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hard white thing sticking out of my pores.

I have hard whitish things sticking out of my pores on my nose, cheeks, chin and my jawline. ‎​​I hav beenn searching the web for answers but to no avail. On my cheeks, they are soft but on my jawline, they stick out like small hard white hairs. ‎​​I try to press them out without hurting my skin but that's ‎​​so impossible because they are under all my pores ‎​​so my pores look swollen and raised. Pls let me know if you find out anything. I have tried all sorts from skin cleansers to scrubs to masks n even wipes. But nothing helps.
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I was wondering if you cured this. I have the SAME thing. I had a red bump on my nose, kinda like a big pimple, but reddish, for about 2-3 yers. I finally tried squeezing it and lots of clear fluid came out. it flattened and turned to a scab with these white dots poking out, If I get ahole of one, it comes out like  apiece of rice. The hole stays and looks like pore, but a bit of blood follows.

Anyways any info would help. I can post pics if wanted
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I have the same problem! its like a pimple with no puss like whute stuff. instead its clear and the u see a tiny white thing but cant get it out. but if u wait a day or 2 for it to scab you can pull the scab and out comes the white thing. with a weird feeling of relief where the hole is???? I have been desperately trying to figure out what this. it seems to happen every like 3 or 4 wks? never seems to be moving in any way. any help would be great
I have this all over my body and the only thing that helped me was mixing borax awith peroxide and warm water and bathing in it. if you let it dissolve it does not hurt and instantly felt better. I steam my skin every day and consume a lot of probiotics and clove oil.  I, and weird purple blotches migrating around,.  I cleanse with castor oil to keep my guts healthy and they seem to be going away. I wash my sheets and vacuum my house every day so my kids don't somehow pick it up. I suddenly had all this pain in my body that I had never experienced,. Tea tea oil makes them shrivel and die and mixed with another cream is not harsh. I have always been so healthy. then I noticed the white things endlessly coming out of some areas of my body
When I found out I had noticed I had worms. It was horrifying and I thought it was all connected to a parasite. topical tea tree oil with castor oid or apple cider vinegar takes away the itch and releases the hair from the white things.I also shave every inch of my body every day,. .I started taking an anti fungal for my toenails that have been an issue since I was a child and all the things subsided... I just got these symptoms a few weeks ago and I am relieved to know what it is so I am not just putting random things on my skin hoping it will get better.  I was reluctant to tell my doctor as I am bi polar and have  blown things out of proportion but this time when I say I have little worms coming out of my skin I hope he listens.
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The white stuff coming from pores is caused by chlorine i have had this problem for around 8 years and i cane across a article about what chlorine does to the skin it makes it over produce sebum the white stuff in the pores. In the last week iv been using bottled warm bottled water to wash my face and the problem ib had all these years is almost non exsistent. Hope it helps someone.
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The white stuff coming from pores is caused by chlorine i have had this problem for around 8 years and i cane across a article about what chlorine does to the skin it makes it over produce sebum the white stuff in the pores. In the last week iv been using bottled warm bottled water to wash my face and the problem ib had all these years is almost non exsistent. Hope it helps someone.
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Thanks a lot for your post, shockedMC!

I have the same problem - this multiple little spikes in small wounds. Tried to cure it as acne, herpes, ringworm, staph infection etc. - nothing helped(( I think (and hope because I want to find anser at last) - you are wright, this might be molluscum contagiosum. I googled - typically molluscum looks different - each molluscum ''zit" has only one central waxy core, not 10 and more small ones in one tiny wound. And they are harder to get out.

