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Split butt crack. - Help ! need some guidance.

this is embarrsing - but I have had this problem for about 2 years now. Have lived with it off and on now but its getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. There is about a 2 inch slit/tear within my butt crack. Its couple inches south of tailbone. I do not know what this is caused from.  I sit at a desk all day, some people tell me its sweat, or a yeast problem ? my regular MD doctor didnt know what it would be caused from. I was instructed to keep it dry and then put desatin on it but that does nothing. I switched to bag balm, it heals it up for a few days and then it goes right back to being split open and starts to bleed a little.  This stings when I take a shower too !!   any suggestions on what I can do ?  I can't afford to go see a dermatologist right now.  Thank You
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Use a serum with Vit. C in it, or I have used polysporin in the past and it's worked great.  I've gotten the split on and off over the years and have no earthly clue what causes it, but it's painful and a bit itchy.
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563773 tn?1374246539
One possibility is of pilonidal cyst. In this the skin becomes reddened or even sometimes looks like a small bruise)When it is infected, it causes pain. Antibiotics or surgical drainage may be required. Look at the skin of the lower back. If you see a cyst or pus filled cyst, it can be a pilonidal cyst or an infection of the sebaceous glands of the skin in the area which can form into an abscess and thereby the acute pain.

I feel that physical examination by a doctor is necessary to make a diagnosis. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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I had this happen to my one time. I used cortisone cream and kept the area clean. It was gone in 2 days. I hope that helps.
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Usually doctors can not think outside of what they have learned.  That is to say, if they have not learned it in a book it either does not exist or they just have no idea.  When this happens they will 'force' your situation to fit their knowledge base.  Case in point talking about a cyst.  A split in your skin is a split in your skin pure and simple.  People can relate it to the sometimes split people have at the corner of their mouths.  No cysts involved no scare tactics needed to have an operation.  I have the same problem, I use aloe and vitamin e and keep it dry with baby powder.  I did notice it usually happens if my skin becomes moist for too long, like when I sweat.  I also noticed that it comes back more easily based on my diet, drinking too much etc.  Its likely to be a ph problem that inhibits the bodies natural defenses against normal bacteria.  It becomes itchy and if you scratch the skin breaks and vola.  Oddly enough anti-bacteria ointments do nothing, the skin does not heal back.  Dry is best.
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Thank you for this! I have had this same problem for years off and on and everyone keeps saying that cyst thing but they're is no cyst and even Dr's don't know what's wrong. However I get the split in the corners of my mouth to do maybe they're related. I don't drink anymore haven't for a year and a half but my diet isn't the best so maybe I'll look into that. Thank you again!
Try vitamin C 500 mg twice a day. Clean the area twice a day with a baby cleanser. After cleaning that way, apply a thick coating of Eucerin ointment. I think you'll heal quickly. It can recur.
The purpose of the thick coating of Eucerin ointment is to PROTECT the underlying skin and it will heal on its own.

What you've described is NOT a pilonidal cyst or sinus and NEVER requires surgery.

I believe powder is a terrible idea, although I won't dispute that moisture (e.g., sweat or poor drying with the towel) may be a culprit.

Almost any protective ointment (but not antibiotic ointment) will help, but Eucerin seems to stay around and protect the area longer.

Pay attention. Do what I say. You will be fine.
By the eucirin do you mean the normal lotion one I use for dry skin ?
By the eucirin do you mean the normal lotion one I use for dry skin ?
I used to get the crack in the corner of my mouth until I read an article about supplements that said Vit.B deficiency can cause these cracks.  I have a horrible diet and have always taken a daily multi-vitamin but since I added a daily Super B-complex pill, the only time I've had a corner of the mouth crack in the past 15 yrs. was the time I ran out of the B-complex.
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My little girl was born with that tiny opening/slit above her "butt crack".  It has not seemed to give her any trouble.  I thought it may have closed up as she became older, but it has not.  Has anyone else seen this with themselves or their children?
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If, in fact, there is a slit, then you probably ought to let a pediatrician take a peek. It's probably what's called a pilonidal "dimple."  But if it's truly an opening, then you need to know its depth and whether it connects to spinal canal, which is unlikely but possible.

