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friable cervix, bleeding during sex, long periods, normal pap smears

HI! I have been having a problem of bleeding during intercourse for almost 2 years now. I have been to 3 OB-GYN. The first one did a pap smear and tests for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, and all came out normal. But since there were WBCs in my result, she gave me antibiotics. This somehow lessened the bleeding, but it kept on recurring. There was a time, she didnt know what to do, and thought that I might have been allergic to the condom we were using. And so she shifted me to contraceptive pills. But it still occurred. Just recently, I went to another OB-GYN, and she diagnosed me with "friable cervix". SHe treated my cervix with silver nitrate, and although it helped a bit (i didn't have bleeding for one month, during intercourse), it came back. There would also be times my period would come earlier whenever I'd have intercourse. The bleeding would occur during intercourse, wouldn't stop, and would lead to my prolonged menstrual period. Also, my husband and I have been trying to conceive a child for almost 5 months now, and I feel like that this friable cervix is the reason why we are having a problem getting pregnant.
1. What can be the cause of my friable cervix? I've had 2 normal pap smears within the past year and a half, already. What further work-up should I ask my doctor to do?
2. Can this friable cervix be the cause of our difficulty to get pregnant, given that my pap smears have been normal in the past?
Thanks. I hope someone answers my question, since I have been so frustrated with this condition of mine.
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Hi, I have had the same problem for about 6 or 7 years now. I bleed often while having sex- some days there is no bleeding, but other days my sheets look like I've just been murdered! Luckily my partner is very supportive and it doesn't bother him. I went to the gyno this week after years of avoiding the issue (I know, stupid of me). Some days the bleeding is accompanied by excruciating pelvic pain that radiates to my rectum. The pain keeps me in fetal position for a good hour until it subsides. The last time I went to the gyno, my cervix was noted to be friable- bled instantly after being touched during the pelvic exam. I find that I bleed most if my partner and I attempt doggy style, as I imagine he is hitting my cervix and causing the bleeding. I'm tired of ruining all my sheets and not knowing exactly why it's happening. The gyno took a culture and instructed me to go for a transvaginal ultrasound to figure out what's going on. I can't help but freak myself out about the possibility of cancer or infertility, but it helps reading everyone else's stories on here. When I was younger, I never completed by Gardasil vaccination so I'm pretty sure I have HPV, which I wouldn't be surprised is causing the problem. I'm hoping the ultrasound and pap smear give some light on what the problem is.
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I have had the same issues for the last two years. I have recently had cryotherapy to hopefully resolve the issue. I know how embarrassing this issue can be so a little tip: natural sea sponges! There's ton of articles on them and you can buy them online or at a natural store in the make up section just make sure they are the natural ones and disinfect with water and tea tree oil. They are small and you insert before sex and your partner will not notice as its a sponge. The sponge will absorb any spotting and you don't have to explain or be embarrassed and they can stay in uo til twelve hours, people use them as alternatives to tampons or for period sex but if you have a friable cervix they become a life saver! Look it up and try it
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I am in the same boat,  been tested and cleared of everything,  pap tests are normal and I have bleeding after sex,  if it hits the cervix,  I bleed,  so missionary position is not good,  as I bleed more that way,  I live in Canada, so not sure where I can buy this sponge, is there a name for it.  I had one doctor tell me I have a sensitive cervix and it should be coterized, I hate this,  it messes up my sheets I need to use a towel when I have sex,  and it doesn't always happen,  just in those certain positions.... Sigh
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I have had the same problem since I was about 20. I am now 38.
I was on the pill since I was 17 ( combined). Once I started spotting during sex, I had no idea as to what my was my period and what was spotting, except that I was bleeding more on my 1 week break on the pill. Yet I still managed to get pregnant. I miscarried before I even knew.
After many different kinds of pills, including one progestogen only pill( that worked but was then taken off the market), my family planning clinic put me on Depo Provera. I remained on Depo for 12 years! I did have a 1 year break only because I was in a country where it wasn't available, and all the spotting symptoms and heavy periods returned. I finally came off all contraception 3 years ago. And of course, the bleeding returned.
It was only 2 years ago, when I decided to try for a baby that a new Gynae diagnosed me with friable cervix. I had the silver nitrate and anti biotic treatments for a about 4 months. It always stopped the bleeding for the month that I had treatment but it would usually return whenever I stopped treatment. So I gave up and stopped altogether.
