ago I had a yeast infection but since I get them a lot I took diflucan and terazole vaginally. It wasn't working still after 3 days and so off to the doctor I went. Did a culture and two weeks later my doctor called and said I was positive for GBS prescribed me Augumentin. Took that felt better and went back for a follow up culture. Tested positive. Prescribed more Augumentin. Took another culture 2 weeks later. Nope still there. Prescribed Keflex 2000mg for 7 days. Cultured came back negative. One week later I am feeling symptoms and knew in my heart it was back. Took another culture on 11/18 and sadly it was positive for yeast and GBS. I've seen two Infectious disease specialist during this entire time and both have told me to stop the antibiotics and just treat the yeast? This doesn't make sense to me because when I'm not on antibiotics I feel like crap. I'm fatigued, get pain in my lower abdomen, and since I'm a big time hypochondriac all I can think about is how this bacteria is going to get worse and eventually kill me. I'm taking supplements, vitamin C, a prenatal vitamin, two types of probiotics specific for Women's yeast problems, and also align. On top of this I am doing acupuncture and taking his herbal concoction that is bitter and gross but I'm desperate for help and cure! Also I started inserting coconut oil internally.
This is affecting my marriage, my work, and overall quality of life. I'm so sad and depressed and of course every day I'm scared out of my mind.
Have you had any luck since post?  Dealing with this on and off since August.
This completely sounds like me. I was positive with GBS during my pregnancies and had to treat with Keflex but I recall being positive one of the times I wasn't pregnant and was given flagyl. Last year I started itching vaginally and in and around my rectum. Those are my usual symptoms ( I have tested for pinworms and negative but have treated just in case in the past and that wasn't it) I had so many cultures done  within 3-4 months and finally was diagnosed with BV (had a copper IUD at the time) Was treated with just amoxicillin because I was nursing and of course it didn't clear. Finally I was given metrogel and ended up treating a yeast infection with Fluconazole and later monistat as well. I still didn't feel well and finally got a total vaginal hysterectomy with pelvic and vaginal reconstruction. All was well until 2 weeks post surgery and I started itching. I thought it could be the normal discharge and healing process. Well 2 months later I'm back with same symptoms and my BV and yeast culture came back negative. They didn't test me for strep b because practitioner said its normal to colonize strep b vaginally and in the rectum. The only time it's dangerous is when your pregnant and you have to treat so the baby won't get it. Hmmmm so why did I have to treat years ago for it by another doctor and I felt better afterwards. I feel like I'm going crazy and don't know who or where to turn to. I've recently started the candida diet with supplements. I've always used probiotics too.  Almost 1 month into it and I don't feel improvement or at least not yet. I'm also trying to reduce stress and get more sleep though it's hard.
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I am not entirely surprised at the lengths some women will go to to rid themselves of this painful and debilitating disease. I have suffered with it on-and-off for over 5 years since the birth of my first child. Symptoms have become basically the same as severe thrush but swabs come back negative for thrush and positive for GBS. itching, burning, heavy discharge sometimes with blood spotting. Nurse who did my internal exam said it looked grazed inside which explains the above.
Things that help me the most (as antibiotics just cause secondary infections like thrush, so back to square 1 basically) are
Garlic (eaten 3x daily, raw)
Cut out all sugar and wheat flour (as these feed infection)
Sitting in lukewarm water with quarter cup of bicarb of soda (baking soda) as this is anti bacterial and anti fungal and sooo much milder than hydrogen peroxide (which can thin the skin when used often so AVOID!)
Drink lots of water, avoid caffeine and alcohol.
An ice pack between the legs (wrapped in cloth) really helps bring down swelling and reduce urge to itch.
There are sadly no overnight cures and nothing to prevent future flare ups, but these really help.
I always find mine flares up if I've had more sugar than normal - this time it was a macdonalds milkshake on a long car journey - lesson learned!
Hope this helps.
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So thankful I found this forum, I have been having symptoms for 2 and a half months, however, I think I have had this on and off for years after reading the posts.  I always treated for a yeast infection, but it would return.   Now it is just brutal, it feels like acid was poured in my vag, occasional itch but not bad, the burning is awful.  I went for urine culture and they found low colony count of strep which would explain what is going on with my vag.  they did a swab and all it said was abnormal flora but did not show strep, but hands down I have all the symptoms.  I am using the vag probiotics, cut sugar out, increased immune boosting supplements but still have symptoms, some days are better than others, I find when I am stressed it flares up bad.  night time is when it is at its peak.
Hi marisy21, it sounds like you have desquamative inflammatory vaginitis. It is similar to aerobic vaginitis. I have this condition, and before it was controlled, I too felt intense burning and like acid was in my vagina. Where do you live? A vagina clinic would be best for you to visit. You can message me if you like.
Hi there, I am not sure if that is what it is.  I am leaning towards more of a strep infection seeing there is low amounts found in my urine.  The urologist will not treat it because of the low numbers and no WBC, I do get symptoms of cystitis with the burning on the vulva and vaginal area.  I have tried many remedies that I found on this page and some worked for a couple weeks., then I did ozone therapy and that gave me relief for a month and a half.  Now it is back and it seems to flare up right after my period.  Hormones are definately making this come to the surface.  I read about DIV, but I would not say I meet all the criteria of that one.  Doctors have ruled out vaginitis by doing two cultures.  They have not done a strep b test despite me asking.  So I am back doing ozone, I feel a small amount of relief from the two I just had, going to insert probiotics in between to keep the good bacteria up.

