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vulva hot, stinging and burning


I'm posting here because I really am at my wits end and hope maybe peple will have some suggestions as to what is going on with me! For the past year, I have been experiencing burning and stinging in my vulva (which is NOT made worse by peeing), which comes and goes but can last for over a month and is extremely uncomfortable. The area looks normal, and there is no unusual discharge. The last time I had these symptoms was in March - they came on suddenly with a stinging sensation, and lasted for 6 weeks. During this time, I was tested for all STDs (all negative), tested for bacterial infections (negative) and treated repeatedly for thrush (even though all lab tests came back negative). Eventually, the symptoms eased on their own. I dont use chemical irritants etc so dont think thats the problem. My symptoms returned 5 weeks ago - again, all tests are negative, I was treated again for thrush (no relief, and lab test came back negative).

Could the repeated topical thrush treatment have made things worse? Also, I've heard of conditions called lactobacilliosis and cytolytic vaginosis (overgrowth of lactobacilli). My symptoms do not appear to be related to my menstrual cycle - there is no particular pattern - but could overgrowth of lactobacilli still be my problem? I would like to hear from anyone who has suffered from lactobacilli overgrowth.

Sorry for the long post but I really would appreciate some advice!
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ladies! finding this thread has saved my sanity (for the time being). I too suffer from the symtoms described here. About three months ago I started experiencing a tingling in my vulva, followed by intense itching and burning a week or so later. I tried all the home remedies that usually help with yeast infections--cranberry juice, yogurt--I even bought over-the-counter UTI meds just in case. Nothing worked. During my period I started to feel better, but shortly after it ended symptoms started up again. I went to Planned Parenthood and got tested for STDs (I had recently broken up with my boyfriend and slept with an ex who swore he'd just been tested.. but I wanted to be sure) all came back negative but they diagnosed me with BV.

I was skeptical about the diagnosis because I had taken a home vaginal PH test and it came back normal--plus discharge was clear-ish, stringy, with no odor. Anyway I took the oral meds for BV for a week--no relief. Went back to doctor--she said all was normal but prescribed an anti-fungal cream with a steroid which I swear has been making it worse. I even tried gold bond powder, thinking maybe it was a female jock itch--but that made it worse too.

I'm going to try the baking soda baths and olive oil and report back. I honestly believed when this all started that it was psychological--I felt intense guilt and anxiety for sleeping with my ex coming out of a 4-year relationship, and having always enjoyed being STD free, I felt incredibly paranoid. But even after all tests came back negative the burning is still here. Sitting for long periods of time is unbearable, and urine and discharge seem to really trigger it. When I wake up (falling asleep is a challenge) I feel ok, but symptoms worsen as the day goes on.

Wearing pants is the worst. I am most comfortable in my bathrobe with no underwear. I;ve also been experiencing night sweats for the past couple of days--I'm wondering if there's a relation. I'm usually very cold by nature and have recently been much warmer than usual. Weather has been in the 50s  (and colder at night) but I had to start using my AC when I sleep and still, this morning I woke up with my shirt soaked.

It ***** that so many of us are experiencing this problem and the medical profession can not help... but I'd rather not take synthetic meds anyway.

good luck to you all. xoxo.
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Been reading all the comments, I was tested for bladder and yeast infections over the last 2 years. Had blood work done, came back all clear, finally discovered this form. Took the advice and did the sit baths in baking soda and water as well as printed off the info and gave it to my doctor.  Long and behold I was lacking ph level, yes needed an increase in estrogen.  My GP gave me a cream "estragyn".  All I can say it's like night and day!  
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I can't believe how many of us have this problem and yet doctors act as though we are crazy when we tell are symptoms.  I started having severe burning in the vulva area in 2005, and I, too, dreaded urinating because it would sting so bad.  I couldn't even put my thighs together because they felt like they were on fire. This went on 24/7 with no let-up.  I even put an ice pack inside my undies so I could work.  I went to a dozen doctors, had numerous tests taken which all came back negative, and tried at least 20 different meds.   A pharmacist finally convinced me to go see a pain specialist.  He prescribed methadone (10 mg twice daily), topamax (50 mg twice daily), and lexapro (20 mg once daily).  I have been doing fine since as long as I take the meds.  Once in awhile, I have a flare-up, but it is nothing like before.  Those three meds saved my life!  Hopefully some of you can get your doctor to recommend them for you.
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I can't believe how many of us have this problem and yet doctors act as though we are crazy when we tell are symptoms.  I started having severe burning in the vulva area in 2005, and I, too, dreaded urinating because it would sting so bad.  I couldn't even put my thighs together because they felt like they were on fire. This went on 24/7 with no let-up.  I even put an ice pack inside my undies so I could work.  I went to a dozen doctors, had numerous tests taken which all came back negative, and tried at least 20 different meds.   A pharmacist finally convinced me to go see a pain specialist.  He prescribed methadone (10 mg twice daily), topamax (50 mg twice daily), and lexapro (20 mg once daily).  I have been doing fine since as long as I take the meds.  Once in awhile, I have a flare-up, but it is nothing like before.  Those three meds saved my life!  Hopefully some of you can get your doctor to recommend them for you.
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Hi, I had this problem too.  I was miserable for 7 months.  Young and old experience this burning.  Soap is the culprit, do not use soap in the vag. opening at all.  My gyn prescribed Gynoflor vag tablets which is the good bacteria with a little estrogen.  I used 8 tablets out of 12 and it worked for me, the burning cleared up, although you may experience some burning inside for some days but it will clear up, be patient.

After that just avoid soaps (even the ones that say "no soap" for intimate use).  Massage extra virgin olive oil , it will moisturize and soothe.  Hope this helps......
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3693296 tn?1347893639
I read your problem and it was like i had typed it myself. I am at my witts end and i dont know what to do, I have the same burning soreness, but there is nothing to see and all tests are negative, I was given hydrocortison cream and aqueous cream which didnt work, now I have been give oestrogen cream and the Dr thinks its menopause but the blood test for that came back negative, and now its itchy from that cream, I am giving it a week then going back, there is no let up!!! It is better if I am lying down but sitting is awful, I am so fed up, its effecting my every day life as I cant concentrate on anything, did you come to a conculsion?
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