I was also told that I had stenosis of my cervix which would make it difficult to conceive. The main symptom I noticed after stopping treatment for a long period, is that i now have spotting after sex (after ovulation) which lasts for 2 weeks and is followed by 48 hours of extreme flooding and clots. So I am guessing that this is down to the stenosis.
I did get pregnant (very easily) again, but I miscarried again after 7 weeks. I also developed a simple cyst on my ovary after the miscarriage.
I am now almost afraid to try again for fear of miscarriage, but my clock is ticking.
I have researched that depo provera has been linked to cervical stenosis. But I have also found that there are no progestogen only pills available.
I am absolutely full sure, after dealing with this problem for almost 20 years of my life, that this is a hormonal imbalance. I have never had an STD.
So I am going to ask my doctor to put me on a progestogen only pill for a few months, and hope that this will clear things up. Hopefully then I can get pregnant again and hold the pregnancy to full term.
A word of warning, if anyone prescribes Depo Provera to you for this condition, I would not take it hastily. I and my doctor both feel it has played a huge role in my worsening conditions over the years.
I wish you all the best. It is not a nice condition to have and lets hope someone finds a real cure for this soon.
My advise, eat whole food, keep your progestogen and estrogen levels balanced ( we all have too much estrogen), do yoga, acupunture, exercise and try the lily cup instead of pads and tampons. I just got mine last month. At least it can be used for spotting,so you don't notice the symptoms as much. It also saves a fortune!
Sending hugs and well wishes to you all
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A previous commenter I think was right -- some of us may have cervical ectropian or cervical erosion. Check these out this site out (when you get to the page search the page for "ectropian":


And check this out:

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Hi. I just wanted to say I've had a similar problem, bleeding during intercourse, sometimes quite alarmingly for over 20 years. I have been antibiotic'd zapped, creamed and frustrated many times.
I was married for 25 yrs and he got used to it. He had to! Since my divorce I've had another relationship during which time it seemed to get worse. Maybe because he was a bit younger than my ex?!
I have recently been told by my gynae that I have a small raised blood vessel just under the surface of my cervix.It bleeds on contact. Maybe the cause.
However, things have recently got a lot better since I started using a decent amount of artificial lubrication before kick off. Rarely bleeds now. A very simple, unexpected result. It just reduces the friction enough for me I think. Worth a try! Nothing to lose.
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Hi there, I am glad I found this group - I had some bleeding during sex and after I went to a specialist for a completely different reason (ovarian cysts) I asked her about it and she said it was an ectropian.  I've been to a different specialist now three times, two for the silver nitrate (which didn't work the first time, and worked the second time for only about a month).  I just had the laser treatment which they tell me is more permanent (I hope so!).  Just started dating a new guy too and the first couple of times we slept together there was no bleeding but the bleeding came back recently.  He was understanding, but is still curious and eager to get back in "the sack".  The laser treatment has a 4 week recovery period (meaning no sex) and I hope he is patient.  He has been great about it so far, but I always wonder.  This bleeding is very frustrating for that reason.  I hope this laser treatment fixes it for me!   I haven't been on Birth Control for a while ( it is just incompatible with my body, causes spotting, headaches, irritability and general feelings of awfulness) - I tried three different kinds over the course of a year before my boyfriend at the time and I agreed we should just switch to condoms.   So that's my story, I thought I would share it, hopefully it can help someone else go through this very frustrating thing!
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My gynecologist has prescribed an estrogen cream which is applied vaginally. Estrogen depletion can be a cause for a friable cervix (thinning of the skin on the cervix) so adding back estrogen via a cream can help. Ensure you've had a pap to rule out other issues. Due to fibroids I've been on low dose estrogen pill plus progestin to eliminate my periods. My dr believes the low dose estrogen pill is what might be causing the thinning of the cervical skin which then is prone to bleeding. This all seems reasonable and logical so I'll be trying the estrogen cream (Estrace). You're not alone.
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My doctor prescribed this for me and im 32 and worried. I am not on any birth control or anything...but I've been having cervicitis on and off for 2 years with no bacterial cause. All they find in my discharge is "normal flora" yet my cervix is inflamed and i have lots of wbc. Did this work for you?
