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White Discharge that isn't yeast

I've posted on this subject several times before, but I still have the same problem.  About a year ago, I noticed a thick, pasty white discharge.  It doesn't itch or have an odor and I have it constantly.  Several people have suggested it has something to do with my cycle, but it doesn't change. I've been to the doctor and it is not yeast.  The doctor calls it my "natural" dishcarge.  I can tell it's almost like shedding dead skin (sorry if TMI)  My biggest problem is the annoyance in general and mess after sex.  It's honestly just gross.  It's always present and I see it everytime I go to the bathroom.  I would do ANYTHING to get this to go away!  I have a very active healthy sexual relationship with my boyfriend, but I'm constantly worried and paranoid about this.  Someone suggested evening primrose, which I purchased, but have seen not results from.  Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated!
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134578 tn?1693250592
It sounds like an infection.  (If not yeast, then another kind.)  I assume you have been checked for bv, and for stds?  If you have and are certain it is none of these (in other words, you trust your doctor), have you tried douching with apple cider vinegar?  I am not a douching fan, but if this is really driving you nuts, you might try it.
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I was just at the doctor June 1st and got checked for everything.  I had a mild case of BV and was prescribed cream which cleared up the infection (that I didn't know I had) right away.  The white discharge was present before and is still, weeks after finishing the prescription.  I do not think the discharge and the BV are related.  I do trust my doctor.  I'm not a fan of douching either, but I may try this.  I'm willing to try anything at this point!
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It could be an overgrowth of the good bacteria, lactobacilli, which is called cytolytic vaginosis.  The lactobacilli raises the acidity of your vagina and causes cells to slough off which adds to the chunkiness of the discharge. The treatment is douching with baking soda. Seems archaic to me. I wish there was anything else.  

I've been suffering with these same symptoms for about two years. Negative for yeast over and over and nobody can tell me what to do. I HATE dealing with this. It makes me have so much anxiety about sex. The baking soda sort of helps, but I think you need to be super consistent with it. Douching a lot scares me, but I don't know what else to do.
Heather, has anyone tested you for bacterial vaginitis or STDs (if you are at risk)?

There are some things that may be happening to cause this that aren't infections - reactions to detergent, scented or printed toilet paper, non-cotton underwear, pantyhose/tights, scented soaps or body washes, the wind blowing a certain way...

The vagina is a self-cleaning oven, so to speak, so you really don't need soaps or washes (if you use those). Just use a washcloth externally. Use "free" detergents - Tide Free, All Free, etc. Use unscented and unprinted toilet paper. Wear only 100% cotton panties. I can only wear panties that have a white crotch, but you may have different results.

If you already know this and/or do this, then I apologize. :(
134578 tn?1693250592
Good luck!
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134578 tn?1693250592
I just looked up some sites under "douche cider vinegar" and found recipes for douches that were as strong as half vinegar, half water and as weak as one tablespoon to a half-quart of water.  So there is some room for experimenting.  I tend to trust vinegar more than any other douching substance...the only time I ever needed to douche was to clean out some medicine, and I used a big syringe body to insert it while sitting on the toilet.  Bounced up and down a couple of times (in my imagination, shaking up the water and swishing it around to clean me out LOL) and then sucked it out with the syringe body again.  It's an easy way to do it, just move the pump rather slowly so you don't create high pressure either way (in or out).  Again, good luck!
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I have the exact same problem and I'm honestly at my wit's end.  I've had this discharge for more than a year now.  I've gone to 3 different gynos and I've tried everything.  A few years ago, I had a few mild cases of BV and took metrogel---  then last May, I thought I had BV again with this discharge and I took the metrogel again but nothing changed.  I've tried several different antibiotics, both vaginal and oral, I've done Monistat and Diflucan... I even had one doctor prescribe boric acid pills for a month.  I tried plain yogurt at one point, but that didn't help either.