How did you found that it's molluscum?
Do you have results in curing it?
I have several little itchy lesions at the moment with multiple plugs, I try to get them out, but the new ones grow overnight in the same place((((
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There is hope and treatment.  Stop the destructive cycles that cause the infection to spread and destroy your skin and get help and learn about the treatments that have worked for so many others. DON'T USE harsh chemicals or any treatments that irritate or burn the skin because the wounded skin will just become infected (with what SkennyGirl called white "hamburger") and won't heal for a nightmarishly long time.  Using harsh chemicals or even strong essential oils on your skin will not "kill" the virus!  Viruses can't be killed like bacterial or insects... because they aren't alive in that way.  You need to learn how viruses work and how to stop them from replicating in your skin cells.  Harsh chemicals that weaken skin ... spread the virus around and you end up not killing anything but your poor skin cells.  
If you feel like you must remove the white waxy core or plug, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL.  Like I read in another website...wear gloves.  Disinfect everything you touch and be extremely vigilant about cross contaminating healthy skin, other lesions, other people, clothes, sheets, towels, deodorant, rasors, loufas etc.  Treat everything that touches any lesion as if it is radioactive.  Learn about how to sterilize your tools and how to wash and clean up properly between treatment of EACH and every last little lesion.  Buy bandaids from medical supply stores (you can get 100 for less than $5 rather than 20 for $3 like at walmart).  You will need hundreds... to get the infection under control and keep it in check.  Buy the 12 packs of paper towels.  Pat dry yourself with paper towels.  Buy gentle skin cleansers (gentle enough for babies with eczema).  Wash your sheets, towels and clothes every day. Keep your infected areas of skin covered with soft clothing that doesn't rub or irritate anything (or protected somehow if it is on your face... maybe cavilon barrior cream).  Moisturize with organic coconut oil several times daily... enough to keep your skin from drying and getting irritated at all for any reason.  It doesn't sting, spreads easily and has antiviral properties.  It's the only lotion that didn't make my skin worse when it was sensitive and dried out for any reason.. and I tried several expensive kinds.  
I hope this helps someone out there.  I wish they could make a news story about severe molluscum like they did for "Morgellon's Syndrome" ... seriously... most everyone describing symptoms of "morgellon's" is describing exactly an out of control case of molluscum!!!  I'm shocked at what I've read and seen in videos (like the Morgellon's wikipedia entry and Morgellon's news stories) and that medical professionals are misdiagnosing these poor people suffering with this disease as delusional and self-mutilating.  THey have no idea what they are doing, honestly.  Those who have experienced these symptoms or watched a family member struggle with these symptoms are by no means delusional!!  And it isn't an STD!!!  Kid's are not the only ones that can catch it.  You can catch it from the gym, or by using a toilet or hot tub or even brushing up against someone who has it ... or from kids.. if your immune system is weak.  If you don't believe me, just spend some time with someone with severe molluscum symptoms.  You can watch then do everything right and still have these horrible reactions and skin problems.  I wish I could show those medical professionals or anyone that claims we are crazy what happens to my skin from one day to then next after doing everything in my power to delicately wash and bandage/protect the lesions properly... from one shower to the next ....  not touching them in between.  
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Hi.  I know what you all have.  It's called molluscum contagiosum.  It's a very contagious virus that invades the skin cells, and causes the lesions so many on this website are being tortured by.  The white "plugs" (described as "white fleshy plugs" on another post and "white waxy cores" on another) are actually individual skin cells that have been infected with the molluscum virus.  The infected cells (now called molluscum bodies) can look like tiny pieces of rice and are a different texture than the normal skin cells and can be pulled out of the lesions in the skin...leaving behind a hole.  You have to be VERY careful if you try to pull these out, because the virus can spread from the molluscum bodies you pull out to any breaks in the skin... causing the patches of skin skin that won't heal with even tinier molluscum bodies that start growing in the patches of injured skin AND THE INFECTED SKIN WILL NOT HEAL.  If not treated, the patches of non-healing skin will continue to grow.  What started as an acne like spot can grow to quarter size or larger patches or scaly, oozing wounds within hours... and can take weeks or months to heal.  It's a nightmare, i know!  And over the original lesion, a thin, scaly and very weak scab will form that washes off easily and doesn't help heal the skin.  Then when washing your skin or even just accidentally brushing the scab IT COMES RIGHT OFF (since it is so weak) and new molluscum bodies (white, super fast growing little worm-like sacks that are shiny and stand out) have formed.  The lesion will not go away or begin to heal until the "white plugs" are removed and even then THEY ONLY WILL HEAL when the area is protected from being infected by the virus filled white plugs.