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I have found that a combination of Cipro and a cephalosporin for one week will clear up the problem.
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I had suffered for 5 years with GBS, and then I had to take a probiotic called VSL 3 for a different problem, and it cleared up the GBS. A recent magazine article had said that VSL 3 was one of the best probiotics on the market, because it will actually recolonize the body with good bacteria. I get it from a large pharmacy/drugstore chain here in the US. If you try to order online, I think it says you need a doctors prescription, but my pharmacy just orders it directly for me whenever I need it. I don't have any problem with GBS any longer, but it is nice to know that VSL 3 is available if I ever need it again.
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Thanks for sharing! I've had GBS problems for almost 7 years. I have had some success using probiotics like fem dophilus but it doesnt have as high of a CFU value as VSL 3. I will try it.
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Hi everyone,

My first post here was a year ago. I just wanted to provide you with an update on my situation. (disclaimer: English is not my native language).

After almost 2 years of intense suffering from this vaginal condition and sore and raw vagina, I feel like I'm 'cured' now. I am so, so happy about this, I could cry. I can have intercourse normally again and I feel normal. I'm not aware of my sore vagina anymore and my discharge is normal again. Hurray! The only thing that is left to fix for me is having a UTI every few weeks, but that's a different story.

So I just wanted to let you know what I did to get normal again. Everytime I was in forums with women suffering from this, they would never return to update on their situation, so I promised myself I would.

First of all, for almost 2 years I took almost every supplement on earth. It cost me a lot of money (A LOT!) and it did not work at all. Allimax, propolis, garlic, probiotics, you name it. It did nothing. I understand that it's maybe hard to hear, because it would be so nice if we could fix this with just a supplement. But it's just not strong enough to make a major change in your vaginal health. So you could try it, but you could also save your money. I did extensive research and tried almost everything. However, I won't say that it won't work for you, you have to decide for yourself.

Another thing I did during the past 1,5 year, was douche a lot. Hibiclens, hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, you name it. I put it all up there, just to make me feel 'clean', without the sticky thick discharge I had. Well, it caused my vagina to never get normal again and I destroyed my whole vaginal flora.

So what I did: first of all, I quit all of the above. No supplements, no vaginal douches, etc. In my period of suffering, I did a lot of research and decided I would try to heal my vaginal walls and flora. Because Strep B is a normal vaginal pathogen, and only takes over when your vaginal flora isn't normal (because of antibiotics or hormones, for example). I myself have had a lot of antibiotics and yeast medication. Besides that, I have a hormone imbalance.

