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off depo abnormal menstrual cycle

I was on the depo shot for about 9yrs.  I have been off it for 9months.  My mentrual cycles have been long.  curently it is going on 3 wks.  how worried should I be?
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Well this is a very similar situation to mine. I have been gotten one shot, and never went back for a second one.  I have gotten my period all throughout, and they are so heavy now, I have been wearing diapers for added protection because not even an overnight pad or two will offer that protection. I have been having unprotected sex the entire time I have been on the shot, and when I didnt' go back to get my shot ("off" for 3 months) I hear it takes up to 12-24 months after your last shot to be able to reproduce. And, reportedly you can have a "period" without ovulating which I think some may be experiencing at first. I feel like however, at this point in my journey. I may be ovulating considering I'm having pain on either side of my body before a period. But we have to keep in mind that the uterine lining also needs to be thick enough to support fertilized attachment. So just try to give it the 12-24 months and don't stress. Just have fun trying, for those who are.

On a separate note, does it seem like to anyone else whose depo schedule is similiar that a cycle is usually followed by unprotected intercourse. Usually within 2-4 days? Or just me?
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I have been on the depo shot for  2 years i started taking the shot May 2013, i got off the shot November 4 2015 and started my period the 14 of November and also had my period in December. 5 days periods, my cycling length is 23. I was suppose to be start my period up again 3 day ago. Still no period my next period is in February 16 should i go ahead and take a test or just wait till i start my period.
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Would not recommend the depo shot to anyone! I always had very regular menstrual cycles my whole life, with little to no cramps, bloating, or moodiness, and this was so even after having 3 kids and breastfeeding. That is, until I went on the depo. I only went as long as two doses, the first shot, then another 3 months later. After the first shot, I still had normal periods, then the 4th month (upon receiving the second shot) I no longer bled. I expected this to happen as I was told most women will stop their periods while on the depo and considered this a benefit. However, I heard my first horror story about use of the depo from a friend of mine who experienced migraine headaches from the shot (because the health department didn't explain any complaints women have had about the depo when offering it to me) and decided not to go in for my third shot. The month I was due for the third dose (that I did not take) I experienced excessive cramping and heavy blood flow for a week (heavier even than the blood flow was after each of my children were born). Then there was a two week break followed by more cramps and a week of the same heavy blood flow. I had another two weeks period-free, then for four weeks straight after that I bled constantly and heavily. I was tired all the time and my grandma suggested it might be from iron deficiency, so I began taking an iron tablet every day and my bleeding stopped. The next month I had an ultra light period for about four days, accompanied by still excessive cramps (which I had never had before like this). I've also noticed I've been extremely moody and emotional (crying at tv commercials that were not meant to be sad and getting much overly upset at my boyfriend over small issues-not myself at all!) I thought perhaps I was pregnant, even though when I have been pregnant 3 times before, I had never been that emotionally affected. I also knew of women that would still bleed (I never did) when pregnant, so since my period had turned into such light bleeding after such a heavy flow, I thought I should get a pregnancy test. I bought the expensive first results tests and took two, coming back negative, then again three and a half weeks later, still negative, still no period. I don't like what the depo has done to my body, affecting me worse than pregnancy ever did, and I would not recommend the depo shot for any reason. Even though all my problems occurred upon stopping use of the depo, I would hope someone doesn't wait for serious problems (as other women have had) to occur while using the depo to stop use of said, or potentially making problems worse or longer lasting when finally having to come off. I hope someone reads this and decides against this form of birth control before ever having to experience yet another horror story of the depo.
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Hey guys i've been on Depo now for more than 12 years and I love it, would n't change it, i'm fine no weight gain, I dont get those depression people say, its normal, might get ever so often a short period, but other wise its cool and safe.
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ok so  i only had 1shot of depo my period never went away and when i was on the 3rd month i didnt get aperiod when i was do for my second shot i never went back and i got my period now 3 months later i miss a period is this part of the depo can after being off 3 month still mess up ur menstrual and i have had unprotected sex what are the chances of me being pregnant
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Ive been off the shot for about 2 months now and no period ..... I only used it for about a year should i be worried ....