This is CLASSIC molluscum contagiosum that is out of control on an immunocompromised person.  
It really is just molluscum contagiosum.  It's not our fault... many of us (if not all who have this severe variety of symptoms) are immunocompromised.  I have RA... an autoimmune disease.  My body does not fight the virus like it should.  I caught it somehow from all the kids I was around this summer... as an adult!!  You don't have to have HIV or AIDS to get these symptoms... just be immunocompromised for whatever reason.  It's NOT AN STD although it can be transmitted that way.  PLEASE STOP CALLING MOLLUSCUM AN STD because you can catch it from the pool or gym... or from school or the playground or from kids who caught it from school or the playground.  It's terrifying when you don't know what is going on!!  I know... i've been there.  It takes over your life.  It's all you can think about.  It itches and hurts and can keep you up at night and you start hiding away at home for days that turn into weeks and then torturous months, spending hundreds of dollars in first aid supplies and hundreds of hours scouring the internet in desperation...and THOUSANDS OF HOURS (all day pretty much) treating the lesions or worrying about treating the lesions that keep getting worse whether you leave them alone or not.  It's not an imaginary disease... or even mites or worms.  It's a virus caused by a poxvirus and related to warts.  It spreads easily and grows fast.  Each lesion can have one plug or many plugs (5, 10 or even 20 or more).  They big ones can form overnight.  (only if you've had this can you understand how a tiny bump can grow to a huge boil like bump full of white worm like plugs within hours).  They leave behind holes in the skin (that look like a hole left from a staph infection).  What's worse, patches of scaly oozing skin form around lesions and the lesions and holes themselves and the patches of scaly skin will not heal "until you get the white plugs out" as many people have stated over and over.  I read these forums and am shocked that more doctors are not able to diagnose this in the patients that have this type of reaction to molluscum.  It's not an asymptomatic little bump (or bumps) at all... it's not a mite infestation. IT IS NOT SELF MUTILATION (these lesions, once disturbed or irritated somehow WILL NOT HEAL and they grow and ooze and spread on their own... those who keep telling you that you should 'stop picking' your skin and see a psychologist are WRONG about judging you. YES, the way your skin reacts can look like it could be caused by self-mutilating (picking your skin until it is damaged and in horrible shape) when you are not... the infection is breaking your skin down no matter what you try or do or don't do.  How can anyone possibly understand what a nightmare this is.... until they've had to deal with it??  You have molluscum and your skin is self destructing on it's own, if you are treating the molluscum wrong.  It's not Morgellon's Syndrome.  We are not delusional... (I hope medical professionals can stop judging and diagnosing these poor immunocompromised people that get the severe molluscum symptoms as delusional).  I was shocked to read the Morgellon's entry in wikipedia.  Most people who think they have Morgellon's describe exactly the symptoms of a bad case of molluscum that has gone out of control because of a weak immune system.  They are terrified and are often treating it wrong and inadvertantly making it worse with harsh chemicals and/or EVEN WITH SOMETHING as innocent as using the wrong soap or detergent or wrong lotion... or even, sadly, the wrong type of bandages or healing ointments or failed homeopathic remedies .... causing an endless out of control autoinoculation cycle.    
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OMG this is exactly what I have been suffering from for over a year!!! You described it perfectly. My friends and family all assume my constant fave picking is from drug use and I am losing my  mind over it! I pull out never ending white, black, sometimes even pink hairs out of my face for hours on end until my face is so badly damage and break into tears night after night. I pick and pick hoping this hair will be the last and before I know it several hours have I gone by and I break down in tears! I started notice them after my electrolysis treatments and wanted to sue the lady for mal practice!! PLEASEEEE HELP! I have been isolating
myself and suffering from this condition for far too long!!!
This sounds more like morgellons - it is associated with Lyme co-infections. I believe people use selson blue shampoo on their skin and it helps.