So I looked up remedies for vaginal atrophy and desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, and I found that a suppository with DHEA restored the vaginal walls and flora in menopausal women, because it converts to estrogen in the vaginal walls. You can use it as a suppository. I also found that probiotics are best used when they are inserted directly into the vagina. I also used a vaginal gel with the right ph, named Multigyn Acti-gel (available in my country). It is really good stuff with a lot of reviews, just look it up. It restores vaginal flora and allows good bacteria to grow. So my regimen everyday:

- I take a pill of probotics (the right kind, with vaginal bacteria: rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14)
- I take a pill of DHEA (pills are 50mg, I use only use 5mg)

I open the pills and mix a bit of them with the Multigyn Acti-gel (with resembles vaginal fluid, it is just a clear gel). I mix it in a vaginal cream inserter (don't know what it is called in English). I use this mixture in my vagina everyday. It use just a tiny bit, so it doesn't run out during the day.

So for the first few weeks I did this, I was still sore, because it takes a while to restore the vaginal epithelium and flora. Before I didn't have the patience to wait for it to heal, but I did now.

It's been a few months and I'm all better now, still use this every few days for maintenance (mostly after intercourse). I have a normal sex life again and now irritation. I couldn't be happier, because the solution was so easy and I don't have to use antibiotics anymore.  

My apologies for the long post, I just want to help all of you. I you have a question about my regimen, please ask. Please look up all the research on vaginal DHEA and vaginal probiotics. Also, look up research on desquamative inflammatory vaginitis. This strep B only takes over because something is destroying or vaginal flora (auto-immune, hormones, antibiotics). It is not the main cause of our infection. Also, if you could get your hands on Multigyn Acti-gel, please try it. It's not just restoring, it's also soothing and allows you to have normal vaginal fluid again.    

I hope I can help someone with this, please feel free to ask me anything.

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Hi! I am currently taking probiotics, I had a yeast infection off and on for 6 months and finally trying to get it under control. Do you think the Renewlife brand of probiotics 50 billion vaginal type are good for mixing with the gel? I don't have the gel, I'm just taking the probiotics orally but I feel an itch again and wanted to try something different! Thanks!
Thanks so much for sharing your success with others! I live in the U.S. and have been suffering with GBS for 7 years. I managed to order some Multi-gyn Actigel and just started trying your regimen this week =)
Hi, we're you diagnosed with Group B Strep? I was and penecillin has not helped at all. Wondering if this remedy has still helped for you? Thanks.
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Can you tell me how you use the tea tree oil? It is a very strong ingredient, and I would think it could burn the delicate tissues in the vaginal area?
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I would not advise using tea tree oil internally as it is very strong stuff. Using bicarbonate of soda (known as baking soda if you're in the US) mixed with water is much more effective and soothing. When symptoms are getting too much for me I run a lukewarm bath about 4" deep and put roughly 1/4 cup bicarb in there. Sit in and sleuce the area for as long as you can manage. Pat dry gently with toilet tissue or something similarly absorbent and soft. It is very soothing, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and helps alleviate symptoms almost immediately. And you can repeat as often as you need with no side effects (unlike the hydrogen peroxide etc I've heard other people using).
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I was keep having white vaginal discharge for 3 years and I am desperately finding for the cause of it for all these years including several std and blood test but they just come out normal. Until I can't torelate anymore I decided to have hysteroscopy. It come out normal but   strep b is diagnosed. I am relieved because at last I know why I am having so much white sticky discharge like yeast but not like yeast. And I found this site which I feel so many women out there is suffering.  I need to share this with you all. I am having clear discharge at the moment by doing this;

Eat doctor medicines which is augmentin
After that antibiotic all bacteria in your body is wiped off so you need good stuff
I have a blender which I mixed
-half lemon
-one apple
-half cucumber
-half carrot
-some milk (very little)
-most importantly I mixed in probiotic powder
-sometimes I add in more veg such as celery

And drink it instantly but not right after antibiotic.