The most frustrating part about this is that every time I go to my doctor, my cultures come up negative for everything.  No yeast, no trich, no indication of BV.  I'm beginning to wonder if this is because of the ortho tricyclen I've been on for more than three years.  I asked one of my doctors who said it was a possibility, but he refused to tell me to stop taking a birth control pill because he was very concerned about pregnancy. Bu I've had the same partner for 4 years and we stopped having vaginal sex a long time ago because of this, so there's really no threat of pregnancy here since sex is essentially impossible.  The discharge persists....  Any ideas?  I'm hesitant to douche with anything though because I'm concerned about causing a worse infection and/or PID.
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I have been having the same problem for the longest time and like you I hate it. It's a major embarrassment. I have done a lot of research on it and have found nothing worth looking into, I have gone to the gynecologist and the results keep coming back negative. But I have found something I think you might be interested to research. It's called LEUCORRHOEA also commonly known as "The whites". Im in this with you so don't feel alone but look into it and hopefully this is the answer we have both been looking for.
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Hello, I have had this same problem for 2 years now and finally i found out how to get rid of it.  I ****** with 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water for about 7 days and i disappears. I also use acidophilus tablets to keep the flora down there up to par.  I'm not a fan of douching either but after using the hydrogen peroxide i don't feel dry or striped down there. The white discharge usually goes away around day 3 or 4 but i continue to 7 just to be proactive.
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Does the hydrogen peroxide kill the good bacteria as well? Also, do you take the acidophilus orally or vaginally? Thanks!
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1270443 tn?1270543612
i have a problem my discharge is white pasty when ever i put my finger in my vergina it comes out crumble and i can roll it up with my finger my doctor told me that i have chlamydia and i was treated and i'm taking a antibiotic called APO-METRONIDAZLOE to clean out wat ever leaves in my system i'm a bit scared and i don't really trust my doctor. from i come to know myself i've been trying so hard to keep myself away from things like these, u can't trust anyone not even ur partner.
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I've had the same problem for most of my life. Since puberty. I've gone through many gynos, specialists, medications etc. nothing has ever helped. Im 26 now, and this has been going on since I was 11/12. I totally feel your frustration. It's terribly embarrassing and nothing helps. Within 2 hours of a shower it's back. It's no std, no infection everything always comes up negative (though I do have a history of BVs. They all go away quick but the discharge stays. The latest round of gynocologist appointments left me with "you're just going to have to learn to live with it"
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I've had the same problem for most of my life. Since puberty. I've gone through many gynos, specialists, medications etc. nothing has ever helped. Im 26 now, and this has been going on since I was 11/12. I totally feel your frustration. It's terribly embarrassing and nothing helps. Within 2 hours of a shower it's back. It's no std, no infection everything always comes up negative (though I do have a history of BVs. They all go away quick but the discharge stays. The latest round of gynocologist appointments left me with "you're just going to have to learn to live with it"
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I suddenly went back to sweet tea Snapple and v8 instead of water on a daily basis; when you drink or eat certain foods I've notice the white thick pasty order less discharge pops up.. More water!!!
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I've too been suffering with this problem for just under a year. I've been swabbed for all infections and STI's and all have come back negative, I was told to bath in salt water, but this had no effect on the amount or thickness I was experiencing! I've also had external and ultra sound scans but still no diagnosis! I am now being reviewed by the 7th gynaecologist in 10months and I fear that this is something I will have to live with. Its such an annoyance! and has completely put me off any sexual encounters due to embarrassment, if anyone can shed any light on this condition I would be extremely grateful!!
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17572274 tn?1457959775
I had a similar problem when I was younger and in the last couple of years, it's gone away. I was told the same, no infections, no std's and perfectly natural. I learned to deal with it over the years.

I am not sure of your age but I am 42 and I will say that right around the time the issue stopped I changed my diet but I also had a hysterectomy.  I eat next to no processed foods, whole grain breads only, brown rice and no pastas. I also eat greek yogurt daily for the probiotics it has. Our bodies naturally have yeast and it's an overgrowth that is a 'yeast infection', maybe you are just on the cusp of what they would consider an infection. Try changing your diet for a couple of weeks and see that helps.  Hydration can play a huge factor as well.