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Hi.  I know what you all have.  It's called molluscum contagiosum.  It's a very contagious virus that invades the skin cells, and causes the lesions so many on this website are being tortured by.  The white "plugs" (described as "white fleshy plugs" on another post and "white waxy cores" on another) are actually individual skin cells that have been infected with the molluscum virus.  The infected cells (now called molluscum bodies) can look like tiny pieces of rice and are a different texture than the normal skin cells and can be pulled out of the lesions in the skin...leaving behind a hole.  You have to be VERY careful if you try to pull these out, because the virus can spread from the molluscum bodies you pull out to any breaks in the skin... causing the patches of skin skin that won't heal with even tinier molluscum bodies that start growing in the patches of injured skin AND THE INFECTED SKIN WILL NOT HEAL.  If not treated, the patches of non-healing skin will continue to grow.  What started as an acne like spot can grow to quarter size or larger patches or scaly, oozing wounds within hours... and can take weeks or months to heal.  It's a nightmare, i know!  And over the original lesion, a thin, scaly and very weak scab will form that washes off easily and doesn't help heal the skin.  Then when washing your skin or even just accidentally brushing the scab IT COMES RIGHT OFF (since it is so weak) and new molluscum bodies (white, super fast growing little worm-like sacks that are shiny and stand out) have formed.  The lesion will not go away or begin to heal until the "white plugs" are removed and even then THEY ONLY WILL HEAL when the area is protected from being infected by the virus filled white plugs.
This is CLASSIC molluscum contagiosum that is out of control on an immunocompromised person.  
It really is just molluscum contagiosum.  It's not our fault... many of us (if not all who have this severe variety of symptoms) are immunocompromised.  I have RA... an autoimmune disease.  My body does not fight the virus like it should.  I caught it somehow from all the kids I was around this summer... as an adult!!  You don't have to have HIV or AIDS to get these symptoms... just be immunocompromised for whatever reason.  It's NOT AN STD although it can be transmitted that way.  PLEASE STOP CALLING MOLLUSCUM AN STD because you can catch it from the pool or gym... or from school or the playground or from kids who caught it from school or the playground.  It's terrifying when you don't know what is going on!!  I know... i've been there.  It takes over your life.  It's all you can think about.  It itches and hurts and can keep you up at night and you start hiding away at home for days that turn into weeks and then torturous months, spending hundreds of dollars in first aid supplies and hundreds of hours scouring the internet in desperation...and THOUSANDS OF HOURS (all day pretty much) treating the lesions or worrying about treating the lesions that keep getting worse whether you leave them alone or not.  It's not an imaginary disease... or even mites or worms.  It's a virus caused by a poxvirus and related to warts.  It spreads easily and grows fast.  Each lesion can have one plug or many plugs (5, 10 or even 20 or more).  They big ones can form overnight.  (only if you've had this can you understand how a tiny bump can grow to a huge boil like bump full of white worm like plugs within hours).  They leave behind holes in the skin (that look like a hole left from a staph infection).  What's worse, patches of scaly oozing skin form around lesions and the lesions and holes themselves and the patches of scaly skin will not heal "until you get the white plugs out" as many people have stated over and over.  I read these forums and am shocked that more doctors are not able to diagnose this in the patients that have this type of reaction to molluscum.  It's not an asymptomatic little bump (or bumps) at all... it's not a mite infestation. IT IS NOT SELF MUTILATION (these lesions, once disturbed or irritated somehow WILL NOT HEAL and they grow and ooze and spread on their own... those who keep telling you that you should 'stop picking' your skin and see a psychologist are WRONG about judging you. YES, the way your skin reacts can look like it could be caused by self-mutilating (picking your skin until it is damaged and in horrible shape) when you are not... the infection is breaking your skin down no matter what you try or do or don't do.  How can anyone possibly understand what a nightmare this is.... until they've had to deal with it??  You have molluscum and your skin is self destructing on it's own, if you are treating the molluscum wrong.  It's not Morgellon's Syndrome.  We are not delusional... (I hope medical professionals can stop judging and diagnosing these poor immunocompromised people that get the severe molluscum symptoms as delusional).  I was shocked to read the Morgellon's entry in wikipedia.  Most people who think they have Morgellon's describe exactly the symptoms of a bad case of molluscum that has gone out of control because of a weak immune system.  They are terrified and are often treating it wrong and inadvertantly making it worse with harsh chemicals and/or EVEN WITH SOMETHING as innocent as using the wrong soap or detergent or wrong lotion... or even, sadly, the wrong type of bandages or healing ointments or failed homeopathic remedies .... causing an endless out of control autoinoculation cycle.    
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I believe I know what this is... I have it, and I've found a way to treat it.  Don't get grossed out.