I see result immediately after two days. Watery discharge and I feel I finally can see the light after living in hell for so many years

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So I saw another doctor because I was still in a lot of pain and I wasn't giving up. I ended up having a exterior urethra polyp. My urine was burning my vulva skin that was causing my pain due to this polyp. The polyp has since been removed and I am back to normal. All these doctors thought it was group b strep that was causing my pain and my condition had actually nothing to do with GBS at all.
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Really interesting to see the similarities between myself and so many of the people posting here.

A bit of info on myself and what brought me here. I'm 30 years old (no children) and have suffered with Thrush for at least 8 years. Although not severe symptoms I have constantly had the cloudy/yellow discharge and infrequent itching. I don't often get ill but if I do it is always in my throat - tonsillitis,pharyngitis etc.
I started researching all my symptoms and read a lot about problems being related to an imbalance of flora/bacteria in the gut. Basically the problem starts in the gut and either works its way up to the throat or down. I do take Acidophilus but never notice a massive difference. However, I did once take a course of Kefir (a natural fermented goats milk which tastes gross!) as a probiotic and this did help.
More recently I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism caused by an auto immune disorder. (I noticed that a previous poster also had this). Basically the body attacks itself for some unknown reason and this can cause a weakened immune system. Not wanting to take medication I tried cutting out (or down on) caffeine,sugar,yeast and this had a hugely positive result on my levels. I do now take a very small dose of levothyroxine to help bump up my thyroid production.

I discovered I had a Strep B infection as I had wanted to get to the bottom of my thrush problem as my husband and I are planning to have children. My tests came back with high levels of Thrush but also a Strep B infection and I was prescribed with penicillin.
I'll be taking my acidophilus whilst taking the penicillin as i'm sure it will make my thrush worse! My doctor also gave me a pessary for the thrush to take after i've finished my course of antibiotics.
I'm also now taking a vitamin D supplement which aids the immune system.

I'll post again in a couple weeks to see how things have progressed.

I do believe that there is a link between gut flora/auto immune/infections such as Strep A/B.

It would be interesting to see if others have connected illnesses/symptoms etc.

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Hi! Just wondering if you've resolved your group B strep problem? I'm currently dealing with this and antibiotic aren't helping so I'm kinda panicking and wondering if anyone has gotten relief?
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Thanks for all the comments. I'd appreciate folks weighing in if they've had a similar experience because I'm getting a little frustrated.

I tested Group B negative with all my kids (oldest is now 11), but after a bout with BV and Strep Throat (A) and what was probably also a yeast infection, I found out that I was Group B positive last year around this time.

And here's the fun part: I found out because I had white spots on my tonsils and a UTI. From what I can gather, I was having oral sex with my boyfriend after he was inside me and I infected myself.

I had no other symptoms with the Group B other than the spots, but I just immediately took antibiotics and it never was an issue again for me. Or so I think. I wasn't really having sex because I got scared with all the BV and yeast infections happening.

Now I'm finding myself in a similar situation. I had Strep Throat (A) a few weeks ago and was on antibiotics, I had a weird late period, and now, here I am, with spots on my throat and no other symptoms. My educated guess is that it's Group B again (I had sex with my current boyfriend and then had oral sex).

The odd part is that I don't have any vaginal symptoms other than what I'd describe as a light yellow discharge that's thin and watery. No weird smell. No itching or any discomfort. But it's almost a constant for me unless I have my period. I've always chalked it up to hormones, but now I'm wondering.

So I'm wondering if I should start the antibiotics to be safe (I actually thought I had Strep A since my kids did last week, so when I started to feel a little off, I visited the dr -- online though, so no test). I probably will because I don't want to risk anything.

And, I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid of the Strep B. Clearly, I can make simple steps to not infect myself again during sex, but I would like to get rid of the infection that I assume I have and keep it out of my system for as long as possible.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I've only read a few stories about people passing Strep B during sex but then it's unclear as to whether it just goes away or not. I'm going to try some of the natural remedies too.