Just a few thoughts for you.
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I am 33 years old. I have been dealing with this exact problem since I was 29 years old. I have a white thick pasty discharge which lso makes me very dry and It has no smell.  The doctors keep telling me I have BV or yeast infection but the symptoms that I have are very different from those. I feel helpless. I am a single mom and all I want to do is get married and enjoy this normal sex life.  This problem is preventing me from a future that I want and is depressing. I have been doing a lot of research I have learned that yeast and discharge and balance can come from diet. Eating foods that are highly asked acidic and maintaining an alkaline diet helps.  The only private about it I have discovered to thin out my east a little bit is pearls yb.  I noticed when I take two of these pills my yeast thins out. I recently read that taking 5 billion instead of 1 billion which the pill each pill contains will help f i've recently read that taking 5 billion instead of 1 billion which the pill each pill contains will help fight east and bacteria balance out the flora. I have not attempted this yet but pearls want to be seems to be the only thing that has helped me a little but the problem is still bad, so maybe if I take more pearls might be it will help heal me. There has also been studies that show people who are low in vitamin D are more prone to bacterial vaginosis. Ive also read that not being low in vitamin A,B,C and E and taking fish oil is very important to battle these types of symptoms. There is a few books out there called the Canada free diet cleanse. Its supposed to put your body back in order,  some of these consist of doing a three or four day juice cleanse where you're only drinking vegetable juice and not fruit juice and not eating.  Drinking tons of water also helps me but I've also read that I need to alkalize my water bite be adding pH balance drops to distilled water. I have actually read that this has cured some women or just adding lemon juice to their water also balances the pH. Drinking regular water doesn't really help decent symptoms supposedly. I realize that you said that this is not yeast or BV and I dont think mine is either, but hopefully my research will help you. there is a few books out there called the Canada free diet cleanse. Its supposed to put your body back in order. I realize that you said that this is not yeast Bv and I dont think mine is either, but hopefully my research will help you   I don't think I have done any of these things consistently to see if any of them work.  Starting this week I'm going to try something new every week. First I was start with increasing my probiotic intake and drinking pH balance water and staying away from sugars and processed foods. Pray for me and I'll pray for you that hopefully we find something that works God bless!
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Did any of this work or get rid of the discharge?
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Does anyone take cymbalta?
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I went through the same, the doc will tell me that's my natural discharge. I will cry everything bc I knew my body and nobody will believe me. I start doing my research and the way I controlled it is by changing my diet, taking vitamins and supplements, and change some of my habits. I stopped eating refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, this meant no sodas, no bread, no pasta or anything that I knew fell into that category.also I focused on consuming things that will Balance my ph levels and make it more alkaline, my breakfast is plain Greek yoghurt with cashews and berries. Some of the supplements that I still take is propellant, which are probiotics with the right lactobacilus to balance your vaginal ph, they are a little bit pricey but they are worth it, they take some time to make effect but it works.also I started taking vitamin D and fish oil. As far as my habits that I changed, drink more water, exercise, sleep with no underwear and after exercising change your underwear as soon as possible.I also stopped using tampons when on my period. A main thing, learn to read labels for the food that you consume, there is a lot of  sugar on things that you do not  expect. For me all of this worked, I followed to the T this and it definitely helped me with the discharge, I barely stopped with the diet but I am thinking of starting again. This worked for me, and I would recommend to at least try it.
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Probiotics name is probella. You can find it behind the counter at Walgreens. You do not need prescription
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I have the same.. Search up Cytolytic vaginosis.. I believe this is what we have.. They say hydrogen peroxide douche twice a week will help
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I have a similar discharge and have tested negative for all stds. After doing hours and hours of research I stumbled across some information suggesting that using 3% hydrogen peroxide as a douche helps to completely eliminate this discharge (as well as odor from bacteria vaginitis, fortunately I do not suffer from bv so I cannot confirm whether or not that is true). I was a bit hesitant to actually douche with hydrogen peroxide in fear of getting a yeast infection, so while I was in the shower I washed with water, "scooped" out as much discharge as possible (sorry if that was TMI) then poured 3% hydrogen peroxide onto my fingers and rubbed it inside my vagina (again, sorry if that was TMI). I did this on a Tuesday night, Wednesday morning, again Wednesday evening and the discharge was completely gone by Thursday night. I hope this helps :)
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I have been having this problem for a year and a half. Every doctor and test say I'm normal but its annoying and irritated. Pasty discharge has practically no smell, is always better right before my period and worse right after so I have ordered ph test strips so I can keep a close watch. I appreciate you Giving this Tmi because I can relate and honestly my research keeps bringing me back to the same conclusion that I am too alkaline and to try the hydrogen peroxide solution 3%. I was nervous to try it too but I am going to anyway and will update on the results.
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I too have been struggling with this exact problem. Sorry if this is TMI but sometimes it does have an odor. Anytime I get it checked out I am told the same thing "No STI, no infection, etc." I have been struggling with this issue everyday that I am not menstruating, and since I was 16. I am near 20 now and have not been able to stop this. It is embarrassing and annoying! I wish I could tell you that it is a natural thing, but even I can't believe that. If you have any insight to stopping this issue please let me know ASAP!
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After 8 years I think I have found what works for me. Every couple of months, having a dose of Flagyl (for BV) some girls are just prone to reoccurrence with this stuff, it is the only thing which balances me. I have also discovered Ethical Nutrients Candex tablets - and I love them. Take one every night before you go to sleep, they are specially designed to balance flora in women and control Candida count, My discharge has never been more normal. If I have to take a dose of Flagyl every few months so be it. This is the best I've felt and I actually feel like I could have sex again without feeling like I have to douche before hand xx hope this helps someone else
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I've been using boric acid suppositories that I make myself. I use boric acid ( ant and roach killer) and I put it inside of empty gel caps, that you can purchase at the drug store. I insert it using the little plastic tube that you get for yeast infection creams, just so that I can get it as far back as possible. I do this before I go to bed. It's simple and there's no big mess. My discharge has cleared up drastically. I would love to say that it's a cure, but I notice after my period the symptoms do return, but the amount is not as much, so I just repeat the process. I hope this helps
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My problems were as simple as getting a tooth pulled your mouth is the key factor in a healthy vagina visit your dentist and watch how your vagina will thank you
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Have you been tested for hpv? I have high risk hpv detected since a rape, I’m devestated cause my vag has not been the same since. My gyn said hpv won’t be causing the discharge itch and burn but hpv can cause those symptoms, esp low risk wart kind. But doc said you don’t know you have low risk until you get warts. I’m afraid that’s what’s causing my problems. I was normal before the rape and now hpv and these horrible symptoms:(;(
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