I've been suffering from Demodex on my face for years.  The first lesions that I recall were in 2007. I finally found the nasty mites this year, by using a 30X jewelers' loupe.  I found sulfur to be the most effective, but it still wouldn't control the condition.  The mites first form what looks like a pimple, but it's actually a Demodex volcano.  There are thousands of mites in these bumps.  The sores they create rarely go away.  I call them a volcano because they have this recessed center portion with a protective wall around them.  They form layers of mites on your skin.  You may have to crack through many layers (I lost track of how many I removed) before getting down to you actual skin.  I found that sulfur was the most effective treatment, but it did not control the condition.

As if that isn't gross enough,  I discovered that the source of the mites were my eyes.  Yes, my EYES.  This condition is called blepharitis.  I don't have the nasty looking crusty crap or white spots at the base of my eyelashes. However, my vision is getting worse, I don't drive at night, and my eyes become glassy, bloodshot and red after driving for long distances or going to the movie theater.  I also noticed that my eyes frequently itched and I've woken up to a feeling that I had sand in my eyes.

I'll get to the good part now.  I found an eyedrop that contains sulfur, and it provided almost instant improvement in the condition. The product is by Dr. Christopher, and here's the Amazon link to the product.


I also purchased the face cream from Dr. Christopher.  This cream literally caused the rat bastards to start falling out.  The white vellum hairs, which I'm convined are part of the pathology, also started coming out.  Massaging the cream in worked even better.  I could feel the little jerks on my fingertips as they were coaxed from their hiding places. Here's the link to the cream.


Here's even more good news...  I had 2 areas of dark circles under my eyes.  One was right at my cheekbone, and the other was at the bottom of the soft area under my eyes.  THEY ARE ALMOST COMPLETELY GONE!!  Also, the wrinkles around my eyes are going away...  Even the crows feet.  My face looks thinner, and the uneven skin tone is also going away.  I look basically a lot younger than my 51 years.  Oh, I did have white dots in the soft area under my eyes.  They are gone too.  I also massage the cream onto my eyelids and eye lashes.

I also recommend getting a jewlers' loupe to examine what is coming off from around your eyes and out of your face.  They are cheap.  Here's the link to one for $3.47 with free shipping.


I hope this helps you!!
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I am all but positive you meant no harm, but "I request that you see a doctor" has SO many problems with it. Number one -- those that can afford, usually do so and do not rely on the internet to find someone to help them. I read somewhere where somebody said go to the ER. THAT is NOT going to go over well at the ER. I have been chastised for BP 214/129, staph infection, broken ribs . . . could you imagine walking in with a pimple?

I have had these before. They start out as a, maybe, larger than normal whitehead or blackhead. I use a blackhead extractor to remove it. That starts the nightmare. I can actually hear them "POP" and the extractor goes what seems to be 1/8" into the skin/hole and DIGS -- leaving this huge hole, bleeding like a stuck hog and you MIGHT get the top, but you NEVER get whatever is holding this sucker into your pores. This is where I pull out my fabulous (meaning they work well) tweezers. I try to get that "hosey thing" and IF I'm lucky enough to have gotten a good handle on it -- like the other people here say, it breaks or you think you have gotten it out and when you do pull the tweezers back, you either have nothing, or MAYBE a little piece of white sticky. This particular one that started on my nose about "TEN MONTHS" ago, went to about a dime size as I tried to get out the "white" things that rise under the scab to the surface (as has been mentioned by others, as well). If my OCD doesn't kick in and I can stay away from my magnified/lighted mirror, tweezers, and extractor  . . . well, not gonna happen . . . I end up with the same thing. Huge holes, blood gushing, popping and white thing still deep inside the pore -- like WAY down. Now, it's PAINFUL, and you have one of two things on your face . . . a HUGE scab (red, rough (so, forget make-up) or oozing with pus . . . SO, forget the make-up.