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It is very comforting knowing that other women are experiencing this problem also. I don't wish it upon anyone, but I felt very alone before I read all of these posts. I am thankful and glad to say that a friable cervix is all that is it. Googling "bleeding during sex" DID NOT help!! I was worried for 5 days over this.. praying that is wasnt cancer or anything else. My grandmother (my mother's mom) died from uterine cancer and my aunt (my mother's sister) had it in her fallopian tubes, but fought it, luckily. Having the history in my family made me more of a wreck. I am 28 years old and have never had bleeding during sex with any of my partners I have been with in the past. I did however have light spotting throughout my cycle in my past when I was on the pill. Once I got off, the spotting stopped and it was never during sex anyway. I am NOT currently on the pill and haven't been since a year and a half ago. In April I started dating a new guy (who by the way is well-endowed, unlike my ex-boyfriend) and I started bleeding during sex. It started out as light bleeding, but then would get heavy every so often. I NEVER experience pain with the bleeding and it goes away right after. I saw the gyno in June and he told me I had an inflamed cervix and prescribed me some cream. I used the cream and it didn't seem to work. I called the doc office and the nurses told me I needed to give it time to heal. I really didn't listen because my boyfriend works out of town during the week so when he is in we want to fool around. My annual was last Thursday, Sept. 5th and the doctor took a biopsy along with my pap after telling him I am still having issues. I explained to him the previous weekend I bled heavy during sex the one day then two days later we had sex again and it was barely there! I finally got the results today.. NO cancer, NO STD's and NO infections.. I was informed that I have a sensitive or friable cervix. I am going in to see him within the next few weeks to talk about options. I am so glad I got to read a lot of the options I have that many of you have gone through. I am thinking that some of the options are not worth it, but then again the bleeding gives me such anxiety. It is very frustrating and I feel like it ruins my sex life some days. I feel like crying every time I bleed heavily.. luckily I have a supportive boyfriend who is understanding.. but in a way I am sure it gets frustrating for him too. When I barely bleed we high five and celebrate! Haha.. Since I am not on the pill we use condoms and in a way I am tempted to try a different kind to see if that makes a difference. I am interested to see what options my doctor is going to give me. I hope I find some resolution to this problem as I hope all of you do!! I am just so so so thankful it is not something worse..
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5754982 tn?1373651412
i feel the same way how do explain to a new partner Oh hey my vagina bleeds when i have sex makes u want to just distance yourself.. i too have a friable cervix. it was caused from vaginal trauma when i was touched at a young age. we should deff do research
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For the last five to six years ive been having the same issues.In the latter part of last yeae i started going to the dr. She told me i had an unusual sore on my cervix an scheduled me for a leep procedure with another obgyn.when i met with the new doc,she put the silver nitrate on the sore on my cervix and told me to wait at least 3 days. I did an for about a week,it worked.after the silver nitrate,she did an electrolyte procedure with a small chrome ball an kinda made the sore into a scalp. Needless to say,it didn't work either.she applied the silver nitrate again an told me to wait a week until sex,i did,an still it didn't work.now im scheduled to for cryotherapy in a few weeks.so hopefully this will fix the bleeding during sex.im just not thrilled about the healing process. An if that doesn't work,then there is a thing called the leep procedure.which was very last on my option list.
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Mine sounds the same as others here. Here's mine, what I've learned and what we're doing about it:

I'm 28, married. I began bleeding with intercourse in late 2009 (married in 2007). Previously that year, I'd tried the Diva Cup as a method of protection while hiking. I don't wear tampons, because they are uncomfortable.
I've seen several OBGYNs since this issue began. I've had a colposcopy, blood tests, PAP smears and an ultrasound done. Except for HPV dysplasia 1, which was mild and has not shown up on the follow-up HPV test, the doctors are saying nothing is functionally wrong. I'm otherwise and always have been STD-free.
But intercourse is painful. Sometimes it feels like I get papercuts. Almost every time after sex, I have abdominal pain.
My husband deployed overseas for a year, and I saw him at about 6 months for two weeks. The pain was the most excruciating after the two long several-month breaks. I don't have outer pain, but sometimes the entire canal hurts. Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all. Bleeding doesn't happen every time, either, depending on position, level of penetration, and maybe amount of lubrication/arousal/tension.