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i was a 10 year depo user. i began taking the depo when i was 13 and for years thought it was the greatest thing. i loved not havng periods!! i never had any anxiety or depression luckily but the loss of boss density and being infertile for life made me re-evaluate my situation and quit getting the shot. have now been off of it for about 4 months and all was good so far including the fact i lost 34lbs. but for the last month and a half my boobs have hurt so bad that even to just look at them makes me want to cry (and i have went from a 34B to a full C since i stopped the shot and im sure the depo had something to do with that.) about two and a half weeks ago i started what i thought was my period, it was extremely heavy and painful but i figured it had been so long i just forgot what it was like. it lasted about a week and a half and quit for two days. i then began bleeding moderately again. this afternoon i had the worst cramping and vaginal pain of my life almost like someone was stabbing me with a knife, a few hours later when i stood up i began bleeding heavily all over myself (literially running down my legs and into my boots). i am a paramedic and yet i was shocked at the excessive amount of free flowing blood EVERYWHERE!! the bleeding has continued at an insanely heavy rate still 4 hours later. lucky for me i am at work and close by an ambulance in case something really bad happens. my blood pressure has seemed to maintain so far but who knows. i am scared to go to a doctor in fear they will try to coax me into adding another hormone or birth control POISON into my system. I am glad i found this post so i know that i am not alone!! i wouldnt recommend this TORTURE to my worst enemy!!
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1072385 tn?1279414804
was on the shot for 5 years last shot aug 27 2009, got a crampy but normal 5 day period  
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Hey everyone! My mother put me on the depo at the age of 14 15 when she found out that i was having sex with my boyfriend whom i am still with presently. I have stopped the depo at the age of 20 because I had gained about 60 pounds, I am always feeling depressed, I have mood swings, I have cysts on my ovaries now and my boyfriend and I whom I've been dating for 9 years wants a child. I am 21 now going on 22 in sept and its frustrating knowing that we were the only ones in school that was going for the longest and ppl who started dating after us already have kids. Sometimes I snap and blame my mother for putting me on this but I just started seeing my period about 9 months off the depo and it sames normal but am not sure cause my bf and I are trying. I also came off the depo because of the never ending  lower back pains. I had my father change my bed mattress 3 times thinkin it was the mattress until I looked up on the internet and found out that the depo actually takes calcium out of your bones so I believe that's why my back is always hurting and my knees are starting to hurt as well does anyone have any answers to my story. Please help I am desperate! I want to get pg and have beautiful healthy baby.
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1311607 tn?1273682211
I really NEED HELP please.
Okay.. I got the Depot ONE time... Never went back to get it..
Ive been bleeding ever since.
.NOT stopped for more than two days at a time,
Doc cant tell me anything?
I have blead for eleven months straight, and its killimg me.
I gained 20 pounds and is and has been depressed. ANYONE else had this effect too?? Haley of ARK
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help! i was suppose to get my depo shot at the end of august, but decided not to due to weight gain and such, so I got my period within a couple weeks after missing the shot due date, now it is march and my periods have  been lasting 3-4 weeks! I think the longest i have went was 6 days without a peiod, the rest has been awful,and just this last month, i have been bleeding heavily for 2 1/2 weeks, not good. I am definately feeling the effects- light headed, weak, tired easy and dizzy. any suggestions to when I will go back to normal? or if I should/shouldnt be worried?
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maybe you should see you doctor as mentioned before heavy bleeding can cause anemia so that could explain your dizziness.
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I was on depo for just over 9 years. I got my last shot at the end of December last year and my period started the beginning of this month. So it took about 11 months after my last shot or 8 months after the depo injection ran out for AF to show up. A few things I did (although I'm not sure it really sped anything up) is 1) I upped my cardio to 3 times a week, 2) I drank a crapload of green, white and red teas which help detoxify your system(ladies TTC, drinking a lot of green and white teas can inhibit the absorption of folic acid, so you may want to stick to red tea if you are taking prenatal vitamins) and 3)  I did a 4 day juice/water fast to cleanse out my system. Since it's started, my period has started and stopped completely 3 times in the last 3 weeks. So now that I have my AF, I'll have to see how long it takes to get regular :) I'll repost when it happens, but I just wanted to let those still waiting out there not to stress. It'll happen.