No rush; don't worry about it.
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I have had this happen to me off and on since I was a little girl and I am now in my 30's. I also have notices that this seems to happen more so during the summer when its hot and I sweat more. I have felt it re-open when bending over to tie my shoes and I have also felt it re-open during intercourse. it sometimes takes time to heal but ointment and creams are definitely NOT the answer! KEEP THE AREA CLEAN AND DRY!  applying ointment and creams will only keep the area open and potentially cause infections. Applying a mild powder (unscented), perhaps original baby powder, will help keep area dry. Some people have this occur and get very self conscious about it, but are not aware that this is more common than people know and probably 8 out of every 10 people you know have this happen to them as well rather they admit it or not!  It is painful and irritating but correct care to the area will surely help to keep this from reoccurring and free from infection.
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This happens to me. It use to happen just by bending over or during intercourse like someone else has said. I unfortunately have not found anything that will stop it from happening. Ointments like cortisone or polysporin help heal, but it can come back whenever. Just when i think its healed it can split easily. My fiance does not think it can happen out of the blue or from bending over.
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Read my comment re how to take care of it. It won't cure it, but it will heal it quickly. I am certain you are accurate in your description. Recurrences are the rule.
Regarding the many mentions of powder use:  Powder is fine BETWEEN times, but not when the crack is there. The protective coating of Eucerin ointment allows the area to heal the fastest. And it will recur when it recurs. There is no preventive except to stay clean and dry in that area BETWEEN events. The Eucerin will pretty much prevent further cracking during an occurrence, and it will alleviate the itching and/or discomfort.

Stay away from steroid or cortisone creams, tapes, sprays, etc.
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i have had this for at least fifty years, and I agree with all the comments. Antimicrobials don't work. Dry is key. While I don't sweat much in general, I have constant scrotal and "***-crack" sweat. Antidepressants, which are anticholinergics, help a little. But just seeing this site and seeing that it is more common than I realized is very helpful
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What does an antidepressant that stops the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine have to do with healing a split at the top of your butt crack? Neurotransmitters are not produced in your butt crack, or anywhere near your butt crack, they are only produced in your brain, neurotransmitters and your brain have nothing to do with your butt crack, they never even leave your brain at all.

So staying that a medication that stops the production of acetylcholine in the brain, will help to heal the split at the top of your crack, is absolute nonsense. In other words your talking out of your butt crack yourself.
Side effects of anticholinergics include decreased sweating, which I'm assuming helps decrease the sweating in his problem areas.
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I thought it comes with age.  For me, never noticed it or feel it till in my older age (50s).  Was shocked, wondered what it was since I am very cautious of my hygiene.  So I cleaned it applied antibiotics to avoid infection.  It went away, but resurfaced when I tried bending or sitting on the commode, then I cleaned again and used baby powder, and has been gone since, been 5 years now.  Came across this topic because a friend mentioned the concern, I decided to google and show it.  
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coconut631 has the accurate diagnosis and corrective treatment posted. This is more common than you think and it just happens. So here's what really works for relieving discomfort and speed up healing;
1) Wash with anti bacterial soap...Dial liquid hand soap works great.
2) Pat dry with a clean white towel.
3) Always keep the area dry!
4) Apply Gold Bond Medicated Powder to help keep it dry, soothed, protected and speed up the healing.
5) Wear white cotton underwear only! I say this because white cotton has no dyes and cotton lets your skin breath.
Do this as often as needed during the day and especially at night. And it should clear up in a couple of days. Hope this helps. :-)
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NEVER EVER use steroid cream on skin lesions unless your doctor has advised you to do so.

Many skin lesions in the anogenital area are fungal, and the use of steroid creams can make them much worse.

Use sudocrem or bepanthen first, if that does not help, try canesten (clotrimazole) cream.