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Why are all you ladies just treating your vagina's. Do you realise that Strep B is also on your intestines?I believe I have had Step B for on and off for two years. I have it really bad at the moment and I cannot even go to work. I am on my second lot of antibiotics and they are not working. The doctor has given my third lot of antibiotics!  And he says if this does not work then I have to go the specialist. I have had night sweats, nausea, occasional vomiting, weakness and cramps and itchy ears which may be Strep? I have just bought coconut juice today and I hope if I drink it a few times during the day it may work. Fingers crossed!. This Strep has stopped me in my tracks.  Its so bad I had to call my boyfriend to pick me up fro the supermarket because I felt so ill! Are we all going to die if our antibiotics do not work!!!???
Yes... If  bacteria rule the world through resistance, nothing can stop them.
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Hi I have some questions, I was tested positive for vaginal strep 2 days ago and started taking penicillin today for the next 13 days, 4 x a day.

Does anyone have a strong opinion of where this disease comes from? Is it most likely sexually transmitted? My doctor says nobody knows where it comes from. ALSO, do I have to have my partner tested/ tell him about it? Could he have given it to me/ could I have given it too him? We haven't been dating that long. I'm 21 years old. Freaking out a little bit.
Thanks for all the posts! Helps me feel less alone because theres NOTHING else on the internet about this.
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Hi!  My problem seems to be in my anus and vaginal opening - nothing going on on the inside, no discharge or odor.  I've suffered with this for 6 years.....it's horrible.....I'm constantly searching for answers.....I feel like I acquired it from waaaay too many antibiotics, wrongly prescribed...modern medicine seems to say, when in doubt, have some antibiotics.....I've gotten relief from soaking in a sitz bath with water and apple cider vinegar or water mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide.....but, I couldn't survive (literally) without Vagicaine numbing cream from Target.....it's inexpensive and numbs the area - almost can forget you have it.....love and healing
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It makes me so sad to see so many of us suffering!!  Until we find a way to fix this, please know you can numb yourself with over the counter numbing cream - Vagicaine is a Target brand and is about $3.00 a tube - it's the only thing that has kept me alive and going.  

It stings at first, but, then.....relief, sometimes for hours.  I sometimes mix it with a probiotic powder  - I open up a pill and mix it in a small container I keep with me at all times.  I've had doctors tell me that Benzoicaine, (one of the ingredients) is not good for a va-jay, but, I believe that is just another fact they learned in medical school that they regurgitate, in all sincerity, not knowing why.....that, and, "here, have some antibiotics".

I completely quit using this particular numbing cream and tried another without Benzocaine to see if there was any improvement to see if there was any validity to the doctors claim claim......zero improvement.  So, if I can get numb to get some relief so I can do my job and not drive my car into a tree, I'm in....namaste, who knew having a vagina could be so painful, love and healing....
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For the last month I've been noticing milky white discharge and a slight oder that I could sometimes smell trough panties and pants as well as some itching. They started to ebb as my period approached. 1 week ago today I did my usual Brazilian waxing. Later that day, I douched with my typical brand I use before and after my period, and it burned like heck all inside of my vagina. I dismissed it as maybe they had changed their formula.

Later that night, my boyfriend (having not yet had a shower) and I had fairly rough sex for an hour straight and we were both quite raw. I noticed a small tear on the thin/tight skin at the bottom of my vaginal opening (where I often get tears from sex or hastily placing a tampon, etc), but I thought little of it. The next morning we were both still rather raw and it burned the tear/cut when I urinated. Later that day (Saturday), I was stuck in the cold pouring rain for 2 hours in very tight (non-cotton) leggings. Later that night, I started my period, but we decided to have sex again despite both of us being sore. He ejactulated inside of me for the first time, and I rinsed it out with warm water immediately. The next morning we were both even more sore and raw, and I noticed the burning was worse when urine hit the tear. I also noticed another small tear on the side of my vaginal opening. Urinating was becoming worse. I also noticed some yeast infection, so I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar baths every night and it eased the pain and the yeast went away. But the tears, itching and milking period blood discharged stayed.