Now, the one on my nose is bigger than a dime. While digging and pulling in my mirror, etc. I decided to use my extractor to take out a few blackheads right next to my nose, under my eye. Now, it has spread and I have an area the size of a teaspoon on my cheek that causes my eye to swell like it's been bopped in a fight, with the swelling scab that TODAY was red, gross, rough -- and seen by my neighbor 50 feet away that I had to finally run off to rid myself of her concern . . .

I have left out an important part. When I do push through the scab or, if I have already pulled off the scab (and my eyes are tearing from the horrific pain), I begin to run the extractor over it (not just push in one place) and the extractor starts LOADING up with what I now refer to as "white hamburger." I mean A LOT!! AND, it renews and does the same thing the next day (if not earlier). All the time blood and puss pouring out . . .

Now, what caused this to spread to my cheek from my nose (I have never had this happen before. So, today, I steamed the hell out of this area and pulled off the huge scab (it looked SOOOOO bad -- all read and rough) pushed out the hamburger and covered the whole sore in an antibacterial ointment that I was prescribed last year for a 3rd degree burn. Keeping it moist seems to help with the ugly scab that I am stuck with. But, looking up close, it is STILL full of the white knots that I guess will be there tomorrow.

Yes, I know I think that I need to learn to chew my nails or something so that I can quite messing with it -- but you would not BELIEVE how much "hamburger" you pull out of these pores. I read somewhere that this could be staph (and therefore why it spread?). I have had staph twice and have read that it stays in your system, like . . . FOREVER.  ewww. Okay, ANYBODY got ANY IDEAS? ANYBODY KNOW WHAT THIS IS? WHAT TO DO? It feel like it's half my face now.

If I leave it alone . . . the white things will raise to the top and sit under the scab (DO THEY EVER GO AWAY???). Is there an answer. I think it IS the horn cyst thingy that some are talking about and some say no way.Those pictures that were posted are spot on!   HELP!! I have a cruise in a month, have to turn down dates and am wearing a band-aid -- telling people the ladder fell and hit me in the face. People are starting to figure out that it's been like a year  . . . .
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Okay #1. STOP USING THAT EXTRACTOR. YOU ARE Mutilating your face. It should be considered a dangerous weapon in your hands. I believe you may have body dysmorphia syndrome. Nobody, I mean nobody takes off a scab, and then uses an extractor on the raw flash underneath trying to extract some imaginary substance from raw dermis underneath. What your extracting is your actual flesh, skin is not even on top of your flesh at that point.! You need to run not walk to a psychiatrist to get help.I cannot stress this enough.

#2 You need to realize that rational individuals DO NOT DIG AT THEIR FACES TO THE POINT OF PEELING OFF THEIR SKIN AND GOUGING OUT THEIR OWN FLESH. You are not thinking clearly. Your brain chemistry may be off balance and this could be why you believe with all your might that their is something to find under your skin and flesh. It is NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF, IT IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF.

#3 YOU NEED HELP NOW! I know you are consumed by this. Please reach out. Don't worry, you ARE NOT CRAZY. YOU DO NEED HELP, HOWEVER TO RIGHT YOUR SHIP (your life). Find a psychiatrist if you don't have insurance, try your local health department or major learning hospital. I urge you to do this today, You are scarring your face. Get some help. May all your worries disappear on the wind on day soon and may peace be with you.

