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Yeast infection that won't go away.....or something else????

Ok ladies, I need some serious help/advice.  About 2 months ago I had this terrible itchy feeling in and outside my vagina that I thought was a yeast infection.  I couldn't get into the doctor right away so I took Monistat 3.  For some reason I didn't use the 3rd night but felt fine after a few days and my symptoms were gone for a few weeks.  Then it came back, just much less severe but won't go away.  There is hardly any discomfort on the outside only a tiny bit of burning every once and while.  It's a very subtle itch up inside that comes and goes and seems to come on later on in the day.  I have been to the doctor several times and at first she said she didn't see anything.  But when I still had the feeling she took a sample, saw a little bit of yeast,gave me a Diflucan pill, which seemed to work but then the symptoms came back a week later and I decided to try another dosage of Monistat 3.  During this I got a UTI and went in to get antibiotics for it, which cleared it up.  However, I still had the itch and again, went back to the doctor.  She took another sample and didn't see any yeast but saw some white blood cells which indicates an infection and gave me the Terazole cream to treat different strains of the yeast.  I took it all and it hasn't seemed to change anything.  I have been tested for everything else (STD's and BV) and everything is negative along with a normal pap.  I'm not on the pill, other antibiotics and don't douche or use scented tampons, pads, etc...any ideas on different treatments or what else it could be?  I'm starting to go crazy!...
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Hi I'm with princesscamy on her post. Often times the itching may seem like it's yeast when it's really bacterial. Eating the wrong foods cause yeast. I have had this ongoing curse for the past 8 years. often times I have gone to the doctor and they do not see anything which is extremely frustrating to me, because I feel really sick. Once in a while they will see something and give me antibiotics, which of course causes yeast.
I cannot eat ANYTHING that has sugar in it. Not even natural. No fruits, no carrots, no carbohydrates, nothing processed. I have become label reading crazy. I cannot eat anything that has 1 gram of sugar in it. I've also learned from reading books on yeast that it lives in your digestive system. I literally go crazy because when the yeast comes I feel it coming out of my skin, fingers and toes. My scalp gets super dry and super flakey and my face gets really bad Rosecea I literally want to jump out of my skin. I can only eat meats, salads (with no dressings) and vegetables (that don't natually have sugar in them like squash) I've been taking Oil of Oregano because I heard that natually kills fungus and parasites. They had also recommended I take Grapeseed Extract to kill the bacteria but it causes out of control yeast in me. So I stopped. I noticed that the Oil of Oregano also causes me yeast but it's not as bad as the Grapeseed Extract.

I was also overdosing on Acidopholus and it was a great way to keep the bacteria and yeast controlled but it does not make it go away. Also I have found that I'm allergic to it. So that doesn't help. It's supposed to help you digest better but it really constipates me and causes all my glands to hurt, from my legs to my underarms, to my neck glands. Because I get constipated it makes me nauceas all the time.

I'm still super duper frustrated because it does not let me live a normal life. I cannot enjoy sex, or socialize with friends as I cannot eat or drink anything.
I will try the Pau de Arco to see if that helps, because the only times that it has gone away for a few months is when the doctor has prescribed 2000 miligrams of Metronizadole/Flagyl and even then it comes back. This treatment is for Trichamoniasis. Although I have not had Trichamoniasis this has been the best treatment I have found so far. But the metalic taste in the mouth last for days and it makes me super sick.

When doctors have not been able to see anything under the microscope I have turned to holistic healing. I found Theta Healing has worked the best and the fastest. Sometimes Instantly. But it got expensive and I stopped clearing and it came back. What I've come to learn is that guilt causes bacteria and resentments cause yeast. I'm very emotional so I internalize a lot of strong emotions. I'm curious to know if any other women have paid attention to their emotions and have noticed any recurring emotions right before their most uncomfortable times???

Also if there are any doctors or naturopaths that would like to shed any light on this. I know my case is extreme but I want to feel good again myself.
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I'm pregnant with my third child and have been having a yeast infection for a month and a half.  It's driving me crazy.  I tried a generic monistat 3 day treatment and it didn't work.  My OB has prescribed me medicine twice already and it hasn't helped too much.  My question is, I've been too sore to have sex most days but my husband and I have had sex probably four or five times in the last month and a half.  I didn't know I could pass it to him and then he'd give it back to me.  How do we know if he has the yeast infection?  And if he does have it how do we get rid of it?  I'm so tired of being sore-  PLEASE help!!!
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Did any of you ladies think about vulvodynia it has some of the same reactions very hard to get rid of .Well there is no cure you just have to try and control the out breaks which is very difficult to do! I have been suffering with this for about 10yrs now,and I have high oxcolate in the food you eat can cause it to flare up more.Look up on the enternet the vulvar pain foundation they will give you the foods you should stay away from.also be careful the laudry soap and body soap you use it can make a huge difference! And stress is really bad so try to cut down on stress in your life.OH and no tight clothing that will really start it up well thats about all i have to say for now I really hope it helps you.rily
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I have had a yeast infection for the past 3 months... I tried everything. All the prescriptions, every Monistat, yogurt, garlic, probiotic supplements, cutting out carbs... nothing worked. I finally am seeing some improvement with BORIC ACID SUPPOSITORIES. Apparently you do not need a prescription to get them.. you can fill them yourself somehow or get them at a pharmacy. I had a nurse practitioner call a pharmacy for me and order them. My instructions are to insert 1 suppository for 14 nights, and then for 2 weeks after that insert 1 suppository 3X a week. It has been one week since I started and it seems that the yeast is almost gone. I think the last week will definitely take care of it, and then the 2 weeks after will prevent it from coming back. (Knock on wood!) If you haven't tried this yet, I highly recommend it. It was MUCH less irritating than any Monistat, and also less messy. The first night I had watery discharge (wear a pad), but now there is only some discharge in the morning when I first stand up, and then hardly any throughout the day. I'm fine wearing only a panty liner. I feel like there might be a little irritation from the suppository, but it's hardly noticeable.

Good luck to everyone! I hope you find relief as well!
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I have the same symptoms as you eg: cottage cheese like discharge and odour. have you come to any conclusions yet?
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I had a yeast infection over a month ago that went away right away with one dose of difflucan.  Then, 2 weeks later it came back and this time I tried to difflucan.... twice... and tried monistat 1... after all this the internal itch is gone but there is a persistant external itch!!  My doctor told me to use hydrocortisone cream mixed with canesten external cream... i've been using that for weeks (and am now using nothing hoping it will go away by itself).  Has anybody ever had trouble getting rid of an external itch?   I can even feel it when I'm walking around, it seems as though my clothes are irritating the problem (Even though their really lose!! and 100% cotton!!!)  I'm not sure what to do!!

ps- I  am not sexually active ...........
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