I've been treated for "bacterial vaginosis" and "yeast infections" several times, with doxycycline and other antibiotics. This doesn't help. Perhaps because I don't think I've ever had either, as they didn't come back as such from tests—the doctors were guessing. I've begun refusing the antibiotics because they are the same I've been treated with before and I'm concerned about becoming an incubator for antibiotic resistance or harming my own body's flora. If the doctor wants to throw more antibiotics at it, they need to do a culture first.
I've been diagnosed with a friable cervix. My OBGYN called it something like "endometrian" -- it's where the vessels that are usually on the inside of the cervix are turned outward. PAP smears have always been painful (with pain and spotting lasting for up to two days following) since I was 19 and had my first one, which was 10 years ago, but sex has been enjoyable and not painful at all until four years ago. I've been on b/c for at least 7 years. My previous OBGYN switched me from phasic (ortho tri-cyclin) to non-phasic (zenchent) to try to address the bleeding, but no dice. My periods have always been mild and non-painful with little cramping, but recently I've been cramping more. I've noticed the pain intensifies when I get upset or stressed out, so when that happens, I ask for a hug, or I just stop what I'm doing and relax.
I'm seeing a therapist. She's got me doing the child's pose, the cat-camel and breathing/relaxing exercises. It's helping, as is increasing communication with my husband.
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I am still bleeding. I was tested over a year ago for HPV, came back with dysplasia 1. Tested negative last fall. Symptoms are still the same, like Sweetiechip's.
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reading all these posts is helping me in feeling not so alone anymore. Here is my history: Last October of 2010 I had  LEEP for moderate dysplasia. The following February, of this year, 2011, I bled after sex. I was totally freaked out. I went for my follow-up PAP on March 31 and it came back totally NORMAL. The doctor said that an area had not quite healed from the LEEP and applied silver nitrate. That totally helped and all summer I had no bleeding after sex. This past August, I went for my second follow-up PAP and that too came back NORMAL! I was so happy. However, last night, I was with my friend and he fingered me with several fingers, hard and vigorously for a long time. Also, he had long fingernails. Gross, I know. That is totally not my style and I have no idea why he would want long fingernails.

Anyways, when I got home, I was bleeding bright red blood. Not enough for a tampon, but everytime I wiped the toilet paper was covered in blood. This morning and afternooon, it is still there, but seems to be tapering a bit. I am so worried that the dysplasia is back since I had that last year. But, my last PAP this past August, just two months ago, came back normal. ANyone experience bleeding a year after a LEEP?
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I am honestly having the same problem. We should start a club or something. I feel like its a very ambiguous diagnosis.  My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years and have been diagnosed with "unexplained" infertility. I can't seem to get any solid answers.  My ob/gyn did a culposcopy and she said as soon as she even touched my cervix with a q-tip it started bleeding.  As far as getting your period and sex, I am the same too. Also, it's not just a little blood... and it's always bright red.  But I have had clear paps and biopsies. I'm still suspicious, and I"m going to keep vigilant, but just to let you know, we are in the same boat! I don't, however, think that the sensitive cervix is the reason for infertility, but maybe we should be in a research study. ha! Feel free to contact me if you want :) We can vent together.
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I get a tiny amount of bleeding after intercourse which started several months ago.  My doctor mentioned the word friable for the first time today.  I've been doing some research and reading this post so I'm not feeling as worried as I was two hours ago.  What concerned me was that during the pap test the doctor said the cervix looked normal but it looked as if there were alot of blood vessels around it which made it red and bleed to the touch.    Has anyone had the same experience? (ie diagnosis of a red cervix with lots of blood vessels to it)?  

While a friable cervix doesn't sound pleasant, I'll take that over the C word any day.
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Hey ladies, I wanted to report back that I started a new birth control pill without estrogen and so far so good. It hasn't been long enough to give a true evaluation but I haven't had any bleeding after sex since changing pills. I am so happy and hopeful that it helps the problem. I am convinced I have some kind of hormonal imbalance, I have always dealt with pimples that only resolved when I started taking birth control pills - another clue IMO. I will report back again in a few more weeks. I used to spot everytime after sex, sometimes randomly thoughout the month as well, mostly during ovulation until my period but anytime really.
