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brown discharge few days before period

For the last few months I noticed about 4 days before my period I have a brownish discharge.  I have no pain or blood with it and no strange smells.  It is the strangest thing.  After a few days of this I will get my period.  It's like a warning signal.  My period is the same as always.  I just have this stupid discharge.  Please help.
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16085640 tn?1447960850
I know this is an old post but thank you. You have given me hope. I saw some very light pink specks of discharge in the toilet and thought I was going crazy. My Af is due to come tomorrow. I just tested and it was bfn again. So I will have to wait. I'm not out yet. Thank you again.
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16085640 tn?1447960850
I know this is an old post but thank you. You have given me hope. I saw some very light pink specks of discharge in the toilet and thought I was going crazy. My Af is due to come tomorrow. I just tested and it was bfn again. So I will have to wait. I'm not out yet. Thank you again.
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I have a brown discharge, too, can't remember for how long now. It is ususally 2-4 days before the full menstrual flow.
We have been ttc for 18 months now, so far all tests (my blood and partner's semen) have been ok.
I understand there could be several things causing this, but the main thing I can't find an answer to is: does this brown discharge count as the start of your cycle, so is the first day of brown discharge the first day of my cycle? Or does it only start when I am fully bleeding? I am due to have another blood test on day 21 of my cycle before they check my fallopian tubes, so I am not quite sure when to start counting and it might make a difference...

thanks, B.
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Sounds like you may simply have a low lying bacterial infection.  It won't show up on a regular lab test, but it did cause my brown spotting. I had this for 6 years or so, and eventually dealt with blocked tubes, endometriosis and infertility as a result. All docs said it was normal, since many women have this spotting. Not a good reason in retrospect!!  Many docs would attribute it to polyps or endometriosis, but it would never go away despite removal. Hind sight being 20/20, they simply didn't see all my subtle symptoms or ask the right questions about my history, nor would they have known how to interpret it. I finally came across Dr. Toth just by luck, a pathologist and OB - a friend gave me his book (now available online for free!) and it pretty much described my history and symptoms to a t.  Good luck! Here's his website: http://www.fertilitysolution.com/
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I have the same problem and despite several polyp removals, it still happens. :,( We have been trying for 3 years. We've had 4 failed IUIs, laproscopic surgery and tried other things. Is there a test for low-lying bacterial infection? Were you able to have a baby?
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Whilst having sex with my boyfriend the condom split, he pulled out and did not ejaculate inside me. I took a morning after pill (the next day) about a week and a half ago. My period is due round about now, in this week. it is never on a set date, just roughly around the 15th-end of the month. I have a brown discharge, what could this mean? I use to get this before me period a few years ago though.
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Whilst having sex with my boyfriend the condom split, he pulled out and did not ejaculate inside me. I took a morning after pill (the next day) about a week and a half ago. My period is due round about now, in this week. it is never on a set date, just roughly around the 15th-end of the month. I have a brown discharge, what could this mean? I use to get this before me period a few years ago though.
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Did you ever find out what it was I'm having the same problem nowI had the same thing did you ever find anything out
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im discharge brown...it not a period im on my way to the hospital it could be anything but if im pragnant i hope this dont hurt my baby tell you what happen when i come back....
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I am 32 years old and I had brown discharge 5 days before my period and it had about two specks of light pink duscharge as well. I felt that my period was coming early as I was having period like cramps. My husband and I had been ttc for abt 2 years and last year we turned to fertility treatments. I had two failed IUI's, one failed IVF cycle and one failed FET cycle. I had never had brown discharge ever and searched the net to find out that it could be implanttation bleeding. I got very excited and my period was supposed to come on the 25/07/10 but it didn't. I waited two days as I am never late and found out that I was pregnant. I am four weeks pregnant now and have learnt that it happens when we stop trying and are not stressed.

We are still in shock as this was a surprise so all I can say is that hang in there everyone and it will all work out in good time. When the time is right it'll happen. Lots of baby dust to everyone who are ttc.

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Lovely. All thanks to God.
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I have the same thing and it freaks me out because my period suppos to start November 23rd but i have brown discharge and its Nov14th and it was yesterday and looks like it stopped today...so do u think its normal to have brown discharge about 10 days before period for only 1-2 days? and i dont have my period yet dont know whats wrong cant ask anyone please anyone help....
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i have the same thing! It started happening a few months ago. Actually after i started taking women's one a day.  I haven't called my doctor yet, I think I should tho, considering My husband and I are going to start ttc after the first of the year.
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Well I went back to the doctor,this last monday and in my case, my problem is that I don't ovulate correctly because of my imbalanced hormones. So he said that whenever I decide to have babies,I should notify so he would put me on a treatment (Clomid) so I can ovulate correctly.

Also he had me change contraceptive pills because Yaz is to low on hormones for me... we'll see!!!
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I experience the same thing - 3-5 days before my period I get a brown discharge.  That is how i know I have not gotten pregnant.  We have been trying since Feb and nothing yet.  Not sure if this has anything to do with it or not.  It seem like others are experiencing the discharge too.  
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I am 31 yrs old. I' ve been having brown discharge for over two years now, have visit 4 different doctors, have had all kinds of medical tests and thank god everything is negative and they say I am completely healthy.The last doctor I went said the same thing the other dr.'s said that i have hormonal imbalance and he put me on Yaz,this is my first month on the pill and still had the spotting for 23 days including days before,during and after my period. Actually tomorrow im supposed to have my period, but im actually spotting since yesterday! My only worry is if I will be able to get pregnant!! im going to be on the pill for 3 months to see if it regulates my ovulation then start looking for babies!
Has anyone else had this problem and has been able to get pregnant??!!
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I have the same thing happen a few days beofre my period. It seems to be just excess lining of the uterus I suppose and that my body doesn't necessarily take the signal from the brith control that it is time for my menses. I also think this could be perhaps that fact of an inbalance in hormones and maybe that I need stronger hormonal brith control. Anyone have any opinions?
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well i got brown discharge like the day before my period its like the 1st time it happpened then i got my period.most of the time it happens after. its weird.
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A slight brown discharge before your period is perfectly normal.  Blood that has been exposed to oxygen turns brown so I wouldn't been concerned about the colour of the discharge.  You're body is preparing itself to expel blood and lining so it may release a little bit just prior to your period.  If it seriously concerns you, then check it out with a doctor.  But I have had my period for many years now and my period never starts full-blown.  I usually get a bit of a brown discharge and then it starts a day or so later.
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I have the exact same thing.  I had a scan just to check lining thickness (normal) a few years ago.  I then had a baby and didn't have a period for two years.  when it finally came back and settled down I get this pre-menst bleeding.  I've had it for a year now and the doctor seems to think it's just me.  I've read it can be a heap of things from hormonal imbalance to endo to nasty things.
You should get it checked out at least once I reckon before assuming it is normal for you.
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I have the same thing!! Thats how i know my ttc efforts haven't worked yet again:(
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