Over the next few days, another tear appeared on the other side of my vagina but not directly across. Then I started swelling, and some of my hairs had started growing back and causing ingrowns, and I noticed even more tears appearing. The pain from urinating on them was causing me to nearly pass out. To the point I spend most days in tears, and can only pee when in  a bathtub full of warm water.

I finally got in to see a doctor (Wednesday) and explained what was happening. He took one look and said "these look herpetic."
I aske "really? Even though they aren't clustered together, aren't ulcers, aren't puss filled, and my last test since my last partner came back negative?"
He replied "the ingrown hairs are throwing me off. Do you wax INSIDE the labia/lips? Is that a thing?"
When I replied yes and that I'm most prone to ingrowns in that area, he said "then it might be BV. I'm going to take a swab test to be positive."
(I had found a post from a girl with identical symptoms and tears, who's doctor could never figure out what it was. They got it to go away with an antibiotic, antiviral and topical lidocaine for the pain)
He concluded my visit with saying it's probably just BV but taking blood work to run a full STD screening just to be safe as I am exposed to bodily fluids with my job. He prescribed me Doxycycline, Fluconazole, Valtrex, Metrogel, and lidocaine. He said I could wait on the Metrogel and get it if it doesn't clear up.

The last 2 days I have noticed more severe pain (not when I urinate as the lidocaine helps alleviate that) but from significant swelling and general pressure, as well as pain in and around my anus. Still no ulcers or clusters or typical herpes symptoms. The last 2 days I noticed flu like symptoms. Everything I've read points to about every single infection and disease and logic tells me it isn't herpes, but that seed of doubt is there that maybe my last test was negative and it's just been lying dormant in my system.

To add to my thoughts it might be bacterial and not viral, I haven't been taking my probiotics for a month as I normally do, been eating a ton of sugar and carbs everyday, douched (which can kill off the good bacteria that fight the bad), drinking more alcohol than normal, was in soaking wet tight clothes for 2+ hours, was ejaculated in (semen lowers the alkaline levels so your body has a harder time fighting infection/disease/cancer), and I'm already prone to candida overgrowth.

Just found out about GBS an hour ago. Am wondering if this is what I (as well as that girl from the other post) possibly have? Won't get my test results for another 5 days. Still in pain. Taking the medications WITH my probiotics
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Anti biotic with potassium.
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Hi, I've been reading this for a few hours and although I'm happy that I'm not the only one I am annoyed that since 2009!!! There is no proper cure, why would they only treat pregnant women these symptoms are putting me under so much stress and irritation all the time. It is all confusing me because a lot of people have been saying it all started after they've had sex, but apparently you can't catch it through sex, however I've been seeing trends of people saying their boyfriend has diabetes and they think it is something to do with that, my boyfriend has diabetes also, but I don't want to ask him to get checked for it unless it really could be something to do with him because it will just cause a big argument, I've already made him get an std check and after that he said he never wants me to make him do that again because "he knew he was all clear, and that I should just trust him... I'm 18 and I really don't want to have to go through this the rest of my life, I'm currently on my first treatment of penicillin, although I haven't completed the course yet I'm pretty sure it's not going to do anything for me after reading all of these comments. I'm sick and tired of this as I'm sure most of you are but if anyone has found a proper treatment not just vitamins and putting garlic up there as experiments, I don't have the money for all this experimenting I'm just wondering if anybody can give me some proper advice or if anybody has found a proper cure, I've read from 2009-2013 and after that they all sort of said the same... The symptoms I've got is the itchiness, pure white discharge, and irritation, sex hurts and not only is there the stress of dealing with this ideation but it's getting it in the ear all the time from my partner asking when can we have sex again. Another thing, this could just be me, but the smell of what I've got isn't bad but it's a distinctive one and i remember when I first had sex with my boyfriend it is the same smell as what he smelt like (down there) I didn't think anything of it because it isn't a bad smell it's kind of bland but it is still the same as what I've now got, however he has no symptoms so really don't want to bring it up unless I am right, and one last thing we use condoms all the time so can I really catch it off him from just just touching each other down there-  can you catch strep B and is there a cure??? Thanks  
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Hi guys,