Sat Nam
This is an older post but I understand what you are saying. I will say that when you become determined to get rid of a pimple, you start to do crazy things to your face.  Yes, you should walk away  but it's easy to get caught up in the moment.  I'm trying to teach my teenage boys to head it off at the pass with good hygiene to prevent and not to pick.  The extractors can be dangerous it sounds.  Anyway, thanks for feedback and information.
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Do you have cold sores or the herpes virus? Cold sores can transfer from the infected area to your face. Cold sores tingle and then get very itchy, then once scratched get very sore.
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I have been battling this over 10 years. It had gone into a sort of remission for aprox 2 years and under extreme stress a few months back it started all over agaun. Full blown, hard core.
I have seen several Drs and also Dermatologists.
Ive had so many diagnosis's but nothing has been the correct one or Id be able to get a handle on it...
its prigressed to what I feel is a lepor face...
Its srarts with a tingling itch than hard white or scaley things come out of my pores over the bridge of my nose n the sides n through my cheeks. Initiall I was to allergic Dermatitis then Rosacea then Lupus and of course acne.
my latest Specialist recently did biopsies but they didnt reveal Anything.
So she put me on a hydrocortizone n antibiotic lotion regimine that hasnt helped any. ( has been nearly 6 weeks now) Im now also extremely prickly/itchy and completely red and i.flamed and welted... Drs Arent all theyre paid to be...
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It seems to me that those small white things coming out of your pores are probably insect related.
There is a parasite as yet unnamed that fits your description. In  particular "the tingling itch, then hard white or scaley things come out of my pores".
FYI, I have read other accounts of this and biopsies do not reveal the culprit. I am considering why that would be.
Since it comes out of your pores I think you can disregard demodex as they are arachnids and spiders use webs.
Here's something you might do to help you understand this thing better. Throw the little white things in a dish and use a magnifying glass to determine if they grow a cacoon around themselves. I have seen them do so in less than a minute under the right circumstance. Often when disturbed.
The problem with doing this is that it will fascinate you so much that it can steal your time. It has already stolen your beautiful face. Get my drift?
Change your pillowcase daily and invest in a few pillowcases that are made of synthetic fibers. They are not expensive.
Cotton clothes are probably not your best bet. And synthetic fabrics don't shrink like cotton in hot water.
Wash clothes and linens in Hot water and use Bleach and fabric softener. It won't kill them but it helps.
This is not an allergy problem, though your immune system can use all the help it can get. I prefer products without fragrance.
Shower at night. Do not take bathes. Clean your sink often. I will enlarge on this point another time.
I have to wonder if you don't see these sores elsewhere on your body considering the length of time you have suffered from this.
Most importantly do what the Dermatologist probably told you to do in the first place.
Take excellent care of your skin. Healthy skin can fight back best.
Clean and moisturize. Use a good moisturizer like Cetaphyl. It's good and thick and I am theorizing that it may even smother these larvae or keep them from reproducing.
Do no harm to your skin. If it itches terribly as in... to distraction, get some over the counter cream containing Hydrocortisone or benzocaine. Don't scratch yourself.
Don't blame the Dermatologists. It's not their fault that they don't know what this is. They do their best to try to help us.
Hydrate!  Drink plenty of water. Count your cups each day. If they add up to 64 ounces your doing great! But don't berate yourself for drinking less. I think 64 oz is a lot.
Now my friend I want you to  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
You are not imagining this and you are not alone.
Let me Know how it goes. I have many thoughts on this. I have even given it a name. Revelatur is latin for The revealed. You see I have faith. And if It is a dermatologist that reveals this, all the better.
Your Friend,
563773 tn?1374246539
It looks like clogged pores or small cysts. The best way to prevent them is to avoid treating your skin with excessively harsh chemicals and to limit sun exposure. Also use good quality cosmetics and exfoliate your skin regularly. If still the symptoms persist then please get it evaluated from a dermatologist.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
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I just started getting this similar to what you describe. It itches so badly I simply started rubbing my face arms legs but now it's worse and its really making my skin horrible looking. I too, believe it to be some kind of parasite. Tiny little balls and something else I can't identify came out, if I do nothing this tissue looking white stuf pushes out of my skin and it leaves holes. I tweeted one out but pulling on it nearly put me out, it hurts terrible, I can feel them under my skin with my finger and it's so scary because I have lyme, these sores don't heal for a long long time and white tiny balls come out all the time. I do know that ivermectin kills parasites. I'm going to try that before I really freak out. Thinking of bugs in my skin makes me what to throw up. If you find out what it is please come back and post it.
Do they shoot out of your skin? Mine are sharp as razors.
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