If the self help does not resolve the problem after a week or two, PLEASE see your GP.
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Have you heard anything back from anyone on your question? Either way, please email me at ***@****. I know of someone with the same problem and would like to find out if you have received any advice.
Thank you!
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  My BF recently had a accident. Hes 6'5" and was working on a Range Rover that was on a lift above him. The Range slipped off from the front right axile and fell onto his legs, pinning him down for 1hr and 20mins. Thank God no broken bones. He did recieve scratches to his back, sides and legs. seeing he was face to ground he split the skin inbetween his butt. its in line with his crack. I was told to use corn starch but its still leaving it moist. what should i use?
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Wow thanks to all the comments!  I figured I would try and see if this were just me.....  I too have been using creams like for baby rash and hemmroids.  Mine developed after I had a major hemmroid surgery and thats been a few years ago now.  I thought I had it whipped there for a while but now it's back.  Yes it hurts, ITCHES and seems to redevelop every time I poop.  It also makes wiping quite painful.  So powder seems to be the answer.  I have been going so far as to stuff toilet paper between my butt cheeks to dry it up.  Has anyone tried MONKEY BUTT powder?
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  I have the same problems !! And I have tried everything on the market!!! I went on ebay and bought MONKEY BUTT POWDER with CALAMINE !!!!   It's the best powder that works !! I also have rash under my breast this powder works great!! Hope this helps !! I had never heard of this powder before !! But I went on ebay looking for something different then I saw this ANTI MONKEY BUTT Anti Friction Powder with Calamine  and it also comes without Calamine in it !!  Give it a try it was like $6 or $7 dollars !!!
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I have had the paper cut like split in the anal cleft for 3 years, healing and recurring, painful to sit upright for long even when healed, the nerve endings frazzled from the cut never healing permanently. My Gp had advised me to keep the wound moist. Bad advice. Keeping it dry was what he should have told me said other GP. It healed off and on after and still it causes me problems at times. The best treatment was from self application of Haelan Tape on prescription. It is light, waterproof and has a steroid impregnated. I cut a half inch wide strip and apply it to the cut, practice makes perfect. It says to keep it in place for several hours. I leave it longer and apply it during the day so that toileting does not make things worse. The tape protects and keeps the cut from splitting again long enough for it to heal. I have at times just left it in place until it starts to release after a day or two to try to get it to heal. Life has been more bearable sitting since using this. Nothing worked before. I also use a coccyx cushion in the car to prevent pressure on the area. It helps as car seats are so much harder these days.
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Terrible idea to use steroid tape or any steroid in this confined area. I hope you found that out before now, 2020. Good luck.
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By the way the manufacturer of  Harlan Tape is Typharm, in case anyone wants to try to source it.
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Sorry typo. Please read Haelan tape.
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I have it since last week it hurt n itch at the same time...
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I need help too I also have a very sore butt crack...I don't know what it is it just came about one day it was itchy then it became very painful like a needle poking my skin.it also kinda feels like a bruise when I sit down and hurts. My boyfriend told me it's cause my butt is getting bigger. And my butt crack slit... Can this be true? Please help.
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Independent-mama is right!  I had his problem for a couple months.  The doctor said to use neosporin ointment.    It didnt work and i was in a lot of pain.  I used babypowder twice a day for a week and im fine now!    
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Yes I can help!! I suffered for several years with recurring butt crack split skin. I tried OTC  and RX antifungal cremes, baby powder, Desitin, Bag Balm, hair dryers, only cotton clothing, and still suffered. A Chinese medicine doctor advised me that after I shower, to turn the water to a small trickle and as cold as I can stand it, hold my butt cheeks apart, and let the COLD WATER run over the area for a few moments. It always works! If the problem occurs in the heat of summer and the COLD water isn't enough, I will get a single ice cube and hold it over the split skin area either sitting on the toilet or lying on my side in bed. Contine drying well. Sometimes I then add baby powder, but it is the very cold water that makes it get better.
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15422853 tn?1440454608
actually, when the body is not in homeostasis/balance, lots can happen not at all fun .sounds like you have yeast there-I have had this , actually have suffered from Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth in several places on my body and now I find I have TTDM even though I am thin (116 lbs at 5'3") and eat correctly etc. Probably cause is my arthritis and stress causing much inflammation which can be now known as a big cause of type 2 diabetes in those who are not at all overweight. I am also 60 and have other issues. But, try the yeast creams OTC like clotrimazole, miconazole to kill it and on the corners of your mouth. Has worked for me until now due to the diabetes diagnosis which makes he yeast overgrowth terrible in my entire body.
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15422853 tn?1440454608
actually, when the body is not in homeostasis/balance, lots can happen not at all fun .sounds like you have yeast there-I have had this , actually have suffered from Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth in several places on my body and now I find I have TTDM even though I am thin (116 lbs at 5'3") and eat correctly etc. Probably cause is my arthritis and stress causing much inflammation which can be now known as a big cause of type 2 diabetes in those who are not at all overweight. I am also 60 and have other issues. But, try the yeast creams OTC like clotrimazole, miconazole to kill it and on the corners of your mouth. Has worked for me until now due to the diabetes diagnosis which makes he yeast overgrowth terrible in my entire body.
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