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Chronic Hives for 11 years ... will NOT go away =(


I have had chronic hives for 11 years now.  I break out in hives all over my body when I am exposed to heat, emotional stress, or any kind of anxiety.  When I put water on myself, then it relieves the itchyness/pain.  After a few minutes, my body calms down and my hives go away.  I have seen so many doctors and used so many medications in high school.  I started at 15, and I stopped my meds when I turned 18.  Been off meds for 7 years now, but my hives are still there.  It is getting hopeless for me.  To top it off, my twin brother has the exact same condition as me!!  It is very frustrating for us!  I am in my prime, but I can not do anything!  I can not step outside the house because I will get hives.  I started taking green tea extract for the past 2 weeks and that doesnt seem to help.  What can I do now?
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      Chronic hives are usually a result of an autoimmune disease or liver or thyroid conditions, but can be of idiopathic origin also. You should consult a physician for examination, blood work and allergy tests. The main stay of treatment in this condition is antihistamines, but in case they are of no help then H2 antagonists, corticosteroids, epinephrine, immunomodulators etc can be implicated for relief from symptoms.
Treating the underlying condition if present is the only treatment for this condition, if no underlying condition is present then only symptomatic treatment can provide relief. Best
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I have been to a skin doctor and family physician.  They all tell me that it will disappear within 2 years.  I've had it on/off for 10 years now.  I had blood work done in high school and everyone is fine.  I was on corticosteroids, claratin, zytec, and a few other medications.  Nothing helped at all, I think it got worse.  My cousin (who is a pharmacist) advise me to get off the steroids.  I have been medication free now for 8 years.  It went away 4 years ago, but it just came back last year....
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I'm just reading this, it's several years later obviously but your situation sounds very familiar. I suffered for 10 yrs. With similar symptoms. I saw so many doctors and tried so many medicines until finally an Allergist specialist diagnosed me with environmental allergies after doing a fully allergy test. I was pretty much allergic to everything. I was Soo. After started on 4 allergy shots every 5 days. It's been 2 yrs since I've been on my allergy shots and I'm finally starting to have relief. I can go outside now. Less allergic reactions. I still carry my epi pen just in case but I'm happy to report I have not needed, or steroids or inhalers to keep my lungs open.  I recommend you see a good allergist and ask them to run a full allergy panel.
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