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i had a normal period last month i am 2 days late took to pregnancy test both negative whats wrong with me help please
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I was on Depo for 6 years and loved it. It was better than getting PG at that time in my life. I have been off the shot for 2 weeks now and I FEEL WEIRD. I get very dizzy like 4-5 times out of the day. I havn't had a period in 5 years, so I THINK my new stomach pains are cramps, and Im so sensitive! I find myself upset over the stupidest things. I feel bad for my boyfriend:(   When should I start my period? When should I be able to get PG? ** I do want to add I got off depo b/c of the bad migraines it was causing. I have not has a headache in 2 1/2 weeks! What a blessing!!!!!!!!!
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How did you know you were pg without a period did it take a while.This website really helps because ive been on the shot for four years and it will soon be four mos that i havn't been on it and my cycle has not come back thats all i think about so maybe ill give it a couple more months
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well I was supposed to get my last shot the 1st of january and I didnt.  I just now started my cycle.  6.5 months after I was supposed to get my shot.  I don't know how normal that rates with others or anything.
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took me 8 months to get my first period and now im on week 3 of my period it goes away 1 day and then comes back again I don't know how normal that is either but you are not alone.
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listen ladys i need a ? answered. i was on depo for 4 yrs i had my last shot feb 8th. i was supposed to get another on may8th but couldnt. im thinking of going off depo just  because. ive never had probs with it. anyway i want to know how long it takes after the due date for you to get ur 1st period. its may 20th and i havent had 1 yet.
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took me 8 months good luck!
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I had a baby about 6 months ago....right after I had her I went to the doctor to find out about this shot
I had one dose and gained 5 pounds. While I was pregnant I gained 60 pounds so 5 more pounds was not going to cut it. So i never went back. I have been bleeding for almost 3 months straight?
I called the doctor and she put me on some hormones to level everything back out. I WILL NEVER GET THAT SHOT AGAIN....I would rather have a baby :)
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i have been on depo for 11 years now got off of it once for 7 months and got pregnant during them 7 months i had no period not even any spotting, dont worry at all ur fine..
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I have been on the Depo shot for 2 years. I stoped it du to my weight gain. I gained 40 Pounds i was to take the next shot on June 15,2007. So i have been 2 months with out the shot  i still ahve not gotten my period and i'm worried. Can i still get pregnet if i have not period for the past 2 years..

I'm not sure i keep calling my doctor but he dosen't know when i will come bcak to normal
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I had the same problem. It took me an entire summer after getting up the depo shot to have normal periods. For the entire summer I had A PERIOD EVERY OTHER WEEK--I WAS MISERABLE!!!! I started taking Beauty Pearls from Sunriders to get my period normal. The Beauty Pearls are herbal food that helps rebuild and feed your hormones.Once your body has what it needs to rebuild itself, your body will take care of itself. My periods are better now then before the shots. They are right on time, last three full days, and no pain. I will never ever go on birth control again!!! It wasn't worth it. Here is the website to read up on beatuy pearls. They work, my mom takes them now too and she has even a better story then I. They are a bit expensive, but they can be ordered cheaper, by going through a distributor. Sunriders runs kinda like Partylite--they don't advertise and the don't sell their products in stores.
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Hello, I started the Depo shot in December and realized I just couldn't handle the mood swings and the depression. I then decided that I wouldn't take my second shot which was supposed to be mid February. I began my period on the 6th of February. It is now March 15th, and I've still had my period. I am trying to find information if this is normal? My period has been constant and the cramps are there as well. I don't want to start on birth control pills either. Any suggestions?
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Depo stays in your system usually 12-24 months once stopping...of course some people are different.  I was on two shots of Depo and then went on BCP because the Depo made me bleed 3 months straight almost.  Nov 04 I started BCP and then in Aug 05 I decided to stop because my husband and I were TTC.  I have not had a period since Aug, except twice and that was with the help of Provera.  Month after month gets frustrating.  Best of Luck to you!! Jen
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yah, its no fun!  But I really want to just be off birth control altogether.  
    I heard that the depo shot can make you gain weight.  I gained at least 10lbs. and now that Im off it, its like I'm hungrier!  at first I thought I would just make sure I don't eat more than normal, but now Im thinking  maybe I should diet.  Get back to a healthier weight.  
    Off the shot I think I gained another 5lbs.  
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