Update from me: I'm still fighting this infection and it is worse than ever. Intercourse hurts very bad, I feel like I have glass in my vagina. I also have pain with urination. And still the thick white discharge. Will definitely update if I ever find a cure.
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Greetings Ladies, this evening I discovered these posts and I am very glad that there is so much information available; it provides the great opportunity to seek a solution. So far from what I have gathered strep b has nothing to do with strep a. It is a normally occurring bacteria in the lower intestine, that can become colonized and have negative effects if allowed to bloom when the bodies immune system is lowered and unable to keep its healthy bacteria at a 'normal' level. When strep b does in fact become colonized ( in either the female urinary tract, vagina , or men's urethra/ no pain accompanied for men) it often causes a series of side effects including: tenderness, swelling, redness, irritation, burning, itching and chunky, snotty, thick or creamy white, yellow or green discharge. It can also cause pain during sex, cramping, tingling, leg pain, back pain, irritability and anxiety and low self esteem(no doubt from prolonged symptoms). From what I can tell the bacteria seems to have patterns/waves/blooms where the infection can  become very intense and pervasive followed by periods of hibernation/ dormancy. The numbers of no. Pregnant GBS carriers in North America has risen from approx 4%to 7% in the last 20 years and is now being seen in young women who are not pregnant or have not been pregnant as opposed to earlier statistics where GBS mostly occurred in menopausal women or pregnant women. Studies - although very few - show that women of African descent are more suseptable. GBS sis not an STD , although it is believed by some medical practitioners to be triggered by sex. Although many women who have suffered yeast and vaginitis often become carriers of GBS  it does not mean that having yeast infections or vaginitis will ensure and increased risk of GBS. There is an undeniable link however, to women that have take. Antibiotics within the past 30 days and having GBS. So far from what I can tell this seems to be a vitamin/ hormonal imbalance issue that can mostly be fixed with regimented natural  remedies/diet/ supplementation and excersize. Two years ago I was very ill and went to the ER, it turns out I was disastrously I'll with a cervical infection and that I was pregnant . They gave me antibiotics that were so strong they insured my child would have severe birth defects. Unfortunately I could not carry my baby to term and underwent a severely traumatic time in my life. A few weeks later I received a phone call from the doctor who nonchalantly told me I had GBS but not to worry about it. The following years have been vaginal hell. Every clinic has treated me for bladder infections or cervical infections etc., it was not until a few hours ago that I realized how very real GBS Is and how completely uninformed the medical community at large is ( special thanks to any practitioners who stay relevant and updated). I will keep you posted on my healing journey and methods. Thanks to all good luck!
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Hi all, I am glad I have come across this site as I have just been diagnosed with a group B step infection.  However my infection is in my anus. I was wondering if anyone else has the infection there. The itch in that area and perineum is unbearable. It is itchy constantly, I wake most night a couple of times with the itch. I have had this itch for over 5 years and have tried every lotion and potion. Only last week did I ask the doctor to take a swab (after being to a dermatologist who couldn't do anything for me).  That test came back with GBS infection so I have been put on a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks.  I really hope this is what is causing the itch. Is anyone else experiencing this itch in the back end?
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Hi all, I am glad I have come across this site as I have just been diagnosed with a group B step infection.  However my infection is in my anus. I was wondering if anyone else has the infection there. The itch in that area and perineum is unbearable. It is itchy constantly, I wake most night a couple of times with the itch. I have had this itch for over 5 years and have tried every lotion and potion. Only last week did I ask the doctor to take a swab (after being to a dermatologist who couldn't do anything for me).  That test came back with GBS infection so I have been put on a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks.  I really hope this is what is causing the itch. Is anyone else experiencing this itch in the back end?
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
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