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itchy arms

I have had this itchy arm problem for years. It is awful.
Over 5 doctors have tried to treat it without success. The best thing I have found
is to stay out of the sun, keep my arms clean and moisturized and when it
drives me crazy at night (with that intense itching) I take Zyrtec and use refrigerated Sarna lotion and ice packs.
This is usually enough relief to let me go back to sleep.
One doctor said this condition is called "Hudgenson's Summer Perego". An allergy to UVB rays.
But stress seems to activate it also.

This discussion is related to Itchy Arms.
4 Responses
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Welcome to the site and to the community. You have come to a place where people are very supportive and have a lot of information.
I would like to point out that as the information on your left says, this is only my personal advice and you should always consult a doctor with problems first. Also, while it is
understandable to want information or advice about medication/s you should never alter or stop without speaking to the prescribing doctor first.
The advice I give is from personal knowledge and or experience, this does not mean I am a health professional or that my advice should be
taken over a health professionals. If I am not able to help, rest assured there will probably be more people to help. This post is mainly for basic
information and to let you know that while I do not have any advice for you, it is worth it to stick around.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, as this is generalized symptoms, it needs detailed evaluation. The possibilities needed to be ruled out are Xerosis (dryness of skin), Atopic dermatitis or Contact dermatitis. Even sweating is known to precipitate the allergy.

Xerosis can be seen due to frequent bathing (particularly hot baths and showers), and high temperatures with relatively low humidity such as the environment produced by home heating in the winter. Other causes are allergic dermatitis secondary to exposure to allergen or irritant. You need to look for particular allergens which would be responsible for such symptoms. You need to avoid further exposure.

You also need to rule out systemic conditions like renal disease, Cholestasis etc. which is associated with itching.

You need to use emollients regularly, anti histaminic against prescription will help to reduce the itching, and Topical steroid is helpful.

I suggest you to consult dermatologist. Take care and regards.

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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi and welcome to the forum.

In the majority of cases like yours, there's a predominant Energy imbalance present.
Jimmy Scott, Ph.D in his book "Energy and Allergy", Treatment means that it is the Energy imbalance that is treated, not the physical or psychological symptoms.
If the Energy balance is restored, then the symptoms will be eliminated by the body itself.

Please refer to my post to Mariyamari on Dec.27, 2010. You'll find the "Spinal Release Procedure", an Allergy/Sensitivity/Reaction Elimination protocol.
This is an extremely successful  and efficient method, that I have used multiple times for many people. In some cases it works immediately (relief or elimination) the 1st time it is done.

Should this not work, it is  probably because there is still a dehydration issue.
  Eliminate or reduce drastically caffeine and alcohol intake, drink plenty of filtered water 1h away from meals through out the day.

  There are some other smaller possible blocks.
  I will not go into detail here, however, I will suggest Extra Virgin Coconut Oil consumption.
  EVCO is Anti-fungal, Anti- Parasitic, Anti-microbial, Anti-Protozoic and does not store as fat, gets converted in th liver for energy without putting a load on your pancreas for insulin production. (excessive insulin is a major cause of concern)
Externally use mixed with warm water and apply after shower.
It is the safest oil for cooking ,as it is stable in high temperatures.
All my cooking oils were discarded years ago!  
It is also the best oil for cardiovascular and brain health.
There's tons of research on the web.
This would take care of most internal and external issues of your skin.

One word of caution. . Going from Dr. to Dr. in a desperate attempt to find  a cure is not in your best interest. Most of the medications have side-effects and only suppress the symptoms for temporary relief at best. And this adds to your stress levels, making matters
worse, by interfering with the healing process..
Before making Any decisions please do your own research.
( Search for  Holistic Allergy Elimination also)

Should you have any questions please post again, as this is one of the modalities
I'm very familiar with.

Blessings, Nikodicreta


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This itch is driving me insane.  I have had it for 6 years and I just want to go to sleep in September an not wake up until February.  It is so confusing to me that is is seasonal yet no rash or other type of allergy symtom is present.  I have not had any success with antihistaminesat all and I do feel an immediate flare when the sun touches my skin.  I too feel like moisturizing helps and I have quit doing anything drying, like hot showers and using soap.  I have also found that pure olive oil is nicely absorbed by the skin.  Drinking a ridiculous amount of water really helps.  I am trying flaxseed oil now, as a supplement.  
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