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I have the same thing!! Though i've only had it for a few months! I only started being sexually active in December and ever since then its been an issue. I had an unltrasound done and an internal scan with a camera too. My doc sent me to a specialist and I found out I have Cervical Ectropion. He said that I should go from a 3 month pill to a 3 week pill and change up my hormones because he doesn't want to burn my cervix, he said i'm too young to do that and he doesn't want to ruin my chance of getting pregnant. Though if it doesn't clear up within 3 months he's going to have to burn it.
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I am so comforted to know I am not the only woman dealing with this!!!!  I have had cervical bleeding with intercourse for several months now.  If anything comes near my cervix it bleeds!! Agh!  I am 35 and have had three children and have not been on any birth control for 2 1/2 years (so no hormones) (my husband had a vasectomy).  My Dr initially reported this as cervicitis.  I have never had an abnormal pap or STD.  I had the cervical cryosurgery--which did nothing but cause lots of discharge--gross!!!  I have not used tampons for 3 months. Double yuck!!!  Next round of treatment was vagifem (estrogen) and aminoserv, insertable medications for two weeks.  Guess what??? That didn't work either!  I am prepping for ANOTHER Dr. visit tomorrow, for follow up pap also.  This is sooooo irritating!!  My Dr. has mentioned "hysterectomy".  I am not sure I am ready for that---call me sentimental.  My SIL had a good point, without a cervix and uterus, then there are 2 fewer places to get cancer.  Also, evidently, I don't plan on any more children.  Any more information and support is appreciated!!!!  Good luck to you ladies!!!!
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136956 tn?1688675680
I am going to agree with many it is the hormones it has to be. I have been on the pill continuously for endometriosis and I have now started to have issues with my cervix. I thought it was because of the pill and now I am almost 100% sure it is.  My hormones feel level right now since being on them but its causing all these issues.  I was given premarin and that caused a yeast infection so I am not sure where to go from here because it doesnt matter what I do I am screwed. I cant come off the pill or the endo will grow plus my hormones go crazy and I cant stay on it because of what its doing. I am opting on a hyster I am so done with all of this.  17yrs of suffering and it shows no signs of getting any better for me.,

I wish you all good luck
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Laralynne - You might have something called VonWillebrand's disease. Look it up.  

Californiagirl- I think the only solution is to get off of the pill. Use other forms of birth control, with no hormones. I have found that hormones are NOT good for our bodies! Look up ectropy of the cervix.
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Wow... it's good to know that this seems more common than I thought. I've had experiences in the past where I blead after sex, but the last partner I had for 5 years was on the small side so I never had a problem. Just started dating another guy who is much larger and it's been very embarrassing. I had my Mirena taken out because the Dr. said it was rubbing against my glands on my cervix during sex and causing bleeding.. I had it removed in hopes that it would stop. We had sex a week later and it looked like the boston masacre... very frustrating to have to get up and shower and change sheets after sex! My dr wants me to do the silver nitrate treatments, but after reading and researching... not sure if it's worth it!
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I have this too. I have been dealing with it for a couple years and I've had many tests, tried flagyl and doxy and it's still "friable". It seems like it's just how I am. I would love to try getting off the pill to see if that's what is causing this problem but I don't want children. I am going to try another pill to see if it helps but I've tried a few pills and the conditioin hasn't changed. Very frustrating.
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I have been dealing with this same issue bleeding during sex for almost 2 years not it is horrible and no burning my cervix with nitrate didnt help i went threw that twice. the only relief i have gotten is from a drug called Cyklokapron  It stopped all bleeding for about 3 months. So insist your doctor give it to you and know its only a short term solution to a problem nobody seems to have an answer for other then having our female organs removed which at 35 im not ready to give up.  any cure for this issue would sure help save relationships and clean sheets.
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From what i have read on here i can only conclude that American doctors DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!! This 'friable cervix' rubbish that your all talking about is wrong! You have an ectropian or ectropy of the cervix (as they are calling it now). It is most commonly caused by RAISED Oestrogen levels. So, if you are: pregnant, a teenager or on the combined oral contraceptive pill you are likely to have an ectropian. Only a small number of women with ectropians experience any symptoms. Please look up 'cervical ectropian' and educate yourselves.
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